



Unit 1


A decade ago, Nancy did what most Americans dream about.


She quit an executive position and opened a household equipment store in her neighborhood.


People like Nancy made such a decision primarily for their desire to improve the quality of their lives.


To run a small scale business, however , is far from easy. Without a steady income, Nancy had to cut back on her daily expenses.


Sometimes, she didn’t even have enough money to pay the premiums for the various kinds of insurance she needed.


Once she couldn’t even pick up the phone bills and had to ask her parents for money.


Fortunately, she has now got though the most difficult time by her own effort.


She is determined to continue pursuing her version of a better life.

Unit 2


Henson’s painful life as a slave strengthened his determination to struggle for freedom.


Soon after he achieved freedom he became a member of an organization that assisted fugitive slaves.


4.He secretly returned to the United States several times to help others to travel the Underground Railroad to freedom.


Once some slave hunters/ catchers closed in on the escaping slaves and Henson when they were on the run.


He disguised them and successfully avoided capture.


In addition, he built a small settlement in Dresden for escaped slaves, setting up a chapel and a school where they could learn useful ways of making a living.


He held to the conviction that slavery would be abolished, all the slaves would be liberated, and the day was bound to come when racial discrimination no longer existed.

Unit 3

1.在美国每隔15秒钟就有人举报一起入室行窃案(burglary) 。统计数据显示去年窃贼(burglar) 光顾了两百多万户人家。

A burglary is reported every 15 seconds in the United States. Statistics show burglars entered (into) more than 2 million homes last year.

2.人们实际上几乎无法将蓄意行窃的窃贼拒之门外,所能做的只是设法阻拦他片刻,从而使其暴露在巡警(police patrol) 或附近溜达的人们面前。

Actually it is almost impossible to keep a determined burglar out. All we can do is (to) discourage him for a few minutes, thus exposing him to police patrols or those wandering around.

3.常识告诉我们,光照是犯罪行为的障碍物。家门口必须安装一盏灯,并在晚间开着。Common sense tells us that lighting is a barrier to criminal activity. A light should be fixed in the doorway and switched on at night.


Believe it or not, some people, particularly children who happen to be the last to come in, leave their doors on the latch at night.

5.空心门(door of hollow core),即便是锁上了,也易遭贼侵入。

Doors of hollow core, even when locked, are vulnerable to break-ins.

6.因此最好选择实心(solid core) 门或铁门,因为窃贼很难将他们撬开。

Thus doors of solid core or steel are much preferred as they make it difficult for the burglar to pry open.


If you decide to buy an alarm device, be sure to ask for its signs and put them up on both windows and doors.

Unit 5


Amid the atmosphere of Thanksgiving,rather than joining his friends in celebration of the holiday, George was immersed in (absorbed, lost, deeply involved in; fully occupied with) the diary left to him by his father, who died at sea after he completed two successive trips around the world.

2.这份日记使他回忆起自己与父亲一起度过的每一刻以及父亲为他所做的许多具体事情。The diary brought back his memories of every moment (George had spent with his father)and many of the specific things(his father did on his behalf/ for his sake).


Georg e’s father used to emphasize to/impress on him the need to go through (undergo/ experience) kinds of difficulties and hardships in request of excellence. He also taught him that nothing in the world could be taken for granted.


Even today, George still remembers how his father would quote Aesop’s saying “Gratitude is the sign of noble souls”and tell him to accord the greatest importance to it.

Unit 6


Here and there we can see young artists who stand out from other people.


They may be in worn-out j eans all year round, or walk barefoot / in bare feet even in winter, or drink to excess, or cling to the fancy of creating a masterpiece, without actually doing any creative work.


Actually/In fact/As a matter of fact , many of them act like this just to look the part, or to be “in tune with”other artists.


They have forgotten that only through persistent efforts can one achieve success倒装.

Unit 7


Tom was born a cripple, with one of his limbs useless.


Early in his childhood he learned that unless he exerted himself to rise above his limitation, he couldn’t earn a living; And unless he succeeded in making a living on his own, he couldn’t win respect of others.


Tom applied for numerous jobs only to be turned down before he finally got one as a delivery boy for a Pizza Hut.


He then worked as a sales representative of a sports wear company in a territory no one would want.


Today he owns a profitable retail shop in his hometown, and hires several people to work for him on straight commission.


Unit 1


I may not be a born farmer, but I can get by when it comes to the life on the farm.

2.多年来,城市生活让我和妻子身心疲惫,如今在乡下我们找到了心灵的满足。After years of frustration with city living, my wife and I have finally found contentment in the country.

3.当然, 我现在赚的钱远远比不上我做全职工作时候赚的多。

Of course, I’m not making anywhere near as much money as I did when I was employed full time.

4.但是, 我们能够通过削减开支来弥补收入的不足,而我们的生活水准并没有明显下降。

But, we’ve been able to make up the difference in income by cutting back without appreciably lowering our standard of living.


However, happy country living takes a couple of special qualities. One is a tolerance for solitude; the other requirement is energy --- a lot of it.

