



Part l Listening(第一部分听力)

Ⅰ.Listen and choose the right picture(依照你听到的内容,选出相应的图片):(共6分)

1._________ 2._________ 3._________ 4._________ 5._________ 6._________ Ⅱ.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(依照你听到的对话和咨询题,选出最恰当的答案):(共10分)

7.A.A driver.B.A worker.C.A doctor.D.A teacher.8.A.In the office.B.In the library.C.In the classroom.D.On the playground.9.A.Sam.B.Kevin.C.Mr Black.D.Mrs Black.10.A.Sunny.B.Rainy.C.Cloudy.D.Snowy.11.A.Noodles.B.Dumplings.C.Sandwiches.D.Hot-dogs.12.A.On Monday.B.On Tuesday.C.On Thursday.D.On Friday.13.A.New Yea r’s Day.B.Children’s Day.

C.Spring Festival.D.Mid-autumn Festival.

14.A.Teacher and parent.B.Husband and wife.

C.Doctor and patient.D.Father and daughter.15.A.Five.B.Four.C.Three.D.Two.

16.A.He wants more fish.

B.He wants to cook fish.

C.He doesn’t want to eat more.

D.He isn’t a wonderful cook.

Ⅲ.Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判定以下句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用〝T〞表示,不符合的用〝F〞表示):(共7分) 17.Dave climbed the mountain one Monday morning.

18.He fell off a rock and broke an arm.

19.He didn’t take any food or water with him.

20.He made a fire and wrote a message on the ground with stones.

21.Susie called the police and asked them to look for Dave.

22.Susie saw the fire and the message from the police helicopter.

23.Dave was sent to hospital by helicopter after he was found.

IV.Listen to the dialogue and complete the table(听对话,完成以下表格,每空格限填一词):(共7分)


V.Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案):(共20分)

31.Linda always takes_______ active part in sports after school.

A./B.a C.an D.the

32.Betty,let’s make a cake _______some flour,sugar,butter and milk.

A.at B.of C.in D.with

33.David talked with a friend of _______on the Internet for a long time yesterday.A.he B.his C.him D.himself

34._______engineers and workers are helping to rebuild the damaged city.A.Many B.Much C.A little D.A lot

35.Steven and William are keen ______playing computer games.

A.to B.with C.on D.at

36.I knocked on the door several times but ________answered,so I left.

A.somebody B.nobody C.anybody D.everybody

37.Plastic bags have caused serious environmental pollution,________?

A.haven’t they B.have they C.don’t they D.do they

38.The snow storm which hit this area last night was_________ in recent years.A.heavy B.heavier C.heaviest D.the heaviest 39.We should leave early tomorrow morning,_________we won’t get there on time.A.so B.or C.but D.and

40.Bill won’t make any progress ________he studies harder than before.A.if B.when C.because D.unless 41.George was frightened to see a snake in the grass.His face turned ___________.A.pale B.clean C.sadly D.happily 42.After a long journey,the eight pandas from Wolong safely ________in Beijing.A.arrived B.reached C.got D.come

43.Look! Jane’s grandmother _________with some aged people in the park.A.dances B.danced C.is dancing D.was dancing 44.Kevin __________to work in his hometown after he graduated from university.A.goes B.went C.will go D.had gone

45.一Must l return the Magazine to you right now,Sandy?

一No,you_______.You may keep it until next Wednesday.

A.needn’t B.can’t C.must D.may

46.Our headmaster asked us ________a report on how to protect wild animals.A.write B.writing C.to write D.wrote

47.The plane from Shanghai to Paris will ________in an hour.

A.take up B.take away C.take out D.take off

48.Our monitor has won the first prize in the competition.We’re very ________him.A.busy with B.famous for C.good at D.proud of

49.Do you know _________?

A.when will the Beijing Olympic Games end

B.when the Beijing Olympic Games will end

C.When would the Beijing Olympic Games end

D.when the Beijing Olympic Games would end

50.一Would you like me to bring you a cup of coffee?


A.Yes,I’d like to.

B.It’s a pleasure.


D.It doesn’t matter.

Ⅵ.Choose the word or expression which is closest in meaning to the underlined part in each sentence(选择与以下各句中划线部分内容意思相近的单词或短语):(共8分)

Please raise your hands if you agree to the summer holiday plan

52.Most people prefer sending messages by mobile to making phone calls.

53.Although the officers met with a lot of difficulties,they found a solution finally.54.We all clapped our hands when Junking,the brave Shanghai girl entered the hall.

t heard from Mary up till now

56.I saw the young couple watering the flowers in the garden at the moment.

57.Lucy got everything ready before going abroad for her further study in arts.

58.Too much sweet food is bad for your health.You’d better have more vegetables and fruits.VⅡ.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成以下句子。每空格限填一词):(共8分)

59.They bought some _______at the supermarket yesterday.(potato)

60.Mandy has got a lovely dog.________name is Oliver.(It)

61.We still need_________ more chairs for the meeting room. (ninth)

62.The young mother is singing_______ to her baby son now.(soft)

63.Shirley has done n lot of the tourists.She is really a________ guide.(help)

64.It’s difficult for us to tell the ________between these two words.(different)

65.More and more foreigners are learning to________ Chinese nowadays.(speech)

66.A group of young Japanese had an ________tour in our town last month.(enjoy) Ⅷ.Rewrite the following sentences as required(依照所给要求,改写以下句子。每空格限填一词):(共10分)

67.Tell Harry the news when you see him,please.(改为否定句)

_______ _________Harry the news when you see him,please.

68.Mr. Smith has taught in our school for three years.(对划线部分提咨询) _________ ________has Mr Smith taught in our school?

69.Yao Ming is an excellent Chinese basketball player.(改为感叹句)

________ ___________excellent Chinese basketball player Yao Ming is!

70.Junior 3 students began to learn chemistry a year ago.(保持句意差不多不变) Junior 3 students________ learned chemistry_________ a year.

71.The terrible earthquake destroyed thousands of houses in that area.(改为被动语态)

Thousands of houses in that area ________ by the terrible earthquake.

Part 3 Reading and Writing


Ⅸ.Reading comprehension(阅读明白得):(共58分)

A.Complete the following dialogue with proper sentences in the box(选出适当的句子完成以下对话):(6分)

A.How many times?

B.OK, I’ll take your advice.

C.I’ve only had a cup of tea.

D.How are you feeling now?

E.No, but I have a terrible stomachache.

F.How much cake, and how many Cokes?

G.Aren’t you going to give me any medicine?


David:Twice.Once before breakfast, and once five minutes ago.

Dr.Lee:Do you have a headache?


