


Reading the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给) (14分)

When I was 13, my only purpose was to become the star on our football team. That means beating out Miller King, who was the best p 81 at our school.

Football season started in September and all summer long I practiced. I carried my football wherever I went.

Just before September, Miller was struck by a car and l 82 his right arm. I went to see him after he came back from hospital. He looked very pale, but he didn`t cry.

That season, I broke all of Miller`s r 83 while he watched the home games from the bench. We went 10-1 and I was named most valuable footballer ,but I often had crazy dreams in which I was to blame for Miller’s a 84 .

One afternoon, I was crossing the field to go home and saw Miller stuck going over a fence, which wasn’t hard to climb if you had b 85 arms. I’m sure I was the last person in the world he wanted to accept assistance from. But even that challenge he accepted. I helped him move slowly over the fence. When we were finally safe on the o 86 side, he said to me,"You know, I didn’t tell you this during the season, but you did fine. Thank you for filling in for me .

His words freed me from my bad dreams. I thought to myself, even though he had only one arm he was more of a leader. Damaged but not defeated, he was s 87 ahead of me. I was right to have admired him. From that day on,I grew up and became a little more real.

答案:81-87 player;lost;records; accident; both; other; still

Reading the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给) (14分)

In 1997, Lottie Williams was walking through a park in Oklahoma, in the US, with her friends. Suddenly something tapped her on the shoulder and fell to the ground. She picked the object up. It was about as heavy as an empty soda can.

L___________81 scientists told her it was a piece of a Delta H rocket that had been used to launch a satellite.

Many countries around the world have sent satellites into space. We need satellites to send receive TV and radio signals, to r________82 the weather and for many other things. But when

they become old or they break down or we don’t need them any more, we just leave them there. They become space junk.

Scientists think there are about 16,000 objects larger than 10 centimeters wide flying

around the Earth, and tens of millions of smaller objects too. They travel at around 7 kilometers a second. That’s fast! And it’s their speed that makes these pieces of space junk really d__________83. If one small piece of space junk hits something at high speed, it can do a lot of damage. Luckily, there haven’t been many collisions(撞). But in 2009, an old Russian satellite hit and destroyed an American satellite---and that c__________84 2,000 new pieces of space Junk!

Pieces of space junk re-enter the Earth’s atmosphere every day. But Lottie Williams is

the o__________85 person who has been hit. The piece that hit her was light, and the air in the atmosphere had slowed it down. Most space junk burns up and doesn’t reach the Earth’s s__________86. But in 2011, a metal ball 35 centimeters wide fell to Earth in Namibia, Africa. It made a hole in the ground 30 centimeters d__________87 and over 3 meters wide. Lottie was lucky she wasn’t hit by that!

答案:https://www.360docs.net/doc/ff18467973.html,ter 82. report 83. dangerous 84. caused 85. only 86. surface 87. deep

Reading the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给) (14分)

Reading the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给) (14分)

This is a true story of a teenager caught in a deadly storm. He m 81 to stay alive by using tips the survival TV shows taught.

One Sunday, Nicholas went skiing. In the early afternoon, a fierce snowstorm swept into the area. Unable to see far, he accidentally turned off the path. Before he r 82 this, Nicholas found he was lost! He didn’t have food, water, a phone, or other useful things.

Nicholas had no idea where he was. He told himself to be c 83 . He thought about all the survival shows he had watched. He decided to stop skiing. He needed to find shelter from the freezing wind and snow.

Nicholas built a snow c 84 . He gathered a huge amount of snow and dug out a hole in the middle with his skis. He got in. Then he put branches on himself, like a

b 85 , to stay as warm as he could. He ate snow and drank water from a nearby streams so that his body wouldn’t lose too much water.

The next day, Nicholas went out to look for help, but he couldn’t find anyone. He didn’t dare to go too far, o 86

he might not be able to find his way back. Without shelter, he could die that night. On Tuesday, Nicholas went out again. He had walked for about a mile when a volunteer searcher found him.