Unit 2


The Underground Railroad was forged by the heroes who helped slaves to escape north to liberty.

2. 在这些曾帮助把奴隶运送到北方的英雄当中,有些人以前自已就是奴隶。Among these heroes who helped to transport slaves to the north and freedom, some of them were former slaves themselves.

3. 另外一些白人“列车员”由于其根深蒂固的信仰,觉得自己不能不参与其中。Other white “conductors” felt compelled to take part (in it) because of their deeply held convictions.

4. 对许多参与者来说,把奴隶从剥削者那儿解放出来成了他们的使命。

For many of those involved, liberating the slaves from those who exploited them became a mission.


Certainly, their eventual goal was to abolish slavery completely.

Unit 3

1.美国已经从“自由之国” 蜕变成一个最不安全的国家。无论在城市还是在乡村,再也不是门不落锁了。

America is deteriorating from “the Land of the Free” into the most insecure nation. Doors are no longer left unlocked either i n cities or in rural areas.


Instead, dead-bolt locks, security chains, and electronic alarm systems are widely put

into use. Airport security uses electronic X-ray equipment to guard against terrorism.


Small notices warning against burglary are commonly seen pasted on the windows of most homes. Suburban families have steel bars built in sliding glass doors.


Access cards are required of those who work with medium-to-large-size companies. Suburban housewives wear rape whistles on their key chains.


Th e best legacy we should remember is that, in dealing with the unseen horrors, people may have locked their fears out, but they become prisoners of themselves. Unit 5


On an especially lonely day to be at sea --- Thanksgiving day 1943, I began to give serious thought to the true meaning of the festival.


The true meaning of Thanks-giving is that we should sincerely express our gratitude to those who have ever helped us.

3.我深刻地认识到:大凡人都暗自期望着有更多的人对自己的努力表达谢意。I’ve got an insight into how most human beings go about longing in secret for more of their fellows to express appreciation for their efforts.


I immediately wrote letters to my dad, my grandma and my school principal, expressing my heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to them with genuine statements.


Actually, we are mightily and merely people, each with similar needs. So I strongly wish everyone to find the good and praise it.

Unit 6

9.苏和约翰西在一家咖啡屋相遇,发现双方有许多共同语言,于是就一起开了这间画室。Sue and Johnsy had met at a café, and they found that they had much in common, so the joint studio resulted.


Johnsy had always been so lively and merry before she suffered from pneumonia. By

then Sue had only known her a few months.

11.而现在约翰西却只能直直地坐在床上,呆呆地看着窗外,似乎丧失了生存下去的勇气。Now Johnsy just sat up in bed, staring out of the window, and seemed to lose the will to hang on to life.

12.令人费解的是,她有一个奇怪的念头, 即当窗外的最后一片叶子落下的时候,她也会死去。It was puzzling that she had a strange belief that once the last leaf on the vine outside fell, she would die.


Thanks to Behrman, our down-stairs neighbor, the last leaf he painted at the cost of his life aroused J ohnsy’s hope to live on.

Unit 7


Making a living as a door-to-door salesman demands a thick skin, both to protect against the weather and against constantly having the door shut in your face.

2.比尔·波特忍受着这一切,以及别的种种折磨--- 他说话困难而且很慢,右手手指严重扭曲,走起路来摇摇晃晃。

Bill Porter puts up with all this and much, much more --- his speaking was difficult and took time, his right hand fingers were twisted and his steps were unsteady.

3.他每天提着公文包沿着波特兰的大街挨家挨户地介绍和推销沃特金斯公司的家用物品。Every day, he would pick up his briefcase, walk along Portland’s streets, and introduce or sale Watkins’ household products.


For several years he was Watkins’ top retail salesman. Some of his best customers are people who repeatedly turned him down before buying.


Bill Porter leads a solitary life. He gets no paid holidays, vacations or raises. But he rises above his limitations and lives on his own.


Lesson One: The Time Message Elwood N, Chapman 新的学习任务开始之际,千头万绪,最重要的是安排好时间,做时间的主人。本文作者提出了7点具体建议,或许对你有所启迪。 1 Time is tricky. It is difficult to control and easy to waste. When you look a head, you think you have more time than you need. For Example,at the beginning of a semester, you may feel that you have plenty of time on your hands, but toward the end of the term you may suddenly find that time is running out. You don't have enough time to cover all your duties (duty), so you get worried. What is the answer? Control! 译:时间真是不好对付,既难以控制好,又很容易浪费掉,当你向前看时,你觉得你的时间用不完。例如,在一个学期的开始,你或许觉得你有许多时间,但到学期快要结束时,你会突然发现时间快用光了,你甚至找不出时间把所有你必须干的事情干完,这样你就紧张了。答案是什么呢?控制。 2 Time is dangerous. If you don't control it, it will control you. I f you don't make it work fo r you, it will work against you. So you must become the master of time, not its servant. As a first-year college student, time management will be your number one Problem. 译:时间是危险的,如果你控制不了时间,时间就会控制你,如果你不能让时间为你服务,它就会起反作用。所以,你必须成为时间的主人,而不是它的奴仆,作为刚入学的大学生,妥善安排时间是你的头等大事。 3 Time is valuable. Wasting time is a bad habit. It is like a drug. The more time you waste,the easier it is to go on wasting time. If seriously wish to get the most out of college, you must put the time message into practice. 译:时间是珍贵的,浪费时间是个坏习惯,这就像毒品一样,你越浪费时间,就越容易继续浪费下去,如果你真的想充分利用上大学的机会,你就应该把利用时间的要旨付诸实践。 Message1. Control time from the beginning. 4 Time is today, not tomorrow or next week. Start your plan at the Beginning of the term. 译:抓紧时间就是抓紧当前的时间,不要把事情推到明天或是下周,在学期开始就开始计划。 Message2. Get the notebook habit. 5 Go and buy a notebook today, Use it to plan your study time each day. Once a weekly study plan is prepared, follow the same pattern every week with small changes. Sunday is a good day to make the Plan for the following week.


