



高中英语教师资格证面试真题——《How to bathe a bird?》 (2)

题目名称:《How to bathe a bird?》 (2)

高中英语教师资格证面试真题——《语音-升降调》 (5)

题目名称:《语音-升降调》 (5)

高中英语教师资格证面试真题——《Computer》 (7)

题目名称:《Computer》 (8)

高中英语教师资格证面试真题——《Fertilizers》 (10)

题目名称:《Fertilizers》 (10)

高中英语教师资格证面试真题——《Famous Person》 (13)

题目名称:《Famous Person》 (13)

高中英语教师资格证面试真题——《British and American English》 (16)

题目名称:《British and American English》 (16)

高中英语教师资格证面试真题——《My father》 (18)

题目名称:《My father》 (18)

高中英语教师资格证面试真题——《Global Warming》 (21)

题目名称:《Global Warming》 (21)

高中英语教师资格证面试真题——《How to bathe a bird?》



题目名称:《How to bathe a bird?》


1、题目:《How to bathe a bird?》


John: Mary, do you know how to bathe a bird?

Mary: Well, washing a bird is necessary so that it will keep away from dirty. If you've never heard of washing a bird, don't worry, It’s not hard.

John: Oh, it’s very nice of you.

Mary: First, check the weather to ensure that it’s sunny and warm; you wouldn't want to wash and get a poor bird all wet in the cold weather! Second, select a bathing container, ensure that the container is just wider than the bird, but deep enough to be half full and still submerge each bird entirely, except for the head. This keeps the bathwater from displacing and spilling over. A narrow container also restrains their flapping, which is important to

reduce panic and mess. Then, you can towel-dry it carefully by putting a dry bath towel and pressing without rubbing—simply pat very gently. The bathing should keep a shorter time because bird does not like dampness.

John: Thank you. I really learn a lot.






高中英语《How to bathe a bird?》主要教学过程及板书设计


S tep 1 L ead in

A report: Ask a student on duty to give an oral report while other students listen to him/her carefully, and after that I will ask some questions about her report.

Possible answer: my family, including a pet.

Q: Who is special in her family? ( A pet)

Who is going to look after a dog or a cat?

What does she do every day? (I’ll feed it, bathe it and walk it every day!) Step 2 Pre-listening

1. Discussion: Show a question and ask them to discuss with their partner.

Q: If you have a pet, but it is very dirty, what will you do? And how to do?

(To encourage students to try their best to speak in English)

2. Word study: Before listening, give students some new words and expressions that can help them have a good understanding about the listening material.

Step 3 While-listening

First of all, let’s look at the pictures. Guess what happened to them or get the students to guess the answers to the questions. Then let them listen to the tape. For the first time, let them listen carefully and get the general idea. For the second time, let them answer the questions according to what they hear.

Extensive listening:

At the first listening, students will be required to get the main idea. After that, ask students to talk about it in their own language.

At the second time, students will listen to the dialogue carefully again and fill the following blanks according to what they hear.

Three minutes later, the students give different answers.

Step 4 Post-listening

1. Repeat the dialogue. Play the tape for the last time, and ask students to pay more attention to the pronunciation and intonation while imitating.

2. Retell the story. Show some important phrases on the screen and ask the Ss to retell the story in the first person.

Step 5 Summary and homework

Summary: The students share what they have learnt today, and teacher can emphasize the emotional attitude (we should protect the little animal, love the nature).

Homework: Change the dialogue a composition.

Blackboard Design:


















SERVANT: Good morning, sir. Would you please come in? Permit me to lead the way, sir.

OLIVER: (Henry enters) Thank you, James. That will be all.

RODERICK: How do you do, Mr. ... er ...?

HENRY: Adams. Henry Adams.

OLIVER: Come and sit down, Mr. Adams.

HENRY: Thank you.

RODERICK: You are an American?

HENRY: That’s right, from San Francisco.

RODERICK: How well do you know London?

HENRY: Not at all. It’s my first trip here.








Step 1: Warming up

Show some tongue twisters on the screen and ask students to read and practice them.

They can make competitions with their desk mates.

Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?

Whether the weather be fine or whether the weather be not. Whether the weather be cold or whether the weather be hot. We'll weather the weather whether we like it or not.

Step 2: Presentation

1. Listen to the tape and later I will invite some students to tell us what he/she has heard from the tape and how many people they can find during the listening.

2. Teacher read the same material as the listening without rising tone and falling tone.

Students should compare these two listening and talk about the difference between the teacher’s reading and the tape.

3. Guide students to find out the rising tone and falling tone in this conversation.

4. Show the new knowledge:

(1) General question---rising tone Would you…? May I…? Are you…?

(2) Special question---falling tone What…? Where…? How…?

(3) Declarative sentence---falling tone I can…? Go ahead please. See you ….

Step 3: Practice

1. Read the conversation loudly and use the correct tone in 3minutes.

2. Practice this conversation with their partner in five minutes.

Step 4: Production

1. Invite some of them to perform this dialogue in front of the class.

2. Write more sentences in groups in the table. They just have 3 minutes; the group which finishes fast in both quantity and quality can get some small gifts (post card, book marks).

Step 5: Summary & Homework

1. Summarize with stud ents together that we’ve learnt a pronunciation lesson about rising and falling tones.

2. (1) Listen to the tape and read the rest of the context with correct answer.

(2) Watch a movie which they like best and write some rising and falling tones sentences on their note book (at least ten).

Blackboard Design:


















Over time I have been changed quite a lot I began as a calculating machine in France in 1642. Although I was young I could simplify difficult sums. I developed very slowly and it took nearly two hundred years before I was built as an analytical machine by Charles

Babbage. After I was programmed by an operator who used cards with holes. I could “think”

logically and produce an answer quicker than any person. At that time it was considered a technological revolution and the start of my "artificial intelligence". In 1936 my red father, Alan Turing, wrote a book about how I could be made to work as a "universal machine" to solve any difficult mathematical problem. From then on. I grew rapidly both in size and in brainpower. By the 1940s I had grown as large as a room, and I wondered if I would grow any larger. However, this reality also worried my designers. As time went by, I was made smaller. First as a PC (personal computer) and then as a laptop, I have been used in offices and homes since the 1970s.








Step 1: Warming up

Play a guessing game with students. These riddles are related to computer:

I am a machine. My shape is not large. I can help people calculate sum. Who am I?

I am a machine. I am very diligent and can help you do house work. Maybe I can talk to

you in the future. Who am I?

Step 2: Pre-reading

Show a picture of prototype of computer and ask students to guess what this is.

Step 3: While-reading

1. Fast reading:

Read the whole passage quickly and find the time line of the development of Computers.

Invite one student to write it on the blackboard.

2. Detailed reading:

Ask students to scan the following questions, look up the new words in these sentences by themselves. And then ask several students to read loudly one by one according to the timeline and other students should circle the related information.

Q: What Can I do when I was young?

Q: When is the start of my artificial intelligence?

Q: Why did my designer become worried in 1940s?

After students find out the answers, I will ask them to guess the new words in their answers such as simplify and reality by telling them the prototype of the two words: simple and reality.

Step 4: Post-reading

1. Give them further information about the key words: simplify, reality.

2. Ask students to have a group discussion. List the advantage and the disadvantage of


Step 5: Summary & Homework

1. Ask students to summarize the development of computer according to the timeline

on the blackboard.

2. After class, please search some famous pieces of Shakespeare and write an small

article of the development of Chinese.

