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Planning and Design of Association Space of residential Area


Abstract: The association space refers to the indoor and outdoor space for communication between residents.The article presents an overall discussion of the necessity,hierarchy and functionality of association space,with a wish to create positive and healthy association atmosphere and stimu—late good communication among residents so that the residential area can become a homeland full of love and harmony.

Keywords:residential area;association space;necessity;hierarchy;Functionality

0 foreword

As the housing system reform and the rapid development of real estate, urban residential areas large urban settlements have emerged on the layout of residential buildings, public buildings, public green space, life and living facilities such as roads, to provide urban residents live in the community and The establishment, is an integral part of the city. Exchanges between the living room area residents is to communicate and exchange of indoor and outdoor space.

At this stage, people's living standards greatly improved the living environment of continuous improvement district. Developers should not only focus on residential construction and the reasonable comfort, paying greater attention to the construction of residential environment. However, the current environment in the construction of residential areas, they are often the natural ecology of greening the environment is much more to consider, and the promotion of exchanges between the residents of the space environment to consider less, environmental construction can not meet the occupants of the psychological characteristics and needs. From the basic physiological needs gradually to meet the psychological and cultural fields of promoting a higher level, the residential area is not only the function of living, but also people's thinking and feelings of the local exchange. Therefore, the strengthening of exchanges between the residential areas of space construction, increase residential neighbourhood affinity, should be developed in the planning and construction of residential areas should also consider the issue.

How to conduct exchanges between the residential areas of space planning and design, improve people's quality of life, the author of his own real estate development experience and try to contact the living room area of need, level of functionality for a


A residential area of exchanges between the need for space

Exchanges between the residential areas to create space for the process, in a sense, is in the course of exchanges between the people and the natural world and define the space environment between the development process.

1.1 exchanges create a space to meet the spiritual and cultural needs of residents.

Jan ? Gaelic i n the "contacts and space," a book, the residents will live within the community of contacts divided into three categories: ①necessity of activities (such as school, work, etc.), the participants did not have much choice, subject to very little Material and environmental impact; ②spontaneous activities (such as walking, wait-and-see stop, etc.), greatly dependent on the quality of material and the space environment: ③social activities (such as children's games, chatting and people-to-people contacts between the passive January 1 simple See, hear, etc.), also, to a certain extent, the impact of material and the space environment. Therefore, the exchanges between the residential area of the space will create a direct impact on the residents of the contacts. As people's living standards gradually improved, the residents of the spiritual and cultural needs arising from the exchanges with the requirements will be getting higher and higher.

Create a space of 120 contacts is the need to maintain traditional family ties Traditional historical neighborhoods and the living units Daza Yuan on the shape of an objective to maintain and develop the neighbourhood family. As the market economy and the development of new residential development and construction, and many residents to move to multi-storey high-rise residential, the link between households and households reduce, and even people are not familiar with the portal. At the same one floor, did not know each other very common phenomenon, the traditional relations in the neighbourhood gradually indifferent. Carry forward the traditional virtues, to promote family residential, Healthy demonstration projects in the country has long been proposed for residential

"High-quality, new life", which "new life", including guidance on the new concept of living, to guide the new consumer awareness, a new form of exchanges, to form a new management model, and so on five aspects. According to this standard, the exchanges create a space it is very important.

Create a space of 130 contacts is the need to build a harmonious society Residential area is to build a harmonious society space unit, a harmonious society is an important part. A residential area of a harmonious society can be harmonious.

Harmonious residential areas should be a moderate consumption of economic, social management, diversification and harmonious relations between the neighbours, living environment, and with the humanistic spirit and the rich local cultural characteristics of the geographical space. From the hardware side, there should be a scientific and rational planning, good construction quality, improve infrastructure, the complete establishment of contacts, good landscape. From the software side, there should be quality property management, and improve the community-based organizations, the rich cultural atmosphere, good morality. Therefore, the exchanges between the space as an integral part of residential areas, create a far-reaching significance, and China recently and residential real estate will be put on the "build a harmonious family residential district," the objective is consistent.

2 residential district-level exchanges between the space of

The living space planning and construction in accordance with people at different times, different locations, different activities in different levels of privacy, can be divided into private space, semi-private room, semi-public space, public space, the formation of four space-related fields. The level and the field of space will help create a sense of belonging among the residents and enhance the interaction and pro-neighborhood and. People from the private space into the public space, is a gradual process. In this process, after all the residents of different levels of outdoor space, making contacts to become a necessity.