第一章:中国国防 【知识点】 1.国防的概念及其基本要素。现代国防的基本类型。 国防的概念:国家为防备和抵抗侵略,制止武装颠覆,保卫国家主权,统一,领土完整和安全所进行的军事活动,以及与军事有关的政治,经济,科技,外交, 教育等方面的活动。 基本要素:一是国防的主体即国家;二是国防的对象即入侵外敌及武装颠覆;三是国防的目的即保卫国家的主权,统一,领土完整和安全;四是国防的手段即 军事活动,以及与军事有关的政治,经济,外交,科技,教育等方面的活动。 现代国防的基本类型:当今世界各国的国防类型按军事战略和国防建设的目标可以归纳 为四种类型:扩张型(美国)联盟型(日本,韩国,北约中28 个国家)自卫型(中国)中立型(瑞士,瑞典) 2.中国国防历史的启示。 启示:①经济发展是国防强大的基础②政治昌明是国防巩固的根本③国家统一和民族团结是国防强大的关键 3.国防法规的概念及其特性。 国防法规的概念:调整国防和武装力量建设领域各种社会关系的法律法规的总和 特性:(一)调整对象的军事性(二)司法适用的优先性(三)处罚措施的严厉性 4.中国现行的主要国防法规。 国防法、兵役法、国防教育法、人民防空法和国防动员法 5.我国现行的兵役制度。 中华人民共和国实行义务兵与志愿兵相结合,民兵与预备役相结合的兵役制度。 6.应届高校毕业生入伍的三种形式。 ①作为义务兵应征入伍②按军官待遇入伍③作为士官应征入伍 7.全民国防教育日的时间:每年九月的第三个星期六 8.我国公民的国防义务和权利。公民履行兵役义务的三种形式。 ㈠权利:对国防建设提出建议的权利、检举危害国防行为的权利,国防活动中获得经济损失补偿的权利。 ㈡义务:兵役义务(三种形式:服现役,服预备役,参加军事训练)、接受国防教育义务、保护国防设施义务、保护国防密码义务、协助国防活动义务。 9.国防建设的概念。新中国国防建设取得的主要成就。 国防建设的概念:为国家安全利益需要,提高国防能力而进行的各方面的建设,是国 家建设的重要组成部分。 主要成就:(一)中国人民解放军的现代化,正规化和革命化建设取得突破性进展。 (二)形成了门类齐全,综合配套的国防科技工业体系。 (三)国防后备力量建设取得长足发展。 10.国防政策的概念。新时期中国国防目标和任务的主要内容。 国防政策的概念:国家在一定时期所制定的关于国防建设和国防斗争的行动准则。 国防目标任务的主要内容:(一)维护国家主权,安全,发展利益(二)维护社会和谐 稳定(三)推进国防和军队现代化(四)维护世界和平稳定 11.武装力量的概念。中国武装力量的构成。 武装力量的概念:国家或政治集团所拥有的各种武装组织的总称 中国武装力量的构成:中国人民解放军,中国人民武装警察部队,民兵


