



Document serial number【UU89WT-UU98YT-UU8CB-UUUT-UUT108】



1 顺译法

1.1 顺译成被动句

1.2 顺译成主动句

2 倒译法

2.1 把by后的宾语倒译成汉语的主语

2.2 把其他介词后的宾语倒译成汉语的主语

2.3 倒译成汉语的无主句

3 分译法



1 顺译法 (Translation in Original Order)

1. 1 顺译成被动句



例1:Vitamin C is destroyed when it is overheated.


例2:Once the flower has been pollinated and fertilized, the plant provides the newly formed seeds with a reserve of food materials, which will be needed when they themselves germinate.【译文】花一旦被授了粉并受了精,植株就会对新生种子提供养料贮藏,以备种子未来发芽之需。

例3:She thought all was fair and legal, and never dreamt she was going to be entrapped into a feigned union with a defrauded wretched, already bound to a bad, mad, and imbruted partner! (Charlotte Bront: Jane Eyre)


B. 译成“挨”字句


例1:The boy was criticized yesterday.


例2:I was caught in the downpour.


C. 译成“给”字句


例1:Our clothes were soaked with sweat.


例2:The crops were washed away by the flood.


例3:Your car was towed away by a towing truck from Lewis Company.


D. 译成“叫、让、由、受、遭到、受到、予、予以、加、加以、引以、为……所、经……所”等字句,用以加强说话、表达语气。

例1:You have been wetted in the rain.


例2:The γ-rays are not affected by an electric field.


例3:A lot of houses and buildings, roads and bridges were damaged in the seaquake.


例4:It must be dealt with at the appropriate time with appropriate means.


课堂互动1:翻译下列句子, 顺译成被动句。

1.Those who perform deeds of merit will be rewarded.


2.A program called a compiler was written by an expert in machine code and is stored in the computer.


3.Translation techniques should be paid enough attention to.【译文】翻译技巧应予以足够的重视。

4.The applicants interviewed are required to hand in some necessary material.


5.Television keeps us informed about current events at home and abroad.


1. 2 顺译成主动句

A. 顺译成形式是主动,意义上是被动的句子


例1:Love can not be forced.


例2:Love and cough cannot be hidden.


例3:My holidays afternoons were spent in rambling about the surrounding country. (Washington Irving)


例4:Illness must be correctly diagnosed before they can be treated with medicine.


B. 改变原文的谓语动词,顺译成主动句


例1:The teacher was satisfied with the answer.


例2:I am told you are careless.


例3:The long river is originated from that high mountain.【译文】这条大河发源于那座山。

C. 顺译成“是……的”结构



例1:That ridiculous idea was put forward by his brother.


例2:The credit system in America was first adopted by Harvard University in 1872.


例3:Poetry was chanted to the accompaniment of the lyre.


例4:The left ear is controlled by the right side of the brain.【译文】左耳是由大脑的右侧控制的。

课堂互动2:翻译下列句子, 顺译成主动句

1.This is a question to be answered at once.


2.We are deeply touched by the hero’s loyalty to the cause.【译文】我们深为英雄忠于事业的精神所感动。

3.The novels of Dickens have already been translated into many languages.


4.The discovery is highly appreciated in the circle of agricultural science.


5.Wells and spring are supplied with underground water.


6.I was received by a tall, lithe, vibrant woman in her 70’s, white-haired, and still beautiful.


2. 倒译法 (Translation in Reverse Order)


2. 1 把 by 后的宾语倒译成汉语的主语

例1:Yet, only a part of this energy is used by man.


例2:Rivers are controlled by dams.


例3:We are brought freedom and happiness by socialism.


例4:Light and heat can be given to us by the sun.


例5:At least two quarts of water are required daily by a normal individual.


2. 2 把其他介词后的宾语倒译成汉语的主语

例1:Heat is removed from the body during sweating.


例2:Abundant exercises and problems are provided in this reference book.


例3:The same signs and symbols of mathematics are used throughout the world.


例4:50 laboratories have been built in our school.


例5:The compass was invented in China 4 000 years ago.


2. 3 倒译成汉语的无主句


例1:Quality of products must be guaranteed first.


例2:The goods are urgently needed.


例3:Smoking is not allowed here.


例4:Children should be taught to speak the truth.


例5:You are supposed to pay right after the books are delivered.



1.Tremendous research work is required to bring about such fantastic speeds.

【译文】要达到如此神奇的速度,需要进行大规模的研究工作。2.Helsinki became a flourishing port, and a university was founded at Turku.


3.The matter was never mentioned again ever since.


4.I am saying that if they are read in a historical order, the effort is rewarded.