2.1 residential building space to create exchanges

Dwellers in privacy is assured and meet under the premise of hope neighbourhood close, harmonious and to mutual exchanges and contacts. Therefore, the need to have exchanges between the space settings, and create a way as follows:

2.11 expand the staircase depth

Staircase is home residents in the buffer space, but also public housing tenants upstairs room at the break. The platform is too small to affect the length of stay of residents, not conducive to the exchanges between the residents. Expand the staircase depth, increase platform space, will increase their contacts, exchanges of opportunity.

2.12 set up home gardens

Garden is home residents into the indoor space for the transition, here, achieved a semi-private room for the transition to private space, residents here can support grass flowers, reception guests. Nanjing-day Hong Villa-home platform into the home in the Garden set up a grill door, both outdoor green landscape will be cond ucted to the interior of the extension, for two people through the grille gate to create an

opportunity for exchange.

2.13 expand the unit foyer area

Unit in the entrance foyer area and configure the appropriate expansion of some facilities such as rest stool, reading Baolan, a resident contacts, rest places, and units of the immediate household contacts. Conditional foyer can also do a lobby for households in this exchange, chat.

2.14 bottom overhead

Residential Design for the elevated bottom of open space and ensure the smooth flow of green space on the ground. Supported by flowers, Zuodeng facilities as residents of rest, such as chat room, and in connection with outdoor landscape, easy to create a good atmosphere for exchanges. Even rainy day also will not be affected, adding unlimited life for fun.

2.15 set-Gallery

- Gallery of traditional Chinese architecture is a form of construction, is a form can be effective in promoting exchanges between the people of the fun of space incentives, are widely used in modern residential design, such as the Osmanthus Hangzhou City District, Guangzhou Zhuyun Villa And so on. Gallery-factor here is traffic, and the exchange of places, played a role in the integration of the adjacent space, people can chat here, the sun, and so on.

2.16 exchanges of high-rise building

The rising high-rise building in the physical environment restrictions on the freedom of the people exchanges, to reduce contact between the residents, the elderly rest, the lack of children's play space. Therefore, the high-rise building in the interval to set up a number of similar exchanges in the Chamber of good will to solve these problems. In this way, for the elderly in the rest of the space, to provide children with a playground, and the promotion of social interaction among residents.

2.17 Roof Garden

On the platform set up in the roof garden, an increase of green space, was restored to the construction of the ground. People in this walk, fitness, chat, natural contact, an increase of exchanges between the residents of places to create a multi-level exchanges between the space.

220 yards, a delegation of the association space

"To achieve effective settlements between the groups and the exchanges have recognized the need for clear and appropriate areas of the border and logo." China's traditional courtyard space is part of building space, the area is a strong sense of space

and border patterns, the neighbourhood is to increase exchanges and contacts between the effective means. Beijing Da Zayuan the old mode of living, residents of harmonious relations in harmony, a human face. Renowned architect Wu Liangyong design of the Beijing-ju infants alley, inheritance and development of this form of living.

Shanqiang residential use of the wrong column, platform height difference, changes in residential space, residential settings between Lianlang, plants of the tube, creating a "siege without closure, without dredging through" the group space and formed a semi-private, semi-public The field of space. In the courtyard between the layout Zuodeng, the elderly here Xiejiao, Cuxitanxin, no longer feel lonely: reserve some space, children play in the home, mothers can be seen here in the kitchen, children no longer worried about the safety of: Members of mutual Reference , And mutual exchanges, and exchanges are deep-seated. Not only enhance the feelings and prevent the formation of a collective consciousness, to effectively prevent the destruction and crime, security, have been protected.

So that more people can enjoy the environmental landscape comfort, more and more developers are good attention to the landscape of the building. Pichu in the group in a space, as a delegation of the public landscape. However, they often re-design of "visual effect" light "social effect." Although the construction of a large number of hardware shops, flower beds, shrubs planted Joe, it lacks some residents to promote exchanges between the rest of the shelters, chairs, and affected the exchanges between the extension of the neighbourhood. Therefore, the delegation landscape in the strengthening of public infrastructure construction, and create a space for exchanges, will promote exchanges between the residents of outreach.

2.3 exchanges between the public spaces to create space

By the semi-public space to public space, people exchanges between the exchanges from the neighbourhood to the public exchanges, contacts between the characteristics of exchanges between the decision to create a space for the different practices.