Blackboard Design:







Skimming主要是用来抓住文章的主要要点的(chief points),即找一篇文章的主旨大意或是文章的高潮,可通过抓住每一自然段的中心论点或中心句来判断一篇文章的大意。实际上,这就是一种整体阅读的方法。









With the development of science, many chemicals are used in daily life. Many farmers welcomed them as a great way to stop crop disease and increase production. Recently,

however, scientists have been finding that long-term use of these fertilizers can cause

damage to the land and, even more dangerous, to people's health.









Step 1 Warming-up

1) Greeting

2) Sing a song

I have a beautiful song for you. Seasons in the sun. You can sing this with me. Here we


Step 2 Pre-writing

1) Lead-in

Tell the students we will learn a new kind of writing-argument.

2) Demonstration

Ask the students to look at the PPT, and there is a argument. Let them find their topic, demonstration and proof. Then write it on the blackboard.

3) Brain-storming

Ask students to think about a question:

With the development of science, many chemicals are used in daily life. Many farmers welcomed them as a great way to stop crop disease and increase production. Recently,

however, scientists have been finding that long-term use of these fertilizers can cause damage to the land and, even more dangerous, to people’s health. How do you think of it?

And why?

Step 3 While-writing

Write an argument on your textbook. Pay attention to the format, punctuation, sentence structure and tenses. You have 20 minutes to complete your argument individually. It should contain 120 words. Try your best.

Step 4 Post-writing

1) Self-editing: Check your writing after you finish it.

2) Peer editing: Change your article with your desk mate and edit it. Then give him or her

some suggestion.

3) Sharing

Step 5 Summary and homework

1) Summary

Use the questions to summary the whole class:

What we have learned today? And how many parts it concludes?

2) Homework

Copy the article carefully, and hand it in next class.

Blackboard Design:













高中英语教师资格证面试真题——《Famous Person》



题目名称:《Famous Person》


1、题目:《Famous Person》


Song Qingling (1893-1981), was one of the top leaders in modern Chinese history. In 1915, she married Dr. Sun Yet-sen, founder of the Republic of China. After her husband died

in 1925, she supported the Communist Party even though most of her family were members of the Kuomintang. She busied herself with various welfare activities, ranging from heading the Women’s Federation to a number of committees involving children.

Elizabeth Fry was a Quaker. She was born in a Quaker family on May 21, 1780. In 1812 she first visit Newgate Prison in London and was very shocked at the conditions there. From then on, she began to work to improve prison conditions in Britain. In 1816, she began her prison school. She helped improve prison condition and gave prisoners work and education.

Her work helped the Quakers get the Nobel Peace Prize in 1947.






高中英语《Famous Person》主要教学过程及板书设计


Step 1 Warming up and lead–in (5minutes)

After greeting with the students, show two pictures of Song Qingling and Elizabeth Fry, and introduce some background information about them. Especially some life stories of them, motivate students to learn from those great women.

Step2:Pre-listening (2 minutes)

Ask students to predict what the listening material is about? And prepare well.

Step 3 While-listening (20 minutes)

The teacher asks students to listen to the tape for the first time with the following questions.

After that, ask students to try to answer the questions. Then, ask them to listen to the tape for the second time with the purpose to repeat it.

1. How Song Qingling supported the Communist Party?

2. Which prison Elizabeth Fry first visited?

3. When Elizabeth Fry began her prison school?

4. When Elizabeth Fry got the Nobel Peace Prize?

Step 4 Post listening (15 minutes)

1. Practice (5minutes)

The teacher asks students to find out the details by time sequence in these two paragraphs, and list them clearly.

2. Retelling. (10 minutes)

The teacher asks two students in pair. One student retell the information about Song Qingling and the other introduce the information about Elizabeth Fry, and the more detailed, the better.

Step 5 Summary and Homework (3 minutes)

Summary: The teacher asks one student to summarize what he / she has learned in this class.

Homework: The teacher asks students to do exercises of this part on the exercise book. Blackboard Design:






高中英语教师资格证面试真题——《British and American English》



题目名称:《British and American English》


1、题目:《British and American English》


British and American English are different in many ways. The first and most obvious way is in the vocabulary. There are hundreds of different words which are not used on the other side of the Atlantic, or which are used with a different meaning. Some of these words are well known-American drive automobiles down freeways and fill up with gas; the British drive cars along motorways and fill up with petrol. As a tourist, you will need to use the

underground in London or the subway in the town by taxi (British) or cab (American).






高中英语《British and American English》主要教学过程及板书设计


Step 1 Warming up and lead in

1. Play two speeches, one speech in British English and the other in American English.

2. Students will answer the questions: Are there any differences between the two

speeches? Why there are so many differences?

3. After students think and make out the answer, teacher will point out the title of this


Step 2 Pre-listening

1. Listen to the tape of this lesson and find out the new words. Before listening, teacher

will give some guidance about which part students will pay more attention to.

2. After listening to the tape, students will write the new words on the blackboard.

Teacher will choose some students to guess the meaning of those words and direct them to make out the right answer.

Step 3 While- listening

1. The words obstacles have been cleaned, then teacher will play the tape for the

second time. This time students will talk about the main idea of this passage.

2. Play the tape for the third time. This time teacher will play it sentence by sentence

and students will repeat the passage word by word.

3. After repeating, students will find out the words with the same meaning but use the

different style in British English and American English.

4. List more words with the same meaning but use the different style.

5. Students should work in pairs. Teacher will choose some students to write their

answer on the blackboard.

6. Talk about other kinds of English styles and their characteristics in groups and every

group will chose a representative to describe their final result.

Step4 Post- listening

Review the new words use ask and answer methods.

Students will work in pairs to make up dialogue. One student use British English and the other use American English style.

Step 5 Summary and homework

Review what we have learned together.

Find out more differences between British and American English.

Blackboard Design:








高中英语教师资格证面试真题——《My father》



题目名称:《My father》


1、题目:《My father》


My father was a self-taught mandolin player. He was one of the best string instrument players in our town. He could not read music, but if he heard a tune a few times, he could play it. When he was younger, he was a member of a small country music band. They would play at local dances and on a few occasions would play for the local radio station. He often told us how he had auditioned and earned a position in a band that featured Patsy Cline as their lead singer. He told the family that after he was hired he never went back. Dad was a very religious man. He stated that there was a lot of drinking and cursing the day of his

audition and he did not want to be around that type of environment.







高中英语《My father》主要教学过程及板书设计

Teaching Aims

Knowledge aim: Students will recognize the liaison in the target passage and memorize the liaison rules.

Ability aim:

1. Students can work out the liaison rules through listening, pair work and the guidance from the teacher.

2. Students can apply the liaison rules practice and express themselves in a more idiomatic way through imitating, speaking and reading.

Emotional aim: After this lesson, students will be more confident in speaking English. Teaching Key & Difficult Points

Key point: Students can master the liaison rules.

Difficult point: Students can apply the rules practice.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1: Warming up

1. Play the music video Father issued by Guitar Cover and have a free talk about “the impressive story between you and your father”.

2. Ask the students to think over the question: what have you done for your father.

Step 2: Presentation

1. Ask the students to read the passage on the textbook aloud after the tape and ask why you can’t catch the speed of the tape. Explain there are some liaisons in the passag e.

2. Ask students to circle all of the liaison in the target material through listening to the tape.

3. Ask students to work in pairs to find out the rules of liaison by classifying whether a word is ended with a consonant and the following word is initiated with a vowel.