3 分译法 (Splitting Translation)


3. 1 “It + be + V.-ed + that-cl. ”结构

It is asked that …有人会问……

It is asserted that …有人主张……

It is felt that …有人感到……;人们认为……;

It is preferred that…有人建议……

It is recommended that …有人建议……;有人推荐……

It is suggested that …有人建议……

It is stressed that …有人强调说……

It will be said that …有人会说……

It is believed that …有人相信……

It is estimated that …有人估计……

It is announced that …有人通知……; 有人宣称……

It is pointed out that …有人指出……

It is claimed that …有人宣称……

It is declared that …有人提出……

It is described that …有人介绍说……

It has been objected that …有人反驳说……

It is thought that …人们认为……;有人认为……

It is taken that …人们认为……

It is reputed that …人们认为……

It is regarded that …人们认为……

It is noticed that …人们注意到……;有人指出……It is noted that …人们注意到……;有人指出……

It is sometimes asked that …人们有时会问……

It was told that …人们曾说……

It is supposed that …人们猜测……

It is expected that …人们希望……

It is hoped that …人们希望……

It is still to be hoped that …我们仍应希望……

It is generally considered that …大家认为……

It is well known that …众所周知……

例1:It is pointed out that there may be as many as 100 000 different sorts of proteins in a man’s body.


例2:It is well known that laughter has a tonic effect on the mind and body, suffusing the body with a feeling of well-being.【译文】人们知道,笑具有健身作用,身心皆宜,它可以使人体充满一种愉快的感觉。

例3:During the enquiry, it was discovered that her death had not been an accident.


例4:It is generally assumed that the ascertainment and recording of facts is the technique of history, and that the phenomena in the province of this technique are the social phenomena of civilization.


3. 2 “S + be + v.-ed + to-v.”结构


S + be known to-V …大家知道,…… /人们(都)知道,……S + be held to-V …人们认为,……

S + be considered to-V …我们认为,……

S + be found to –V …人们发现,……

S + be thought to-V …有人认为,……

例1:All bodies on the earth are known to possess weight.


例2:Little Derick was found at his book in the reading room.【译文】有人看见小德里克在阅览室看书。

例3:The existence of oil wells has been known for a long time.【译文】人们很早就知道油井的存在。

例4:She was much run after in her youth.


3. 3 译成“据”字句

原句的主语也是名词或人称代词,翻译时常把被动的部分译成“据……”,然后再按主谓顺序译出其余部分。常见于下列句型结构。S + be said to-V …据说……

S + be reported to-V …据报道……

S + be stated to-V …据称……

S + be known to-V …据了解……

例1:She is said to have studied English for three years.


例2:The area is known to be rich in natural resources.


例3:The coming physics examination is said to be rather difficult, so we get well prepared for it.


例4:The novel is said to be translated into English


3. 4 译成汉语的无主句


S + be now thought to-V …现在认为,……

S + have been found to-V …已经发现,……

S + should be pointed out that …应当指出……

S + may be safely said that …可以有把握地说……

例1:It is now thought to have infoldings and outpouchings.


例2:The so-called precious pearls have been found to be common stones.


例3:You are cordially invited to a party to be given at the Teachers’ Club at 3 p.m. Nov. 23.




1.Guilin is known to be one of the most beautiful places in China.


2.It is generally considered not advisable to act that way.


3.Yet, what we say here will not be long remembered. What we do here can change the world.




翻译的基本技巧 被动语态的翻译

翻译的基本技巧——语态转换译法 语态转换译法 1 顺译法 顺译成被动句 顺译成主动句 2 倒译法 把by后的宾语倒译成汉语的主语 把其他介词后的宾语倒译成汉语的主语 倒译成汉语的无主句 3 分译法 一、顺译法 既保留原文的主语,又要使译文主要成分的顺序和原文大体一致的翻译方法就叫顺译法。 1 顺译法 (Translation in Original Order) 1. 1 顺译成被动句 A.译成“被”字 所谓“被”字句,就是在汉语的动词前面加上一个“被”字来表示被动的句子。主要表示这个动作不利于受事者或这个情况有点特殊,或者出乎意料。加上“被”字以引起读者的注意并表示“被”这一动作动作接受者(受事者)是不乐意或不情愿接受的。 例1:Vitamin C is destroyed when it is overheated. 【译文】维生素C受热过度就会被破坏。 例2:Once the flower has been pollinated and fertilized, the plant provides the newly formed seeds with a reserve of food materials, which will be needed when they themselves germinate. 【译文】花一旦被授了粉并受了精,植株就会对新生种子提供养料贮藏,以备种子未来发芽之需。例3:She thought all was fair and legal, and never dreamt she was going to be entrapped into a feigned union with a defrauded wretched, already bound to a bad, mad, and imbruted partner! (Charlotte Bront?: Jane Eyre) 【译文】她以为一切都是公正合法的,做梦也没想到过自己竟会被诱入欺诈婚姻的圈套,跟一个骗子、疯子、十足的坏蛋缔结姻缘。 B. 译成“挨”字句 “挨”仅用于翻译该动作是对动作接受者(受事者)不利或不好的句子。 例1:The boy was criticized yesterday. 【译文】这孩子昨天挨了一顿批评。 例2:I was caught in the downpour. 【译文】我在大雨中挨浇了。 C. 译成“给”字句