2.3.1 open space for public relations

Residential area of central green space is often the area of public venues, as shared by the entire population, is the residential area of the "living room." Here, residents of various gatherings, community activities, fitness. Open space should be designed, without borders and at the same time, various groups in the residential area green space to the center of the road, should be easily accessible, guide the people into public space, to participate in contacts and exchanges.

2.3-2 and landscape combine Pieces

Residential area of landscape and people's exchanges with the interaction between people in the landscape before the stop watch, the exchanges have the desire, with the landscape, more full of vigor. Therefore, public exchanges between the space and landscape Pieces should be combined, such as sculpture on the square, around the fountain Waterscape layout Zuodeng, people appreciate the side of sculpture, fountain, while exchanges and reduce the distance between people. At the same time should play a guiding role in the landscape, emphasizing participation, attractive to flow through the landscape, gathering popularity.

3 exchanges between the living room area of the building features

Different groups of people because of their age, occupation, cultural background of different exchanges of the functions of space have different needs. According to the characteristics of different populations and demand for space contacts between the different functions of the building, creating a different theme of space, will help attract people from outside, spontaneous interaction.

3.1 exchanges between the functions of space and building occupants should be suited to the age structure

Children naturally active, have a strong sense of curiosity, games and more activities for climbing, jumping, leisure, such as Xishua. Therefore, the venue should be set up in the slides, swings, Leisure Pool, bunkers and other facilities, taking into account the needs of adults to care for children, some blocks in the surrounding layout stool. On the one hand, children in the game was physical and mental exercise, on the other hand, care for the children of people have been exchanges.

Young people like sports. Therefore, in order to increase the sports facilities, planning to basketball courts, tennis courts and other sports space. However, it should be far from some residential, so as to avoid interference on the daily life of residents. Like the elderly in the early morning fitness, such as doing Qigong, a tai chi, like the rest of the time playing chess, play cards, chat, Yangniao such activities. Therefore, to make space in the small square, booths, equipped with Taiwan, tables, chairs and other facilities.

3.2 exchanges between the space to take into account the function of building barrier-free facilities layout

Exchanges between the living room area is a complex environment, including roads, green space, Pieces, facilities and other environmental factors. Exchanges between the functions of building space in addition to meet the normal use, should give full

consideration to the disabled, the elderly vulnerable groups, such as the use of a barrier-free design. Barrier-free environment of space means exchanges with no obstruction and dangerous. If the import unit designed around 1.5 m x 1.5m above the level of space for wheelchair users stay; unit foyer reserved space for wheelchairs and Childs vehicles to facilitate wheelchair and Childs vehicles stored: in public relations to the road space On both sides, who set up blind road trip on the trail for the blind walking: the sidewalk in the end, a height difference of the junction, a height difference of public platform set up the ramp for wheelchair users access; elderly morning exercises in the square, as far as possible Be flat no height difference, the use of anti-skid surfacing materials: children playing in the park, the use of soft mats and safety warning signs in different exchanges of space, by setting up the Pieces and personalized theme sculpture, to enhance space And the recognition of sexual orientation, and so on.

4 Conclusion

In residential areas of planning and construction, we must be people-centered, according to create a functional level and living space area contacts at all levels, from the psychological and physical needs of starting, through the space environment to create, create a positive, healthy exchanges between the atmosphere, Residential area into a harmonious family homes. Meanwhile, the exchanges between the living room area of thinking and innovation, and developers need to continue to carry out exploration.


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0 前言




1 居住区交往空间的必要性


1.1 交往空间的营造是满足居住者精神文化的需要。


1.2 交往空间的营造是维系传统亲情的需要



1.3 交往空间的营造是构建和谐社会的需要


2 居住区交往空间的层次性


2.1 住宅建筑交往空间的营造


2.11 扩大楼梯平台深度


2.12 设置入户花园


2.13 扩大单元门厅面积


2.14 底层架空


2.15 设置通廊


2.16 高层建筑交往层


2.17 屋顶花园


2.2 庭院、组团交往空间的营造





2.3 公共场地交往空间的营造


2.3.1 开放的公共交往空间


2.3-2 与景观小品相结合


3 居住区交往空间的功能建设


3.1 交往空间的功能建设应与居住者的年龄结构相适应



3.2 交往空间的功能建设要兼顾无障碍设施布置


环境因素。交往空间的功能建设除满足正常人的使用外,应充分考虑残疾人、老年人等弱势群体的使用,进行无障碍设计。无障碍系指交往空间环境中无障碍物和危险性。如在单元入口周围设计 1.5m x 1.5m以上的水平空间,便于轮椅使用者停留;单元门厅预留轮椅和童车的空间,方便轮椅和童车存放:在通往公共交往空间的道路两侧,人行步道上设置盲道,方便盲人行走:在人行道的端部、有高差的路口、有高差的公共平台设置坡道,供轮椅使用者通行;在老人晨练的广场,尽可能做到平坦无高差,采用防滑的铺装材料:在儿童嬉戏的乐园,采用柔软的地垫和安全警示标志;在不同的交往空间,通过设置个性化的小品和主题雕塑,来增强空间的导向性和识别性等。