4. Lead the students to read the liaison after the teacher and tell students liaison happens when a word is ended with a consonant and the following word is initiated with a vowel.

Step 3: Practice

Ask the whole class to read after the tape several times and try to imitate, then some students will be invited to have a competition to read the passage to the class, and others justify who reads faster.

Step 4: Production

1. Present them another piece of passage and ask them to work in pairs to underline the liaison inside and try to read it fluently. Afterwards, the standard edition will be presented.

2. Funny dubbing: a part of the movie Despicable Me is presented for students to imitate, practice and compete for the

Blackboard Design:


高中语文面试历年试题集 人教版《必修一》 【阅读欣赏】 第一单元 1.沁园春.长沙 2.雨巷.再别康桥 3.大堰河---我的保姆 【2016年1月】 1.大堰河的一个片段要求:(1)朗读,注意音调、语速、感情(2)分析“紫色的灵魂”的含义。 第二单元 4.烛之武退秦师 5.荆轲刺秦王 6.鸿门宴 【2016年1月】 1.荆轲刺秦王中要求:对易水送别进行赏析。 2.烛之武退秦师要求:分析“之字:的三种用法。 第三单元 7.纪念刘和珍君 8.小狗包弟 9.记梁任功先生的一次演讲 第四单元 10.别了,不列颠尼亚.奥斯维辛没什么新闻 11.包身工 12.飞向太空的航程 【表达交流】 1.心音共鸣写触动心灵的人和事 2.园丁赞歌记叙要选好角度 3.人性光辉写人要突出个性 4.黄河九曲写实要有点波澜 5.朗诵 【梳理探究】 1.优美的文字 2.奇妙的对联 3.新词新语与流行文化 【名著导读】 1.《论语》 2.《大卫.科波菲尔》

人教版《必修二》 第一单元 1.荷塘月色 2.故都的秋 3.囚绿记 【2016年1月】 1.荷塘月色要求:叠词表现力,分析荷塘月色中某一段叠词的作用,设计活动让学生感受叠词的效果。 2.故都的秋,秋槐图分析。学生将本段概括为落蕊轻扫,让你修改并说明理由,抓住关键字词,句子分析。 3.故都的秋的练习三,列举写秋的诗,鉴赏其中一首。 第二单元 4.氓.采薇 5.离骚 6.孔雀东南飞 7.涉江采芙蓉.短歌行.归田园居(其一) 【2016年1月】 1.孔雀东南飞给一段话要求:朗诵,分析刘兰芝被婆婆赶回家的时候为什么要梳妆打扮。 2.氓 (1)赏析余冠英翻译的《氓》的现代诗歌第一段,要求:指导学生将这篇古文翻译成现代诗歌。 (2)氓中兴的修辞手法。 3.采薇要求:朗读,找出重章叠句,分析其表达效果。 第三单元 8.兰亭集序 9.赤壁赋 10.游褒禅山记 【2016年1月】 1. 兰亭集序要求不详。 第四单元 11.就任北京大学校长之演说 12.我有一个梦想 13.在马克思墓前的讲话 【2016年1月】 1. 有一个梦想要求:分析排比句语势。

教资面试高中英语试讲 之阅读听力

听力实战篇 Listening(板书内容) Part 1:lead-in(板书内容) Step 1 Talk about the topic Give students enough background of the??.Also let them familiar with the difficult words, especially new words. 了解背景熟悉主题 T: Good afternoon, my boys and girls. Welcome back to my class. I am so glad to see you again. Have you had a good weekend? Yeah! Then what did you do during the summer holiday? Sleep, watch TV, or??with parents? I see. All of you had a wonderful weekend. Well, today I will introduce a new friend to you; let’s s hare what she did during the holiday. Now, listen to the tape carefully, and then I’ll ask you some questions. (说的内容,说完暂停!表示在进行,但不要太长,大约数1、2、3秒即可) Hey, I’m your new friend Tiffany! Last Sunday, I went to the park with my friends for a picnic. We took several bread and some bottles of water with us for lunch. Of course we didn't forget to take some fruits and we even took some tomatoes and cucumbers. It took us thirty minutes to get there by bike. As it was a sunny day, there were lots of people in the park. Firstly, we climbed the mountain and went boating. Then it was the time for lunch, we took out the??and began to prepare our lunch. Though it was not cooked?, we ate happily. When we finished the picnic, we picked up the rubbish and threw it into the?. We thought it was our duty to keep the good environment. We


小学语文教师资格证面试逐字稿万能模板 1.题目:《桥》 2.内容: xx的时候,雨突然大了。像泼。像倒。 山洪咆哮着,像一群受惊的野马,从山谷里狂奔而来,势不可当。 村庄惊醒了。人们翻身下床,却一脚踩进水里。是谁惊慌地喊了一嗓子,一百多号人你拥我挤地往南跑。近一米高的洪水已经在路面上跳舞了。人们又疯了似的折回来。 东面、西面没有路。只有北面有座窄窄的木桥。 死亡在xx的狞笑声中逼近。 人们跌跌撞撞地向那xx拥去。 木桥前,没腿深的水里,站着他们的党支部书记,那个全村人都拥戴的老汉。 老汉清瘦的脸上淌着雨水。他不说话,盯着乱哄哄的人们。他像一座山。 人们停住脚,望着xx。 老汉沙哑地喊话:“桥窄!排成一队,不要挤!党员排在后边!” 有人喊了一声:“党员也是人。” 老汉冷冷地说:“可以退党,到我这儿报名。” 竟没人再喊。一百多人很快排成队,依次从老汉身边奔上木桥。 水渐渐窜上来,放肆(sì)地舔着人们的腰。

老汉突然冲上前,从队伍里揪(jiū)出一个小伙子,吼道:“你还算是个党员吗?排到后面去!”老汉凶得像只豹子。小伙子瞪(dèng)了老汉一眼,站到了后面。 xx开始发抖,开始痛苦地呻吟。 水,爬上了老汉的胸膛。最后,只剩下了他和小伙子。 小伙子推了xx一把,说:“你先走。” 老汉吼道:“少废话,快走。”他用力把小伙子推上木桥。 突然,那木桥轰地一声塌了。小伙子被洪水吞没了。 老汉似乎要喊什么,猛然间,一个浪头也吞没了他。 一片白茫茫的世界。 五天以后,xx退了。 一个老太太,被人搀(chān)扶着,来这里祭(jì)奠(diàn)。 她来祭奠两个人。 她丈夫和她儿子。 3.基本要求: 带领学生们有感情的朗读课文,体会洪水的无情 引导学生通过文本学习分析本文的所运用到的手法和技巧。 十分钟内完成,适当的板书设计。 更多面试干货,请关注教师之梦微信公众号在后台回复“面试资料”获取更多。 【教学过程逐字稿】