被动语态翻译 英语中被动语态使用范围很广,凡是在不必或不愿说出或无从说出施动者以及为了便于连贯上下文或者为了强调动作的承受者等场合,往往都用被动语态。英语被动句的翻译主要有以下几种情况: 一、译成汉语主动句。 1.原句中的主语、谓语不变,译文中没有表示被动的标志,如“被、把”字等,形式上是主动句,表达被动意义。例如:Eg. On Practice has been translated into many foreign languages. 《实践论》已译成许多国家的文字。Eg. The whole country was armed in a few days. 几天以内,全国就武装起来了。 2.原句中的主语移到谓语之后,译作宾语。Eg. Another middle school has been set up in our district.我们区又办了一所中学。Eg. 1,200 people had been saved soldiers in the earthquake. 在地震中,战士们已救出1200人。 3.译成带表语的主动句。Eg. The decision to attack was not taken lightly. 进攻的决定不是轻易作出的。Eg. In the old society,women were looked down upon. 在旧社会,妇女们是受歧视的。 4.含主语从句的被动句型译为主动句。以it作形式主语的英语句子,翻译时常要转为主动形式,有时可加上“有人”、“大家”、“我们” 等不确定主语。例如:Eg. It is reported that the enemy has been breeding new strains of killer viruses.据报道敌人正在培育新的杀人病毒。Eg. It is suggested that meeting be put off till next Monday.有人建议会议推迟到下星期一举行。Eg. It is well known that natural light is actually made up of many colours.众所周知,自然光其实是由许多种颜色构成的。 这类句型还有:it is said that... /It is supposed that.../It must be pointed out that.../It is asserted that.../It is generally considered that... 二、译成汉语被动句 为了强调被动动作或突出施动者时,可以将英语被动句译为汉语被动句。 1.汉语句中有“被”、“遭受”等词。Eg. North China was hit by an unexpected heavy rain,which caused severe flooding.华北地区遭受了一场意外的大雨袭击,引起了严重的水灾。Eg. The window pane was broken by the child. 窗上玻璃被这小孩打碎了。 2.译成“为……所”的结构。Eg. Granny Wang was forced by familv circumstances to enter a knitting mill in Shanghai as a child labourer at the age of twelve. 王大妈为家境所迫,十二岁就到上海一家针织厂作童工。Eg. I was so impressed by these words that I used them later for a Christmas card. 我为这些话所深深感动,后来我就把它们写在圣诞卡上了。三、译成“招”、“使”和“由”字句 Eg. The famous hotel had been practically destroyed by the big fire. 大火使这家著名的旅馆几乎全部毁坏。Eg. The plan is going to be examined first by the research group. 计划将先由研究小组加以研究。Eg. By evening the occupation was complete,and the people were chased off the streets by an eight o'clock curfew. 至傍晚,占领已告完成八点钟开始的宵禁把人们从街上赶回家。四、译成无主语句 Eg. Some measures must be taken to control the water pollution. 必须采取某些措施来控制水污染。Eg. Methods are found to take these materials out of the rubbish and use them again. 现在已经找到了从垃圾中提取这些材料并加以利用的方法。 综上所述,英语被动句多数情况下译成汉语的主动句,只有在特别强调被动动作或特别突出被动句才译成汉语被动句。我们要选一种既符合汉语习惯,又保持上下文连贯的译法。同时,既要注意语态转换的一般规则,也要注意其例外情况,有的被动语态形式已习语化了,更是不可忽视的。


第二节词类转译(Conversion) 在英译汉过程中,有些句子可以逐词对译,有些则由于英汉两种语言的表达方式不同而无法“一个萝卜一个坑”,原文中有些词在译文中需要转换词类,汉语译文才通顺、自然。有4种情况: 一、转译成动词 英语和汉语比较起来,汉语中动词用得多,可以几个动词或动词性结构连用,而英语句子中往往只有一个谓语动词。如:He admires the President stated decision to fight for the job.谓语动词只有一个admire,其它的是过去分词stated、派生名词decision、不定式to fight和介词for. 汉语没有词形变化,但可以几个动词连用译成。汉语应该是:“他对总统声明为保住其职位而决心奋斗表示钦佩。” 英语中有不少词类,尤其是名词、介词、形容词、副词,在汉译时常转译成动词 (一)名词转动词 英语中大量由动词派生的名词和具有动作意义的名词往往转译成动词: 1.动词派生的名词转译成动词,在政论文体中使用较多。 1)Abraham Lincoln fought for the abolition of slavery. 林肯为废除奴隶制而奋斗。 2.含有动作意思的名词转译成动词,在记叙文和描述性文体中使用较多。1)He had a plan to study abroad. 他曾打算去国外留学。 3. 英语中有些加后缀的名词,有时并不总是指其身份和职业,而是含有较强的动作意味。在汉语中没有对应的名词时,往往译成动词。 1)He is a very good story-teller. 他善于讲故事。 2)He is a lover of Chinese painting.他喜爱中国画。 3)Some of you in your class are good singers.你们班上有些人歌唱得很好。 但如确指职业,不再转译:She’s a well-known singer.她是位著名的歌唱家。 4.作为习语主体的名词往往可以转译成动词。 1)Shall we have a res t? 我们休息一下,好吗? 2)Let me have a try. 我来试一下。 (二) 介词转动词 英语中含有动作意味的介词汉译时可以译成动词。 1)Jiao Yulu worked long hours, on meager food, in cold hut, by dim lamp. 焦裕禄吃着简单的饭食,住在寒冷的草棚,靠着昏暗的灯光,长时间地工作着。 (三)形容词转译成动词 英语中表示知觉、情感、欲望等心理状态的形容词,在联系动词后做表语时,往往转译成动词。诸如,able, afraid, angry , anxious, ashamed, aware, careful, cautious, certain, concerned, confident, delighted, doubtful , ignorant, glad, grateful, sorry, sure ,thankful,… 1) The doctors said that they are not sure they can save his life. 医生们说他们不敢肯定能否挽救他的生命。