Nicholas had often watched Bear Grills’ survival show Man vs. Wild. That’s where he learned the tips that helped him survive. When Grills heard about Nicholas experience, he said it was really a 87 that the teenager had made it. He told the reporters that most people would likely make big mistakes if they were lost in a deadly storm.


81. managed 82. realized 83. calm 84. cave 85. blanket 86. or 87. amazing

Reading the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给) (14分)

Paper cutting can be seen in many parts of China during the Spring Festival. People stick patterns on the window, doors or desks for the festival.

A thousand years ago, paper cutting was used for decoration. A____81______to historical books, women in the Tang Dynasty used paper cutting as headdress. In the Song Dynasty, it was the decoration for the gifts. And People pasted them on windows, doors, walls, mirrors or lanterns. Some people made a living by the skill.

Paper cutting is all made by hand. It is e____82____ to learn. You need only a knife and paper. It can be one piece of paper or many pieces. Simple patterns can be cut with a knife. For complicated patterns, people first pasted the pattern on the paper and t____83______used various kinds of knives to make it. No m___84______ can be made during the process, or the work would fail.

Paper cutting c____85_____nearly all topics, from flowers, birds, animals to people in history and characters in classic novels.

In the past, women living in the countryside gathered in their free time to make paper cutting. Nowadays, fewer and fewer people learn this skill, while there are some who still make a living by it. At present, there are factories making paper cutting in China. Exhibitions are held regularly and books of this kind are p____86______. Paper cutting has changed from decoration to a kind of a_____87_____. At the same time, paper cutting also appears in cartoons, on stages, in magazines or in TV series.

KEYS: 81. According 82. easy 83. then 84. mistakes 85. covers 86. published 87. art

Reading the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给) (14分)

With smiling eyes, quick minds and good humor, Jia Ling seems like a natural crosstalk performer(相声演员).

Jia Ling was born on April 29th, 1982 in the city of Xiangyang, Hubei Province. Having studied acting since she was 11, Jia Ling was admitted to the nation’s top drama college —The Central Academy of Drama when she was 19, but she c 81 to learn crosstalk there.

Jia Ling is not an overnight success. After graduation in 2003, she was living in a basement that was just eight square meters and without a bathroom. However, Feng Gong, who is one of the top crosstalk performers in China, opened the door to her success. He provided her with

o 82 to perform. Jia Ling seized(抓住) the chances she was offered and worked hard to improve her skills.

As an excellent performer, the young lady first took part in the Spring Festival Gala in 2010. W 83 her unique (独特的)style and great sense of humor, Jia Ling is loved by many people. Since her crosstalk is unique, fashionable and attractive, she becomes more and more p 84 .

Besides performing as a crosstalk performer, Jia Ling is also a talented actress. She has

s 85 acted in several TV series. “My acting experience has given my crosstalk more creativity and inspiration,” Jia Ling said.

Now, Jia Ling has become one of the top crosstalk performers in China. She is trying so hard that crosstalk can s 86 to more people. She has founded her own club called New Laughter Inn. There people can enjoy traditional or m 87

crosstalk performances. She hopes it can influence her generation and even the next generation and let more and more people fall in love with crosstalk.

Jia Ling is proud of being a crosstalk performer and she says she is positive about the future of crosstalk because people will always want to laugh.

答案:81.changed/chose 82. opportunities 83.With 84.popular 85.successfully 86.spread 87.modern

Reading the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给) (14分)

I've always wanted to try rock climbing, but never had time or money for it. But I've discovered a way to e81the excitement of climbing rock. Indoor climbing is an easy and exciting way to get a taste of rock cl imbing. And it is also much cheaper and safer! Indoor climbers don't climb on r82rock, but on a plastic w all. You can probably find a climbing wall near you. Many gyms, schools and camps have one. You can climb in doors at any time of the year, no matter how the weather is. It is usually not expensive. Most gyms p83

the equipment you need. The convenience of indoor climbing is one reason why it has become so popular.But the r84 people climb is for the rush(刺激感)they get. When I stand at the foot of the wall and look up, I'm always scared. But once I start climbing, fear changes to determination. With my heart pounding(心剧烈跳动), I reach the top and look down. I can't stop grinning(咧嘴而笑). I did it!

