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物流英语 试卷 

I. Translation

1. Vocabulary Translation(1×20=20)

Outsourcing: 3PL:

In transit: Inventory management:

Lead time: Distribution center:

Supply chain management: Bar-code scanning:

Business process re-engineering: Buffer stock:

Core business: V olume of sales:





2.Sentence Translation (3×10=30)

1. A well-run supply chain compresses time, reduces expensive distribution

processes as well as costly buffer inventories.

2.Without doubt, logistics will play a vital role in E-commerce.

3.Decision-making as to whether a new market strategy will be applied depends

upon the net revenue increasing.

4.When deciding the level of service, we should take into account the competitors’


5.The desire to reduce cost of inventory has become a driving force stimulating the

development of logistics.

6.Suppliers should try to build a good image among their customers.

7.With the development of globalization, many companies decide to engage in

international logistics.

8. A good logistics system can maximize customer service and minimize logistics

cost at the same time.

9.As to the functions, traditional warehouses provide few value-added service,

while distribution centers emphasize assembly, package and other distribution processing activities.

10.The transport decision on modal choice is a very com plex matter and the relative

effects of costs should not be underestimated.

II. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences (1×10=10)

1.Nowadays, customers are more and more demanded.

2.Leading-edge logistics are more apt to responding effectively to non-planned


3.Our raw materials and components are dedicated to produce the very popular new


4.Better cooperation and advanced IT is the key of successful SCM.

5.With the emergency of QR, JIT has developed quickly.

6.All departments within an organization are binded tog ether by the overall


7.As to the goal of business volume is secondary after profit.

8.It is unlike that a company can operate successfully in every market segment.

9.Giving that some customers are willing to accept higher price, the logistics

company may consider value-added service.

10.Some companies provide service surpassed the basic level.

III. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions (1×10=10)

rmation technology can solve the problem of communication _______ a high


2. A creditworthy transport company can protect the goods well _______transit.

3.During World War II, the great success of USA can be attributed ______the


4.The customers whose order exceeds 50,000 will be identified ______ key


5.______the same token, Lambert, Stock, and Ellram define a supply chain as the

alignment of firms that brings products or services to market.

6.All partners involved in the supply chain may benefit_______ the shared

information IT provides.

7.The objectives of each department in a traditional organization usually conflicts