1.重复法 有时,为了强调或使行文生动, 往往需要对一些关键词加以重复,以便给读者留下深刻的印象。 Gentlemen may cry peace, peace---but there is no peace. 1.1 英译汉 英语和汉语中都有省略现象。英语多按语法形式省略以避免重复,多省略所有格、形容词和介词后面的名词,助动词、不定式后面的动词,系动词后面的表语,主谓一致时的主语或谓语等。译成汉语时,这些省略掉的词语往往要补上,这就构成了汉语的重复。 1.1.1 原文为省略表达 They seek to attract, retain and develop other people to their full abilities. 他们设法吸引大家,留住他们,并使他们充分发挥才能。 Let’s make joint efforts to build a peaceful, beautiful and prosperous new world. 让我们共同努力,建立一个和平的新世界、美丽的新世界和繁荣富强的新世界。 1)重复英语名词 The doctor will get more practice out of me than out of seventeen hundred ordinary patients. 医生从我身上得到的实践,会比从1700个普通病人身上得到的实践还多。 I don’t like chocolate icecream, I prefer vanilla. 我不喜欢巧克力冰淇淋,我更喜欢香草冰淇琳。 2)重复英语动词 Our goal is to improve the productivity as well as the income of the farmers. 我们的目的是提高生产力,同时,还要提高农民的收入。 They wanted to determine if he complied with the terms of his employment and his obligations as an American. 他们想要确定,他是否履行了受雇条件,是否履行了作为美国公民所应尽的职责。Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man. 读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,笔记使人准确。 1.1. 2.原文为替代结构 英语中的替代结构主要有代词、替代词so、替代动词do等。英语往往用代词来替代上文刚出现过的名词,而汉语则更习惯于重复名词。英语中的代动词及代动词词组,如do、do so、do it 等,在译成汉语时往往用重复法译成动词。另外,英语中的替代句型,如if so、“so do +主语”等,也常用重复法译成汉语。 1)重复句中被代词替代的名词 Happy families also had their own trouble. 幸福的家庭也有幸福家庭的苦恼。 All bodies consist of molecules and these of atoms. 一切物体都有分子组成,分子又是由原子组成。 He hated failure; he had conquered it all his life, risen above it, despised it in others. 他讨厌失败,他一生中曾战胜失败、超越失败、并且藐视别人的失败。 If an atom contains three protons, it must have three electrons to be electrically neutral. 如果一个原子含有三个质子,这个原子必然有三个电子,使之不带电荷。 2)重复英语中做先行词的名词 英语中的定语从句常用关系词引导,关系词 有两个语法功能:(1)它代表定语从句所修饰的那个先行词(名词或代词);(2)它在从句中担任一个成分。汉语中没有先行词,因此,在英译汉时,往往需要重复这个作先行词的名


被动语态练习题 1.我们希望你尽快完成那项工作。 2我们已在会议上讨论了那个重大的问题。 3.学生们经常在课上做那样的练习题。 4.明年他们将在这条河上建一座新大桥。 5.你的家庭作业做完了吗? 6.这家工厂制作这种自行车。 7.上课之前我们必须交上数学练习本。

8.我们把这个房间当作会议室使用。 9.明天他们会完成植树吗? 10.你可以早一点做完它。 11.我看见她从学校出来了。 12.她给了我一件生日礼物。 13.我们还没有担完水。 14.你能在两小时之内干完活吗? 15.我从没听他说过关于这件事.

