


Test One

Part I Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)

Directions: In this section, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly.

For questions 1–7, mark

Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;

N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage;

NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage.

For questions 8–10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.

Youth of Today

— No savings, no pension, huge debts —

Leaving school or university means financial independence — but does it also mean debt? Some experts say the young should take some care.

It is life, but not as we know it. As this year’s school leavers and graduates in Britain move on to further education or work, tasting financial independence for the first time, they show signs of being entirely different to previous generations in their attitudes to money, according to information collected by Cash. Used to debt but more affluent than previous generations, the current crop of 16- to 24-year-olds is a complex sector of society. But if they can handle their debts, these 7.5 million young adults have the potential to become quite sophisticated on money matters.

Cash looked for the financial hallmarks of this group.

They are going to be big spenders and will be targeted heavily by retailers. ―The market for products and services aimed at this group has continued to thrive,‖ concludes research organization Mintel in its recent report for retailers ―Selling to and Profiting from the Under 25s‖. This is ―partly because the period during which people are young, free and single, unencumbered(不受妨碍的)by parents and /or children has expanded to the late twenties and early thirties,‖ it says.

While 13 percent of the population regularly pays their utility(公共设施), credit card and other bills late, this proportion rises to a remarkable 64 percent for 18- to 24-year-olds, according to research conducted among 1,000 adults by https://www.360docs.net/doc/ef9645643.html,. In theory, this suggests that more than 4 million of them are heading for such poor credit ratings that they will find it difficult to borrow in the future. But lenders may become more flexible in their lending terms rather than lose out on this huge sector of the consumer market.

Nearly one in three (28 percent) of people under 35 ―do not consider their future financial position‖, according to research from Accenture HR Services.

Although half of 18- to 25-year-olds want to own their home some day, they see almost insurmountable hurdles, according to Mintel: ―For those who had not yet bought their own property, the prospect of trying to do so seemed daunting — if not impossible —financially.‖ Or could it be that their future prosperity will depend on whether they inherit property from their parents?

They regard as necessities many items which were seen as luxuries by their parents at the same age. More than nine out of 10 hav e their own mobile phone. ―Some looked on their phone as a kind of security blanket, feeling lost without it,‖ says Mintel. A car is seen as ―vital‖ by 64 percent of 18- to 25-year-olds, and designer clothes are worn by 44 percent of men and 35 percent of women in this age group, adds Mintel. Computer equipment is a high priority for many twenty-year-olds. Audio-visual equipment is particularly valued by young men.

Credit card ownership is increasing. Nearly two thirds of young adults have a card. More than half (58 percent) of the under-25s do not pay off their credit card bill in full each month, according to Mintel — including 16 percent who owe more than £500. With credit card ownership predicted to increase nearly 20 percent by 2009, the younger age

group could be increasingly targeted, as they are more accustomed to borrowing than older groups.

Debt is commonplace in this age group. Barclays predicts that graduate debt will average £17,500 in 2006, rising to nearly £34,000 by 2010.

A third of this gr oup believe they are ―too young‖ to start thinking about a pension, according to Accenture. ―There is a sea change in behavior going on here,‖ says Mervyn Kohler of Help the Aged. ―For recent graduates who are saddled with debt and struggling to buy a home, the last thing they would care about is pension planning. They have also heard the message that they will have to work until they drop, so they wonder why they should bother with a pension. But when they retire, they will expect the state to bail them ou t.‖

There is evidence to back up their instincts. More than 73 percent of the current crop of forty–year–olds are on course to be on Pension Credit and other means — tested benefits when they retire, according to the Institute of Fiscal Studies. Unless changes are made to the system, this proportion will increase.

Despite these disturbing findings, there is light at the end of the tunnel for the young. Helen Bowman, welfare officer at De Montfort University’s Student Finance Advice Centre, believes that m any 18-year-olds get into financial difficulty out of ignorance but that ―they tend to be very, very good‖ at dealing with problems when they face up to reality.

Part of the problem is that many have received little financial education from their parents. Some young adults do not even know how to shop for food and many do not realize that convenience food from corner shops will be more expensive than fruit and vegetables and other basic ingredients bought in markets or by looking for bargains, value ranges and discounts in supermarkets.

The generosity of parents can also backfire. ―There does come a point where parents have to stop helping,‖ says Bowman.

Credit card companies have made debt far too accessible, she believes.

It could be that lending is more strictly regulated by the authorities in future. The Liberal Democrats are increasingly concerned at the easy availability of credit and this issue could well move up the political agenda. The location of cash machines in pubs does not help, especially for a generation that drinks heavily. Budgeting is hard for students who have to pay mobile phone and many other bills monthly but whose income in the form of Student Loans comes in at the start of term.

But there are many cases of students getting into debt and then finding a way out of the mess, usually by getting a job. Along the way, they learn how to budget and how to avoid temptation by, for instance, leaving their plastic at home.

Parents may not even be aware, in many of these cases, that their children have got into debt and then scraped their way out. And people like these, who learnt the hard way, have an understanding of money which is probably deeper than that of people who have never had difficulties.

1.According to the Cash study, the young adults in Britain today form a complex sector of society because they lead

a more affluent life by overdrawing their credit card.

2.There are 13 percent of young adults who regularly pay their bills late.

3.Over ninety percent of 18- to 25-year-olds have got their own mobile phones.

4.It is predicted that there will be more credit card users among young people than among older people.

5.The average graduate debt will be greatly increased in the coming five years.

6.Most young people didn’t receive enough financial edu cation from their parents.

7.The passage suggests that parents should always help their children in paying their debt.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/ef9645643.html,pared with precious generations, the current graduates have very different attitudes to


9.At the time when their parents were young, a lot of modern necessary equipment owned by young people now was

regarded as ____________________.

10.The last thing most young people think they are still too young to bother about is ____________________.

Part II Listening Comprehension

Section A Conversations

Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the

questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must

read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer.

11.A) She won’t do favors for others.

B) She’ll return the book on her way to work.

C) She can’t return the book for the man.

D) She works at the school library.

12.A) To put his call through to the director.

B) To arrange an appointment for him to see the director.

C) To tell the director about the work he is doing.

D) To go and see if the director can meet him right now.

13.A) She wants to further her study right away.

B) She wants to quit her graduate course.

C) She hasn’t decided if she’ll study for her master’s degree.

D) She’ll find a job right after graduation.