Indoor climbing is a great workout(锻炼).Climbing uses muscles(肌肉)that are hard to exercise, e85t hose in the shoulders, arms, chest and back. Many people say climbing makes exercise fun. Most gyms have se veral climbing walls with v86 degrees of difficulty. The easier ones are like climbing a ladder. The difficult ones bulge out(凸出)in places so that climbers must sometimes climb parallel(平行的)with the floor.

Although gym climbing is safer and simpler than real rock climbing, you should still be careful. Always climb with a partner. As you climb, your partner pulls your climbing rope t 87 something called a belay device (绳索控制器). The belay catches you if you slip. But make sure your partner knows how to use this equipment. And if you are a first-time climber, get some instruction before you begin.

答案:81-87:enjoy; real; provide; reason; especially; various; through

Reading the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给) (14分)

An extract from The Greatest Tales of Sherlock Holmes

I think I will tell you what happened last night. My husband Sir Eustace went to bed at about half past ten. The servants had already gone to their rooms. Only my housekeeper s_____81_____in her room at the top of the house until I needed her.

I sat until after eleven in this room, deep in a book. Then I walked round to see that all was right before I went u____82____. I always did this myself, to be sure that everything is OK. I went into the kitchen, the storeroom, the living room, and f____83_____the dining-room. As I came near the window, which is covered with thick curtains, I suddenly felt the wind blow on my face ,and realized that it was o___84___.I pulled the curtain to one side, and found myself face to face with a broad-shouldered, elderly man who had just walked into the room, The window is a long French one, which really forms a door leading to the lawn, By the light of my bedroom candle, I saw two other men entering behind the first .I

was so scared, trembling. I s__85__back quickly, but the man was on me in a moment. He caught me first by the wrist and then by the throat. I struggled to scream, but he hit me heavily over the eyes, and I fell to the ground.

I must have been unconscious for a few minutes. When I woke up, I found that they had torn down the bell-rope and had tied me tightly to the c____86___ standing at the head of the dining table. I was so firmly bound that I could not move, and a handkerchief round my mouth prevented me from making any sound. It was at this moment that my unfortunate husband came into the room. He had c__87__heard some suspicious sounds, and he came prepared. When he rushed at one of the burglars, another man bent down and took the poker(拔火棍)out of the fireplace and struck him heavily as he passed. My husband fell without a groan(呻吟)and never moved again.

(To be continued)答案:81-87 stayed, upstairs/up, finally, open, stepped/stood, chair/cupboard, clearly/certainly

Reading the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给) (14分)

A young and successful man was travelling down a street, going a bit too fast in his new Jaguar (捷豹汽车).He

was watching for kids rushing out from b 81 parked cars. As his car passed, no children appeared. I 82 a brick(砖) went flying into the Jaguar's side door. He was very a 83 and drove the car back to the place where the brick had been thrown. The driver jumped out of the car and caught the nearest kid, shouting, “Who are you? What are you doing? That’s a new car and that brick you threw is going to cost you a lot of money. Why did you do that? ”

The young boy was apologetic. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know what else to do,” he said. “I threw the brick because no one else would s 84 .

With tears dripping down his face, the young boy pointed to a spot just around a parked car. It’s my brother,” he said, “he fell out of his wheelchair(轮椅)and I can’t lift him up.”

With tears in his eyes, the boy asked the man. “Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair? He’s hurt and he’s too h 85 for me.”Moved beyond words, the driver hurriedly lifted the boy’s brother into the wheelchair.

“Thank you and God bless you,” the thankful child told the stranger. Too excited for words, the man simply watched the little boy push his brother down the sidewalk toward their home.