Dr.Lee:You don’t have a temperature right? And how much food have you had today? David:Food! You must be joking! 74 That’s all.

Dr.Lee:And last night? What did you have then?

David:I had a pizza,three hamburgers,two hot—dogs,lots of French flies and two cheese sandwiches.And then I had some cake and lots of Cokes.


David:A big piece of chocolate cake and five Cakes.

Dr.Lee:David,I don’t think you’re really ill.You’ve had too much to eat,that’s all.David:76

Dr.Lee:No.You should stay in belt today,and have a good rest.


B.True or False(判定以下句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用〝T〞表示,不符合的用〝F〞表示):(6分)

Michelle was flying from Houston to London,and during the flight,she began talking to

John,the man in the seat next to her.She found out that he was president of a famous jeans company based in Texas;in fact,she was wearing a pair of blue jeans from his company !But that wasn’t the most surprising thing.He had lived in San Francisco when he was in high school,and it turned out that he knew Michelle’s best friend,who also grew up in San Francisco! They continued talking.And by the end of the flight,they felt that they had known each other for much longer than eight hours.

But back in Houston,Michelle almost forgot about the attractive man she had met on the plane.One evening,she was walking with her dog when a much larger dog came running toward them,growling.The owner was running after it,shouting.He managed to catch the dog just as it was going to attack Michelle’s dog.Michelle was very angry.〝Why don’t you keep your dog on a leash(拴狗带)?〞she shouted.Then suddenly,she looked at him and stopped shouting.〝John?〞〝Michelle?〞they said at the same time.Michelle said,〝Do you live around here? I live on the next street.〞〝I don’t believe it.〞John said.〝In a city of two millon people,you live three blocks from me!〞And in the end,as had to happen,Michelle and John began going out together-all because of seats on an airplane and their dogs.78.Michelle and John were on the same flight from Houston to London one day.79.Michelle was wearing a pair of blue jeans made by John’s company.

80.During their talk,they found they used to be schoolmates in San Francisco.81.Michelle’s dog attacked John’s when the two owners happened to see each other.82.From the story we know that Michelle and John met again in San Francisco.

83.In the end,Michelle and John decided they would never see each other again.C.Choose the best answer(依照短文内容,选择最恰当的答案):(6分)

Story 1

In America in 1940,the twin boys went to live with two different families almost as soon as they were born.The two brothers never saw each other again until1979,when they met by chance at a party.When they started talking to each other,they discovered some amazing similarities(相似处).First,they found out that they both enjoyed making things out of wood.Later on,they discovered that they had both married women called Linda,and that they both had one son whose first and middle names were James and Alan.Besides,both brothers had called their dogs by the same name-Toy.As if that wasn’t enough,they also found out that they both took their family holiday at the same place every year.

Story 2

In 1996,a Filipino woman called Mrs. Jimena told other people that her three children could breathe underwater like fish.Mrs. Jimena said that her children had three small holes on the sides of their necks below each ear,and that these were like the gills(鱼鳃)on fish.Mrs. Jimena said that she didn’t know how to swim and that her children were just starting to learn. Her family lives in a mountain village far from the sea.According to Mrs. Jimena,the holes in h er children’s necks become larger when they are underwater, allowing them to stay underwater for up to six minutes.

Story 3

On 11th October,1994,a 10-year-old English girl called Vicky Willmore told her mother that she had a headache.Soon afterwards,Vicky began writing in mirror image(镜像).She wrote letters and numbers either upsidedown or back-to-front.Although she could read what she wrote,no one else could.She was examined by different doctors,but none of them could find out what was wrong with her.Vicky became very upset,and soon stopped reading and writing altogether.Instead she started watching TV all the time.On 27th ,September 1995,Vicky was watching her favourite football team,Manchester United,play on television.When the team scored a goal,she became so excited that she jumped out of her seat and fell backwards,hitting her head on a coffee table.The next day,Vicky could read and write properly again.

84.The twin brothers didn’t meet each other until _________.

A.1940 B.1979 C.1994 D.1996

85.The twin brothers_______.

A.grew up in two different families

B.didn’t have any similarities at all

C.had two sons named James and Alan

D.didn’t like making things out of wood

86.Mrs Jimena’s children could stay underwater for up to 6 minutes because ________.A.their mother was the best swimmer

B.their village was close to the sea

C.they had holes like gills below ears

D.they bad gills like fish in their necks

87.The 10-year-old English girl changed her proper writing habit _______.

A.soon after she had a headache one clay

B.while she was watching a football match

C.when she hit her head on a coffee table

D.as soon as she stopped reading and writing

88.From the third story we know that ___________.

A.Vicky wrote backwards for nearly three years

B.doctors didn’t know what was wrong with Vicky

C.hitting one’s head can make him write backwards

D.watching football on television can cause trouble

89.This passage consists of three __________stories.

A.traditional B.historical C.frightening D.amazing

D.Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文):(14分)

When I was fifteen I went to a summer camp.There were lots of great 90 but there was one thing I was really scared(可怕)about:climbing the wall.

The wall is a kind of rock that people use to learn how to climb.It is very tall.We were all supposed to chimb the wall,but I knew I couldn’t get to the top because I am 91 heights.I was ashamed and I didn’t want anyone to know that I was scared.I thought they would all laugh at me.I practiced my excuse:〝I’m not scared,you know.I suffer from vertigo(患眩晕症).〞The day came.It was time to climb the wall.The sun was shining but everyone was very quiet that morning.I took photographs at the bottom of the wall and tried to 92 .Everyone in the group went up.Then the moment came.It was my turn.I was so scared that all I could think about was my excuse.Someone said.〝Shall I take your camera?〞and I answered.〝I’m not scared,you know.I suffer from vertigo.〞The 93 was that I was more than scared , I was terrified(吓坏了).The camp leader said,〝Don’t worry,you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.〞I was surprised.Everyone was understanding.No one 94 .The next day,the leader asked me if I wanted to try the wall on my own.95 the others watching.Although I was still very nervous,I agreed and climbed slowly to the top with his help.I was still shaking when I came 96 ,but I was really happy and relieved too.For me,climbing the wall was a real achievement.

90.A.activities B.operations C.accidents D.exams

91.A.poor at B.good at C.afraid of D.fond of

92.A.go B.hide C.appear D.run

93.A.truth B.situation C.story D.reason

94.A.jumped B.cheered C.smiled D.1aughed

95.A.with B.without C.among D.behind

96.A.in B.out C.up D.down

E.Read the passage and fill in the blanks with propel words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14分)

Some people might choose to live in a sleepy village beside woods and lakes,but others enjoy the bright lights and fast pace of the big city.Stephen and Marianna have got different stories.