高中语文面试试讲教案 【篇一:高中语文试讲教案《锦瑟》】 锦瑟 李商隐 一、导入 同学们,老师说两句诗,大家看看是谁的作品?身无彩凤双飞翼, 心有灵犀一点通。春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干。是谁的?没错,李商隐。今天,我们再来学习他的一首诗《锦瑟》。 二、目标 好的,现在我们来看一下这节课的学习目标。请看大屏幕,我们一 起读一下。那么带着这三个目标,我们一起来品读这首诗。首先来 认识一下作者,你来介绍一下,介绍的很全面,看来你预习的很好,请坐。 三、整体把握 接下来,我们来我们听一下这首诗的配乐朗诵,在听的时候,请大 家注意它的语气节奏。听完之后大家有什么感受?朦胧,不解。确 实不好理解。那好的,现在我们一起来读一下这首诗,再品味一下。有感觉了吗?嗯,感到一种哀婉。很好。那现在我们想请一位同学 们为大家配乐朗诵一下这首诗。谁愿意挑战一下自己?好的,后面 的男生,你的手举的最高,你来读。很好,请坐,谢谢你。 四、合作探究 同学们,《锦瑟》一诗,堪称李商隐诗集中的压卷之作。然而,对 于这首诗的旨意,千百年来聚讼纷纭,莫衷一是。元好问就曾发出 这样的感叹:“诗家总爱西昆好,独恨无人作郑笺。”这样的诗固然好,可是就算东汉的大训诂学家郑玄再世,也只能望之兴叹,无力 为它作注。可见这首诗的特异之处。 如果把古今关于《锦瑟》一诗的诠释和争论收集在一起,足可以编 成一本厚厚的书。这里我们只看其中一部分的说法,请看大屏幕。 有这么多。 好,这首诗的立意究竟缘何?诗歌表达了怎样的情感?现在我们来 细细的品读。待会的时候同学们可以各抒己见。 先看第一联。一起读一下。这句是起兴之笔。同学们,这句大家是 怎么理解的?好的,你来说,锦瑟清幽哀怨,牵出作者的情丝,令 作者回想起往事,一言难尽。说的太好了,请坐。好的,现在我们


2017年下半年教师资格证面试高中语文试讲重点篇目真题汇总 必修二 楚辞于2018年1月1日整理 第一单元 这个单元学习写景状物散文。 这些散文名篇,凭借精巧独特的艺术构思和优美隽永的语言,对大地山川、风物美景做了生动细致的描绘,表达了作者对自然、人生的丰富感受和深刻思考。这些作品带着荷的清香、雨的气息、山的雄姿、水的光彩,像一幅幅清新优美的画卷展现在我们面前,引领我们领略大自然和人生的多彩多姿。阅读这一类写景抒情的散文,要展开想象的翅膀,力求身临其境,感受作者心灵的搏动,体会作品所描述的美景,由此而进入一种审美境界。对文中精彩的语句,不妨做一些圈点批注,写下你的心得;对那些美妙的段落,要反复朗读,熟读成诵,逐步增强对散文的鉴赏能力。 《荷塘月色》 采莲曲删与不删的效果,指导朗读。 读第1段,分析语文韵味。分析最后几段情感。(2017年上半年) 第4段设计活动讲授叠词用法,荷塘月色中写景的文字,要求是范读,鉴赏品读文中的方法,适当板书。最后的采莲曲描写,删与不删的效果,指导朗读,适当板书。朗读课文,并讲第5自然段。(2016年下半年) 《故都的秋》 两段写景的文字。 1、任选一段朗读,注意语音语调情感。 2、把握景物描写的情感。 3、板书 4、课后思考题,示例赏析一首关于秋的诗文 1、给了一段评论文字,思考与文中记叙文字的关系。 2、指导朗读 答辩: 1、你对郁达夫的了解 郁达夫,原名郁文,字达夫,浙江富阳人,中国现代作家、革命烈士。他是新文学团体“创造社”的发起人之一,一位为抗日救国而殉难的爱国主义作家。在文学创作的同时,还积极参加各种反帝抗日组织,先后在上海、武汉、福州等地从事抗日救国宣传活动,其文学代表作有《怀鲁迅》、《沉沦》、《故都的秋》、《春风沉醉的晚上》、《过去》、《迟桂花》等。1945年,郁达夫被日军杀害于苏门答腊丛林。1952年,中华人民共和国中央人民政府追认郁达夫为革命烈士。1983年,民政部授予其革命烈士证书。 2、你喜欢这篇文章吗?写景中的抒情。 1、正确认识文章主线对文章的统率作用: 文章的主线统率全文的各个部分。本文贯穿全文的情感主线,就是“清、静、悲凉”。这里的“清”是与“浊”相对立的,是一种清爽、清楚,而不是混混沌沌。正如文中所写,


1.为小学三年级学生试讲课文《荷花》 荷花 作者叶圣陶 清晨,我到公园去玩,一进门就闻到一阵清香。我赶紧往荷花池边跑去。 荷花已经开了不少了。荷叶挨挨挤挤的,像一个个碧绿的大圆盘。白荷花在这些大圆盘之间冒出来。有的才展开两三片花瓣儿。有的花瓣儿全都展开了,露出嫩黄色的小莲蓬。有的还是花骨朵儿,看起来饱胀得马上要破裂似的。 这么多的白荷花,一朵有一朵的姿势。看看这一朵,很美;看看那一朵,也很美。如果把眼前的这一池荷花看做一大幅活的画,那画家的本领可真了不起。 我忽然觉得自己仿佛就是一朵荷花,穿着雪白的衣裳,站在阳光里。一阵微风吹来,我就翩翩起舞,雪白的衣裳随风飘动。不光是我一朵,一池的荷花都在舞蹈。风过了,我停止舞蹈,静静地站在那儿。蜻蜓飞过来,告诉我清早飞行的快乐。小鱼在脚下游过,告诉我昨夜做的好梦…… 过了好一会儿,我才记起我不是荷花,我是在看荷花呢。 要求: (1)配合教学内容适当板书 (2)教学过程要有提问环节 (3)试讲时要体现师生互动 2. 为小学六年级学生试讲课文《秋天的怀念》 秋天的怀念 作者:史铁生 双腿瘫痪后,我的脾气变得暴躁无常。望着望着天上北归的雁阵,我会突然把面前的玻璃砸碎;听着听着李谷一甜美的歌声,我会猛地把手边的东西摔向四周的墙壁。母亲就悄悄地躲出去,在我看不见的地方偷偷地听着我的动静。当一切恢复沉寂,她又悄悄地进来,眼边红红地看着我。“听说北海的花儿都开了,我推着你去走走。”她总是这么说。母亲喜欢花,可自从我的腿瘫痪后,她侍弄的那些花都死了。“不,我不去!”我狠命地捶打这两条可恨的腿,喊着:“我可活什么劲!”母亲扑过来抓住我的手,忍住哭声说:“咱娘儿俩在一块儿,好好儿活,好好儿活……”可我却一直都不知道,她的病已经到了那步田地。后来妹妹告诉我,母亲常常肝疼得整宿整宿翻来覆去地睡不了觉。 那天我又独自坐在屋里,看着窗外的树叶“唰唰啦啦”地飘落。母亲进来了,挡在窗前:“北海的菊花开了,我推着你去看看吧。”她憔悴的脸上现出央求般的神色。“什么时候?”“你要是愿意,就明天?”她说。我的回答已经让她喜出望外了。“好吧,就明天。”我说。她高兴得一会坐下,一会站起:“那就赶紧准备准备。”“唉呀,烦不烦?几步路,有什么好准备的!”她也笑了,坐在我身边,絮絮叨叨地说着:“看完菊花,咱们就去‘仿膳’,你小时候最爱吃那儿的豌豆黄儿。还记得那回我带你去北海吗?你偏说那杨树花是毛