14.A) He’ll drive the wo man to school.

B) He’ll ride his bicycle to school, too.

C) He’ll join her in her exercise class.

D) He’ll teach the woman how to ride a bicycle.

15.A) They’re colleagues.

B) They’re friends.

C) They’re classmates.

D) They’re twins.

16.A) Water her flowers whi le she’s away.

B) Buy her some flowers and take care of them.

C) Clean her house while she is on business.

D) Water her flowers in his spare time.

17.A) He doesn’t have any questions for her.

B) He won’t be able to take a trip.

C) He can study during the spring break.

D) He hasn’t decided if he can take a trip.

18.A) His father told him to go to medical school.

B) His father studied medicine when young.

C) His father taught in a medical school.

D) His decision surprised his father.

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19.A) Because she doesn’t want to give up her major.

B) Because she doesn’t love him any more.

C) Because she doesn’t want to quit her job.

D) Because she doesn’t want to have kids.

20.A) To go to college.

B) To stay at home.

C) To bear a child.

D) To work at a company.

21.A) She’s going fishing with her father.

B) She’s going fishing with Tom.

C) She’s going to have a date.

D) She’s going to have a picnic.

22.A) To have a party.

B) To have a picnic.

C) To have dinner together.

D) To meet some friends.

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

23.A) ―How much do you know?‖

B) ―What can your boyfriend do?‖

C) ―Who gets the correct answer?‖

D) ―Which sports star do you know best?‖

24.A) To see how much you really take care of others.

B) To see how much you really love your family.

C) To see how much you really understand your boyfriend or your husband.

D) To see how much you really know about a friend or a family member.

25.A) If he can sing.

B) If he can fix a car.

C) If he likes sports.

D) If he can ice skate.

Section B Short Passages

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions.

Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose

the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).

Passage One

Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.

26.A) In 1978. B) In 1987. C) In 1996. D) In 2000.

27.A) English and Spanish. B) English and Italian.

C) Spanish and Portuguese. D) Spanish and Japanese.

28.A) About 30 miles. B) Almost 2000 miles.

C) At least 7000 miles. D) About 9000 miles.

Passage Two

Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.

29.A) They are symbols of showing love.

B) They mean eternal friendship.

C) They are meant for room decoration.

D) They represent a happy life.

30.A) Because it is well known as a symbol.

B) Because Charles II of Sweden introduced it to Europe.

C) Because it is a special term in ―the language of flowers‖.

D) Because it is the favorite flower of Venus, goddess of love.

31.A) Lace handkerchiefs were used for passing message of love.

B) Lace handkerchiefs would encourage man to express his love.

C) Lace handkerchiefs were used by woman as an introduction to man.

D) Lace handkerchiefs were used as a symbol of beauty and passion.

Passage Three

Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

32.A) Its topic and detail.

B) Its brevity and free style.

C) Its occasion and length.

D) Its duration and focus.

33.A) When they are in a meeting.

B) When they arrive at the office.

C) When they are on the elevator.

D) When they are repairing equipment.

34.A) To stop the conversation abruptly.

B) To say that you don’t like the topic.

C) To state that it’s not the right place to talk.

D) To make some excuses to leave politely.

35.A) Suggest another time for the talk.

B) Tell him you are not interested.

C) Stop to talk with the person for a while.

D) Ask the person to leave immediately.

Section C Compound Dictation

Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill

in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered

from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the

exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the

passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.

Too much sun can cause skin cancer. Too much vitamin D can also make you sick. Yet a study (36) ________ that sunlight and vitamin D may help some people with lung cancer live longer.

Vitamin D helps build strong teeth and (37) ________. Foods such as oily fish and egg yolks are high in vitamin D. But not many foods (38) ________ are. So extra vitamin D is often (39) ________ to milk products. Some people get more with vitamin products.

Anot her way is from the sun. Vitamin D is known as the ―sunshine vitamin‖. The body (40) ________ it through the skin from the ultra-violet radiation of the sun.

Researchers from Harvard University (41) ________ a study of four hundred fifty-six people. These men and women had been (42) ________ for lung cancer. The cancers had been found early. Doctors operated to (43) ________ them.

It was found that those (44) _________________________________________________

___________________________________. Others who were operated on in winter had low levels.

(45) ___________________________________________________________________

_______________________________________. Seventy-two percent were still alive after five years. (46) ______________________________________________________________.

Part III Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)

Section A

Directions:In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from

a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before

making your choices. Each choice in the blank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding

letter for each item. You may not use any of the words in the blank more than once.

Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.

―Home, sweet home‖ is a phrase that expresses an essent ial attitude in the United States. Whether the ____47____of life in the family house in sweet or not so sweet, the cherished (珍爱的) ideal of home has great importance for many people.

This ideal is a ____48____ part of the American dream. This dream, dramatized in the history of nineteenth-century Europe settlers of the American West, was to find a piece of land, build a house for one’s family, and start a farm. These small ____49____ were portraits of independence: the entire family — mother, father, children, even grandparents — living in a small house and working together to support each other. Everyone understood the ____50____ importance of family cooperation and hard work. Although most people in the United States no longer live on farms, the ideal of home ____51____ is just strong in the twentieth century as it was in the nineteenth. When U.S. soldiers came home after World War II, for example, they dreamed of buying houses and ____52____ families. So there was a tremendous boom in home building. The new houses, typically in the suburbs, were often small and nearly ____53____, but they satisfied a deep need. Many saw the single-family house as the basis of their way of life.

As more women entered the labor force, the family spent even less time together. But the picture is changing: people can now telecommute, or work at home, while being ____54____ to the office by means of their computer. More and more people can now stay at home. So the old ____55____ could change from ―Home, sweet home‖ to ―Home, sweet office‖, but the ____56____ on the cherished home will most likely stay the same.

Section B

Directions:There are 3 reading passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C), and D). You should decide on the

best choice.

Passage One

Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.

Perhaps the most important defining characteristic of a human being is culture. The term culture as used here is not limited to operas, paintings, and other artistic endeavors. These are seen by anthropologists (人类学家)as examples of culture: culture itself is the customary manner in which human groups learn to organize their behavior and thought in relation to their environment. Defined in this manner, culture has three principal aspects: behavioral, perceptual and material. The behavioral component refers to how people act, especially how they interact with each other. In child rearing (养育) , for example, parents and children tend to interact in a relatively patterned fashion. Then there is the manner of perception, the ways people perceive the world. For example, parents have a limited range of ideas about how they should act, and what significance parenthood carries in the scheme of things. Finally, there is the material component of culture — the physical objects that we produce.