I was very nervous as I waited to interview one of the most successful women of our times:

Kathy Howe.I was Just a young reporter and she was not only a popular singer but also a famous actress,starring in many movies.

As soon as the door opened,however,and her slim figure appeared,I immediately relaxed.She looked great-with her kind brown eyes,her excellent black hair,and her beautiful smile.I looked for bags under her eyes,but there were none.〝How do you manage to look so good and live life in the fast lane at the same time?〞I asked her.

She laughed,and her whole face shone.〝It’s tiring to be famous.Yon have to work hard,be on time,and take care of yourself.Also,you have to go to Hollywood parties,be taken photos for magazines,and give interviews!〞

As we talked,I found out that Kathy is a very warm and kind person,and that her family is more important to her than being a star.At the same time,she wants to do everything as well as she can,so she can sometimes seem to be hard.

When I asked her if she thought of herself as lucky.she didn’t answer immediately.Then she said,〝Well.perhaps I’m lucky,but I also work very hard,and being famous has weak points,too.In fact,I’ve missed out on lots of things I really enjoy doing,like spending time with my daughter.〞

I felt sad when it was time to leave,as Kathy is a wonderful woman.I have never met anyone else who has such a busy life,and still manages to look so beautiful.

104.How did the writer feel before the interview began?

105.What did Kathy Howe look like when she entered?

106.Kathy Howe thinks being famous is tiring,doesn’t she?

107.What does Kathy Howe think of her family?

108.Does Kathy Howe have much time to spend with her daughter?

109.What kind of person do you think Kathy Howe is?


110.Write at least 60 words about the topic〝Love around me〞.(以〝我周围的爱〞为题写一篇许多于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)


Use the following points as a guide.(短文须包含以下要点


●Is there any love around you? (Give one or two examples.)

●How do you feel when you get love from him/ her/them?

●What are you going to do to show your love?


初一 Unit1 title corner own nearby college university accountant during keen ski table tennis badminton physics ambition enclose height dream probably tie signature idle architect would like to do sth own sth tell you something about myself at university one and a half metres tall during the holiday playing chess be keen on enjoy doing sth work out even if hear from native language live in a flat close to the mountains share sth with sb draw pictures of the mountains family party

attend school on weekdays all over the world 1.I’ve got a letter from my penfriend. 2.He is studying to be an accountant. 3.How many people are there in your family? 4.I can walk to school. 5.My best subject is Physics. 6.My ambition is to be an architect . /I want to be an architect . / I’d like to be an architect. 7.I enclosed a photo of myself. 8.I am in the middle. 9.Which do you want ,rice or noodle? 10.W e do this to express surprise,or other feelings such as happiness. 11.I t was great to hear from you. 12.I hope you’ll write again soon. 13.M y hobby is playing chess. Grammar:: How health/transport how big size How far distance how long duration How much money how old age How many number


2017年上海市普通高中学业水平考试 生命科学试卷 考生注意: 1、试卷满分100分,考试时间60分钟。 2、本考试分设试卷和答题纸。试卷包括两部分,第一部分全部为选择题,第二部分为综合分析题,包括填空题和简答题等题型。 3、答题前,务必在答题纸上填写姓名、报名号、考场号和座位号,并将核对后的条形码贴在指定位置上。作答必须涂或写在答题纸上,在试卷上作答一律不得分。第一部分的作答必须涂在答题纸上相应的区域,第二部分的作答必须写在答题纸上与试卷题号对应的位置。 一、选择题(共80分,每小题2分。每小题只有一个正确答案) 1.某同学从花鸟市场买了一盆幸福树,养了一段时间后发现老叶的叶脉缺绿。他上网查阅 资料得知这是因为叶绿素合成受影响导致的,如果要解决这个问题,给幸福树施加的营养液中应富含 A. Na+ B. Mg2+ C. Ca2+ D. Cl- 2.原核细胞和真核细胞都有的细胞结构是 A. 核膜 B. 核糖体 C. 线粒体 D. 内质网 3.下列化合物中,与葡萄糖的元素组成完全相同的是 A. 纤维素 B. 蛋白质 C. 核酸 D. 磷脂 4.安装于目镜(16X)中的测微尺在低倍物镜(10X)和高倍物镜(40X)视野中每小格 代表的长度分别为6.71 μm和1.68 μm。在高倍物镜下测量到某细胞长度为10小格,则该细胞实际长度为 A. 67.1 μm B. 16.8 μm C. 0.671 μm D. 0.168 μm 5.图1是烟草花叶病毒的示意图,该病毒的遗传物质是 A. DNA B. RNA C. 蛋白质 D. 氨基酸 6.科学家在西伯利亚冻土层发现保存完好的猛犸象肌肉组织,为―复活‖猛犸象,科学家构 想将其肌肉细胞的细胞核注入亚洲象的无核卵细胞中,在体外培养成胚胎后植入代孕母象,这一构想所使用的技术属于


2019-2020年初中毕业生学业考试科学试卷整理 第一册第一章 1、(05浙江选4).小明去校医务室测量身高,医生给他写了个数据:身高1.59,但没有写单位。这个数据后面的单位是:( ) A .牛顿 B .千克 C .秒 D .米 2、(05浙江实验31).人的指甲是不断长长的,但到底是由指甲的哪一部 位长长的呢?某同学对此提出假设:“指甲长长可能是由指甲的根 部不断长长而形成的”。由此他设计了如下实验方案: ①、在指甲的中轴线上,按图所示涂上指甲油(指甲油比较难 以擦去,可以在指甲上保持较长时间)。 ②、半个月后,观察、测量并分析。请回答相关问题: ⑴、如果该同学的假设是正确的,则应观察到AB 间的距离 ▲ (选填“增大”、“不变”或“缩短”)。 ⑵、对于指甲的生长,你还想研究的问题是 ▲ 。 3、(06浙江35).在打羽毛球时,同学们发现羽毛的断落会影响羽毛球的飞行距离、飞行速度及飞行稳定性等。他们讨论后决定从研究羽毛球自由下落这一简单的运动方式入手,探究羽毛断落情况对羽毛球下落速度的影响。 (1)他们从球场收集到六只羽毛球,如下表: 你认为应该选择编号为 ▲ 的三只羽毛球进行对比实验。 (2)甲乙两同学正确选择三只羽毛球后,分别设计以下方案: 甲同学:让三只羽毛球同时从三楼静止释放,比较落地的先后顺序,重 复三次。 乙同学:让三只羽毛球分别从三楼静止释放,测量三只羽毛球落地时的 速度。 请你对甲乙两同学的设计方案作出评价:其中操作上简易可行的是 ▲ 同学的方案。为了使实验结论更可靠,请你对他们的实验过程提出一条建议: ▲ 。 (3)用相同的力、相同的方式拍打羽毛球,不同品牌的新羽毛球飞行的情况并不相同,你认为引起这种现象的可能原因是不同品牌的羽毛球的 ▲ 不同。 第一册第二章 1、(06浙江4).下列生物中能够进行光合作用的是 A .草履虫 B .熊猫 C .桃树 D .草鱼 2、(06浙江29).在做“用显微镜观察人体口腔上皮细胞实验” 时,甲、乙两位同学各自制作临时装片,并在低倍镜下观察, 观察到的物像如图所示, 第35题图 第29题图 甲 乙