2019下半年教师资格证高中语文面试真题及答案 第一批 高中语文《孔雀东南飞》 一、考题回顾 二、考题解析 【教学过程】 (一)新课导入 1.中国是一个诗的国度,从先秦的《诗经》起源,就拉开了中华诗歌的悠久历史和传统;中国是一个浪漫的民族,中国有很多流传久远、深入人心的民间传说和神话故事,而且大多以爱情为主题,表现的是“在天愿作比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝”这种最朴素的愿望。如果生不能做夫妻,死后也要同墓穴。这样的故事实在是太多了,“白蛇传”“梁山伯与祝英台”等,东汉末年,一个叫焦仲卿的庐江小吏,一个叫刘兰芝的贤惠女子,夫妻相爱却不能相守,演绎了一出“孔雀东南飞”的悲剧。【板书标题】 (二)整体感知

1.根据学生预习,出示课件介绍汉乐府诗歌特点及《孔雀东南飞》。 明确:“乐府”原是官署的名称,是西汉初年出现的掌管音乐的机构,后来演变成诗体的名称。魏晋南北朝时期,已完全由机构的名称变成诗体的名称。 汉乐府民歌:内容上“感于哀乐,缘事而发”,注重写实;表现形式上是杂言和五言,取代了 《诗经》的四言体和《楚辞》的骚体; 言朴素生动,诗末揭示写作目的。 《孔雀东南飞》是我国古代文学史上最长的一首长篇叙事诗,原题为“古诗为焦仲卿妻作”,最早见于陈代徐陵编的《玉台新咏》,是以真人真事为基础创作的,与《木兰辞》并称为“乐府双璧”。 2.教师范读,学生跟读,注意停顿、节奏,疏通文中重点字词,掌握字形字音。 明确:(1)箜篌公姥伶俜葳蕤 (2)通假字:取,通“娶”。帘,通“奁”。 (3)偏义复词 便可白公姥:公姥,公公和婆婆,这里专指婆婆。 (4)古今异义词 守节情不移(古:遵守府里的规则,今:妇女不改变情操) 3.理清文章脉络,把握故事情节发展,复述选段的故事。 明确:兰芝被遣——夫妻誓别。选取部分复述。 焦母刁难兰芝,兰芝表明态度,毅然请归。焦仲卿向母亲求情无效,夫妻话别,双双“誓天不相负”。 (三)深入研读 1.以刘兰芝自请遣归的陈辞作为开篇,开门见山地揭示出她同焦母之间的矛盾。兰芝自述她十三岁至十七岁待字闺中生活的经历,意在表明什么?这是一种什么手法? 明确:运用铺陈排比,自述生活经历。 从纵的方面看,按时间顺序,刻画出了兰芝的人物形象,表现出兰芝有着良好的家庭教养及文化修养,以及聪慧多艺、勤劳能干、果断坚决——十三能织素,十四学裁衣,十五弹箜篌,十六诵诗书;鸡鸣入机织,夜夜不得息;妾不堪驱使,徒留无所施,便可白公姥,及时相遣归。证明“女行无偏斜”,焦母对她的指责毫无道理。【板书:刘兰芝聪慧多艺、勤劳能干、果断坚决】 从横向罗列数字看,应作为互文看,交叉表述。 2.体味焦仲卿与母亲及兰芝的对话,理解其作用。 明确:(1)通过焦仲卿之口证实兰芝是无辜被遣,表现了兰芝和焦仲卿夫妻恩爱。 (2)初次展示了焦仲卿的懦弱性格。他虽然很爱兰芝,对爱情忠贞不二,但在母亲的逼迫下,不敢反抗,只好休了兰芝,对未来还有一丝幻想。【板书:焦仲卿懦弱】 (3)塑造了一个专横蛮狠、顽固而有心计的封建家长形象。焦母面对儿子的请求,不为所动,反而勃然大怒,“小子无所畏,何敢助妇语!吾已失恩义,会不相从许”显得专横而顽固。【板书:焦母专横蛮狠、顽固而有心计】 (四)拓展延伸 分角色扮演,深入理解人物内心,感受人物形象。 (五)小结作业 封建时代,女子被休回家,今后的生活是不难想象的,伴随的将是屈辱、孤独和凄凉,那么兰芝回家后的生活又是怎样的呢?她和焦仲卿的结局又是如何?请同学们回去自读文中余下部分,想一想造成刘兰芝与焦仲卿爱情悲剧的原因是什么?诗中又是运用了什么表现方法来刻画人物形象的?下节课一起讨论。


面试高中英语教师要试讲十分钟,要如何准备阅读课和语法课? 2012-06-06 20:548961277|分类:求职就业|浏览3896次 我打算面试一个高中的英语教师,试讲十分钟,不过没有学生,现在也不知道试讲哪课、哪个部分,讲课要中英结合,因为评委不是全部都是英语专业的,有校长、教育局那些人,请问讲什么内容比较好?没有教材,评委也不一定听得懂英语,我觉得讲阅读不太好,但是讲语法的话又会很枯燥。 我打算准备两种课型,阅读课和语法课,请问我该如何准备? 提问者采纳 2012-06-06 21:48 应该是面试的时候会给你一篇文章,一般来说是高中课本随机的课文,给你一段时间准备,然后让你根据课文实时上课,你以前有哪个英语老师上课方式你比较欣赏的,你可以模仿他的来做准备,高中上课基本都是阅读与语法同时讲,很少只讲阅读(评委会觉得你只是在做精读),或者只讲语法(如你所说,十分枯燥,而且很难讲),切记不要慌,讲课时要面向评委,板书时注意不要让身体挡住黑板,如果你的基本功扎实,十分钟都不够你讲,如果你基本功有所欠缺,放慢语速是不错的选择,将重点放在你擅长的知识面,多举几个例句,说的详细一点,应该没什么问题,祝你好运! 追问 我主要是想到,不一定有时间准备,然后没有教材,没有学生,不可能说:下面快速阅读……,这样就会让试讲很无聊。讲阅读课的话,就是前面热身部分,设计一些问题,还有假设一些学生讨论,然后自己再总结一下,尽量在这部分设计的有趣一点。然后接下来,我就不知道该如何继续了你能给点意见吗?我看你说的意思,是我自己抽出一段,讲一下语言点和语法? 回答 试讲分为两种,一种是将面试的人当做学生,就像你真的是在上课一样,只是面试官当然不会与你互动,所以这一点一定要自己把握好,可以在自己家里做一下练习,虽然把面试官当学生,但你不要指望他们会回答你的问题,所以停顿时间的把握与自问自答的衔接很重要,否则的话一定尴尬的想死掉;第二种面试是将自己的讲课思路做一下阐述,不涉及到知识点,也就是说你只要告诉评委你打算怎么来上这节课,这个看上去简单一点,但往往四五分钟就说完了,然后就是你和评委大眼瞪小眼,所以可以在准备的时候尽量分的细一点,宁愿十分钟不够(会让评委觉得你有料,只是没有经验没安排好),也不要多出时间不知道怎么办。 到时候面试的人会告诉你是哪一种,万一他们没说,自己先问一下,省得你想按第一种说他们打断你说是第二种,这样会让你变得有一点紧张


小学语文教师面试 真题演练及解析 试讲题库基本信息: 学段:小学 科目:语文 年级:二年级(上) 教材版本:人教版 试讲题库专业信息: 试讲题目:《坐井观天》 教材正文(教材图片或教材文字):

试讲要求: (1)试讲时间约10分钟。 (2)识字教学,正确读写要求学会的字词。(3)结合关键词句理解青蛙的自大。 (4)结合板书进行讲解。 教案设计及要求解析 教案设计: 课题:《坐井观天》 课型:新授课