16.即使问题的确出现了,也可以轻易地得到改正或解决。 17.在全体工作人员的共同努力下,这项生产计划得以顺利实施。 18.人们重新发现了古代文明。 19.教授们因此得到了报酬。 20.人们预计直到2000年那个国家的失业率都会保持稳定。 21.必须立刻处理他频繁的逃课问题。

22.人脑与电脑的区别可以用一个词形容:复杂性。 23.从那以后人们通常认为它是一把双刃剑,就像人的克隆一样,在增加我们的财富以及给我们带来舒适的同时,其潜在的危险又让人们感到恐慌。 24.人们相信核能是我们这个时代最伟大的革新之一,然而人们又担心它会毁灭世界。 25.一种在世界范围内迅速传播的计算机病毒已

经感染了50000多台电脑。 26.大体上来说,人可以分为三种:一种是劳累至死的,一种是忧心至死的,还有一种无聊至死的。 27.总的来说, 得出这种结论是有一定把握的, 然而,必须具备两个条件:能够假定这个孩子与他的竞争能力对手对考试已经有着相同的态度;他也不会因为缺乏对手们已掌握的有关知识而被处罚。


被动语态的翻译 教学内容 ?1、英语中常用被动语态的情况 ?Why passive voice is used in English? ?2、汉语中被动意义的表现方式 ?How the sense of “passiveness” is conveyed in Chinese ?3、英语被动语态的翻译 Memo ?Suppose a little boy broke someone’s window. ?1. Your son broke my window. ?2. The window was broken by your son. ?Notes: If the owner of the house wants to complain to the boy’s parent, he would say “1”; ?But if he just talks about the window and does not want to trace the responsibility of the incident he would simply say “2”. ?When the crude oil is obtained from the field, it is taken to the refineries to be treated. The commonest form of treatment is heating. When the oil is heated, the first vapors to rise are cooled and become the finest petrol. Petrol has a low boiling point; if a little is poured into the hand, it soon vaporizes. Gas that comes off the oil later is condensed into paraffin. Last of all the lubricating oils of various grades are produced. What remains is heavy oil that is used as fuel. ?When the crude oil is obtained from the field, it is taken to the refineries to be treated. The commonest form of treatment is heating. When the oil is heated, the first vapors to rise are cooled and become the finest petrol. Petrol has a low boiling point; if a little is poured into the hand, it soon vaporizes. Gas that comes off the oil later is condensed into paraffin. Last of all the lubricating oils of various grades are produced. What remains is heavy oil that is used as fuel. ?一、被动语态在英语中的运用 被动语态的广泛使用是英语区别于汉语的一大特点。这一特点在科技英语语体中反映得尤为突出。这不仅是因为被动结构比主动结构更少主观色彩,结构更简单,还因为有不必、不愿或无从说出施动者等情况的存在。 ?1、不知道或没有必要说明动作的执行者是谁。例如: Such books are written for children. We haven’t been told about it. The English evening has been put off till Saturday. ?2、出于礼貌措辞等方面考虑不愿说出动作的执行者是谁。例如: You are requested to give a performance. It is said that you were late for class this morning. Why were your late? ?3、无从说出施动者是谁。例如: You’re wanted on the phone. The problem is being studied. Rice is chiefly grown in the south. ?4、为了便于上下衔接。例如: He appeared on the stage and was warmly applauded by the audience.


精心整理 翻译的基本技巧——语态转换译法 语态转换译法 1顺译法 1.1顺译成被动句 1.2顺译成主动句 2倒译法 2.1把by后的宾语倒译成汉语的主语 2.2把其他介词后的宾语倒译成汉语的主语 2.3倒译成汉语的无主句 3分译法 一、顺译法 既保留原文的主语,又要使译文主要成分的顺序和原文大体一致的翻译方法就叫顺译法。 1顺译法(TranslationinOriginalOrder) 1.1顺译成被动句 A.译成“被”字 所谓“被”字句,就是在汉语的动词前面加上一个“被”字来表示被动的句子。主要表示这个动作不利于受事者或这个情况有点特殊,或者出乎意料。加上“被”字以引起读者的注意并表示“被”这一动作动作接受者(受事者)是不乐意或不情愿

接受的。 例1:VitaminCisdestroyedwhenitisoverheated. 【译文】维生素C受热过度就会被破坏。 例2:Oncetheflowerhasbeenpollinatedandfertilized,theplantprovidesthenewlyformedseedswithar eserveoffoodmaterials,whichwillbeneededwhentheythemselvesgerminate. 【译文】花一旦被授了粉并受了精,植株就会对新生种子提供养料贮藏,以备种子未来发芽之需。 例3:Shethoughtallwasfairandlegal,andneverdreamtshewasgoingtobeentrappedintoafeignedunio nwithadefraudedwretched,alreadyboundtoabad,mad,andimbrutedpartner!(CharlotteBront?: JaneEyre) 【译文】她以为一切都是公正合法的,做梦也没想到过自己竟会被诱入欺诈婚姻的圈套,跟一个骗子、疯子、十足的坏蛋缔结姻缘。 B.译成“挨”字句 “挨”仅用于翻译该动作是对动作接受者(受事者)不利或不好的句子。 例1:Theboywascriticizedyesterday. 【译文】这孩子昨天挨了一顿批评。 例2:Iwascaughtinthedownpour. 【译文】我在大雨中挨浇了。 C.译成“给”字句 “给”也是用于翻译该动作对动作接受者(受事者)不愉快或不愿接受的句子。 例1:Ourclothesweresoakedwithsweat.