2016年上海市初中学生学业测试 生命科学试卷 一、选择题(将下列各题中一个正确选项的编号填入括号内) 1.关于人体的结构层次关系,表述正确的是…………………………………………………………………..() A.组织-细胞-器官-系统-人体 B.组织-细胞-系统-器官-人体 C.细胞-组织-器官-系统-人体 D.细胞-组织-系统-器官-人体 2.下列不属于器官的是…………………………………………………………………………………………………..() A.心脏 B.血管 C.血液 D.脑 3.人体内具有保护内脏、支持躯体和运动躯体功能的是…………………………………………..() A.内分泌系统 B.神经系统 C.生殖系统 D.运动系统 4.下列不属于内环境稳定指标的是………………………………………………………………………………() A.血液的pH为7.35-7.45 B.正常人空腹血糖浓度为3.9毫摩尔/升-6.1毫摩尔/升 C.人体每天唾液的分泌量约为1.0升-1.5升 D.安静时收缩压为13.3千帕-16.0千帕 5.某人身材异常矮小且智力低下,其最可能的原因是………………………………………………….() A.婴幼儿时期甲状腺激素分泌过多 B.婴幼儿时期甲状腺激素分泌过少 C.婴幼儿时期生长激素分泌过多 D.婴幼儿时期生长激素分泌多少 6.下列属于相对性状的一组是……………………………………………………………………………………….() A.人的顺时针发旋和逆时针发旋 B.人的身高和体重 C.绵羊的白毛和山羊的黑毛 D.番茄果实的红色和茄子果实的紫色 7.人体皮肤的免疫功能属于………………………………………………………………………………………….() A.非特异性免疫 B.特异性免疫 C.由巨噬细胞参和的免疫 D.后天形成的防御功能 8.下列细胞或物质中能产生抗体的是………………………………………………………………………….() A.溶菌酶 B.淋巴细胞 C.巨噬细胞 D.红细胞 9.下列关于现场心肺复苏的操作,正确的是………………………………………………………………() A.实施人工呼吸前应立即畅通呼吸道 B.迅速将患者置于侧卧位,判断心跳是否存在 C.如果患者既无呼吸,有无脉搏,就不必进行心肺复苏了 D.胸外心脏按压,双臂绷直斜45度下压 10.下列药物使用方法正确的是……………………………………………………………………………………() A.如果症状减轻,即可马上停药 B.处方药必须凭执业药师的处方才可购买 C.非处方药无需凭医师处方即可购买,因此可以随意服用 D.为了拿去方便,内服药和外用药可混合放置 11.下列植物类群中,有根、茎、叶的分化且不产生种子的是………………………………….() A.藻类植物 B.蕨类植物 C.裸子植物 D.被子植物 12.下列属于环节动物的是……………………………………………………………………………………………() A.蚯蚓 B.蛔虫 C.海参 D.蝗虫 13.桃花中形成果实和种子的结构分别是………………………………………………………………………() A.花托和胚珠 B.胚珠和花托 C.子房和胚珠 D.胚珠和子房


2019年杭州市初中毕业升学文化考试 科学 1.本试卷满分为160分,考试时间为120分钟 2.答题前,在答题纸上写姓名,准考证号,并在试卷首页的指定位置写上姓名和座位号 3.必须在答题纸的对应位置上答题,写在其它地方无效。答题方式评见答题纸上的说明 4.考试结来后,试题卷和答题纸一并上交 5.如需画图作答,必质用黑色字造的钢笔或签字笔将图形线条描黑 可能用到的相对原子质量:H1C12N14O16Na23S132Ca:40Cu:94) 试题卷 一、选择题(本大题共60分,每小题3分,每小题只有一个选项符合题意) 据报道,我省某民营企业研发的“天的”火箭发动机试车成功,这种火箭发动机用液态氧,液态甲烷作燃料,多项指标达到国际先进水平。下列说法不正确的是 A.甲烷是有机物 B.甲烷具有可燃性 C.液态氧是由氧原子直接构成的 D.一定条件下液态氧和液态甲烷能发生化学反应 2.如图是教材中用来表示电解水过程的示意图(其中“)分析示意图,可作出的正确判断是 A.常温常压下水可以发生分解反应 B.电解水的最终产物是H、O原 C.H原子是图示微粒中的最小微料 D.O原子只有在通电条件下才能转化为O2分子 3.繁殖季节,豌豆植株在花瓣打开前雄蕊中的花粉就会从花药中散出来,落在雄蕊的柱头上 一过程称为

A.自花传粉 B.异花传粉C,人工授粉 D.风力传粉 4.胃是人体重要的消化器官。下列有关胃的形态和功能表述错误的是 A.胃是消化道中最膨大的部分,利于暂时贮存食物 B.胃壁中有发达的平滑肌层,能不断蠕动促进食物与胃液的混合 C.胃壁中有胃腺,能分泌胃液,胃液具有杀菌、消化等作 D.胃壁分泌的硝化液中含有消化酶,能完全分解食物中的脂肪 5.双脚站立在水平地面上的一位初中学生,对地面的压强大约为 A.1250帕 B.2500帕 C.5000帕 D.12500帕 6.某一鸟类种群中具有嘴型细长、厚短等不同类型的个体,皆以树洞里的昆虫为食。数百年后,生活在这一地区的该鸟类种群中嘴型细长的个体比例明显增加。根据自然选择理论解释此种现象,下列最合理的一项是 A.嘴型细长的鸟是为适应特定环境而定向变异产生的 B.昆虫栖息场所对鸟类的嘴型起到了不定向的选择作用 C.嘴型细长的鸟在种群中所占比例增加受昆虫栖息场所的影响 D.嘴型厚短的鸟为了要吃到树洞里的昆虫而努力使嘴型变得细长 7.将减毒处理的蛇毒注射到马体内,每隔一段时间进行重复注射,重复注射若干次后,可从这 些马的血液中获得抗蛇毒血清。被毒蛇咬伤的患者,医生会注射抗蛇毒血清到患者体内,以 减轻蛇毒的毒性。下列有关叙述正确的是 A给患者注射抗蛇毒血清的方式称为预防接种 B.抗蛇毒血清本质上是一种高效的蛇毒疫苗 C.上述治疗毒蛇咬伤的方式属于人工免疫 D.注射抗蛇毒血清的目的是引发患者产生抗蛇毒抗体 8.如图是人体内血液离开左心室,经消化器官再回到左心房的循环示 意图,箭头表示学管内血液流动方向。血液重的血红蛋白与氧结合的 血管是 A.甲和乙 B.甲和丁 C.丙和丁 D.乙和丙 9.如图是太阳系部分天体的运行模式图,地球上每天的昼夜交替主要与