授课年级:二年级 教学目标: 1.学会本课生字词。 2.理解课文容,体会青蛙的自大。 3.正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文。 教学重点:学会本课生字,理解课文容。 教学难点:通过关键词句理解青蛙的自大。 教学准备:活动的挂图、玻璃板、投影仪或生字卡片。每个学生准备一16开的白纸。 教学过程: 一揭题导入 1 请同学们齐读课题。 2 提问:“坐井观天”中的“观”字是什么意思?“坐井观天”又是什么意思?课文中是写谁坐井观天?结果怎样?(启发学生带着这些问题初读课文,暂不讨论。)二初读课文,了解大意 (一)学习生字 1 教师示方法: (1)学习“观”字。(教师板书:观guān) ①“观”字是什么结构的字? ②“观”字是什么意思?“坐井观天”怎样解释? ③用“观”字组词。 (2)学生运用工具书及方法自学生词,师生交流、检查: 沿、际、抬、信、答 (3)做猜字游戏。 (4)你能从字形结构上给这课的九个生字归类吗?(观、沿、别、际、抬、信这六个字是左右结构的字,答、百、弄这三个字是上下结构的。) (二)理解课文大意 (1)指名读生字和词语,引导学生联系课文和生活理解词语含义。 全班交流:无边无际井沿一百多里大话 (2)指名读课文,教师注意正音和读,指导学生把文章读通顺。 (3)交流课文大意。


1.讲课《师说》:1)根据文章写作背景解题2)朗读一、二自然段3)流畅地讲明文章主旨4)写作意图。另:师者传道授业解惑也,为什么要先传道。 2.宇宙的奥秘,朗读第三段,讲解电视片解说词的特点。 3.《烛之武退秦师》那一单元的单元说明。 4.专题讲解,走进文学大师,阅读经典,还要介绍三部文学作品。 5.分析《寡人之于国也》条理谨严的结构特点 6.《登高》朗读,第三联的八层含义;悲从何来。 7.课文内容是窦娥冤,朗读,分析人物形象 8.一名物理学家的教育历程朗读关于鲤鱼的两个自然段,分析这篇文章的写作特 点 9.动物游戏之谜,朗读一二段,说明语言严谨简练 10.必修三第一单元说明;中外小说单元说明。指导学生重视单元说明;讲解重点。 11.《春江花月夜》1)有感情诵读《春江花月夜》全诗;2)体味其中的思想感 情3)合理的板书 12.林黛玉进贾府林贾初见性格13.《荷塘月色》品味叠词 14.老人与海15.声声慢,思想感情 16.拿来主义的论证方法17.蜀道难,难在哪? 18.琵琶行,“同时天涯沦落人,相逢何必曾相识”分析 19.过秦论的语言特色;最后一段对比;词类活用。 20.氓,起兴手法。 21.劝学,设计活动指导背诵最后一段;论证思路。 22.廉颇蔺相如传,字词分析23.再别康桥指导诵读 24.雨巷指导诵读25.离骚 26.祝福27.鸿门宴,刘邦项羽的形象28.逍遥游,庄子的思想对学生?29.烛之武退秦师之的用法30.荆轲刺秦王31.永遇乐京口北固亭怀古运用的典故 32.寡人之于国也,5-7段,分析结构特点 33.孔雀东南飞刘兰芝为什么被休还要“严妆”? 34.李商隐诗两首,指导学生写“我眼中的李商隐”(1)列举李商隐的作品(2)有感情朗读锦瑟(3)指导学生行文思路(4)合理板书 35.名作解读个性化,组织教学活动。36.论度量,指导写作 37.纪念刘和珍君,范读和指导诵读,“真的猛士”两段 38.逍遥游的对比关系,答辩:你对逍遥游怎么理解? 39.怎样看待贾宝玉和林黛玉的爱40.囚绿记 41.游褒禅山记 42.动物游戏之谜,说明文的语言43.沁园春长沙的朗读重音和停顿 44.宇宙的边疆,议论与抒情45.滕王阁序,诵读,藻饰。46.春江花月夜的诵读指导47.梦游天姥吟留别诵读指导。48.鸿门宴,项王刘邦形象分析49.纳兰性德的长相思 50.闻一多的也许-葬歌的朗诵指导。51.梳理探究:修辞无处不在52.梳理探究:文学作品的个性化解读


英语教资面试试讲七大类型真题及教案模板 语音教学 一.真题 1.题目:You are new here,aren’t you? 2.内容:A:You are new here,aren’t you? ↗ B:Yes,I am.My name is Bill.You are Tony, aren’t you?↗ A:That’s right. B:It’s really crowded here,isn’t it?↗ A:Yes,it is. 3.基本要求:(1)朗读所给对话 (2)配合教学内容适当板书 (3)针对语调标记,进行相应的语音教学活动 (4)试讲时间约10分钟 (5)用英文试讲 二.教案模板 1.Teaching objectives (1)knowledge objective Students will understand and recognize sentences with rising tone. (2)Ability objective Students will be able to use rising tone properly in communication. (3)emotional objective Students will realize some basic rules of language and be more interested in learning English. 2.Teaching key and difficult points (1)key point Help students to use correct intonation to make sentences. (2)difficult point Guide students to find out the rule of rising intonation. 3.Teaching and learning methods


2019年小学语文教师面试试讲真题 《一分钟》 一、考题回顾 二、考题解析 【教学过程】 (一)导入新课

上课前,全体同学立正站好,我们来做一个小游戏,请各位同学将两臂侧平举,一动不动地站立,看谁坚持得最久。谁来说说你的感受?你们觉得一分钟长吗?(学生自由交谈)是啊,一分钟可以说很短,也可以说很长;在某种情况下,要能克制自己,坚持一分钟也是不容易的。而我们今天就来学习一篇关于时间的课文——《一分钟》,相信学完这篇课文以后大家对“一分钟”的体会会更加深刻。让我们打开课本第16课一起来学习《一分钟》。(板书:一分钟) (二)初读感知 1.自由读文,读准生字新词。借助拼音读课文,圈点勾画生字新词反复朗读。要把字音读正确。 2.同桌互读,互相帮助对方读准字音。 3.老师反馈指导: (1)“钟、洗”生字词字音和笔顺笔画。 教师示范:关注“钟”的笔顺笔画“撇、横、横、横、竖提、竖、横折、横、竖”;“洗”的笔顺笔画为“点、点、提、撇、横、竖、横、撇、竖弯钩”。 (2)用开火车的方法读准要认的生字。 如:“迟”迟到、迟来、迟早…… (三)深入研读 1.自由读文,标出自然段,同桌之间互相朗读课文。 2.思考一下本篇课文讲了什么事情。 【明确】元元因为多睡了一分钟,以致错过绿灯、公交车,上学迟到20分钟,最后元元十分的后悔。(板书:多睡、迟到20分钟) 3.请谈谈课文中元元为什么迟到? 【明确】早上多睡了一分钟。(板书:一分钟)