Most of what goes into making up culture is a result of learning — modifying behavior in response to experience within an environment. Learning is practically universal among organisms. But no other organism has a greater capacity for learning than a human, or depends as much on learned behavior for its survival.

While the survival of most other organisms is to some extent safeguarded by instincts, humans rely heavily on culture for their survival. People must learn how to live in a particular social and physical setting, biology playing but a minimal (最小限度的) role.

The ideas and modes of behavior that constitute culture are transmitted largely by a complex system of symbols that includes language. Humans have evolved an extremely complex system of communication that is unique to our

species. Without it the creation of human culture as we know it would be impossible.

57. What is the definition of culture by anthropologists?

A)Operas, paintings and may other artistic activities as a whole.

B)Customary manners of behavior and thought related to the environment.

C)Behavioral, perceptual and material components interacting with each other.

D)The different ways people perceive the physical world.

58. According to the passage, the behavior of making tools for producing material objects should fall within the

category of _________ component of culture.

A) behavioral B) perceptual C) material D) artistic

59. Learning is most essential for _________.

A)all the organisms to survive

B)all the organisms to acquire learned behavior

C)human beings to respond to experience within an environment

D)human beings to survive and live in a society

60. What’s the element to human culture?

A)Communication in language.

B)Biological adaptation to the environment

C)Safeguarding by instincts

D)Learning to survive

61. Which of the following statements is True?

A)The capacity for learning can only be observed in human beings.

B)Biology plays an important role in humans’ living in a social and physical setting.

C)Human behavior and thought do not have anything to do with culture.

D)If the re were no language communication, humans couldn’t have created the present culture.

Passage Two

Questions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage.

The best kept secret in San Diego is waiting to offer you a delightful getaway — without leaving town.

Less than three years ago, the Parisi Hotel was just an office building above the shops on the corner of Prospect Street. Now, that valuable space is an intimate luxury hotel —with several rooms overlooking the ocean. You’ll be amazed when you enter from the corner and ascend the curving staircase to the second-floor lobby. It will take you into a different world.

What will you find when you enter the large contemporary lobby is a handsome and peaceful space that was designed with a hint of Tuscany in its modern Mediterranean (地中海式的) style. The lobby has a large fireplace with comfortable sofas in warm neutral colors surrounding it. You’ll feel relaxed just sitting there — with its skylight overhead letting in the morning sun.

All the rooms are more like suites (套房), with large comfortable beds, beautiful baths and stylish custom-designed furnishings and art throughout.

The Parisi Hotel is the perfect place for seniors because it’s quiet and restful —with only 20 rooms. You won’t find many hotels like this in the center of a tourist town.

The shops are all around you. Likewise for some of the city’s best restaurants, you will never have to take your car out of the garage during your stay. And, by the way, the underground parking lot at the Parisi Hotel is free for hotel guests.

Once you stay at this little gem (珍品), you’ll want to return again and again. I know we do. It’s a perfect place for seniors.

Rates for standard suites begin at $275. You can call the hotel for reservation at (858) 454-1513. The Parisi Hotel is located at 1111 Prospect St. right across from La Valencia.

62. The Parisi Hotel is described as _________.

A) a luxury hotel with comfortable facilities

B) a large hotel famous for its rooms facing the ocean

C) a good place for escaping away from the noisy city

D) a tourist attraction full of amazing corners

63. When you enter the lobby, you will find that ________.

A)it is decorated with Mediterranean furniture

B)the walls are painted in warm neutral bright colors

C)there is a large fireplace burning all the time

D)sunlight comes through the window in the sloping roof

64. Why is the Parisi Hotel suitable for old people?

A)Because all the rooms are like suites.

B)Because it has fashionable furnishings.

C)Because it is in the center of the town.

D)Because it is peaceful to stay there.

65. What special benefit can people get while staying in the Parisi Hotel?

A)They don’t need to drive to eat out in a restaurant.

B)They can enjoy free parking.

C)They can buy things cheaper in nearby shops.

D)They can make a reservation by phone.

66. Which of the following statements is True?

A)The Parisi Hotel is a small restful hotel.

B)Most guests staying the hotel are old people.

C)The Parisi Hotel is in a secret place in San Diego.

D)You must make a reservation before entering the hotel.

Passage Three

Questions 67 to 71 are based on the following passage.

Bombay wasn’t the ideal place to get sick — not when my doctor, family and friends were half a world away. I was alone, quite ill and had to delay my flight home. Luckily, when booking my ticket months before, I had bought travel insurance. So my illness didn’t cost me a cent.

It’s actually pretty simple. A lot of unforeseen things can happen to you when you’re traveling. Make sure you’re prepared for all of them.

A good health insurance policy will get you proper medical attention anywhere in the world outside your home province —at the insurance company’s expense. The company will send you home if it is considered medically necessary and, if you’re sick enough, it will send a nurse to accompany you. If you end up in a hospital and a doctor recommends that a family member come to your bedside, the insurance company will pay for it. You may even get pocket money to make your hospital stay more comfortable.

When I was sick in Bombay, I called the insurance company collect. It paid for a doctor (who came to my hotel

room), all my medication, an extra night in the hotel and all my meals.

Picture it: the day before your big trip to Vancouver, you wake up with appendicitis (阑尾炎). You have no choice — you have to cancel your trip. Your ticket, like most, is non-refundable and you can’t make any changes. You’re about to lose all the money you put out for the ticket — unless you bought cancellation insurance beforehand.

Most travel plans include some form of non-refundable element: your deposit, your flights, your cruise, your stay at the all-inclusive resort. That non-refundable portion is what you’ll lose if you have to cancel your trip in the event that you get sick and you don’t have cancellation insu rance.

67. What happened to the author when he was in Bombay?

A)He fell ill and couldn’t go home as scheduled.

B)He didn’t buy travel insurance.

C)He spent a lot of money on curing his illness.

D)He couldn’t get in touch with his family and friends.

68. With a health insurance policy, if you get sick traveling away from home, _________.

A)you may get pocket money from the local hospital you are in

B)your family members may go to see you at the insurance company’s expense

C)you may choose to stay in the best local hospital

D)you may get a nurse from the insurance company to take care of you

69.Which item was paid by the insurance company when the author was ill in Bombay?