It was a long and slow walk back to the Jaguar. The d 86 was very noticeable, but the driver never tried to r 87 the dented (凹陷)side door. He kept it there to remind him of this message: Don’t go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to get your attention.

God whispers in our souls and speaks to our heart. Sometimes when we don't have time to listen, he has to throw

a brick at us.

答案:81. between 82. Instead 83. angry 84. stop 85. heavy 86. damage 87. Repair

Reading the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给) (14分)

Teens and money

So, you can’t afford to go out with your friends, and you can’t borrow any money from your parents. You need to get a job and earn some money! Don’t worry, there are many jobs you can find and create. Hear are some ideas...

A looking after pets

When your neighbors go on holidays, you can take care of their cat or dog or whatever pet they have. You give the animals food and exercise. A____, many people work long hours and they will pay you to visit their pets during the day and take them for a walk.

B Helping with studies

Some teens say they earn between five and twenty euros an hour tutoring. Are you good at s____, for example, Math or English? Then you can earn money by helping others understand it too.

C O_____ jobs

Do you hate working inside? Don’t worry-find out if there is a job in a park near your house. Often parks employ young people to collect litter or help with cutting the grass and looking after plants. You can cut the grass or clear the snow for your neighbors, too.

D Department stores

Working in a shop can be fun-and you can s_____ money too. Some shops often give employees 20-30 percent discount on cloths and other things, so when you buy things from the shop it’s c______ for you.

E Getting experience

Think about volunteering, too. Volunteers don’t earn any money, but volunteering can help you get a job later. Think of a skill you want to learn or a business that interest you,then find an o____that offers the opportunities. You will get great experience doing a job there. For example, you can volunteer at a hospital. There’s a good idea for students who want to be m_____workers. Do you like working with children? Why not volunteer to help at a local school? It’s up to you to find a place that will help you learn.

答案:81-87. Also, subject, Outdoor, save, cheaper, organization, medical


Unit1 Great explorations The voyages of Zheng He Zheng He was a famous Chinese explorer. In 1405, he set off from China on the first of seven great voyages. This was nearly a century before Christopher Columbus first set sail on his journey of discovery to America. His travels were so important that they are still studied today. Zheng He was born in Yunnan in 1371. He rose to become a trusted official of the Yongle Emperor of the Ming Dynasty. The emperor ordered Zheng He to visit and explore the lands outside China. His task was to develop relations and set up trade routes with foreign countries. In a few years, he built a great fleet of ships, the biggest in the world at that time. The ships were known as treasure ships. They were big enough to carry 25,000 people as well as very large quantities of goods. From 1405 to 1433, Zheng He went on seven trips and visited South-East Asia, the Middle East and even the east coast of Africa. It seemed that nowhere was too far for him to visit. These voyages allowed China to trade valuable goods like gold, silver and silk. At the end of each voyage, Zheng He returned with many things that were seen in China for the first time, such as a giraffe from Africa. Besides developing trade, the voyages also encouraged the exchange of cultures and technologies. They helped the development of those countries and regions. Zheng He died in 1433 during his last voyage. However, his voyages were such a huge achievement that people still remember him as a pioneer in opening up cultural contacts between different peoples around the world. 郑和是一位著名的中国探险家。1405年,他从中国出发,开始了七次伟大航行中的第一次。这是在克里斯托弗.哥伦布第一次起航发现美洲之旅的近一个世纪以前。他的旅行如此重要以至于今天仍被人们研究。 郑和1371年出生在云南。他升为明朝永乐皇帝一名值得信赖的官员。皇帝命令郑和访问并探索中国以外的土地。他的任务是加强与外国的关系,并与之建立贸易路线。在几年的时间里,他建立了一支巨大的船队---当时世界上最大的(船队)。那些船被称作宝船。它们足够大,能承载25000人以及大量的货物。 从1405年到1433年,郑和七次旅行,访问了东南亚、中东地区,甚至非洲东海岸。似乎对他来说没有什么地方是遥不可及的。这些旅行允许中国交换一些贵重物品,如金、银和丝绸。每次航线结束,郑和带回了许多在中国第一次见到的东西,比如一只非洲长颈鹿。除了增强贸易之外,航行也促成了文化与科技的交流。它们帮助了那些国家和地区的发展。 1433年,郑和在他最后一次航行中去世。然而,他的航行是一项如此巨大的成就,以至于人们仍将他作为开辟世界各地不同民族间文化联系的先驱而铭记。