4.找出课文中,因为多睡一分钟,元元没有赶上什么?想想元元如果早一分钟会怎么样? 【明确】没能赶上绿灯,没赶上公共汽车。元元早到一分钟就可能不会迟到了。 5.找到“要是他叹了口气,说:‘要是早一分钟就好了。’”理解“要是”是什么意思,结合我们课后的习题试着用“要是……就……”进行造句子。 【明确】“要是”这个词的含义,是指事情变不成真的。要是能赶上绿灯,就能及时通过路口;要是能及时通过路口,就能赶上公共汽车。 (四)拓展延伸 谈谈学了这篇课文后,大家对于“一分钟”的看法,联系生活,说说你有没有类似元元的经历,你是怎么做的?未来要怎么做? 【明确】要珍惜每一分每一秒,爱惜时间。(板书:时间宝贵) (五)小结作业 小结:下面请大家再次有感情地朗读课文以及课后的生字词,结束课堂。 作业:积累自己喜欢的句子,反复朗读;并将今天学到的道理跟你的身边的好朋友分享,帮助他们养成珍惜时间的好习惯。 【板书设计】 【答辩题目解析】 1.如何培养学生的创新性? 【参考答案】


小学语文教师资格证面试 真题及解析 Newly compiled on November 23, 2020

小学语文教师资格证面试 真题演练及解析 题目《黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵》 试讲要求: (1)试讲时间约10分钟。 (2)随文进行字词讲解,能深入理解“故人”“烟花三月”“尽”“唯”等词语的丰富内涵。 (3)理解诗句意思,想象诗歌所描绘的情境,在诵读中感受朋友之间的深厚友情。 教案设计: 一、教学目标: 1.认识5个生字,会写7个生字,能深入理解“故人”“烟花三月”“尽”“唯”等词语的丰富内涵。正确、流利、有感情地诵读古诗。 2.理解诗句意思,想象诗歌所描绘的情境,体会诗人李白和孟浩然依依惜别之情,培养审美情趣。 3.强化语感训练,提高鉴赏能力。 二、教学重难点: 准确理解诗意,想象诗歌所描绘的情境。体会诗中情,读出诗中情。 三、教学过程: (一)情境导入,揭题意 1.播放名曲《送别》,引导学生回忆读过或学过的几首送别诗,导入本诗学习。

2.师生互动,了解黄鹤楼:课件展现黄鹤楼雄姿;明确黄鹤楼、广陵的地理位置。 (意图:在师生交流中,通过画面──黄鹤楼雄姿、简笔画──黄鹤楼及广陵位置、故事──李、孟交往的生动内容,使学生如见其形、如临其境,拓展了学生想象的空间,达到了解题入境的效果。) 3.要求学生完整表达诗题的意思:李白在黄鹤楼送孟浩然到广陵去。 (二)初知诗意,质疑梳疑 1.自由练读全诗,注意读准字音,认清字形,教师指读正音。 2.引导学生利用工具书或注释了解诗的大意,并激励学生质疑。 3.集体交流:(1)弄懂“西辞”的含义,理解“下扬州”“孤帆”“尽”“唯”的意思。(2)提出疑问,并梳理出需要重点探讨的问题。 (三)赏析佳句,入境悟情 1.师讲述李、孟真挚友谊的故事,为理解李白与孟浩然依依惜别的深情作好铺垫。 2.赏析“烟花三月”的含义。 (1)唤起学生生活体验。引导想象鲜花盛开的春天是怎样一幅美景。 (2)师生共议“烟”的丰富意蕴,肯定学生富有创意的个性化理解。如:江边水气缭绕,笼罩在淡蓝色的薄雾中,雾气时聚时散令人产生无限遐想。 (3)师生共同在音乐中想象,感受“烟花三月”令人神往的美景。 (意图:抓住“烟花三月”的“烟”,引发学生对春天美景的想象,联想长江两岸的一片春意,“形真”而“意远”。先让学生感受、理解,再表达美的感受,融理解运用为一体。)(4)拓展理解:“烟花三月”不仅仅指黄鹤楼所在的武汉,还有扬州,乃至整个长江两岸沿途都是春意浓浓,一派“千里莺啼绿映红”的美好春景。这句诗表达了诗人愉悦的心境。 (5)指导朗读前两句。 3.品析“碧空尽”“唯”的含义。 (1)品第三句,各抒己见,谈谈对“碧空尽”的理解,体会诗人仁立凝望远帆的情景。 (2)体会李白目送帆船远去时间之长,对朋友感情之深。 (3)从最后一句中,体会诗人寄情于浩荡的一江春水,对挚友的一片深情。


教师资格证面试《高中语文》试讲稿 汇编 《荷塘月色》《登高》《故都的秋》《沁园春·长沙》《烛之武退秦师》《大堰河——我的保姆》《世间最美的坟墓》《雨巷》《荷塘月色》一、导入T:大家看下ppt 上的照片是哪位先生?好,很好绝大多数同学都认出来了,正是我们所熟知的朱自清先生。我们以前学习过朱自清的《背影》,那是一片描写父爱的的纪实散文,从那篇文章中我们就可以看出那是一篇感人至深的散文。今天我们来学习他的另一篇风格完全不同但同样相当精彩的散文《荷塘月色》T:上节课我要大家预习这篇课文,不知道大家注意到文章末尾处的时间没?是几几年?要是预习中没有注意到的同学现在赶紧把书翻到最后看下时间。好,后面的那位同学,几几年呀?大声的说

出来。 1 好,很好,是1927 年。我们都学过历史,1927 年是个什么时期?下面我们请我们的历史课代表给大家简单描述下那个年代好不好?好,李雪怡回答的非常好哈。1927 年正值大革命失败,中国处于一片黑暗之中。可谓是哀鸿遍野,民不聊生。这个时候朱自清的生活可以说十分艰苦。因为我们之前都预习过这篇文章,这时大家的脑海中一定会有这样一个问题:就是为什么在这么艰苦的环境下,作者可以写出这么优美的一篇散文呢?我觉得大家有这个想法非常的好。其实作者就是通过对冷清的月夜下荷塘景色的描写,流露出他想寻找安宁但又不可得,幻想超脱现实但又无法超脱的复杂心情,这正是那个时代在作者心灵上的折射。下面我们一起来听下这篇课文的配乐录音,看能不能体会出作者这种矛盾的感情。并且给文章分段。好,我们都听了一遍。大家能告诉我可以分为几段么?后面的李明回答一下,

很好一共是三段,文章分成了三个部分。我相信大家都能准确的说出,细致描写荷塘的是哪一段。很好就是第四自然段。所以今天这节课我们就着重学习这一段,着重分析“荷塘”和“月色”的画面美。 二、分析文章体会美感第四段月光映照下的荷塘里的景物作者走到了荷塘上,我们可以看出作者写月下的荷塘景物是有顺序的,先总写荷塘,然后再写叶子、荷花、荷香、荷波和流水。我们看它怎么写叶子的,“叶子出水很高,像亭亭的舞女的群”这里用的什么修辞手法啊?对!比喻,大家可以想象一下那些跳芭蕾姑娘的裙子,一排排在哪里,怎么样,用这个比喻便突出了荷叶的高挺,茂密以及柔美,非常的形象生动。接下来写荷花就更精彩了,“层层叶子中间,零星的点缀着写白花,有袅娜的开着的,有羞涩的打着朵儿的;正如一粒粒明珠,2 又如碧天里的星星,又如刚出浴的美人”一系列的比喻,将荷花的那种可


2020年上半年高中语文教师资格证面试真题(第二 批) 2018年上半年高中语文教师资格证面试真题(第二批) 高中语文《永遇乐-京口北固亭怀古》 一、考题回顾 二、考题解析 【教学过程】 (一)温故知新,导入新课 同学们,老骥伏枥志在千里,虽说英雄迟暮,但雄心不已。有这样一位词人,他怀着一腔报国之情,却只能面对破碎的河山,追慕 着古代英雄,希望能为国出力,可终究事与愿违,忧郁离去。大家 想知道这位词人是谁吗?今天就一起来学习南宋辛弃疾的《永遇 乐·京口北固亭怀古》。 (二)初读诗歌,整体感知 1.简介背景及作者。 2.学生自读,注意字音; 3.请学生说一说读之后的感受,思考,怎样读才能体现词的风格,再指名读; 4.诵读指导:音调放缓,韵脚读重音,过后稍一停顿; 5.配乐,学生诵读; 6.学生诵读展示,由同学进行评价。