第三章 翻译的基本技巧2

第三章翻译的基本技巧 Translation Techniques 第二部分 Part Two Procedures of today: * Amplification vs. Omission * Affirmation vs. negation * Repetition * Exercises in class * Assignments of today 增译法 Amplification p.p.41—43 * 英译汉的增词主要是出于汉语表达的需要,用增词法译出原文所省略的词语,增添必要的连接词、量词或复数概念,表现不同的时态或先后顺序,或从修辞连贯等方面考虑,使译文的遣词造句符合汉语的表达习惯。 * 汉译英的增词旨在使译文符合英语的语法结构和表达习惯,常用于代词、冠词、连接词以及介词的增添。 Some more examples: * Matter can be changed into energy, and energy into matter. * 物质可以转化为能量,能量也可以转化为物质。 * Better be wise by the defeat of others than by your own. * 从别人的失败中吸取教训比从自己的失败中吸取教训好。 * Since air has weight, it exerts force on any object immersed in it. * 因为空气具有重量,所以处在空气中的任何物体都会受到空气的作用力。 * The mountains began to throw their long blue shadows over the valley. * 群山开始向山谷投下一道道蔚蓝色长影。 * We won’t retreat; we never have and never will. * 我们不会后退,我们从来没有后退过,我们将来也决不会后退。


被动语态翻译练习 I. 请按照课上学到的方法翻译下列句子: 1. However, care needs to be taken to ensure that this feedback is itself not too loud or distracting. 【译】不过,这里也要小心处理声音的大小,要确保反馈声音的音量不能太大或者产生干扰。 2. A lot of attention was paid to Michael Jordan 's retirement from the National Basketball Association. There were endless television replays of his leaping and twisting shots . 【译】迈克尔·乔丹从美国国家篮球协会退役一事引起了人们的极大关注,他的跳跃和转体跳投的镜头在电视上无休无止地回放着。 3. Proper account should be taken of confidential business information. 【译】对于商业机密的信息,须做适当的考虑。 4. Amazon 's warehouses are stocked with 4.4 million yards of ribbon and 7.8 million sq . ft. of wrapping paper . 【译】亚马逊各地的仓库存放着440万码包装袋,780平方英尺包装纸。 5. These old-style cartoons would not apply today--apart from being present at the birth itself , fathers are encouraged to spend time with the mother and baby , and babies are usually kept with the mother as opposed to being placed in a nursery elsewhere. 【译】这些旧式的漫画如今不适用了,且不说分娩时让父亲们在场,还鼓励她们与母亲和婴儿待在一起,婴儿通常也与母亲在一起,而不是放在别处的婴儿。 6. To provide this global Internet research service , panelists are being recruited worldwide to agree to be monitored by the service , and to provide survey results for businesses which want to target consumers through the Internet . 【译】为了提供这项全球因特网研究服务,公司正在全世界招募研究小组成员,他们需同意接受检测并为那些想通过因特网捕捉消费者的商家提供调查结果。 7. Both technologies are being explored now, but both are still in the beginning stages of development. 【译】两种技术现在都在探索中,但都还处于初步开发阶段。 II. 请翻译下列段落: 1. To be really happy and really safe, one ought to have at least two or three hobbies, and they must all be real. It is no use starting late in life to say: “I will take an interest in this or that.” Such an attempt only aggravates the strain of mental effort. A man may acquire great knowledge of topics unconnected with his daily work, and yet hardly get any benefit or relief. It is no use doing what you like; you have got to like what you do. 【译】要想真正生活得幸福和平安,一个人至少应该有两三种业余爱好,而且必须是真正的爱好。到了晚年才开始说“我要培养这个或那个兴趣”是毫无用处的。这种尝试只会增加精神上的负担。在与自己日常工作无关的领域中,一个人可以获得渊博的知识,但却很难有所收益或得到放松。不能爱哪行才干哪行,要干哪行爱哪行。