班级_________ 姓名________ 家长签字__________ 一正确书写字母和单词 G K a w y U slide hippo run desk 二写出下列字母的左右邻居. 1.__ c __ 2.__ j __ 3.___P __ 4. ___ W__ 5. __ t __ 三看图,选出正确的字母填空 1. 2. 3. 4. __and f__y __ig __ight ( a e i ) ( m l n ) ( b p d ) ( a e i ) 5. 6. 7. 8. s__ n __poon bo___ rabbi__ ( a e u ) ( s t w ) ( s x t ) ( t d b ) 9.10. 11. 12 swi__ ba__ __late __ion ( m l n) (r g t ) (b p t) ( h y l)

四看图圈出正确的单词或词组. 1. 2. 3. write run bee insect three lions ten lions 4. 5. 6 . chair desk bear panda sun star 五圈出不同类的单词 1.swim run fly chair 2.mouse insect lion fox 3.bowl plate bear plate 4.four ten table seven 5.chair big desk bag 6.long short seesaw fat 六连线,选出正确的答句 1.How are you? A. It’s yellow. 2.Can you see the moon? B. Yes, she is. 3.What colour is it? C. OK, Dad. 4.Is she your sister? D. I’m fine. Thank you. 5.Put the bag on the desk,please. E. No, I can ’t.


沪教牛津版九年级英语上册单词表 Unit 1 金的,金色的确定的,肯定的 王冠,皇冠监狱,牢狱 奥林匹克运动会拳击(运动) 同意,应允赛马(运动) 证实摔跤运动 罐(用手或器具)击,打不能肯定,对...无把握勇敢的,无畏的 真的,正宗的标点符号 真相,实情准确无误的,正确的 好像,似乎错误 解决,处理 装满,注满(对某人或事物)满意的碗,盆用...把...装满 取代,替代溢出 较少的,更少的把...关进监狱 金属确保,设法保证

聪明人,富有才智的人宇宙 天文学家哲学家 天才服从,遵守 认为,觉得减少,缩小 理解力,判断力精确地,准确地 幽默(故事、戏剧等中的)情节 邀请 学说,论,说幽默感 (综合性)大学使...失望 乐事,快事单凭记忆,能背诵 避免,避开坐下 讲座,演讲轻而易举 在今晚,在今夜参加,加入 观众,听众丝毫不知道 信任,信赖倒霉,处于困境 座位跟某人开玩笑,捉弄某人鼓掌,喝彩转折点 苍白的一系列 成就,成绩

一顿饭过时的 把自己的想法(或经历、 (用熨斗)熨,烫平 感情)告诉(某人) 决定,抉择公开活动 个人财产,私人物品(根据所知)认为 要求,指望(用于否定词组后)也不在国外,到国外关系,联系 商务,公事邀请 个人的,私人的需付费,价钱为 安排、确定、决定类型,种类 女儿 介意帮着做 流行的,时髦的出差 流行款式,时兴式样对...没有兴趣

在线的粗心造成的 模特儿评论 规定饮食(为健康或减肥 等目的) 要求,请求 虽然,尽管有礼貌的 很坏的,极讨厌的没有一个,毫无惭愧,羞愧考试 情况,状况 (儿童)牙箍节食 厌恶,憎恶嘲笑,讥笑 优势对...感到羞愧窘迫的,尴尬的让某人受不了建议,提议搞得一塌糊涂很生气,气愤格格不入 杂乱,不整洁与某人无关 使恼怒的,使生气的收到某人的信件(或电子邮件、电话等) 不及格