4 结语



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中文参考文献格式 参考文献(即引文出处)的类型以单字母方式标识: M——专著,C——论文集,N——报纸文章,J——期刊文章,D——学位论文,R——报告,S——标准,P——专利;对于不属于上述的文献类型,采用字母“Z”标识。 参考文献一律置于文末。其格式为: (一)专著 示例 [1] 张志建.严复思想研究[M]. 桂林:广西师范大学出版社,1989. [2] 马克思恩格斯全集:第1卷[M]. 北京:人民出版社,1956. [3] [英]蔼理士.性心理学[M]. 潘光旦译注.北京:商务印书馆,1997. (二)论文集 示例 [1] 伍蠡甫.西方文论选[C]. 上海:上海译文出版社,1979. [2] 别林斯基.论俄国中篇小说和果戈里君的中篇小说[A]. 伍蠡甫.西方文论选:下册[C]. 上海:上海译文出版社,1979. 凡引专著的页码,加圆括号置于文中序号之后。 (三)报纸文章 示例 [1] 李大伦.经济全球化的重要性[N]. 光明日报,1998-12-27,(3) (四)期刊文章 示例 [1] 郭英德.元明文学史观散论[J]. 北京师范大学学报(社会科学版),1995(3). (五)学位论文 示例 [1] 刘伟.汉字不同视觉识别方式的理论和实证研究[D]. 北京:北京师范大学心理系,1998. (六)报告 示例 [1] 白秀水,刘敢,任保平. 西安金融、人才、技术三大要素市场培育与发展研究[R]. 西安:陕西师范大学西北经济发展研究中心,1998. (七)、对论文正文中某一特定内容的进一步解释或补充说明性的注释,置于本页地脚,前面用圈码标识。 参考文献的类型 根据GB3469-83《文献类型与文献载体代码》规定,以单字母标识: M——专著(含古籍中的史、志论著) C——论文集 N——报纸文章 J——期刊文章 D——学位论文 R——研究报告 S——标准 P——专利 A——专著、论文集中的析出文献 Z——其他未说明的文献类型 电子文献类型以双字母作为标识: DB——数据库 CP——计算机程序 EB——电子公告


五、外文资料翻译 Stress and Strain 1.Introduction to Mechanics of Materials Mechanics of materials is a branch of applied mechanics that deals with the behavior of solid bodies subjected to various types of loading. It is a field of study that i s known by a variety of names, including “strength of materials” and “mechanics of deformable bodies”. The solid bodies considered in this book include axially-loaded bars, shafts, beams, and columns, as well as structures that are assemblies of these components. Usually the objective of our analysis will be the determination of the stresses, strains, and deformations produced by the loads; if these quantities can be found for all values of load up to the failure load, then we will have obtained a complete picture of the mechanics behavior of the body. Theoretical analyses and experimental results have equally important roles in the study of mechanics of materials . On many occasion we will make logical derivations to obtain formulas and equations for predicting mechanics behavior, but at the same time we must recognize that these formulas cannot be used in a realistic way unless certain properties of the been made in the laboratory. Also , many problems of importance in engineering cannot be handled efficiently by theoretical means, and experimental measurements become a practical necessity. The historical development of mechanics of materials is a fascinating blend of both theory and experiment, with experiments pointing the way to useful results in some instances and with theory doing so in others①. Such famous men as Leonardo da Vinci(1452-1519) and Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) made experiments to adequate to determine the strength of wires , bars , and beams , although they did not develop any adequate theo ries (by today’s standards ) to explain their test results . By contrast , the famous mathematician Leonhard Euler(1707-1783) developed the mathematical theory any of columns and calculated the critical load of a column in 1744 , long before any experimental evidence existed to show the significance of his results ②. Thus , Euler’s theoretical results remained unused for many years, although today they form the basis of column theory. The importance of combining theoretical derivations with experimentally determined properties of materials will be evident theoretical derivations with experimentally determined properties of materials will be evident as we proceed with