【英语】被动语态详解+例句(1) 一、单项选择被动语态 1.A lot of small towns in the area are definitely worth ________. A.to be visited B.being visited C.visiting D.to visit 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 主动形式表达被动意义。句意:这个地区的许多小城镇绝对值得一游。be worth doing sth“值得做某事”,主动形式表达被动意义。故选C项。 2.(江苏四校第四次考试)The flood has caused a lot of damage to that area and the figures of the missing________shortly. A.will be published B.have been published C.had been published D.are published 【答案】A 【解析】 考查时态。shortly不久,不多时,在句中作时间状语,表示将来,所以空处应该用将来时。句意为:这场洪水给那一地区造成了很大损失,失踪人数很快就会公布。 答案:A 3.—The manager has come back from his business trip. He is asking you for the report. — Oh,my god ! I haven’t finished it yet. But he ________ back at the company tomorrow. A.was expected B.will expect C.expected D.will be expected 【答案】A 【解析】 试题分析:考查时态和语态。句意:——经理出差回来了。他正在问你要报告。——哦,天哪,我还没完成呢。但是本来预计他明天回公司。根据语境,是过去预料他明天会回来,而且经理是被预计,故用一般过去时的被动。故选A。 【名师点睛】时态的考查要根据本句的句意,这句话一定要根据上下文判断动作发生的时间,要细心体会语境。还要注意时态语态。 考点:考查时态和语态 4.Many artifacts ________ for the first time in the National Museum at present. A.were exhibited B.were being exhibited C.are being exhibited D.are exhibited 【答案】C 【解析】考查动词时态与语态。句意:许多史前古器物目前正在国家博物馆首次展出。根


英语被动语态的翻译策略 【摘要】英语被动语态的使用非常广泛,汉语却相对较少使用。本文从比较英汉被动语态的表达方式与使用范围差异入手,发现英语显性形式的结构被动句使用普遍;而汉语存在“受事施动化”现象,常以主动形式表达被动意义。借用《名利场》与杨必译本这一对名著名译作为对比材料,归纳被动语态的翻译策略,并揭示翻译实践的启示。 【关键词】被动语态;英汉翻译策略;《名利场》;杨必译本 一、引言 语言的表达丰富多彩不拘一格。这也对翻译工作者提出了挑战,只有熟悉语言之间的差异,才能选择最理想的翻译策略。刘宓庆指出:“翻译实务也好、翻译研究也好、对比分析也好,思维上的选择性和批判性都是至关重要的,目的是择善从优,而这里的‘善’就是真实,‘优’就是‘适应性’(adaptability)――适应于目的、效果,适应于整体的,全局的发展”(x)。因此,翻译思维必须具有高度的选择性和批判性。译者必须丰富自己的语言能力,根据语境选择恰当的翻译策略。

《名利场》杨必译本以其生动流畅的语言被奉为经典译文。文心在《一仆二主》中如此评价:“读《名利场》,如读传统的白话文小说,通俗清新、美丽流畅的译文一下子拉近了读者与原著的距离,让人感到亲切、和蔼,欢欢喜喜地读下去”。杨必的译文之所以能达到这样的效果,不止是译者透彻理解原作,更在于译者能突破英语语法的束缚,采用丰富的翻译手段,从而译出了通达自如富有韵味的译文。因此本文选择这样的佳译,来比较英汉被动语态的差异,探究英语被动语态的翻译策略,希望能对翻译实践有所启示。 二、英汉被动语态的比较与分析 (一)基本特征与结构形式 被动句可以分为结构被动句和意义被动句。“结构被动句(syntactic passive)指可借助形态变化,即用动词的被动语态从结构上标示出来的被动句;意义被动句(notional passive)指不用动词的被动语态,而用主动的形式表达被动的含义”(邵志洪,230)。 英汉被动语态的使用差异很大。就基本特征而言,汉语的语态范畴是词汇化来表现,而英语用动词的屈折形态变化来标定。结构上,汉语的结构被动句基本有两类:①词汇标志,即“被”、“叫”、“给”、“让”;②“为…所”式、“是…的”式、“…的是…”式等特殊句式。英语句子必须主谓结构,若选择受事者作主语,则谓语基本结构固定,为“be + past

实用英汉翻译技巧与实践(Chapter 1&2)

An Applied Course in English-Chinese Translation Skills and Practice 实用英汉翻译技巧与实践 (Definition of Translation) 1.2 翻译的原则(Principles of Translation) 忠实(Faithfulness) 通顺(Smoothness) 1.3 翻译的基本步骤(Basic Steps in Translation) a. 原文理解(Comprehension of Source Texts) ?词义确定(Determination of Word Meaning) It is quite another story now. The officials concerned refused to confirm the story in the Post. The white-haired girl's story is one of the saddest. A young man came to police station with a story. ?语法分析(Grammatical Analysis) W hile I was waiting to enter university, I saw advertised in a local newspaper a teaching post at a school in a suburb of London about ten miles from where I lived. ?逻辑判断(Logical Judgement) H e bought a picture of the house which many people thought to be replica. ?文体把握(Understanding of Style) 旅游景点警示语:路滑, 小心跌倒! 译1:The road is slippery, fall down carefully! 译2:The path is so slippery that you should be careful not to fall down. 译3:Slippery // Wet path! b.译文表达(Expression of Target Texts) c. 译文校核(Proofreading of Target Texts) 1.4 翻译的主要方法(Major Translation Approaches) a. 直译法(Literal Translation) p aper tiger l ose face r unning dog G ood to begin well, better to end well. b. 意译法(Free Translation) Q ueen’s English s mall talk r eceive glove money E very life has its roses and thorns. c. 归化法(Domestication) b lack sheep a s timid as a hare d.异化法(Foreignization) 1.5 翻译的常用技巧(Practical Translation Skills)