应Key to book4 unit1-4 Unit 1 Active reading (1) Looking for a job after university? First, get off the sofa Reading and understanding Dealing with unfamiliar words 3 Match the words in the box with their definitions. 1 to make progress by moving to the next stage in a series of actions or events (proceed) 2 the process of changing from one situation, form or state to another (transition) 3 not feeling involved with someone or something in a close or emotional way (detached) 4 referring to something which will happen soon (upcoming) 5 to be sitting still in a position that is not upright (slump) 6 to return to a previous state or way of behaving (revert) 7 to say what happened (recount) 4 Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 3. It isn‘t easy to make the (1) transition from a busy university student to an unemployed young adult (2) slumped on a bar stool or half watching a mindless television show, wondering if and how their career is going to (3) proceed. Many people who have experienced a long period of inactivity like this, when (4) recounting how they felt at the time, refer to the same strange psychological effect. As the days pass, they begin to feel (5) detached from any sense of pressure to go and look for a job, and tend to regard (6) upcoming interviews as if they were not very important. Typically, back at home after three or four years away, they (7) revert to old habits, start seeing old friends, and, in many cases, become dependent again on their parents. 5 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box. You may need to make other changes. 1 I went to a mixed-ability secondary school just outside London. (comprehensive) 2 I got stopped by a policeman who asked to see my driving licence. (cop) 3 Have you seen this beautiful from the air view of Oxford? (aerial) 4 Isabel tightly her bag as she walked down the corridor towards the office. (clutched) 5 You should speak to Toby; he‘s an supporter of flexible working hours. (advocate) 6 I hurt my leg badly a couple of months ago, and it still hasn‘t got better completely. (healed) 6 Answer the questions about the words. 1 Is a dead-end job one with (a) exciting prospects, or (b) no future? 2 Is a tricky problem (a) difficult, or (b) easy to solve? 3 If an activity saps all your energy, do you feel (a) tired, or (b) more active than usual? 4 Does a pushy person try to (a) persuade you to do something you don‘t want to, or (b) help you by listening to what you have to say? 5 If you feel apathy, do you want to (a) change the world, or (b) stay at home and do nothing? 7 Answer the questions about the phrases.


新职业英语·职业综合英语课文翻译 第一课谷歌 上过互联网的人都见过谷歌,许多人要在互联网上查找某方面的信息时,他们都会去“谷歌”一下。作为全世界最有名的互联网搜索引擎,谷歌是网络业界功成名就的最好范例之一。 谷歌始于1996年1月斯坦福大学博士生拉里?佩奇的一个研究项目。为了找到一种能帮助网络用户搜索到相关网页的更好方法,佩奇设想可以通过检索网页之间的关系来实现。他认为其他网页链接最多的那些网页一定是最受欢迎的,这项技术结果看起来是成功的。 佩奇和他的合作伙伴谢尔盖?布林于1998年9月7日创建了自己的公司,并在之后的一周注册了https://www.360docs.net/doc/e618654999.html,这一网址。这个搜索引擎很快声名鹊起,2000年谷歌开始在自己的网站出售广告。在投资者的热情资助下,经过几年的发展,谷歌上市了,谷歌的很多雇员一夜之间成了百万富翁。 谷歌最近收购了互联网最大的视频共享网站https://www.360docs.net/doc/e618654999.html,,而且每天都在不断增加一些新功能,如工具栏、邮件和广告。当然,成长与成功也带来了竞争。微软最近就试图收购雅虎以便能在互联网搜索引擎领域与谷歌抗衡。 随着公司的壮大与知名度的提高,谷歌在美国公司就业吸引力的排名也上升到第一。他们尝试打破传统的办公室设计,努力把办公室变成员工感觉舒适、并能充分发挥自己才华的地方。 现在,谷歌已拥有YouTube、Blogger和其他一些热门网站,并且成为网络广告收入方面的领头羊。当初两个学生的一个小点子已发展成为一家拥有十亿美元资产的大公司,谷歌也成为全球最著名的商标之一。谷歌的发展史为当今的网络企业家树立了一个完美的典范,也提供了灵感。 第二课秘书 秘书可能会有很多其他不同的头衔,例如行政助理、文员或私人助理。尽管所有这些头衔都以行政工作为主旨,但它们却反映了不同种类的秘书工作。秘书岗位十分古老,例如,古希腊和罗马的商人和政客们就曾雇用私人秘书和文员来管理他们的事务。 秘书的工作就是使办公室顺利运转。秘书的职责范围很广,依据他们所在办公室的不同而各异。就最低要求来说,秘书要处理信函,跟踪日程安排,管理文件系统,操作电话、传真机、复印机等办公设备。许多秘书还要接听电话,并将其转给适当的人员。有些秘书还要负责办公室用品的采购,他们也可能会处理预算、簿记和人事文档。秘书应当具备使用电脑和其他电子设备的经验,因为他们将处理大量的电子资料,包括往来信函。