数据库外文参考文献及翻译 数据库外文参考文献及翻译数据库管理系统——实施数据完整性一个数据库,只有用户对它特别有信心的时候。这就是为什么服务器必须实施数据完整性规则和商业政策的原因。执行SQL Server的数据完整性的数据库本身,保证了复杂的业务政策得以遵循,以及强制性数据元素之间的关系得到遵守。因为SQL Server的客户机/服务器体系结构允许你使用各种不同的前端应用程序去操纵和从服务器上呈现同样的数据,这把一切必要的完整性约束,安全权限,业务规则编码成每个应用,是非常繁琐的。如果企业的所有政策都在前端应用程序中被编码,那么各种应用程序都将随着每一次业务的政策的改变而改变。即使您试图把业务规则编码为每个客户端应用程序,其应用程序失常的危险性也将依然存在。大多数应用程序都是不能完全信任的,只有当服务器可以作为最后仲裁者,并且服务器不能为一个很差的书面或恶意程序去破坏其完整性而提供一个后门。SQL Server使用了先进的数据完整性功能,如存储过程,声明引用完整性(DRI),数据类型,限制,规则,默认和触发器来执行数据的完整性。所有这些功能在数据库里都有各自的用途;通过这些完整性功能的结合,可以实现您的数据库的灵活性和易于管理,而且还安全。声明数据完整性声明数据完整原文请找腾讯3249114六,维-论'文.网 https://www.360docs.net/doc/ed4889693.html, 定义一个表时指定构成的主键的列。这就是所谓的主键约束。SQL Server使用主键约束以保证所有值的唯一性在指定的列从未侵犯。通过确保这个表有一个主键来实现这个表的实体完整性。有时,在一个表中一个以上的列(或列的组合)可以唯一标志一行,例如,雇员表可能有员工编号( emp_id )列和社会安全号码( soc_sec_num )列,两者的值都被认为是唯一的。这种列经常被称为替代键或候选键。这些项也必须是唯一的。虽然一个表只能有一个主键,但是它可以有多个候选键。 SQL Server的支持多个候选键概念进入唯一性约束。当一列或列的组合被声明是唯一的, SQL Server 会阻止任何行因为违反这个唯一性而进行的添加或更新操作。在没有故指的或者合适的键存在时,指定一个任意的唯一的数字作为主键,往往是最有效的。例如,企业普遍使用的客户号码或账户号码作为唯一识别码或主键。通过允许一个表中的一个列拥有身份属性,SQL Server可以更容易有效地产生唯一数字。您使用的身份属性可以确保每个列中的值是唯一的,并且值将从你指定的起点开始,以你指定的数量进行递增(或递减)。(拥有特定属性的列通常也有一个主键或唯一约束,但这不是必需的。)第二种类型的数据完整性是参照完整性。 SQL Server实现了表和外键约束之间的逻辑关系。外键是一个表中的列或列的组合,连接着另一个表的主键(或着也可能是替代键)。这两个表之间的逻辑关系是关系模型的基础;参照完整性意味着这种关系是从来没有被违反的。例如,一个包括出版商表和标题表的简单的select例子。在标题表中,列title_id (标题编号)是主键。在出版商表,列pub_id (出版者ID )是主键。 titles表还包括一个pub_id列,这不是主键,因为出版商可以发布多个标题。相反, pub_id是一个外键,它对应着出版商表的主键。如果你在定义表的时候声明了这个关系, SQL Server由双方执行它。首先,它确保标题不能进入titles表,或在titles表中现有的pub_id无法被修改,除非有效的出版商ID作为新pub_id出现在出版商表中。其次,它确保在不考虑titles表中对应值的情况下,出版商表中的pub_id的值不做任何改变。以下两种方法可