A)His trip to Bombay.

B)All his hotel rates.

C)All his meals at his hotel.

D)His travel insurance policy.

70.With cancellation insurance, you can _________.

A)have a choice where to go and where to stay

B)get your money back when canceling your travel ticket

C)enjoy a reduced rate of travel expense

D)buy a refundable ticket at the ticket office

71.From the passage we may say that _________.

A) a health insurance policy is more useful than a cancellation insurance policy

B) a cancellation insurance policy can make your trip safe and comfortable

C)when you get sick while traveling away from home, you’d better buy a health insurance

D)travel insurance is strongly recommended when you travel away from home

Part IV Cloze

Directions:There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.

Food is different from area to area. The French are famous for their sauces, the Italians praised ____72____ their pasta-food from mixture of flour, eggs and water, the Germans ____73____for their sausages, but is there anything ____74____ t o eat in the United States? When you get right down to it, there’s nothing quite as ____75____ as American food. Because the United States ____76____ mostly of immigrants, there is an amazing variety of foods.

The United States is a vast country ____77____ by many cultures and climates, and the ____78____ food of one area is often totally ____79____that of another. New Mexico and Massachusetts are good examples of ____80____ that have very different traditional foods.

To understand and ____81____ the food in any one region, it often helps to know the area’s history. For example, New Mexico was ____82____ the home of the Pueblo Indians who lived in villages and grew native ____83____ such as corn, beans, and pumpkins. Later, Spanish ____84____ arrived in this area. These two groups exchanged ideas and customs and passed the ____85____ on to their descendants. This intermingling(混合)of culture is ____86____in the food of New Mexico.

Each region of the United States is unique. Louisiana has a French ____87____. Many Germans populate the Midwest. In ____88____ around America, a tourist has the ____89____ not only to visit a variety of places and see diverse ____90____, but to taste a variety of foods as well.

Some may be very different. Others will taste just ____91____ home.

72. A) with B) of C) for D) at

73. A) attributed B) recommended C) introduced D) celebrated

74. A) unique B) similar C) common D) rare

75. A) foreign B) un-American C) common D) specific

76. A) composes B) consists C) makes up D) constitutes

77. A) protected B) affected C) influenced D) inherited

78. A) traditional B) original C) oriental D) regional

79. A) like B) unlike C) superior D) inferior

80. A) regions B) countries C) states D) nations

81. A) assess B) appreciate C) estimate D) evaluate

82. A) always B) often C) sometimes D) once

83. A) crops B) vegetables C) fruit D) flowers

84. A) ancestors B) citizens C) settlers D) invaders

85. A) habits B) customs C) foods D) traditions

86. A) evident B) implicit C) vague D) relevant

87. A) governor B) literature C) root D) impact

88. A) living B) eating C) working D) traveling

89. A) opportunity B) time C) privilege D) tendency

90. A) cultures B) personalities C) landscapes D) systems

91. A) as B) like C) at D) in

Part V Translation

Directions: Select the section that you have learned and translate the sentences in it into English.

Section 1 (New College English)



3.当然, 我现在赚的钱远远比不上我做全职工作时候赚的多。

4.但是, 我们能够通过削减开支来弥补收入的不足,而我们的生活水准并没有明显下降。


Section 2 (Experiencing English)






Section 3 (New Horizon English)







Part I Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)

1. Y

2. N

3. Y

4. NG

5. Y

6. Y

7. N

8. money

9. luxuries

10.pension planning

Part II Listening Comprehension

Section A

11. C 12. B 13. A 14. B 15. D

16. A 17. B 18. B 19. C 20. B

21. A 22. B 23. A 24. D 25. D

Section B

26. B 27. A 28. C 29. A 30. D

31. A 32. D 33. B 34. D 35. A

Section C

36. suggests 37. bones 38. naturally 39. added

40. produces 41. led 42. treated 43. remove

44. who had their operations during summer time had high levels of vitamin D intake when ther is lots of sun

45. Patients with the highest vitamin D intake and summer operations had higher survival rates

46. And eighty-three percent were disease-free

Part III Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)

Section A

47. C 48. M 49. A 50. L 51. J 52. E 53. I 54. O 55. N 56. D

Section B

57. B 58. C 59. D 60. A 61. D 62. C 63. D 64. D 65. B 66. A

67. A 68. D 69. C 70. B 71. D

Part IV Cloze

72. C 73. D 74. A 75. B 76. B 77. C 78. A 79. B 80. C 81.B

82. D 83. A 84. C 85. B 86. A 87. D 88. D 89. A 90. C 91.B

Part V Translation

Section 1 (New College English)

1.I may not be a born farmer, but I can get by when it comes to the life on the farm.

2.After years of frustration with city living, my wife and I have finally found contentment in the country.

3.Of course, I’m not making anywhere near as much money as I did when I was employed full time.

4.But, we’ve been able to make up the differe nce in income by cutting back without appreciably lowering our

standard of living.

5.However, happy country living takes a couple of special qualities. One is a tolerance for solitude; the other

requirement is energy — a lot of it.

Section 2 (Experiencing English)

1.Air and water pollution are our Number One priorities regarding the current and future state of the environment.

2.We must realize that once we reach the point of no return, there will be nothing left for future generations.

3.I was suddenly overtaken by an urge to know why he was there and not in the greenhouse.

4.Our marine animals have been living for thousands of years in a world where everything is edible .

5.Pubilc transport can become more attractive than the car for the average urban user if it addresses three issues:

speed, comfort, and cost.

Section 3 (New Horizon English)

1.His love for pop music went from the need to relax himself to what can be described as craziness.

2.It was Mary who stuck by me to walk out of the dilemma when I was suspected to cheat in exam.

3.Estimates by the experts are that the Olympic Games will produce a revenue of billions of dollars and millions of

job opportunities for this city.

4.When the people in that area fell upon dark days, both the government and the people from all walks of life

showed their concern and love.

5.In order to have enough money to run the business, he sold his newly-bought house at auction even at a substantial



Section A Conversations

Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the

questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must

read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer.

11.M: Would you please drop this book off at the library for me when you go to school?

W: I would if I was going, but I have to work today.

Q: What does the woman imply?

12.M: I’d like to have a talk with your director sometime this week. Could you arrange it for me?