human creations, language may be the most remarkable. Through language we share experience, values, exchange ideas, transmit knowledge, and sustain culture. Indeed, language is vital to sense of reality by giving meaning to events. 在人类所有的创造中,语言也许是影响最为深远的。我们用语言来分享经验,表达(传递?)价值观,交换想法,传播知识,传承文化。事实上,对语言本身的思考也是至关重要的。和通常所认为的不同的是,语言并不只是简单地反映现实,语言在具体描述事件的时候也在帮助我们建立对现实的感知。——语序的调整。 Good speakers have respect for language and know how it works. Words are the tools of a speaker?s craft. They have special uses, just like the tools of any other profession. As a speaker, you should be aware of the meaning of words and know how to use language accurately, clearly,vividly,and appropriately. 好的演讲者对语言很重视,也知道如何让它发挥更好的效果。词语是演讲者演讲的重要“武器”,具有特殊的用途,这和任何其他的工作技艺没什么两样。作为演讲者,必须知道词语的具体含义,也要懂得如何做到用词准确、清晰、生动、适当。 Using language accurately is as vital to a speaker as using numbers accurately to a accountant. Never use a word unless you are sure of its meaning. If you are not sure, look up the word in the dictionary. As you prepare your speeches, ask yourself constantly, “What do I really want to say? What do I really mean?” Choose words that are precise and accurate. 演讲者准确地使用语言和会计准确使用数字是一样重要的。确定词意后再措词。如果不确定,请先查词典。当你在准备演讲的时候,要不断地问自己:“我到底要说什么?我到底想表达什么意思?”用词一定要精准。 Using language clearly allows listeners to grasp your meaning immediately. You can ensure this [by using familiar words (that are known to the average person and require no specialized background); by choosing concrete words in preference to more abstract ones, and by eliminating verbal clutter]. 用词清晰可以让听众迅速理解你的意思(抓到你的点)。要做到这一点,就要尽量使用一般人都熟悉的不需要专业知识就能懂的词语;多用具象词汇少用抽象词汇;还有要减少口误。 Using language vividly helps bring your speech to life. One way (to make your speech vivid)|is through imagery,or the creation of word pictures. You can develop imagery by using concrete language, simile, and metaphor. Simile is an explicit comparison between things (that are essentially different yet have something in common); it always contains the words “like”or “as”. Metaphor is an impli cit comparison between things that are different yet have something in common; it does not contain the words “like” or “as”. 生动地用词能让演讲鲜活起来!比喻,这种能产生文字图像的修辞,可以使演讲达到生动的效果。比喻要用具象的语言,分为明喻和隐喻。 明喻是指在本质上有区别但仍然有相同点的事物之间做一个明确的比较,一般句中会含有“像”或“似”。隐喻则是一种隐藏的比较,不会出现like 和as 这些连接词。 Another way to make your speeches vivid is by exploiting the rhythm of language. Four devices for creating rhythm are parallelism, repetition, alliteration, and antithesis. Parallelism is the similar arrangement of a pair or series of related words, phrases, or sentences. Repetition is the use of the same word or set of words at the beginning or end of successive clauses or sentences. Alliteration comes from repeating the initial constant sounds of close or adjoining words. Antithesis is the juxtaposition of


气象学解释题 昼夜形成的原因:1、地球本身是一个不透明不发光的球体2、太阳光在同一时间内只能照到地球的一半表面积3、地球的自转! 昼夜交替形成的原因:地球的自转 四季形成的根本原因:公转时地轴与公转轨道面成66°的倾斜角【太阳高度角在变化各地获得的热量也在变化所以形成了四季,角度越大热量越多昼越长】 天空的蔚蓝色:当天空晴朗时,大多数质点比较小时,发生了一种有选择性的散射,其散射强度与波长的四次方成反比,阳光中波长较短的蓝光更容易被散射,使得天空呈现蔚蓝色 阴天的乳白色:阴天或有雾时,大气质点较大时,发生了一种无选择的,同程度的粗粒散射【阳光是复合光,看起来是白色的】 秋冬耕制过的地块易有霜出现:粗糙不平的下垫面比平滑下垫面的地面有效辐射要大,地面温度特别低,近地面的水蒸气遇冷凝华成小冰晶附着在地面或植物上形成了霜 气旋多阴雨天气的原因:在摩擦层,由于摩擦作用,气旋中的气流在逆时针旋转(北半球)的同时向中心辐合,产生上升运动,空气绝热冷却,水汽凝结,成云致雨,多阴雨天气 反气旋多晴好天气的原因:在摩擦层,由于摩擦作用,反气旋中的气流在顺时针旋转(北半球)的同时由中心向四周辐散,产生下沉运动,空气绝热增温,致使反气旋氛围内的广大区域无云或少云,多晴朗天气。 【补充】 碰并增长(吞并现象):云滴在大气的上升、下降及乱流混合作用下发生相互碰撞并合并成较大云滴的过程。【名词解释同时在出现在降水的形成过程中】 洋流:指大规模的海水的定向流动 暖流:由低纬度流向高纬度称为暖流,影响所到地区冬季偏暖,气温年变幅小,降水略多寒流:由高纬度流向低纬度称为寒流,影响所到地区冬季寒冷,气温年变幅大,干燥,降水少 盆地气候年较差大,趋于严酷 高山气候年较差小,趋于温和 山地的迎风坡降水多于背风坡。【原因:气流被迫抬升,温度降低,水汽压饱和】 中国气候: (1)季风气候明显表现在: 1、风向的转换上:夏季偏南风,冬季偏北风 夏季风渐进3~6月北进,7~8月控制我国(盛行) 冬季风突进9~10月南下,11~12月控制我国(盛行) 2、气温上的反映:我国的气温年较差比世界上同纬度地区大 3、降水上的反映:1、雨季起止日期与夏季风的进退日期保持一致 2、年降水量的季节分配以夏季为多 3、我国降水的时间分布是由东南沿海向西北递减 (2)大陆性强: 1、大陆度(K):【名词解释和公式不说了……】K>=50为大陆性气候,K越大大陆性越强;K<50为海洋性气候,K越小海洋性越强 2、我国大陆度的分布:我国除东南沿海狭窄地带外,绝大部分地区的K值均>=50,新疆、内蒙、东北是典型的大陆性气候地区 (3)温较差异大 1、气温年较差比世界同纬度地区大