微软Visual Studio 1微软Visual Studio Visual Studio 是微软公司推出的开发环境,Visual Studio可以用来创建Windows平台下的Windows应用程序和网络应用程序,也可以用来创建网络服务、智能设备应用程序和Office 插件。Visual Studio是一个来自微软的集成开发环境IDE,它可以用来开发由微软视窗,视窗手机,Windows CE、.NET框架、.NET精简框架和微软的Silverlight支持的控制台和图形用户界面的应用程序以及Windows窗体应用程序,网站,Web应用程序和网络服务中的本地代码连同托管代码。 Visual Studio包含一个由智能感知和代码重构支持的代码编辑器。集成的调试工作既作为一个源代码级调试器又可以作为一台机器级调试器。其他内置工具包括一个窗体设计的GUI应用程序,网页设计师,类设计师,数据库架构设计师。它有几乎各个层面的插件增强功能,包括增加对支持源代码控制系统(如Subversion和Visual SourceSafe)并添加新的工具集设计和可视化编辑器,如特定于域的语言或用于其他方面的软件开发生命周期的工具(例如Team Foundation Server的客户端:团队资源管理器)。 Visual Studio支持不同的编程语言的服务方式的语言,它允许代码编辑器和调试器(在不同程度上)支持几乎所有的编程语言,提供了一个语言特定服务的存在。内置的语言中包括C/C + +中(通过Visual C++),https://www.360docs.net/doc/ed4889693.html,(通过Visual https://www.360docs.net/doc/ed4889693.html,),C#中(通过Visual C#)和F#(作为Visual Studio 2010),为支持其他语言,如M,Python,和Ruby等,可通过安装单独的语言服务。它也支持的 XML/XSLT,HTML/XHTML ,JavaScript和CSS.为特定用户提供服务的Visual Studio也是存在的:微软Visual Basic,Visual J#、Visual C#和Visual C++。 微软提供了“直通车”的Visual Studio 2010组件的Visual Basic和Visual C#和Visual C + +,和Visual Web Developer版本,不需任何费用。Visual Studio 2010、2008年和2005专业版,以及Visual Studio 2005的特定语言版本(Visual Basic、C++、C#、J#),通过微软的下载DreamSpark计划,对学生免费。 2架构 Visual Studio不支持任何编程语言,解决方案或工具本质。相反,它允许插入各种功能。特定的功能是作为一个VS压缩包的代码。安装时,这个功能可以从服务器得到。IDE提供三项服务:SVsSolution,它提供了能够列举的项目和解决方案; SVsUIShell,它提供了窗口和用户界面功能(包括标签,工具栏和工具窗口)和SVsShell,它处理VS压缩包的注册。此外,IDE还可以负责协调和服务之间实现通信。所有的编辑器,设计器,项目类型和其他工具都是VS压缩包存在。Visual Studio 使用COM访问VSPackage。在Visual Studio SDK中还包括了管理软件包框架(MPF),这是一套管理的允许在写的CLI兼容的语言的任何围绕COM的接口。然而,MPF并不提供所有的Visual Studio COM 功能。


Inventory management Inventory Control On the so-called "inventory control", many people will interpret it as a "storage management", which is actually a big distortion. The traditional narrow view, mainly for warehouse inventory control of materials for inventory, data processing, storage, distribution, etc., through the implementation of anti-corrosion, temperature and humidity control means, to make the custody of the physical inventory to maintain optimum purposes. This is just a form of inventory control, or can be defined as the physical inventory control. How, then, from a broad perspective to understand inventory control? Inventory control should be related to the company's financial and operational objectives, in particular operating cash flow by optimizing the entire demand and supply chain management processes (DSCM), a reasonable set of ERP control strategy, and supported by appropriate information processing tools, tools to achieved in ensuring the timely delivery of the premise, as far as possible to reduce inventory levels, reducing inventory and obsolescence, the risk of devaluation. In this sense, the physical inventory control to achieve financial goals is just a means to control the entire inventory or just a necessary part; from the perspective of organizational functions, physical inventory control, warehouse management is mainly the responsibility of The broad inventory control is the demand and supply chain management, and the whole company's responsibility. Why until now many people's understanding of inventory control, limited physical inventory control? The following two reasons can not be ignored: First, our enterprises do not attach importance to inventory control. Especially those who benefit relatively good business, as long as there is money on the few people to consider the problem of inventory turnover. Inventory control is simply interpreted as warehouse management, unless the time to spend money, it may have been to see the inventory problem, and see the results are often very simple procurement to buy more, or did not do warehouse departments . Second, ERP misleading. Invoicing software is simple audacity to call it ERP, companies on their so-called ERP can reduce the number of inventory, inventory control, seems to rely on their small software can get. Even as SAP, BAAN ERP world, the field of