2015年上海市初中学生学业考试生命科学试卷 一.选择题(将下列各题中一个正确选项的编号填入括号内) 1.用显微镜观察时,应将所要观察的材料处理成薄而透明的原因是() A.易于染色 B.能让光线透过 C.防止污染物镜 D.便于放置在载物台上 2.右下图为显微镜视野中人血图片(局部),其中对人体有免疫防御功能的是() A.① B.② C.③ D.④ 3.下列属于人体内环境的是() A.口腔中的唾液 B.动脉中的血浆 C.膀胱中的尿液 D.胃中的胃液 4.人体内血液流经肺泡的毛细血管后,血液成分的变化是() A.二氧化碳浓度升高,氧气浓度降低 B.二氧化碳浓度升高,氧气浓度升高 C.二氧化碳浓度降低,氧气浓度降低 D.二氧化碳浓度降低,氧气浓度升高 5.下列关于神经系统及其结构的叙述中,错误的是() A.周围神经系统由脑和脊髓及其发出的神经构成 B.灰质位于脊髓的中央,颜色灰暗,形状似“H” C.神经系统包括中枢神经系统和周围神经系统 D.大脑皮质是调节人体生理活动的最高级中枢 6.婴幼儿对排尿的控制力较弱,主要原因是() A.膀胱小,尿液经常压迫膀胱壁,易产生尿意 B.泌尿系统发育不完善 C.大脑尚未发育完全 D.脊髓的反射功能不完善 7.下列关于染色体和基因的说法中,错误的是() A.染色体由DNA和蛋白质组成 B.染色体通常位于基因上 C.人体体细胞中的每一对染色体,一条来自父亲,一条来自母亲 D.一条染色体上有很多基因 8.下列现象中,属于可遗传变异的是() A.人由于经常锻炼而肌肉发达 B.人由于控制凝血因子的基因发生改变而引起的血友病 C.水稻由于水肥充足而长得穗大饱满 D.玉米植株由于长在阴暗处而叶色变黄 9.一些低强度、不间断、长时间的运动,人体可在不缺氧的状态下进行,并保持适度的呼吸和心跳频率, 这样的运动方式叫做有氧运动。下列不属于有氧运动的是() A.110米跨栏 B.跳长绳 C.慢跑 D.步行 10.下列有关医药常识的叙述中,错误的是() A.非处方药不需要医生处方即可购买,按所附药品说明书服用 B.若木刺刺伤较小较浅,可用消毒的镊子将其拔出,伤口涂抹抗生素软膏 C.医生给高烧病人的额头上敷冷毛巾或冰袋来降温 D.患感冒时,可找出家中储备的感冒药,连同抗生素一起服用


UNIT ONE 1、alive 与living 的区别 通常情况下,alive做表语(be alive),而living一般放在名词前做定语。 For example:That great man is still alive.那个伟人依然活着。 all living things 一切活着的生物 2、thank sb for sth /doing sth因···而感谢某人 e.g.Lily thanked me for helping with her homework. thankful 高兴的,感激的thankfully ad. be thankful for sth 因···不甚感激 be thankful to do sth e.g.I am very thankful for your help.我非常感激你的帮忙。 I was thankful to hear that you got home safely .听到你平安到家的消息,我很高兴。 3、as well as(也,还)与not only···but also(不仅···而且) as well as 连接两个并列成分时,强调前者;而not only···but also强调后者。 e.g.The teacher ,as well as the students ,wish es for a holiday.(把as well as the students提到句子末端) Not only the students but also the teacher wish es for a holiday.(就近原则) 4、be good for 对···有好处 =do good to 反义词:do harm to \be harmful to对···有害 e.g.Taking exercise is good for your health. (=Taking exercise does good to your health .) Smoking is harmful to your health.(=Smoking does harm to your health.) 5、warn警告vt warning警告,提醒n. warn sb (not)to do sth警告(不要)某人做某事 warn sb about sth 警告某人某事 e.g.Mother often warns me not go out after dark.母亲经常警告我天黑后不要出门。 She warned me about the dangerous road.她提醒我马路很危险。 Because of her warning ,I was careful.由于她的提醒,我很小心。 6、communicate vi 沟通,通信communication n. communicate with sb 与某人交流,与···相通 communicate with each other 相互沟通 E.g.My net-pal and I communicate with each other on the Internet.我和我的网友通过网络保持联系。 This room communicates with the other room.这个房间与那个房间相通。 7、hardly ad. 几乎不 e.g.I could hardly understand the theory.我几乎不能理解这个理论。hard adj 坚固的,困难的adv 努力地,剧烈地 e.g.She found it hard to make up her mind .她发现很难下决定。 Study hard ,or you will fall behind.努力学习,否则你会落后的。 8、enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事,享受做某事的乐趣 =have fun ( in)doing sth e.g.I enjoy reading books on weekends.在周末我喜欢阅读。


2017年上海市初中学生学业考试 生命科学试卷 (闭卷考试,考试时间60分钟。成绩分优、良、及格和不及格四个等第。) 题号一二总分等第 得分 一、选择题(将下列各题中一个正确选项的编号填入括号内) 1.右下图①~④示细胞分裂和分化的过程,其中表示细胞分化的是………………() A.① B.② C.③ D.④ 2.人体的四种基本组织中,具有保护、分泌、吸收功能的是………………………() A.神经组织 B.肌肉组织 C.上皮组织 D.结缔组织 3.位于人体腹腔左上部的器官是………………………………………………………()A.胃 B.肺 C.肝脏D.小肠 4.血液和组织液之间进行物质交换的场所是…………………………………………( ) A.心脏B.动脉C.静脉D.毛细血管 5.在血液的组成成分中,具有运输氧气功能的是……………………………………() A.血浆B.红细胞C.白细胞D.血小板 6.一名患者身材矮小、智力低下,很可能他在婴幼儿时期缺乏……………………( ) A.胰岛素 B.甲状腺激素 C.生长激素D.性激素 7.球迷看到进球时,会面红耳赤、心跳加快、血压升高,这一生理过程属于……() A.内分泌调节 B.神经调节 C.激素调节 D.神经一激素调节8.以下关于青春期生理变化的叙述中错误的是………………………………………() A.脑神经细胞数量迅速增多B.心脏收缩能力大大提高 C.第二性征发育显著D.身高体重迅速增长