牛津英语二年级英语语法习题集 、There be 句型: (1) There be 句型由There is 或There are 引导,表示 在…地方有 …东西 (2) There is + 单数或不可数名词; There are + 复数 (3) There be 句型遵循 就近原则” There is a table and two chairs in the room. There are two chairs and a table in the room. 填写:am, is, are 1. _ you a boy? No, I ____ a girl. 2. He ___ m y father. He ___ t all. 3. What colour ___ the rabbit? It ___ white. 4. What colour ___ the dogs? They _____ brow n. 5. There __ a bowl in the box. 6. There ____two bowls in the box. 7. There __ some water in the bowl. 8. There __ some apples on the table. 9. There __ a plate and three spo ons on the table. 10. There __ three spo ons and a plate on the table. 、Be 动词 am, is, are 填写 be 动词:am, is, are 1.1 ___ D a nny. You ___ Mary. 2. I ___ tall. You ___ short. 3.She ___ my mother. She ___ fat. 4.He __ my brother. He __ small. 、介词:in 在…里面, on 在…上面,under 在…下面 填写介词:in, on, un der, at, up, to 1.look ___ 2. liste n ___ 3. pick ____ 4. ___ the room 5. ____ the bowl 6. ____ sit ______________ t he chair 7. ______ the plate 8. the floor 9. the seesaw 10. __ the zoo11. ___ the park 12. the childre n s garden13.__ the sky Be 动词用法口诀:我是 am,你是are 。is 用于他她它,凡是复数都用 are 。


沪教牛津版六年级英语上册全册知识点汇总Module 1 Getting to know each other 一、核心词汇 1.表示时间名词:month 一个月的时间;月份yesterday 昨天 2.形容词:cute 可爱的pretty 漂亮的handsome 英俊的;帅气的famous 著名的;出名的healthy 健康的;有益于健康的unhealthy 不健康的;损害健康的 3.动词:catch 逮住;捕捉spend 度过pick 采摘 4.食物名词:hamburger 汉堡包fruit 水果pie 馅饼pizza 比萨饼cola可乐sandwich三明治vegetable 蔬菜chicken 鸡肉chocolate 巧克力 5.表示动物名词:turtle 乌龟fly 苍蝇 6.其他:during 在……期间everyone 每个人;所有人countryside 乡村;农村 7.核心词组:grow up长大;成长junior high school 初级中学(be)born 出生summer holiday 暑假the Great Wall 长城the Palace Museum 故宫博物院Tian’an men Square 天安门广场go swimming 去游泳go to the museum 去博物馆go to the cinema 去电影院junior high school 初级中学do my homework 做我的家庭作业watch TV看电视visit my friends 拜访我的朋友 a little 少量的fish and chips 炸鱼薯条 二、了解词汇 1.一些动词及过去式:go(去)—went do(做)—did have/has(有)—had watch(观看)—watched visit(访问;探望)—visited am/is(是)—was are(是)—were 2.一些食物名词:egg 鸡蛋bread 面包noodles 面条dumplings 饺子 3.其他:menu菜单