在广州甚至广东的住宅小区电气设计中,一般都会涉及到小区的高低压供配电系统的设计.如10kV高压配电系统图,低压配电系统图等等图纸一大堆.然而在真正实施过程中,供电部门(尤其是供电公司指定的所谓电力设计小公司)根本将这些图纸作为一回事,按其电脑里原有的电子档图纸将数据稍作改动以及断路器按其所好换个厂家名称便美其名曰设计(可笑不?),拿出来的图纸根本无法满足电气设计的设计意图,致使严重存在以下问题:(也不知道是职业道德问题还是根本一窍不通) 1.跟原设计的电气系统货不对板,存在与低压开关柜后出线回路严重冲突,对实际施工造成严重阻碍,经常要求设计单位改动原有电气系统图才能满足它的要求(垄断的没话说). 2.对消防负荷和非消防负荷的供电(主要在高层建筑里)应严格分回路(从母线段)都不清楚,将消防负荷和非消防负荷按一个回路出线(尤其是将电梯和消防电梯,地下室的动力合在一起等等,有的甚至将楼顶消防风机和梯间照明合在一个回路,以一个表计量). 3.系统接地保护接地型式由原设计的TN-S系统竟曲解成"TN-S-C-S"系统(室内的还需要做TN-C,好玩吧?),严格的按照所谓的"三相四线制"再做重复接地来实施,导致后续施工中存在重复浪费资源以及安全隐患等等问题.. ............................(违反建筑电气设计规范等等问题实在不好意思一一例举,给那帮人留点混饭吃的面子算了) 总之吧,在通过图纸审查后的电气设计图纸在这帮人的眼里根本不知何物,经常是完工后的高低压供配电系统已是面目全非了,能有百分之五十的保留已经是谢天谢地了. 所以.我觉得:住宅建筑电气设计,让供电部门走!大不了留点位置,让他供几个必需回路的电,爱怎么折腾让他自个怎么折腾去.. Guangzhou, Guangdong, even in the electrical design of residential quarters, generally involving high-low cell power supply system design. 10kV power distribution systems, such as maps, drawings, etc. low-voltage distribution system map a lot. But in the real implementation of the process, the power sector (especially the so-called power supply design company appointed a small company) did these drawings for one thing, according to computer drawings of the original electronic file data to make a little change, and circuit breakers by their the name of another manufacturer will be sounding good design (ridiculously?), drawing out the design simply can not meet the electrical design intent, resulting in a serious following problems: (do not know or not know nothing about ethical issues) 1. With the original design of the electrical system not meeting board, the existence and low voltage switchgear circuit after qualifying serious conflicts seriously hinder the actual construction, often require changes to the original design unit plans to meet its electrical system requirements (monopoly impress ). 2. On the fire load and fire load of non-supply (mainly in high-rise building in) should be strictly sub-loop (from the bus segment) are not clear, the fire load and fire load of non-qualifying press of a circuit (especially the elevator and fire elevator, basement, etc.


基于反馈神经网络肘关节力矩的动态预测 R.Song K.Y.Tong 健康技术与信息学系,香港理工大学 KowIoon,香港

摘要 肌肉模型是身体部分运动分析的一个重要组成部分。尽管许多研究已经集中在静态条件下,但是肌电信号(EMG)和关节转矩在自愿动态情况下之间的关系并没有被很好的研究。本研究的目的是调查的一个反馈人工神经网络的性能(RANN)自愿动态情况下的复杂肘扭矩估计。肌电信号和运动数据,其中包括角度和角速度,被用来作为估计在运动过程中预期的扭矩输入。此外,角度和角速度的预测精度的作用进行了研究,并比较两个模型。一个模型的肌电图和关节运动的投入和其他的模型只使用肌电图无运动数据输入。六例健康体检者,和两个平均角速度(60°S 7和90°S 7)三种不同负荷(0公斤,1公斤,2公斤)在手的位置被选择来训练和测试90°屈肘、全伸肘之间的递归神经网络(0 ~)。训练结束后,根平均平方误差(RMSE)预期的扭矩和扭矩之间的模型预测,在训练数据集的肌电图和关节运动的投入和测试数据集,分别为0.17±0.03 nm和0.35 + 0.06 nm。预期的扭矩和预测模型的RMSE值之间的扭矩,在训练数据集只有肌电输入和测试集,分别为0.57 t - 0.07 nm和0.73 T 0.11 nm。结果表明,肌电信号一起运动的数据提供了更好的性能预测的关节力矩;关节角度和角速度提供了重要信息的关节力矩的估计在自愿的运动。 关键词:肌肉骨骼模型,自愿的运动,反馈人工神经网络,逆动力学模型

