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ll help to clean up the city parks 'Unit2 I Section A

I hope to travel to America next year.

①hope to do sth希望做某事【考点分析2】

怀着......希望②in the hope of... 【拓展】in the hospital





help②clean up (1a)the

city parks.你可以帮助打扫城市公园。帮助【考点分析1】help v →helpful adj. 有帮助的 help sb.( to) do sth 帮助某


用(食物等))( to

help oneself in the hospital“在医院”

help sb. out

帮助某人克服困难 A. in a hospital B. in the hospital C. in hospital D. in hospitals ....

an't help doingc sth

情不自禁做1、 —He looks unhappy today. —Let's .

A. cheer him up s just behind you.James, help__________(you) to some salad , it 1、'

B. help out him

C. look him after

D. argue with him

4. The boy could give out food at the food bank. 男孩可以在食物站分发食物。(1b)

t find my English book. Could you help ____ find it?

2、I can'

【考点分析】give out =hand out 分发(v. +adv) D.them C.me A.her B.him hand out bananas

Help ________ to some fish, Jeff. give out sth to sb. 分….给某人 3、

1 、Our teacher begins__________________(D. yourself 分发) our test paper. A. you B. your C. yours

1、Many social workers went to Ya'an to help clean water and food to local people to

reduce their pain from the earthquake. 用完 eat up 熬夜打扮dress up stay up 吃完use up 打开open up

C. work out

D. give out A.put out B. come out The classroom was so dirty .

I decided ____.

C. clean up it

A. clean it up

B. to clean it up

kids sick①3.The girl could visit the ② cheer them up.③(1b)to in the hospital 大声哭小心 cry out 售完find out 查明;弄清sell out look out女孩可以去医院看望

生病的孩子们,让他们振作起来。 fall out掉出来 try out试用 put out 扑灭break out突然发生

】1【考点分析sick adj. “生病的”tsunami. Many volunteers___ food and water to the local people in Japan after the 1、 sick /ill 【拓展】辨析D.found out

C.put out B.cut out A. gave out

making a plan . ) (put off5.Clean-up Day is only two weeks from now . We can' t



---精品文档欢迎来主页下载D. rules

C. hobbies A. choices 【考点分析】put off B. plans 推迟 put off doing sth 推迟做某事1、It's a bad habit to _______ what you can do today until tomorrow.help out(2d)with? 哦,他们让你帮助做些什么?9. Oh , what did they ask you to

使某人脱离困境 help sb. out 【考点分析】 D. put off help out 帮助;帮助......出来 A.write down B.talk about C.worry about

He ______ plenty of money to the people in the earthquake area ______. 、相关的短语:1【拓展】与put B. handed out, help them out A. put out, to work out well put up 张贴收起来 put on 穿上…put away 把D. gave away; to help them out C gave out, work out well 熄灭put out ……放进 put down 放下


used to be.(2d)10.They told me stories about the past and how things We'll ___an English play “Snow White” during this year's Art Festival.1、他们给我讲过去的故事,并告诉我过去事情是什么样子的。 D.put on B.look out

A.look up C.put off

The fireman soon ____ the big fire. 2、Tom used to be short. 过去常常是【考点分析】 used to be +adj.

A.put off

B.put up 那听起来挺有趣。 11.That

sounds(2d) interesting. music How —does the 可指悦耳的声音也可指噪音(n.)指

自然界中所有的声音, C.put out D.put on a We heard 【考点分析】sound (1)n声音sound sound to you? 听起来,似乎,其后加表语(形容词,介词短语,名vi. and each could (①call up) 10 students ②6.We strange sound. —It sounds beautiful. 词)(2b)

ask them to come sound/noise/voice辨析:【拓展】Don't make such a noise. 一般指很响的,刺耳的声音,即喧闹,嘈杂声等noise 个学生打电话并请他们10 我们可以