W: He’s rather busy these days. But I’ll see what I can do.

Q: What’s the man asking the woman to do?

13.M: You don’t want to start your graduate study right after graduation, do you?

W: Well, actually I do.

Q: What does the woman mean?

14.W: Bill, I think I’ll ride my bike to school today. You want to go with me?

M: Sure, the exercise will do me good.

Q: What does the man mean?

15.M: I often mistake Ted for Bob. Can you tell them apart?

W: No, they look so much alike that they even confused their mother sometimes when they were young.

Q: What’s the most probable relationship between Ted and Bob?

16.W: If I buy some flowers for the house, will you water th em for me while I’m away?

M: Sure, I will, if you water mine while I’m on vacation.

Q: What will the man do for the woman?

17.W: Are you going to take a trip during the spring break, Roy?

M: With all the studying I have to do, that’s out of the question.

Q: What does Roy tell the woman?

18.W: I heard Mike is planning to go to medical school.

M: Yeah, I guess he’s always wanted to follow his father’s footsteps.

Q: What can you learn about Mike from this conversation?

Now you’ll have two long conversations.

Conversation One

W: So, Tom, are you going to get married or not?

M: Yeah, yeah, but Rosa’s afraid. She’s not sure she wants to get married right now. She can’t decide.

W: Why not? Why can’t she decide?

M: Well, we’re both young, and she likes her job. And, of course, if we have children, she’ll have to quit her job.

W: Why? A lot of women have kids but don’t quit their jobs.

M: True, but I don’t want Rosa to work.

W: Oh. So when will she give you an answer?

M: I’m going to her house for dinner Saturday night. She’ll tell me then.

W: Well, good luck.

M: Thanks. What’re you going to do this weekend, Mary?

W: I’m going fishing with my dad. We’ll probably leave early Saturday morning and come back Saturday night.

M: What time will you get home?

W: Around 7 o’cl ock. I have a date with my boyfriend at 8:00.

M: May I see you and your boyfriend on Sunday?

W: Yeah. In fact, why don’t we all do something?

M: OK. What?

W: Oh, I don’t know. We can go on a picnic on Sunday.

M: Fine.

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19.Why can’t Rosa decide to marry Tom?

20.What does Tom wish Rosa to do if they get married?

21.What’s Mary going to do on Saturday morning?

22.What have Tom and Mary agreed to do on Sunday?

Conversation Two

M: Good evening, I’m Dave Malone. Welcome to the game ―How much do you know?‖ It’s a game to see how much you really know about a friend or a family member. Tonight we have Melissa and her boyfriend, Louis, on the show. Melissa, you’re going to answer questions about Louis. Are y ou ready?

W: Yes, Dave, I’m ready.

M: Do you think you know Louis well?

W: Yes, I do.

M: OK, first question. Can he cook?

W: That’s easy. Yes, he can. He’s really good cook.

M: Correct. OK, next question … Can he sing?

W: Yes … but not very well.

M: Yes, t hat’s right. That’s what Louis says too. OK … Next question … Can he fix your car?

W: No, he can’t. He doesn’t know anything about cars.

M: Correct. OK, how about sports? Does he like sports?

W: Oh yes, he loves sports.

M: OK, then … Can he ice skate?

W: U mm … I’m not sure … I don’t know. I think he can. He’s very athletic. Yes, he can.

M: Are you sure? Is that your answer?

W: Yes, yes, it is.

M: Oh no, Melissa. Louis can’t ice skate.

Questions23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

23.What’s the name of the TV program Dave Malone hosts?

24.What’s the purpose of the TV program?

25.What isn’t Melissa sure of about her boyfriend?

Section B Short Passages

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions.

Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose

the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).

Passage One

Harold and his wife, Lois, took a Caribbean cruise in 1987. Harold took three bottles with him. He wrote messages in English and Spanish, and put each message in a bottle with a dollar. The dollar, his note explained, was to pay for postage for a response. Harold threw the three bottles into the water.

Soon after he returned home from the cruise, he received a letter. A French tourist found the bottle on the beach on St. Bart’s, an island 30 miles away from where Harold threw it in the water. Harold was excited. ―I really didn’t expect to hear from anybody at all,‖ he said. Another bottle floated for almost 2000 miles and survived a hurricane. A tourist recovered it near Belize.

The bottles were now Harold’s hobby. He thr ew more bottles into the sea on an Alaskan cruise, and again a few years later near Acapulco, people found his bottles and wrote him letters. Then, in 1996, while on a cruise off the coast of Mexico, Harold threw in three more bottles. Twenty-two months later a fisherman wrote to say he recovered the bottle in the sea near the Philippines. The bottle traveled at least 7000 miles from the other side of the Pacific!

Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.

26.When did Harold and his wife take a Caribbean cruise?

27.In what languages did he write the message?

28.How many miles altogether did the three bottles travel before they were discovered?

Passage Two

How did flowers and lace join Valentine’s Day? Most of the items linked to Valentine’s Day came from old-fashioned customs that used lace handkerchiefs and flowers to pass on non-verbal messages.

When the custom went out of style for everyday use, the original meaning was lost and eventually they became part of the Valentine’s Day tradition.

Giving flowers dates back to the 1700s when Charles II of Sweden introduced the Persian custom of ―the language of flowers‖ to Europe. Books about the meanings of particular flowers were published, and entire conversations could be carried out using only a bouquet of flowers.

The rose has become the traditional Valentine’s Day flower. As it has always been a popular flower, the meaning of the red rose is still well known as the flower of passion and love. The red rose is also the favorite flower of Venus, the goddess of love, which helped give the rose its symbolic meaning.

Now let’s talk about lace. Centuries ago, a woman would drop her handkerchief in front of the man she liked. This was a form of encouragement to him, and if he picked it up for her an introduction could be made. Lace has always been part of women’s handkerchiefs, and it has since been linked to romance.

Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.

29.What do the flowers and the lace mean to Valentine’s Day?

30.Why did the r ed rose become the traditional Valentine’s Day flower?

31.How was lace linked to Valentine’s Day?

Passage Three

What makes ―small talk‖ small is both its duration and its focus. Small talk is a brief discussion of a neutral and relatively insignificant topic.

Some locations — such as office hallways, elevators, corridors, and equipment rooms — easily lend themselves to small talk. Certain times of day —such as arrival at or departure from the office or the time before a meeting begins — provide small talk opportunities as well.