第一章绪论 由于希尔提出了1938肌肉的经典论文,神经生理学和神经肌肉骨骼系统的生物力学已被广泛研究,使人体运动生成的原理可以发现(希尔,1938)。 探讨中枢神经系统(CNS)激发肌肉和其后的发展力和产生不同的人体运动,许多模型来描述和定性的肌肉骨骼系统的不同层次的性能(温特斯,1990;扎杰克和温特斯,1990)。一个被普遍接受的山为基础的神经肌肉骨骼系统由以下子模型,一步一步:肌肉兴奋-收缩模型;肌腱骨骼模型;动态模型(扎耶克,1989)。 图1 肌肉骨骼模型框图 图1显示了基于hillbased模型的运动生成。图1,肌肉兴奋收缩模型是用来估计中枢神经系统指挥肌肉活动的状态。肌腱模型产生的肌肉力量不仅基于肌肉激活状态,而且基于肌腱式长度和肌腱式收缩速度,这与关节角速度和角速度(温特斯和斯塔克,1988)。前项状态的肌肉力量,它决定了肌腱的依从性,还负责肌肉力在后一阶段(扎耶克,1989)。一旦所有负责的关节运动的肌肉力量已经发现,肌肉的力量与各自的肌肉力臂和的结果求和乘法可以产生关节力矩。所有子模型的数学积分可以用来描述关节运动是中枢神经系统的命令产生哪些参数斧负责关节力矩。 肌电信号反映肌肉的活动,和许多类似的肌电力矩的关系已经在静态和动态情况的研究(张等人,1997;麦森纳和莫润,1995)。肌肉的肌电信号也常被认


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International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials Volume 17, Number 4, August 2010, Page 500 DOI: 10.1007/s12613-010-0348-y Corresponding author: Zhuan Li E-mail: li_zhuan@https://www.360docs.net/doc/ed4889693.html, ? University of Science and Technology Beijing and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010 Preparation and properties of C/C-SiC brake composites fabricated by warm compacted-in situ reaction Zhuan Li, Peng Xiao, and Xiang Xiong State Key Laboratory of Powder Metallurgy, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China (Received: 12 August 2009; revised: 28 August 2009; accepted: 2 September 2009) Abstract: Carbon fibre reinforced carbon and silicon carbide dual matrix composites (C/C-SiC) were fabricated by the warm compacted-in situ reaction. The microstructure, mechanical properties, tribological properties, and wear mechanism of C/C-SiC composites at different brake speeds were investigated. The results indicate that the composites are composed of 58wt% C, 37wt% SiC, and 5wt% Si. The density and open porosity are 2.0 g·cm–3 and 10%, respectively. The C/C-SiC brake composites exhibit good mechanical properties. The flexural strength can reach up to 160 MPa, and the impact strength can reach 2.5 kJ·m–2. The C/C-SiC brake composites show excellent tribological performances. The friction coefficient is between 0.57 and 0.67 at the brake speeds from 8 to 24 m·s?1. The brake is stable, and the wear rate is less than 2.02×10?6 cm3·J?1. These results show that the C/C-SiC brake composites are the promising candidates for advanced brake and clutch systems. Keywords: C/C-SiC; ceramic matrix composites; tribological properties; microstructure [This work was financially supported by the National High-Tech Research and Development Program of China (No.2006AA03Z560) and the Graduate Degree Thesis Innovation Foundation of Central South University (No.2008yb019).] 温压-原位反应法制备C / C-SiC刹车复合材料的工艺和性能 李专,肖鹏,熊翔 粉末冶金国家重点实验室,中南大学,湖南长沙410083,中国(收稿日期:2009年8月12日修订:2009年8月28日;接受日期:2009年9月2日) 摘要:采用温压?原位反应法制备炭纤维增强炭和碳化硅双基体(C/C-SiC)复合材


Web应用程序安全外文翻译参考文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译) 原文: Basic Security Practices for Web Applications Even if you have limited experience with and knowledge of application security, there are basic measures that you should take to help protect your Web applications. The following sections in this topic provide minimum-security guidelines that apply to all Web applications.General Web Application Security Recommendations;Run Applications with Minimum Privileges ;Know Your Users; Guard Against Malicious User Input;Access Databases Securely;Create Safe Error Messages;Keep Sensitive Information Safely;Use Cookies Securely;Guard Against Denial-of-Service Threats. 1. General Web Application Security Recommendations


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毕业设计说明书 英文文献及中文翻译 学院:专 2011年6月 电子与计算机科学技术软件工程

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