9.下列属于人体可遗传变异的是………………………………………………………() A.经常练习举重的人,胸肌发达 B.一对正常夫妇生育了白化病女儿 C.到高原旅游后血细胞的比例发生变化D.太阳晒多了皮肤变黑 10.下列关于安全用药的做法,正确的是………………………………………………() A.干吞药物 B.为了早日恢复健康,加大用药剂量 C.根据医嘱,按时服药 D.一旦发现感冒,立即服用抗生素类药 11.下列属于藻类、苔藓和蕨类植物共同特征的是……………………………………( ) A.水中生活B.没有输导组织 C.不能产生种子D.有根、茎、叶的分化 12.下列是水产市场常见的动物,其中属于软体动物的是……………………………( ) A.海蜇 B.海参C.沼虾 D.乌贼 13.将糖和酵母菌放入装有温水的玻璃瓶中搅拌,并把挤瘪的小气球套在瓶口,一段时间后,小气球会胀大起来(如图)。对此现象的解释正确的是……………………() A.酵母菌分解糖产生氧气B.酵母菌分解糖产生二氧化碳 C.酵母菌分解糖产生乳酸 D.酵母菌利用糖合成淀粉 14.) 酒精浓度0(清 0.25%1%10% 20% 水) 每10秒水蚤心跳次数(平均值) 35 4530 23 死亡 A.水蚤心率随酒精浓度升高而升高 B.酒精浓度对水蚤心率没有影响 C.酒精浓度太高会导致水蚤死亡 D.水蚤心率随酒精浓度降低而降低 15.一个池塘中的全部鲫鱼组成了一个…………………………………………………( ) A.种群B.群落C.生态系统D.生物圈 16.生长在同一块田里的水稻和稗草之间的关系是……………………………………( ) A.互助B.竞争 C.捕食D.共生 17.近年来,“加拿大一枝黄花”在国内迅速蔓延,对生态环境造成了巨大影响。下列叙述 错误的是…………………………………………………………………………………( ) A.破坏了本地生态系统的稳定性 B.危害本地生物多样性 C.引入新的生物物种,可大力推广D.抑制当地原有物种的正常生长 18.修剪下的行道树枝叶不就地焚烧,而用于栽培蘑菇等,其意义是………………()


2011年初中学业考试说明(科学考试目标)(一)科学探究(过程、方法与能力) 单元考试内容考试要求 科学探究▲1.提出科学问题 ①从日常生活、自然现象或实验现象中发现并提出可以进行 科学探究问题 ②概述提出问题的途径和方法 ③理解提出问题对科学探究的意义 b b b ▲2.进行猜想和假设 ①根据生活经验或已有知识对问题的成因提出猜想 ②通过思考提出可检验的猜想和假设 ③对探究的方向和可能出现的实验结果进行推测与假设 ④理解猜想和假设在科学研究中的作用 b b b b ▲3.制定计划,设计实验 ①针对探究目的和已有条件,确定相关实验原理,列出探究 实验所使用的相关材料、仪器、设备等,设计相关实验方案, 画出相关装置图 ②分析影响实验结果的主要因素,对所研究问题中的各种变 量(自变量、因变量、调节变量)进行确认和分类,应用控 制变量方法来设计实验 ③将变量转化为可感知、可量度的事物、现象和方法(行为), C C C b

说明在实验中如何测量一个变量,说明需要“做什么”和“怎么做”, ④理解制订计划和设计实验对科学探究的意义 ▲4.观察与实验,获取事实与依据 ①说明事实具有可辨识的特征和属性 ②能使用基本仪器(刻度尺、量筒、天平、秒表、温度计、显微镜、电流表、电压表、普及型天文望远镜等)进行安全操作 ③依据某一属性(或规则)进行有计划地观察;由不同的角度或方法进行一系列比较和测量观察;能针对变量的性质,采取合适的测量策略 ④会记录和处理观察、测量的结果 ⑤理解实验对科学探究的作用b b b b b ▲5.检验与评价 ①将证据与科学知识建立联系,得出基本符合证据的解释 ②区别与预测结果不一致的现象,并作出简单的解释 ③对探究过程和证据获得方式、方法、过程做出合适评价,能说明反常结果和证据的不可靠,或解释证据是否充分支持结论 ④对观察和测量的精确性作出评价,能提出增加证据可靠性或获得进一步证据的相关探究的具体改进建议 ⑤理解科学探究需要运用科学原理、模型和理论b b c c b


Chapter1词类和词类转换 1.1词的分类 n. pron. adj. num. v. adv. art. prep. conj. interj. 1.2词类转换 1.派生词(词根+词缀) 2.兼类词(词形不变,多个词性) 3.合成词(一般由两个或两个以上的词合成) Chapter2名词 2.1名词的数 1.名词复数的构成(规则变化、不规则变化) 2.惯用单数或复数的名词 如sports meet,take notes等 2.2可数名词与不可数名词 1.可数名词量的表示 基数词+可数名词,如twenty cups; 可数名词可与(a)few,many,a large/small number of,some等连用表示不定数量。 2.以复数形式出现的名词量的表示 如a pair of shoes. 3.不可数名词量的表示 如a piece of news. 2.3能兼用作可数与不可数名词的物质名词

如sheep,ice cream等. 2.4同一名词用作可数与不可数名词时的意义差别 如change(零钱、变化). 2.5名词所有格 1.名词所有格的构成 2.- ’s所有格的主要用法 3.of结构表示的所有关系 Of+名词,如the end of the term. 4.双重所有格 Of+名词所有格,如a friend of Mr.White’s =one of Mr. White’s friends. Chapter3代词 3.1人称代词 1.人称代词主格与宾格形式 2.人称代词的用法 3.it的用法

(1)it作代词代替上文中提到的无生命的事物或幼儿、动物。(2)作“这、那”解,指心目中的人。 (3)作无人称动词的主语,表示时间、天气和距离。 (4)作先行词,引导非谓语动词如动词不定式。 3.2物主代词 1.物主代词形式 物主代词分为形容词性和名词性。 2.物主代词的用法 3.3反身代词 1.反身代词形式


