最新基本句型三 主谓宾

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• I wrote a letter to Mary who comes from England at home last night.
• 我昨晚匆匆忙忙在家给玛丽写了一封信。
• I wrote a letter in a hurry at home last night. • 说实话,我昨晚在家写了一封信。
• To be honest, I wrote a letter at home last night.
• 他已经读过这本书。 • He has read this book. • 这本书他已经读过好多次了。 • He has read this book many times. • 他把<<双城记>>这本书读过许多次了。 • He has read this book named A Tale
• 还可以与 today, this week, this month, this year 等时间状语连用,但必须指过去。
Did you see him today? He went out just now.(刚刚,刚才)
一般将来时 shall/will do
• 表:将来的事实 • 常和 tomorrow, next week, next month,
1.表日常行为 He usually gets up at six.
2. 习惯,能力 He never wears a hat in winter.
3. 客观存在 Fire burns. The sun rises in the east.
一般过去时 did
• 表:过去某一时间所发生的动作或存在的状态 They got married last year. He went to school yesterday.
next year, in a few days 等表将来的时间状 语连用。
I worked 一般将来时 I will work
完成时 现在完成时 I have worked 过去完成时 I had worked 将来完成时 I will have
进行时 现在进行时 I am working 过去进行时 I was working
将来进行时 I will be working
• 我写了一封信。 句子拓展
• I wrote a letter. • 我昨晚写了一封信。
• I wrote a letter last night. • 我昨晚在家写了一封信。
• I wrote a letter at home last night. • 我昨晚在家给玛丽写了一封信。
• I wrote a letter to Mary at home last night. • 我昨晚在家给来自英国的玛丽写了一封信。
• 植物需要水。 • Plants need water. (名词作宾语) • 我很了解他。 • I know him very well. (代词作宾语) • 吉姆不会给他自己穿衣服。 • Jim cannot dress himself.(反身代词) • 他们想走。 • They want to go. (不定式作宾语) • 他不写了。 • He stopped writing.(动名词作宾语) • 你介意我开窗户吗?
morning. • I don’t know what to do with this issue. • All of us believe that Jack is an honest boy. • He did not know what to say.
现在 过去 将来
一般时 一般现在时
I work 一般过去时
• 常和 a minute ago, yesterday, last week, in 1900, during the night, in those days 等表过去的状语连 用。 They had a baby last month. It happened after three days. He was there a minute ago.
一般现在时 do/does
• 表:经常发生的动作,经常存在的状态。 I learns English everyday. He is always like that.
• 常和always, often usually everyday sometimes 等表时间的状语连用。 He sometimes goes to park. He often drinks milk.
• Do you mind my opening the window?
注意 有些不及物动词后面加上介词就可把 它看成一个及物动词,后面就可以加 宾语了。
• 你必须听我说。 • You must listen to me. • 她嘲笑她。 • She laughs at her. • 他向我道歉。 • He apologizes to me. • 儿子对父亲撒了谎。 • The son lied to his father. • 她看着我。 • She looks at me .
of Two Cities many times.
• i don’t know if he can come tomorrow. • they haven’t decided where to go next. • She found that she was in prison the next
基本句型三 主谓宾
共同特点是:谓语动词都具有实义,都是主语产生的 动作,但不能表达完整的意思,必须跟有一个宾语, 即动作的承受者,才能使意思完整。这类动词叫做及
He He They Danny I She
understands made ate likes want said
English. cakes. some apples. eggs. to have a cup of tea. “Good morning”