(三)再读词作,品读欣赏。 1.介绍本次写作背景:宋宁宗开禧元年(1205年),辛弃疾已经 六十六岁。当时韩侂胄执政,正积极筹划北伐,在家闲居多年的辛 弃疾于前一年被起用为浙东安抚使,这年春初,又受命担任镇江知府,戍守江防要地京口。 就词题提问:北固亭的“北固”有“北顾”之意,辛弃疾登上北固亭,向北远望,会望见什么?又兴起怎样的思想感情? 明确:望见已经沦陷的大好河山,“千古江山”,兴起收复中原的豪情壮志。 2.但是,辛弃疾登上北固亭,首先想到的,是几位古人,请找出词中的历史人物? 上阕:孙权、寄奴(刘裕)。 下阕:刘义隆、佛狸祠(拓跋焘)、廉颇。 辛弃疾词中常常会引用历史人物或者历史故事,含蓄地表达自己的思想感情。 3.京口曾是三国时期吴国的首都,孙权曾在这里抵御曹操大军的南侵,成就一番霸业,连曹操因为忍不住赞叹:“生子当如孙仲谋!”但是,这样的英雄,在今日,终究难以寻觅了。 词人用孙权的典故入词,是想表达什么? 明确:孙权也是少年英豪,曾经守住国土,抵御敌人入侵,但是,宋朝却没有像孙仲谋这样的君主,半壁江山终究落入金人手中。 正是因为如此,曾经的舞榭歌台,“风流总被雨打风吹去”,宋朝终究江山残破,偏安一隅。 4.辛弃疾终于等到了朝廷立志北伐,收复失地的时候,他也被重新启用,有机会报效国家,建功立业。但是,这时,他却想起了历 史上另一个北伐的人——刘义隆。刘义隆好大喜功,仓促北伐,反


Part 2 Teaching methods: Dealing with this lesson. I`ll do my best to carry out the following theories: Make the Ss the real masters in class while me, myself acts as director; Combine the language structures with the language functions; Let the Ss receive some moral

Part 4 Teaching Procedure: I have designed the following steps to train their ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Especially reading ability. Step1.Lead-in Have a free talk about ---and then discuss the question in pre-reading on page

Step5.Retell the passage 1.I will list out the general idea of each paragraph which the Ss have concluded in fast reading 2. Encouraging Ss to use their own words to retell the passage according to the general ideas . Purpose: I want to check if my students really understand the whole text and


2017年1月教师资格证面试高中语文试讲真题 1.《滕王阁序》分析用典特点(阮籍那段) 2.《六国论》朗读最后两段,分析语调语速和感情的关系 3.《金岳霖先生》朗读,处理好语速、音调、感情的关系;分析文本情感和思想内涵 (请大家吃饭林徽因生日那一段,还有毛泽东提议他出去走走的那一段) 4.《离骚》屈原简介,爱国敬业富强民主……;对偶的表达效果5.《宇宙的边疆》对第一第二段的语境意义进行解读 6.《师说》:朗读第二段、并指出写作特点;文章的写作特点,师道之不传也久矣中“也”的用法;朗读第一段,论证方法讲解;设计活动讨论韩愈师道观的现实意义。 7.《劝学》第三段论证方法答辩:(1)翻译第一段木石中绳那一句,说明作者写作意图;(2)朗诵第一段最后一句(应该是考字音“省和知”) 8.《阿房宫赋》理解最后一段作者写作目的,秦灭亡原因 9.《兰亭集序》“一死生为虚诞……”表达什么观点? 10.《京口北固亭怀古》 11.《寡人之于国也》五到七段的比喻论证,划分句子节奏,朗读12.《奇妙的对联》专题活动 13.《我与地坛》,一段景物描写“譬如……”朗读分析情感和内容14.高考作文(孙中山名言:失败不灰心,奋勇向前,审题,自选文

体,板书) 15.《林黛玉进贾府》,朗读,分析线索句 16.《囚绿记》加《杨柳枝词》分析拟人修辞手法,再用拟人手法造一个句子分析。 17.《窦娥冤》朗读2468段,三桩誓愿朗读体会情感,设计问题分析想象夸张手法;元曲的行文结构是怎样的;夸张手法分为哪几类,这里用的是哪一类 18.李白《春夜宴从弟桃花园序》理解思想感情 19.《荷塘月色》采莲曲删与不删的效果,指导朗读 20.《动物游戏之谜》:最后一段品味作者意图;朗读开头三段,指导学生理解科普文语言生动性 21.设计活动写作文,以滋味为题 22.专题梳理探究:优美的汉字 23.《囚绿记》生的欢喜 24.专题:有趣的语言翻译,讲授翻译经验 25.《氓》三四节,比兴手法,翻译,情感 26.郑愁予《错误》分析情感语言 27.《再别康桥》分析三美 28.作文讲解:2012年北京高考作文“铁路巡查员”审题立意29.《最后一片常春藤叶》朗读注意把握情感与语调,设计活动让学生体会“欧亨利式结尾” 30.试讲课文《人是一根思想的苇草》是一篇哲理散文,对第五、六


语法有人考了 v+ing 用法,动名词 gerund,分词 participle;定语从句 attributive clause, antecendent, relative pronoun;虚拟语气 subjective clause; 词汇就是讲解词汇课,思维导图讲解;例句等; 阅读就是套路讲法,一切记得leadin 即可; 语音有语调 tone;升降调;重音;发音等 总结就是,写教案的时候打草稿,写关键词,自己能记住流程,注意连贯性;重点在嘴上 嘟囔几遍 1.试讲题目:阅读教学试讲 2.内容: One day, a man called the taxi company to get a taxi to go to the airport, but after a very long time, the taxi did not come. He called the girl in the taxi company again. Th e girl in the taxi company said, “the taxi has not come, but you need not to worry abo ut it as the airplane is alwayslate. the” man answered,“ certainly,the airplane will be l ate this morning, because I happen to be flyingit. ”3.基本要求:(1)朗读所给段落。 (2)配合教学内容适当的板书。 (3)针对该段落中的划线部分,设计相应的阅读后教学活动。(4)试讲时间:约 10 分钟。(5)用英文试讲。 Good morning, class, in the previous class, we have learned a reading text about the manner and ways of communication, do you still remember? And in this class, we are going to learn another text about manner and ways of communication as well as some names of vehicles in the reading material. Firs of all,I ’d like you do the match exercis e on the blackboard. As you can see that, on the left part of this blackboard, there are some names of auto mobiles, and on the right part of the blackboard, there are some pictures. Can you mat ch the names on the left with the pictures on the right. Who can have a try? OK, Mike, tell me your choice. Great, your answer is right, this can be matched with this picture, and this name represents the taxi, and this is a picture about a plane. Very good,class, you have done a very good job. Then , I will read this text for you, please listen carefully, and try to get the main idea about t he reading material.OK,afterI read this text,I ’d show you some new words and expres sions in the reading material. The first word is“ taxi 在”(黑板上板书写上这个单词 this word means“出),租