2019年上海市初中学生学业考试 生命科学试卷参考答案及评分要点 (试卷卷面总分为100分,考试成绩按“优”、“良”、“及格”和“不及格”四个等第表述。)一、选择题(本大题共20分,每小题1分) 二、简答题(本大题共80分,每空格1分) 21.(9分) (1)B (2)反射弧效应器传出神经传入神经 (3)④脊髓大脑皮质(大脑) (4)无膝跳反射或有伸小腿反应,大脑对脊髓的活动能够进行调节和控制(说明:此空格为1分,主要关注“大脑对脊髓的活动能够进行调节和控制”)22.(7分) (1)变异(2)显性隐性(3)蛋白质基因(4)A (5)母亲 23. (10分) (1)消化小肠吸收营养物质(2)呼吸增多 (3)泌尿(肾小管)重吸收(4)②(5)神经内分泌 24.(7分) (1)抗原抗体(2)细菌空气传播(3)预防接种疫苗(合理即给分)(4)水痘-带状疱疹病毒寄生 25.(5分) (1)120 (2)② A (3)E→C→D(4)B 26.(9分) (1)脊柱(2)节肢具有外骨骼,身体分节,附肢分节(合理即给分) (3)两栖Pelophylax 双名(4)种多近 27.(13分) (1)显微镜为了可见光能穿过被观察的物体 (2)①、⑥与外界环境进行(物质)气体交换进行光合作用(合理即给分)叶脉上海市教委教研室保留版权学业考试(2019)初中生命科学试卷参考答案第1页(共2页)

(3)①传粉③种子⑥子房( 4)吸引昆虫 28.(8分) (1)流线(纺锤)(2)鳍鳃鳞片(3)不恒定 (4)以防损伤鲫鱼的内部器官 (5) (6)从前往后、从上往下、由表及里(写出一个即给分) 29.(12分) (1)水生植物、水生动物、微生物水、阳光、空气等(合理即给分)分解 (2)太阳的光能单向流动逐级递减(3)通气组织发达 (4)①重复3次实验选择20只水蚤而不是1只水蚤(合理即给分) ②经过梦清园人工湿地后,水质有改善,水蚤成活率增加(或随着时间的推移,水 蚤的存活数减少) (5)浇花、环卫用水等(合理即给分)作为肥料 学业考试(2019)初中生命科学试卷参考答案第2页(共2页)


1、 一、试题描述: 履带式拖拉机的履带是由一块块金属板做成的,每块板上都有一、二条凸起的棱,则:(▲) A、金属板和它上面的棱都是为了减小对地面的压强和摩擦。 B、金属板和它上面的棱都是为了增加对地面的压强和摩擦。 C、金属板是为了减小对地面的压强,棱是为了增大对地面的摩擦。 D、金属板是为了增大对地面的压强,棱是为了减小对地面的摩擦。 答案:C 一、试题描述: 1、小轿车上大都装有一个指示灯,用它来提醒司机车门是否关好。四个车门中只要有一个车门没关好(相当于一个开关断开),该指示灯就会发光。下列几幅模拟设计电路图中,你认为最符合上述要求的是 ( ▲ ) 答案( D ) 一、试题描述: 2.区别盐酸和稀硫酸最好使用……………………….....................( D ) A.指示剂 B.碳酸钠溶液 C.硝酸银溶液 D.氯化钡溶液 5、 一、试题描述: 3.坐在逆水行驶的船中的乘客 ,我们说他静止是以下列哪个物体为参照物. ........................................................................... ................... ( B ) A.河岸上的树 B.船舱 C.迎面驶来的船 D.河水 一、试题描述: 1、电磁炉是利用高频电流在电磁炉内部线圈中产生磁场,磁化铁质铁锅,从而形成无数个小涡流(即电流),加速锅底分子运动,使锅底自身发热达到加热食品的目的,它具有安全可靠、节能环保等优点,是现代家庭中理想的灶具。下列有关电磁炉的说法正确的是() A、电磁炉在使用中利用了电流的磁效应和化学效应。 B、电磁炉在事业中会产生烟尘和废气。 C、电磁炉加热食物时把电能转化为内能。 D、铁、铝、铜锅都可以在电磁炉上使用。 答案(C) 一、试题描述: 2.如图所示,在B木块上放有铁块A,A、B两块物体间用绳子相连,在水面处于平衡状态;当把木块B翻转后,铁块A落入水中并处于平衡状态(A没有碰到底),这时候容器内的水面将()


2006年上海市初中学生学业考试 生命科学试卷 一、选择题(将下列各题中一个正确选项的编号填入括号内) 1.构成人体的基本结构单位是………………………………………………………………… ( ) A .组织 B .细胞 C .器官 D .系统 2.右图表示构成人体心脏的一种组织,它具有收缩和舒张功能。该组织的名称是…………( ) A .上皮组织 B .肌肉组织 C .结缔组织 D .神经组织 3.在维持内环境稳定的过程中,能将氧气和营养物质输送到组织细胞中去的是…………( ) A .消化系统 B .呼吸系统 C .循环系统 D .生殖系统 4.下列哪种激素分泌不足可导致糖尿病?……………………………………………………( ) A .甲状腺激素 B .胰岛素 C .生长激素 D .雄性激素 5.下列各项中能控制蛋白质合成的是…………………………………………………………( ) A .糖类 B .脂肪 C .维生素 D .基因 6.下列紧急情况的救护中,需要进行心肺复苏术的是………………………………………( ) A .中风 B .骨折 C .大面积烧伤 D .溺水导致的心跳骤停 7.右图为缩手反射的反射弧模式图。神经冲动在该反射弧中的传导顺序是………………( )

A.2→1→3→5→4 B.4→5→3→1→2 C.2→1→5→4 D.4→5→1→2 8.联合国将每年的5月31日定为“世界无烟日”,今年“世界无烟日”的主题是“烟草吞噬生命”。长期吸烟易导致下列哪种疾病的发生?…………………………………………………() A.肺部病变B.艾滋病C.肝炎D.流感 9.下表为某成年男子的血液常规化验结果,其中指标异常的是……………………………() A.红细胞(RBC)B.白细胞(WBC)C.血红蛋白(Hb)D.血小板(PLT) 10.根据健康新概念,健康是指…………………………………………………………………() ①躯体健康②心理健康③道德健康和社会适应良好 A.①②B.①③C.②③D.①②③ 11.下列是对不同伤口的处理方法,其中错误的是……………………………………………() A.对于四肢部位较浅的刺伤,可用消毒过的镊子拔出刺入物,并涂抹抗生素软膏即可B.对于有毒硬物引起的深度刺伤,可用消毒过的镊子将刺入物拔出后,再用“创可贴” 覆盖即可 C.对于出血不多、伤口较小且比较干净的割破伤,可用碘酒消毒,然后再用“创可贴” 覆盖即可 D.对于出血较多、伤口大而深的割破伤,应立即压迫止血,在包扎后赶紧送医院治疗12.下列植物类群中,没有真正根、茎、叶分化的是……………………………………………() A.藻类植物B.蕨类植物C.裸子植物D.被子植物13.下列植物类群中,最高等、最繁茂的类群是………………………………………………()


