
Visible light and infrared laser diode can be and multimode optical fiber coupling, through the optical fiber output. The advantages of optical fiber output is free to change the direction of the light path, such lasers to detect more instruments and medical instruments, etc. Fiber export spot size and fiber length can be selected by the customer.
Fiber coupling module has high power, high brightness, light output, the output for the circular beam and small aperture shape and symmetry of light, can be widely used in medical, materials processing, solid state laser pump, industrial and aviation, aerospace and other fields.
Fiber coupling module output wavelength can meet please dozen zero two nine pure two land and pure pure three solid laser pumped, medical diagnosis and treatment of the band. In industrial application can be absorbed by the metal and other materials effectively, can be used for laser welding, punching, and material handling. Small numerical aperture and small optical fiber core diameter effectively improved the output intensity and power density of laser and beam quality.