被动语态的翻译 英汉两种语言都有被动语态,但由于表达习惯上的差异,英语往往习惯用被动语态来表达,而汉语则和主动语态来表达。如:That young man cannot be relied upon.译成汉语就应该是“那位年轻人不可信赖”或者“我们不能信任那位年轻人”。如果将此句译成汉语的被动句“那位年轻人不可以被信赖”,译文就会显得很别扭,不符合汉语的表达习惯。由此可见,翻译时经常进行语态的转换是十分必要的。英语中被动语态的使用十分广泛,尤其在考研翻译中,这种现象更为多见。相比之下,汉语被动语态使用的范围要小得多。因此,在英译汉时,大量被动语态的句子需要通过种种方法加以处理,以保证译文通顺流畅地表达原意。英语被动语态的汉译一般有以下几种方法。 一、译成汉语主动句 将英语被动语态译成汉语主动语态的方法一般包括以下几种: (一)保存原文主语 当英语被动句中的主语为无生命的名词,而且句中不出现由by引导的行为主体时,翻译时往往将原句中的主语仍然译成主语。 The meeting is scheduled for April 6th. 会议定于四月六日举行。 Water can be changed from a liquid into a solid. 水能从液体变成固体。 When rust is formed , a chemical change has taken place. 当锈形成的时候,就发生了化学变化。 (二)主宾颠倒 英语中很多被动句子在表示行为主体的词前都加上by,翻译时可将这类by结构中的宾语译成主语,而将原来的主语译成宾语。 She was given a new pen by her father. 她爸爸送给她一支新钢笔。 Heat and light can be given off by this chemical change. 这种化学反应能放出热和光。 Only a small portion of solar energy is now being used by us. 现在我们只能利用一小部分太阳能。 有时英语被动句中并未出现by结构,而只是代之以一个由介词短语构成的状语。这时仍可采用主宾颠倒的译法,将介词短语中的名词或名词词组译成句子的主语。Communication satellites have already been used for living transmission in our country. 我国已将通讯卫星用于实况转播。 The numerical data concerned are provided in the next chapter. 下一章提供了有关的数据资料。 (三)增加主语 有些英语被动句并未在句中出现表示行为主体的词或词组,在翻译这类句子时,可适当增添一些不确定的主语,如“人们”、“有人”、“大家”、“我们”等。 The issue has not yet been thoroughly explored. 人们对这一问题迄今尚未进行过彻底的探索。 She was seen to enter the building about the time the crime was committed. 有人看见她大致在案发时进入了那座建筑物。


翻译技巧2 增译法Amplification 增译法定义: 为了使译文忠实地表达原文的意思与风格并使译文合乎表达习惯,必须增加一些在修辞上,语法结构上,语义上或语气上必不可少的词语。 例1. You got a prejudice all right---- against a race that’s black. That’s why I called you white racist that night. But when you deal with a black person, I don’t feel any bad vices. 你这个人确有偏见。你(结构性增补)对整个(语义性增补)黑人种族抱有偏见(结构性)。那天晚上,我说你是个白人种族主义者,道理就在这里。但是当你跟一个具体的(语义性)黑人打交道时,我倒不(修辞性增补)觉得你有什么恶意。 其实地上本来没有路,走的人多了,也便成了路。 Actually the earth had no roads to begin with, but when many men pass one way , a road is made. 一. 翻译省略成分引起的增译 例1. Histories make men wise; poets witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep. 读史使人明智,读诗使人灵秀。 数学使人周密,科学使人深刻。 例2. She makes a good teacher,as she has a good student. (误译) 她成为一个好教师,因为她有一个好学生。 (正译) 她原先是个好学生,现在是个好教师。 has (助动词) 后省略了过去分词made 例3. Using a web-enabled phone to post status updates and send messages is still a niche activity in many countries, but it will rapidly become a mainstream one as mobile-broadband services overtake fixed-line ones in a few years' time. 在许多国家,使用具备网络功能的电话来发布最新情况、发送消息,仍是小众化的活动,但随着移动宽带服务在几年内超过固定线路服务,用手机上社交网络很快就会成为主流业务。 二.语义修辞上需要的增译 1. 增加动词 例:Listen to them long enough and you come away with the impression that your teapot will soon be twittering about what you had for breakfast. 听他们说多了,你就会产生这样的印象,觉得自己的茶壶很快就会在微博上发消息谈论你早餐吃的东西。 twitter作动词用,是科技英语中新出现的词汇,表示发微博,此处加上动词“谈论”使语义更为完整流畅。 2. 增加名词 例1. 他的科学著作在英语国家中得到广泛阅读。 His scientific works were widely read in English-speaking countries. 例2. 领导人对两国关系非常关心。 英语中有许多抽象名词,这词若直译,不能给人予具体明确的含义。因此,汉译时要加上“性”,