VI. Reading comprehension(阅读理解)(共50分) C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(17分) A Nowadays more and more people are crazy about travelling. Why do people travel? “To see more of the world,” many people would say. But travelling abroad now means much more than that for the growing number of Chinese tourists. Of course it o 86 us good opportunities to meet people from other countries, learn about their culture and customs. According to the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), more than 1 billion people travelled to a 87 country in 2012. In 2012, Chinese people travelled abroad 30 percent more than in 2011. The prosperity (繁荣) of the tourism industry can also bring both our country and foreign countries in economy of great benefits. Chinese people usually join large tourist groups and visit several countries in one trip. “A Chinese person is not going to the Mediterranean (地中海地区) just to visit one place…These are the travelers of the future,” said the UNWTO. Chinese people don’t just travel for s 88 , either. The China International Travel Service Company said that all their tour trips sold out a month before Christmas Day. Stores offered discounts during that time. So shopping in Europe and the United States is popular a 89 Chinese travelers. In December, China is going through a very cold winter. So many people like go to some countries in Southeast Asia because the weather there is quite p 90 . “I want to enjoy the sunshine and beaches there, rather than the cold in Beijing,” said Hong Qian, who took a holiday to Malaysia. He spent ten days there with his family. His wife was very interested in Penang, an island city in Malaysia. The improvement of living standards means more Chinese can travel abroad. But many of them don’t have a s 91 of public manners. A report by Living Social website in March 2012 even listed Chinese as the world’s second worst tourists, after Americans. If you want to change that bad name, remember to avoid the following: littering, spitting, snatching (抢夺) bus seats, line-jumping, taking off shoes in public, talking l 92 and


金东区2013年初中科学学业考试模拟试题卷本卷可能用到的相对原子质量:H-1 C-12 O-16 Cl-35.5 Ca-40 一、选择题(本大题共有20小题,每小题3分,共60分。每小题只有一个选项是正确的,不选、多选、错选均不给分) 1.人类生活与环境质量息息相关,同时,人类的生产和生活也影响着环境。下列环境变化与人类活动无直接 ...关系的是 A.近年来全球平均气温逐年升高 B.去冬我国多地持续出现雾霾天气 C.近来天气忽冷忽热,春如四季 D.金华本地酸雨率近年持续增高 2.若用一台显微镜观察同一标本四次,每次仅调整目镜、物镜和细准焦螺旋,结果得到下列各图。试问其中视野最暗的是 A B C D 3.下列关于光现象的说法正确的是 A.彩虹是由于光的反射形成的 B.光从空气进入水中,传播方向一定改变 C.人能通过平静的湖面看到自己的脸是光的折射现象 D.阳光照射下,地面上呈现电线杆的影子是由于光的直线传播形成的 4.今年3月8日的气温格外带劲,浙江省大部分地区在29℃以上,最高气温出现在丽水的青田县,达31.6℃,是1951年以来3月上旬的最高记录。这天的最高气温估计出现在 A、午夜2时左右 B、午后2时左右 C、中午12时左右 D、日出前后 5.正确的实验操作是科学探究成功的基础,下列各项操作中错误 ..的是 A.闻气味 B.检查气密性 C.收集二氧化碳气体 D.测定溶液的PH值6.新交通法明确规定不得醉酒驾车。醉酒的人驾车时明显表现为反应慢、动作不协调,从而影响各项操作。造成驾车人动作不协调的主要原因是酒精麻醉了人的 A.大脑 B.脊髓C.小脑 D.脑干 7.如图所示是一种指甲刀的结构示意图,下列说法正确的是 A.剪指甲时,ABC是一个省力杠杆 B.D处刀刃较薄,可以增大压力 C.杠杆ABC上有粗糙的花纹,可以减小摩擦 D.剪指甲时,刀给指甲的压力与指甲给刀的阻力是一对平衡力


上海市初中英语教学基本词汇表 说明: 1.本词汇表包括表(一)(单词)及表(二)(词组)。要求掌握读音、拼写并正确运用。2.本词汇表是以《课程标准》为依据,并兼顾上海市二期课改英语学科的新教材,即《英语》(牛津上海版)和《英语》(新世纪版)而确定的。 3.人称代词、数词和冠词不在本词汇表范围内。 表(一)单词(Words) A able adj.能够;有能力的 ★ability n.能力;才能 about prep.关于 adv.大约;到处;四处 above prep.在……上面 abroad adv.在国外 ★accept v.接受;认可 accident n.车祸,事故;意外的事accurately adv.精确地 achieve v.得到;实现 across prep.穿过;横过 act v.扮演;表演 n.行动 active adj.积极的;主动的 activity n.活动 actor n.男演员 actress n.女演员 add v.加上 addition n.加;增加 address n.地址 ★adopt v.采用,采纳;收养 ★advantage n.有利条件;优势;优点advertisement n.广告 advice n.劝告;忠告 ★afford v.担负得起……的费用;抽得出(时间) afraid adj.害怕;担心 Africa n.非洲 after prep.在……之后,在……后面 adv.在后;后来 conj.在……之后 afternoon n.下午 again adv.再一次,再;又 against prep.反对 age n.时代;年龄aged adj.有……之年岁的 agent n.代理人 ago adv.以前 agree v.同意;应允 ahead adv.在前 aim n.目的 v.瞄准 air n.空气;大气 air-conditioner n.空调 airline n.航线 airport n.机场 alarm n.警报 alive adj.活着的 all adj. 1.(修饰单数名词)全;总;整 2.(修饰复数名词)全部;所有的 adv.全部 pron.全部;全体人员 n.全部;全体人员 allow v.允许,准许 almost adv.几乎,差不多 alone adv.单独地 along prep.沿着;顺着 adv.向前;和……一起;一同already adv.已经 also adv.也 although/though conj.虽然;尽管altogether adv.总共;全部地 always adv.总是;永远 A.M.(a.m.) 上午 amazing adj.令人惊讶的 ambition n.雄心;野心 America n.美国;美洲 American adj.美国的;美洲的 n.美国人 among prep.在(三者或三者以上)之间;