综合英语教程第三版4 邹为诚主编 第二单元p37 1.玛丽看到一个贼眉鼠眼的男人走进邻居家里。shifty Mary saw a shifty-eyed man walking into a neighbor’s house. 2.鲍勃总是嘲笑我对服饰的眼光。sneer at Bob always sneers at my taste in clothes. 3.打探别人的秘密是不礼貌的。pry It is impolite to pry into other’s secrets. 4.我想克里斯想要抢我的饭碗。be after sth I think Chris is after my job. 5.她看到克里斯给他使的眼色,说话的声音便越来越小了。trail off She trailed off, silenced by the look Chris gave her. 6.那些树枝干而易断。brittle The branches were dry and brittle. 7.收音机老是发出噼里啪啦的声响,我们几乎听不清里面说些什么。crackle The radio cracked so much that we could hardly hear what was said. 8.地面向海倾斜。slope The land slopes down to the sea. 9.他的口袋里鼓鼓囊囊的塞满了钞票。bulge His pockets were bulging with money. 10.我不得不和出租车司机就车费讨价还价。haggle I had to haggle with the taxi driver over the fare. 第三单元p58 1. 这样的好机会千载难逢。once in a blue moon An opportunity as good as this arises/occurs only once in a blue mo on. 2. 这个孩子因为私自拿了母亲包里的钱而觉得十分愧疚。guilty of The boy felt guilty for taking money from his mother’s handbag with out permission. 3. 她知道他的话一句真的也没有。give credence to She did not give credence to a single word of his story. 4. 一般来说,老师对学生的错误都比较宽容。be tolerant of Generally speaking, teachers are tolerant of their students’ mistakes. 5. 我想当然地以为你会跟我们一起来,于是就给你买了票。take… for granted I took it for granted that you’d want to come with us, so I boug ht you a ticket. 6. 由于经理的不断劝导,工作人员很快就改掉了迟到的坏习惯。break the habit Thanks to the manager’s repeated counseling, the staff soon broke th e bad habit o f comin g late to work. 7. 他现在对她发火,但不久会原谅她的。这只是几小时的事,仅此而已。a matter of, that’s all He’s furious with her now, but he’ll forgive her soon. It’s just/ only a matter of a few hours, that’s all. 第四单元p78

新标准大学综合英语2 unit1 课文翻译

NUIT1 大学已经不再特别了 有这么一种说法:“要是你能记得20世纪60年代的任何事情,你就没有真正经历过那段岁月。”对于在大麻烟雾中度过大学时光的那些人,这话可能是真的。但是,20世纪60年代有一件事人人都记得,那就是:上大学是你一生中最激动人心、最刺激的经历。 20世纪60年代,加州的高校把本州变成了世界第七大经济实体。然而,加州大学的主校园伯克利分校也以学生示威、罢课以及激进的政治氛围而著名。1966年,罗纳德?里根竞选加州州长,他问加州是否允许“一所伟大的大学被喧闹的、唱反调的少数人征服。”自由派人士回答说,大学之所以伟大正是因为它们有能力容忍喧闹的、唱反调的少数人。 在欧洲的大学校园里,大学生以新的姿态和激情投入到争取自由和正义的事业中去,大规模的社会主义或共产主义运动引发了他们与当权者之间日益升级的暴力冲突。许多抗议是针对越南战争的。可是在法国,巴黎大学的学生与工会联盟,发动了一场大罢工,最终导致戴高乐总统辞职。 20世纪60年代大学生活的特点并不仅仅是激进的行动。不论在什么地方,上大学都意味着你初次品尝真正自由的滋味,初次品尝深更半夜在宿舍或学生活动室里讨论人生意义的滋味。你往往得上了大学才能阅读你的第一本禁书,看你的第一部独立影人电影,或者找到和你一样痴迷吉米?亨德里克斯或兰尼?布鲁斯的志同道合者。那是一段难以想象的自由时光,你一生中最无拘无束的时光。 可如今那份激情哪儿去了?大学怎么了?现在,政治、社会和创造意识的觉醒似乎不是凭借大学的助力,而是冲破其阻力才发生的。当然,一点不假,高等教育仍然重要。例如,在英国,布莱尔首相几乎实现了到2010年让50%的30岁以下的人上大学的目标(即使愤世嫉俗的人会说,这是要把他们排除在失业统计数据之外)。不过,大学教育已不再是全民重视的话题了。如今,大学被视为人们急于逃离的一种小城镇。有些人辍学,但大多数已经有些麻木,还是坚持混到毕业,因为离开学校实在是太费事了。 没有了20世纪60年代大学生所发现的令人头脑发热的自由气氛,如今的大学生要严肃得多。英国文化协会最近做了一项调查,研究外国留学生在决定上哪所大学时所考虑的因素。这些因素从高到低依次是:课程质量、就业前景、学费负担、人身安全问题、生活方式,以及各种便利。大学已变成实现目的的手段,是在就业市场上增加就业几率的一个机会,上大学本身不再是目的,不再是给你提供一个机会,让你暂时想象一下:你能够改变世界。 童年与大学之间的距离已缩小了,大学与现实世界之间的距离也缩小了。其中的一个原因可能和经济有关。在一个没有保障的世界里,现在的许多孩子依赖父母资助的时间比以前的孩子更长。21世纪的学生大学毕业后根本无法自立门户,因为那太昂贵了。另一个可能的原因是通讯革命。儿子或女儿每学期往家里打一两回电话的日子一去不复返了。如今,大学生通过手机与父母保持着脐带式联系。至于寻找痴迷无名文学或音乐的同道好友,没问题,我们有互联网和聊天室来帮助我们做到这一点。