It can be difficult to tell when a small talk conversation is over, since it often is a free-flowing, unstructured discussion. The simplest strategy is to politely announce when you are stepping out the dialogue, such as, ―Well, I’d be tter get back to work,‖ or ―Time for me to see about those financial statements.‖

In a group setting, you can say, ―It’s been nice speaking with you. I just noticed the time and I really need to speak with Diana before I leave,‖ or ―I enjoyed meeting you. I’m going to get a refill on my coffee.‖If a chatty person interrupts your work with small talk, you can suggest another time for the conversation. You can say, ―I’d talk more with you, but this report is due at noon,‖ or ―You’ve caught me at a bad time. Why don’t we touch base after the sales meeting?‖

Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

32.What makes small talk small according to the passage?

33.When do people usually engage in small talk?

34.What’s the simplest strategy to end small talk?

35.What can you usually do if someone interrupts you work with small talk?

Section C Compound Dictation

Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill

in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered

from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the

exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the

passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.

Too much sun can cause skin cancer. Too much vitamin D can also make you sick. Yet a study (36) suggests that sunlight and vitamin D may help some people with lung cancer live longer.

Vitamin D helps build strong teeth and (37) bones. Foods such as oily fish and egg yolks are high in vitamin D. But not many foods (38) naturally are. So extra vitamin D is often (39) added to milk products. Some people get more with vitamin products.

Another way is from the sun. Vitamin D is known as t he ―sunshine vitamin.‖ The body (40) produces it through the skin from the ultra-violet radiation of the sun.

Researchers from Harvard University (41) led a study of four hundred fifty-six people. These men and women had been (42) treated for lung cancer. The cancers had been found early. Doctors operated to (43) remove them.

It was found that those (44) who had their operations during summer time had high levels of vitamin D intake when there is lots of sun. Others who were operated on in winter had low levels.

(45)Patients with the highest vitamin D intake and summer operations had higher survival rates. Seventy-two percent were still alive after five years. (46)And eighty-three percent were disease-free.


大学英语 3 级考试真题 一、听力测试(本大题满分25 分,每小题 1 分 ) 做题时,先将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后再将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节 听下面的 8 段短对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从每小题 A 、B 、 C 三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 听每段对话只读一遍。 1.What color skirt does Linda like? A. Red. B. Green. C. Blue. 2. How is the weather now? A. Sunny. B. Cloudy. C. Rainy. 3. How did they spend their weekend? A. They had a school trip. B. They cleaned up the street. C. They studied for a test. 4. Where will Peter go on vacation? A. To Canada. B. To Australia. C. To Japan. 5. What does Mike’ s father want him to be? A. A soldier. B. A pilot. C. A doctor. 6. Who will repair the bicycle? A. Bill's brother. B. Mrs. Brown's brother. C. Bill. 7. How much is the jacket now? A. 60 dollars. B. 90 dollars. C. 120 dollars. 8. What do we know about Jenny from the conversation? A. She is worried about a coming test. B. She is working hard at physics. C. She didn't pass the recent test. 第二节 下面你将听到 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从每小题A、B、C 三个选项中,选出一个与你听到的对话或独白内容相符的问题的答案。对话或独白读两遍。 听第一段材料回答 9 至 11 小题。 9. How many people will sit at the table? Xk b https://www.360docs.net/doc/ef9645643.html, A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. 10. What is the restaurant famous for? A. Noodles. B. Chicken soup. C. Dumplings. 11. What would they like to drink? A. Fish soup. B. Beer and coke. C. Milk. 听第二段材料回答第12 至 14 小题。 12. Have the speaker ever seen each other? A. Yes, they have. B. No, they haven't. C. We don't know. 13. How often does Lucy play tennis? A. Twice a week. B. Every morning. C. Never. 14. When may they meet again? A. Next morning. B. Next weekend. C. Next weekday. 听第三段材料回答第15 至 17 小题。 15. What's the relationship ( 关系 ) between the two speakers? A. Friends. B. Teacher and student. C. Father and daughter


大学英语三级B级-阅读理解(三) (总分:25.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、单项选择题(总题数:5,分数:25.00) Task 6 The sense of sound is one of our most important means of knowing what is going on around us. Sound has a wasted product, too, in the form of noise. Noise has been called unwanted sound. Noise is growing and it may get much worse before it gets any better. Scientists, for several years, have been studying how noise affects people and animals. They are surprised by what they have learned. Peace and quiet are becoming harder to find. Noise pollution is a threat that should be looked at carefully. There is a saying about it being so noisy that you can't hear yourself think. Doctors who study noise believe that we must sometimes hear ourselves think. If we don't, we may have headaches, other aches and pains, or even worse mental problems. Noise adds more tension (紧张) to a society that already faces enough stress. But noise is not a new problem. In ancient Rome, people complained so much about noise that the government stopped chariots (四轮马车) from moving through the streets at night! Ways of making less noise are now being tested. There are even laws controlling noise. We cannot return to the "good old days" of peace and quiet. But we can reduce noise--if we shout loudly enough about it. (分数:5.00) (1).Why are scientists surprised by the findings in their noise study?(分数:1.00) A.Because the world is becoming more and more noisy. √ B.Because they have learned that noise is also a kind of pollution. C.Because noise is an unwanted waste for human beings. · D.Because people knew little about the danger of noise before. 解析:细节判断题。第二段第三、四句话解释了原因:和平安静的地方很难找到,噪音对人类是一种威胁,人们应认真对待。 (2).What may be the result if we cannot hear ourselves think?(分数:1.00) A.We may forget what we have thought about. B.Our thoughts may be interfered. C.Our mind may be harmed. √ D.We may have difficulty using the right words. 解析:细节辨认题。从文中第三段的If we don’t,we may have headaches,other aches and pains,or even worse mental problems.这句话可知:如果我们听不到自己的声音,可能会产生头痛、其他疼痛,甚至会出现更糟糕的大脑问题。 ` (3).When the writer says we cannot return to the "good old days", he means that ______(分数:1.00) A.our society is becoming much worse than before B.in our modern society it is hard to lead a quiet life √ C.the old days were much happier than the present D.it is impossible for us to deal with noise as we did before______ 解析:推理题。从文章最后一段可知B是正确的。 (4).From the last sentence of the passage we can learn that(分数:1.00) A.we can put noise under control if our measures are effective @


大学英语三级全真模拟听力试题(一) Test One P art I: Listening Comprehension (15%) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Example:You will hear: Where do you think the conversation most provably took place? You will read: A) At the office. B) In the waiting room. C) At the airport. D) In a restaurant. From the conversation we know that the two were talking about some work they had to finish in the evening. This is most likely to have taken place at the office. Therefore, A) “At the office” is the best answer. You should choose [A] on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the center. Sample Answer [A] [B] [C] [D] 1. A) Fixing an engine. B) Repairing a car. C) Cashing a check. D) Buying some wheels. 2. A) Visit Japan. B) Cook some food. C) Travel abroad. D) Eat out. 3. A) One of a cheaper price. B) One of a different color. C) One of a fashionable style. D) One of a smaller size. 4. A) He has changed his plan. B) He has canceled his trip. C) He is arriving this afternoon. D) He forgot to arrange his trip. 5. A) They had lost their way. B) They were told it would rain. C) They were caught in the rain. D) They had taken an umbrella.


本文节选自Iron John: A Book About Men Iron John: A Book About Men by Robert Bly. Copyright 1994, 2004 by Robert Bly We talk a great deal about "the American man," as if there were some constant quality that remained stable over decades, or even within a single decade. The men who live today have veered far away from the Saturnian, old-man-minded farmer, proud of his introversion, who arrived in New England in 1630, willing to sit through three services in an unheated church. In the South, an expansive, motherbound cavalier developed, and neither of these two "American men" resembled the greedy railroad entrepreneur that later developed in the Northeast, nor the reckless I-will-do-without culture settlers of the West. 【这一段里作者提到哪几种美国人?他提这些的目的是什么?】 Even in our own era the agreed-on model has changed dramatically. During the fifties, for example, an American character appeared with some consistency that became a model of manhood adopted by many men: the Fifties male. He got to work early, labored responsibly, supported his wife and children, and admired discipline. Reagan is a sort of mummified version of this dogged type. This sort of man didn't see women's souls well, but he appreciated their bodies; and his view of culture and America's part in it was boyish and optimistic. Many of his qualities were strong and positive, but underneath the charm and bluff there was, and there remains, much isolation, deprivation, and passivity. Unless he has an enemy, he isn't sure that he is alive. The Fifties man was supposed to like football, be aggressive, stick up for the United States, never cry, and always provide. But receptive space or intimate space was missing in this image of a man. The personality lacked some sense of flow. The psyche lacked compassion in a way that encouraged the unbalanced pursuit of the Vietnam war, just as, later, the lack of what we might call "garden" space inside Reagan's head led to his callousness and brutality toward the powerless in El Salvador【查工具书:是怎么回事?】, toward old people here, the unemployed, schoolchildren, and poor people in general. 【Fifties Male有什么特点?】 The Fifties male had a clear vision of what a man was, and what male


2016年大学英语三级考试真题-英语三级考试A级及答案 Part II Structure (15 minutes) 第二部分结构(15分钟) Directions: This part is to test your ability to construct grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections. 方向:这部分是测试你的语法正确的句子的能力建设。它由2个部分组成。 Section A 第1课时 Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 方向:在这一节,有10个不完整的句子。您需要完成每一个决定的最适当的词或词的4个选择标记为A,B),C和D)。这个你应该在答题纸上用中间一行标出相应的字母。 16. We must find a way to cut prices ________ reducing our profits too much. A) without B) despite C) with D) for 16。我们必须找到一个方法来降低价格________减少我们的利润太多。 a)没有b)尽管c)与d) 17. She didn’t know ________ to express her ideas in English clearly in public. A) which B) why C) what D) how 17。她不知道________表达自己的想法用英语清楚的公共。A)B)为什么C)什么D)如何 18. ________ the weather improves, we will suffer a huge loss in the tourist industry. A) As B) Since C) While D) Unless 18。________天气好转,我们会在旅游业的巨大损失。a)作为b)由于c)d,除非 19. We are happy at the good news ________ Mr. Black has been awarded the Best Manager. A) that B) which C) what D) whether 19。我们很高兴听到这个好消息,________布莱克先生被授予“最佳经理。A),B),C)D)是什么 20. It is important that we ________ the task ahead of time. A) will fish B) finished


大学英语三级阅读模拟试题集 Model Test 1 Passage One Suppose you set your mind to work on the problem of how you would use your own eyes if you had 3 more days to see. If with the oncoming darkness of the 3rd night you knew that the sun would never rise for you again, how would you spend those 3 precious days? What would you most want to let your gaze rest upon? I, naturally, should want most to see the things which have become dear to me through my years of darkness. You, too, would want to let your eyes rest long on the things that have become dear to you so that you could take the memory of them with you in the night that loomed (降临) before you. I should want to see the people whose kindness and gentleness and companionship have made my life worth living. First I should like to gaze long upon the face of my teacher, Mrs. Anne Sullivan Macy, who came to me when I was a child and opened the outer world to me. I should want not merely the outline of her face, so that I could cherish it in my memory, but to study that face and find in it the living evidence of the sympathetic tenderness and patience with which she accomplished the difficult task of my education. I should like to see in her eyes that strength of character which has enabled her to stand firm in the face of difficulties, and that compassion for all humanity which she has revealed to me so often. Oh, the things that I should see if I had the power of sight for just 3 days! 1.What can be inferred from the 2nd paragraph? A. the author is a deaf B. the author is a blind person C. Mrs. Anne Sullivan is a deaf D. Mrs. Anne Sullivan is a blind person 2.According to the passage, Mrs. Anne Sullivan Macy _____. A. failed to make the author’s life meaningful B. was quite successful in educating the author C. showed much impatience with the author D. didn’t believe that the author was able to learn a lot 3.The following have made the author’s life worth living EXCEPT _____ according to the passage. A. kindness B. gentleness C. companionship D. ambition 4.The word “compassion” is closest in meaning to _____. A. companion B. affection C. strength D. determination 5.What does the author want to convey to us in the passage? A. there are only 3 days for her to see the world B. she is longing for many things which are dear to her C. Mrs. Anne Sullivan plays a very important role in her life D. she lives quite a different life from others