Presenting a speech (做演讲) Of all human creations, language may be the most remarkable. Through 在人类所有的创造中,语言也许是影响最为深远的。我们用语言 language we share experience, formulate values, exchange ideas, transmit 来分享经验,表达(传递?)价值观,交换想法,传播知识, knowledge, and sustain culture. Indeed, language is vital to think itself. 传承文化。事实上,对语言本身的思考也是至关重要的。[Contrary to popular belief], language | does not simply mirror reality but also helps to create our sense of reality [by giving meaning to events]. 和通常所认为的不同的是,语言并不只是简单地反映现实,语言在 具体描述事件的时候也在帮助我们建立对现实的感知。 ——语序的调整。 Good speakers have respect for language and know how it works. Words are the tools of a speaker’s craft. They have special uses, just like the tools of any other profession. As a speaker, you should be aware of the meaning of words and know how to use language accurately, clearly,vividly,and appropriately. 好的演讲者对语言很重视,也知道如何让它发挥更好的效果。词语是演讲者演讲的重要“武器”,具有特殊的用途,这和任何其他的工作技艺没什么两样。作为演讲者,必须知道词语的具体含义,也要懂得如何做到用词准确、清晰、生动、适当。 Using language accurately is as vital to a speaker as using numbers accurately to a accountant. Never use a word unless you are sure of its meaning. If you are not sure, look up the word in the dictionary. As you prepare your speeches, ask yourself constantly, “What do I really want to say? What do I really mean?”Choose words that are precise and accurate. 演讲者准确地使用语言和会计准确使用数字是一样重要的。确定词意后再措词。如果不确定,请先查词典。当你在准备演讲的时候,要不断地问自己:“我到底要说什么?我到底想表达什么意思?”用词一定要精准。 Using language clearly allows listeners to grasp your meaning immediately. You can ensure this [by using familiar words (that are known to the average person and require no specialized background); by choosing concrete words in preference to more abstract ones, and by eliminating verbal clutter]. 用词清晰可以让听众迅速理解你的意思(抓到你的点)。要做到这一点,就要尽量使用一般人都熟悉的不需要专业知识就能懂的词语;多用具象词汇少用抽象词汇;还有要减少口误。 Using language vividly helps bring your speech to life. One way (to make your speech vivid)|is through imagery,or the creation of word pictures. You can develop imagery by using concrete language, simile, and metaphor. Simile is an explicit comparison between things (that are essentially different yet have something in common); it always contains the words “like”or “as”. Metaphor is an implicit


基因工程期末试题复习要点整理 基因工程是70年代出现的一门科学,是生物学最具生命力和最引人注目的前沿科学之一,是现代生物技术的代表,是生命科学类专业中的一门重要的专业课。本课程主要介绍基因工程概述、重组DNA基本技术及原理、基因克隆、基因的分离及鉴定、基因工程的表达系统、基因工程的应用等。通过本课程的学习,使学生掌握基因工程技术的基本原理和了解该技术在动物、植物和微生物等方面的应用,为今后从事生物学教学、生物技术研究和产品开发,或进一步的研究生学习科研打下坚实的理论及专业基础。扬州大学试题纸 一、名词解释:共10题,每题2分,共20分。 1. 基因: 是DNA分子中含有特定遗传信息的一段核苷酸序列,是遗传物质的最小功能单位。 2. 定位克隆: 获取基因在染色体上的位置信息,然后采用各种方法对该基因进行定位和克隆 3. 融合基因: 是指应用DNA体外重组技术构建的一类具有来自两个或两个以上的不同基因核苷酸序列的新型基因。 4. 转化子: 导入外源DNA后获得了新遗传标志的细菌细胞或其他受体细胞,又称重组体。 5. 人工接头:是人工合成的具有一个或数个特定限制性内切酶识别和切割序列的双股平端DNA短序列。 6. RT-PCR: 是指以mRNA在反转录酶作用下合成cDNA第一链为模板进行的PCR。 7. ORF : 起始于AUG、止于UAA、UGA、UAG的连续的密码子区域,是潜在的编码区。 8. MCS: 指载体上人工合成的含有紧密排列的多种限制核酸内切酶的酶切位点的DNA片段。 9. gene targeting : 基因工程中利用活细胞染色体DNA可与外源DNA的同源性DNA序列发生重组的性质,来进行定点修饰改造染色体上某一目的基因的技术 10. 5’RACE: 是一种通过PCR进行cDNA末端快速克隆的技术,是以mRNA为模板反转录成cDNA第一链后用PCR技术扩增出某个特异位点到5’端之间未知序列的方法。 四、简答题:共4题,共20分。 1.简述获得目的基因常用的几种方法。(5分)