大学英语三级A级分类模拟题300 Structure Section A 1、 The first question we now discuss is ______ we should go there so early tomorrow. A. whether B. where C. what D. whom 2、 ______ is reported in the newspapers that the talks between the two companies have not made any progress. A. That B. What C. It D. As 3、 The message ______ Mr. Black was elected chairman of the committee arrived just in time. A. which B. what C. that D. how 4、 The market economy is quickly changing people's idea on ______ is accepted. A. that B. which C. what D. how 5、 I don't doubt ______ the stock market will recover from the economic crisis. A. if B. what C. that D. which 6、 It is important that we ______ the task ahead of time. A. will finish B. finished C. finish D. shall finish 7、 If we ______ more time and money, we could have visited many more places. A. have B. had had C. have had D. could have 8、 Every Monday morning when I am in my small office, I wish I ______ in a multi-national company. A. were working B. have worked C. am to work D. work 9、 Tom might not have made such a serious mistake ff he ______ your advice. A. followed B. follows C. had followed D. has followed 10、 It is required that anyone applying for a driver's license ______ a set of tests. A. take B. takes C. took D. will take 11、 The representative of the company demanded that part of the agreement ______ revised. A. will be B. is C. to be D. be 12、 It is most desirable that he ______ for the information by himself with a few clicks online. A. search B. searched C. has searched D. will search 13、 ______ he was seriously ill, I wouldn't have told him the truth. A. If I knew B. If I know C. Had I known D. Did I know


大字英语三级(A)真题2016年12月 Part ⅠListening C om p r e h e n s i on D i r ec t i on s: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 4 sections. Section A D i r ec t i on s:]Thi s section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1. A.The brand image. B.The marketing strategy. C.The sales plan. D.The company culture. 2. A.Telephone bills. B.Online shopping. C.Telephone banking. D.Credit cards. 3. A.On the third floor. B.On the fifth floor. C.On the sixth floor. D.On the eighth floor. B


大学英语三级作文模拟试题 模拟试题 1 : Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write a composition on the topic On old worshipping . You should write at least 100 words, and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below: 1. 许多青少年将娱乐明星当做崇拜偶像; 2. 对此现象不同的人有不同的看法; 3. 你对此事的看法。 模拟试题 2 : Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write a composition on the topic My ideal job . You should write at least 100 words, and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below: 1. 我理想职业是……,我喜欢它的原因是…… 2. 我如何为它做好准备。 模拟试题3: Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write a composition on the topic Food safety You should write at least 100 words, and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below: 1. 现在食品安全方面的问题频出: 2. 你认为造成这些问题可能的原因;


Part II Structure (15 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your ability to construct grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections. Section A Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 16. We must find a way to cut prices ________ reducing our profits too much. A) without B) despite C) with D) for 17. She didn’t know ________ to express her ideas in English clearly in public. A) which B) why C) what D) how 18. ________ the weather improves, we will suffer a huge loss in the tourist industry. A) As B) Since C) While D) Unless 19. We are happy at the good news ________ Mr. Black has been awarded the Best Manager. A) that B) which C) what D) whether 20. It is important that we ________ the task ahead of time. A) will fish B) finished C) finish D) shall finish 21. Would you please pass me the book ________ cover is black? A) which B) whose C) that D) its 22. ________ in the company for three years, Mark has become experienced in business negotiations. A) Having worked B) Have been working

大学英语三级测试题 (三) 教师版

大学英语三级测试题(三) Part II Vocabulary & Structure Directions: This part is to test your ability to construct grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections. Section A Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 16. Allan is looking forward to _______ the trade fair. A) meet B) meeting C) be meeting D) having met 17. The sales manager had his secretary ________ a press conference for their new products. A) arrange B) to arrange C) have arranged D) arranged 18. The message ________ Mr. Black was elected chairman of the committee arrived just in time. A) which B) what C) that D) how 19. They had talked only for a few minutes ________ they found they were of different opinions. A) unless B) while C) before D) once 20. By the time you month, I ________ my term paper. A) have completed B) complete C) am completing D) will have completed 21. It is important to provide an environment ________ people are encouraged to make suggestions at all levels of the company. A) from which B) on which C) in which D) for which


Part I 1.A)Book a ticket B)Leave Beijing C)Go to America D)Buy some gifts 2.A)An engineer B)A professor C)A secretary D)A manager 3.A)At a book store B)At a bank C)In a office D)In a restaurant 4.A)She can’t see the movie today B) She doesn’t like the movie C) She has already seen the movie D)She prefers to watch movies alone 5.A)Very happy B)Excited C)A little worried D)Proud Conversation 1 6.A)Discussing a project B)Meeting a customer C)Giving a welcome speech D)Taking a job interview 7.A)She can have a higher pay there B)She likes the environment there C)The company isclose to her home D)The company offers a longer paid holiday Conversation 2 8.A)To place an order B)To book a hotel room C)To change an appointment D)To discuss a program 9.A)To sign a contract B)To take a holiday C)To visit his partner D)To have a family gethering 10.A)9 am B)10 am C)2 pm D)3 pm 11.What do many young people think of the Internet? It is a good place to . 12.What can young people practice on the Internet? They can practice by talking with people. 13.What is important for young people to know when talking with strangers online? Talking with strangers online can be . 14.What should you do to protect yourself online? Never give your to anyone. 15What should you do if you feel uncomfortable with the topics of conversation? Stop . Part II Structure (15 minutes) Section A 16. When I am away _____ business, I contact my office every day by email. A. with B. of C. on D. to 17. In addition to economic considerations, there are other reasons _____ people work long hours. A. what B. why C. when D. where 18. There may be a need for retraining if you expect employees _____ new technology. A. using B. use C. to use D. used 19. A survey suggests that nearly one in six children has difficulty _____ to talk. A. to learn B. learning C. learn D. learnt 20. It was in their London branch _____ we met and discussed the issue. A. that B. which C. how D. what 21. The decision about such a big project can not be made _____ each member of the board agrees. A. if B. unless C. though D. as 22. There was no proof to show that Charles had committed the crime, _____ he was set free. A. but B. for C. or D. so 23. Medical accidents _____ by drugs have attracted much attention in that country. A. causing B. to be caused C. be caused D. caused 24. No sooner _____ than I realized I’d left the document at home. A. have we sat down B. had we sat down C. we had sat down D. we sat down 25. the sales department of a company is engaged in _____ the products and making profits. A. selling B. sell C. being sold D. having sold Section B 26. All the staff of the company (work) _______ very hard last year and 15% more profit was gained.