Unit 1 1.他对这次面试中可能提到的问题作好了准备。(confront) He has prepared answers to the questions that he may confront during the interview. 2.他悲惨的遭遇深深打动了我们,使我们几乎哭出声来。(touch) His sad experience touched us so deeply that we nearly cried. 3.他们俩手挽着手沿着河边散步,有说有笑。(hand in hand) The two of them are walking hand in hand along the riverbank, chatting and laughing. 4.听到这令人激动的消息之后,他眼睛里涌出欢乐的泪水。(well up) When he heard the exciting news, tears of joy welled up in his eyes. 5.上海人容易听懂苏州话,因为上海话和苏州话有许多共同之处。(in common) People from Shanghai can understand Suzhou dialect with ease, for Shanghai dialect and Suzhou dialect have much in common. 6.亨利和妻子正在考虑能不能在3年内买一幢新房子。(look into) Henry and his wife are looking into the possibility of buying a new house within three years.


Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live 在美国,不少人对乡村生活怀有浪漫的情感。许多居住在城镇的人梦想着自己办个农场,梦想着靠土地为生。很少有人真去把梦想变为现实。或许这也没有什么不好,因为,正如吉姆·多尔蒂当初开始其写作和农场经营双重生涯时所体验到的那样,农耕生活远非轻松自在。但他写道,自己并不后悔,对自己作出的改变生活方式的决定仍热情不减。 Mr. Doherty Builds His Dream Life Jim Doherty 有两件事是我一直想做的――写作与务农。如今我同时做着这两件事。作为作家,我和E·B·怀特不属同一等级,作为农场主,我和乡邻也不是同一类人,不过我应付得还行。在城市以及郊区历经多年的怅惘失望之后,我和妻子桑迪终于在这里的乡村寻觅到心灵的满足。 这是一种自力更生的生活。我们食用的果蔬几乎都是自己种的。自家饲养的鸡提供鸡蛋,每星期还能剩余几十个出售。自家养殖的蜜蜂提供蜂蜜,我们还自己动手砍柴,足可供过冬取暖之用。 这也是一种令人满足的生活。夏日里我们在河上荡舟,在林子里野餐,骑着自行车长时间漫游。冬日里我们滑雪溜冰。我们为落日的余辉而激动。我们爱闻大地回暖的气息,爱听牛群哞叫。我们守着看鹰儿飞过上空,看玉米田间鹿群嬉跃。 但如此美妙的生活有时会变得相当艰苦。就在三个月前,气温降

到华氏零下30度,我们辛苦劳作了整整两天,用一个雪橇沿着河边拖运木柴。再过三个月,气温会升到95度,我们就要给玉米松土,在草莓地除草,还要宰杀家禽。前一阵子我和桑迪不得不翻修后屋顶。过些时候,四个孩子中的两个小的,16岁的吉米和13岁的埃米莉,会帮着我一起把拖了很久没修的室外厕所修葺一下,那是专为室外干活修建的。这个月晚些时候,我们要给果树喷洒药水,要油漆谷仓,要给菜园播种,要赶在新的小鸡运到之前清扫鸡舍。 在这些活计之间,我每周要抽空花五、六十个小时,不是打字撰文,就是为作为自由撰稿人投给报刊的文章进行采访。桑迪则有她自己繁忙的工作日程。除了日常的家务,她还照管菜园和蜂房,烘烤面包,将食品装罐、冷藏,开车送孩子学音乐,和他们一起练习,自己还要上风琴课,为我做些研究工作并打字,自己有时也写写文章,还要侍弄花圃,堆摞木柴、运送鸡蛋。正如老话说的那样,在这种情形之下,坏人不得闲――贤德之人也歇不了。 我们谁也不会忘记第一年的冬天。从12月一直到3月底,我们都被深达5英尺的积雪困着。暴风雪肆虐,一场接着一场,积雪厚厚地覆盖着屋子和谷仓,而室内,我们用自己砍伐的木柴烧火取暖,吃着自家种植的苹果,温馨快乐每一分钟。 开春后,有过两次泛滥。一次是河水外溢,我们不少田地被淹了几个星期。接着一次是生长季节到了,一波又一波的农产品潮涌而来,弄得我们应接不暇。我们的冰箱里塞满了樱桃、蓝莓、草莓、芦笋、豌豆、青豆和玉米。接着我们存放食品罐的架子上、柜橱里也开始堆