Unit 11[?v???d?]voyage n.航行2[?rep??t??n]repetition n.重复3[??mer?k?n]American adj.美洲的4[?k?nt?n?nt]continent n.大陆5[ru:t]*route n.路线 6[d??sk?v?ri]discovery n.发现 7[ra?z]rise v.(rose ,risen)变得更加成功(或重要、强大 等) 8[??f??l]official n.官员9[d??vel?p]develop v.增强;加强10[r??le??n]relation n.关系;交往11[tre?d]trade n.贸易12[?f?r?n]foreign adj.外国的 13[fli:t]*fleet n.(统一调度的)船队;机群14['?fr?k?]Africa n.非洲 15[?n??we?(r)]nowhere adv.无处;哪里都不16[s?lk]silk n.丝织物;丝绸17[d???r ɑ:f]giraffe n.长颈鹿 18[b??sa?dz]besides prep.除……之外(还)19[d??vel?pm?nt]development n.发展;壮大20[?ri:d??n]*region n.地区21[?pa???n??(r)]pioneer n.先锋;先驱22people people n.民族;种族23[wel θ]wealth n.财富 24[spred]spread v."(spread,spread)传播" 25[??up?n ?p]open up 开辟26[ɡ?u ?n ? trip]go on a trip 去旅行27[set ?p]set up 建立;设立28[set seil]set sail 起航29[n??n][?z](be)known as 被称为30[?z wel ?z]as well as 也;还31[li:d tu:] lead to 导致 沪教牛津版九年级英语下册单词表


M1U1: green yellow blue purple white pink orange brown black red grey what colour beautiful rainbow see shine shining shiny butterfly outside inside umbrella van window box yellow zebra hand insect five girl rabbit butterflies mouse net orange pig queen

soup table I my you your he his she her it its they their pear rabbit bird apple bag dog elephant jar kite lion What colour is it It’s pink. over there What colour are they They are yellow. What can you see I can see a butterfly.

watch bag soft hard rough smooth touch feel open close tall short fat thin long young old big small new Is it a watch Yes it is. / No it’s a pencil case. Do you like it Yes. What is it It’s a bag.

Train bus car van taxi bicycle bike ship can can't hear listen what outside inside beside tiger cat dog red down up bus stop here come go station wait for road beside the window Is it smooth Yes it is. /No it’s rough.What is it It’s a van.


沪教版牛津上海小学六年级上册英语阅读理解及答案解析 一、阅读理解 1.阅读理解阅读短文,选择正确答案。 I have a pen pal. Her name is Tina. She is thirteen. She is from Australia. She lives in the country. She is tall and strong. She likes playing chess, basketball and computer games. Basketball is her favourite sport. She plays after school every day. Usually she goes to school by bike. She goes to school by car when she gets up late. (1)Who's Tina? A. She is my pen pal. B. She's my classmate. (2)Where is she from? A. America B. Australia (3)What does she do after school? A. She plays chess. B. She plays basketball. (4)What is Tina like? A. Strong and tall. B. Quiet and tall. (5)Does Tina usually go to school by bike? A. Yes, she does. B. No, she goes by car. 【答案】(1)A (2)B (3)B (4)A (5)A 【解析】【分析】①根据所给的短文, I have a pen pal. Her name is Tina.我有一个笔友.她的名字Tina.故选A. ②根据所给的短文,She is from Australia.她来自澳大利亚.故选B. ③根据所给的短文,Basketball is her favourite sport.She plays after school every day.篮球是她最喜欢的运动.她每天放学后玩.故选B. ④根据所给的短文,She likes playing chess,basketball and computer games.她喜欢下象棋,篮球和电脑游戏.故选A. ⑤根据所给的短文,Usually she goes to school by bike.通常她乘自行车去上学?故选A. 【点评】此题考查阅读理解.


六年级上重点知识复习及练习 Part 1 单词梳理 1.spend v. 度过 拓展①spend v. 花费s b spend some time / some money (in) doing sth sb spend some time / some money on sth Eg: Lucy spends five hours in doing her homework.. 注:spend-spent-spent ②. cost 花费sth cost sb some money. 某物花费了某人多少钱 ③take 花费It takes sb some time to do sth 做某事花了某人多久时间 2.island n. 岛屿 住在某岛上用live on. Eg: He lives on Chong Ming Island. 3.bay n. 海湾 近义词harbour 海港 4.weekend n. 周末 短语:at weekends 在周末 5.seaside n. 海边 拓展side n. 边 6.lucky adj. 幸运的,好运的 luckily adv. 反义词unlucky; unluckily 7.market n. 市场 supermarket 超市 8. activity n. 活动activities (复) active adj. 活跃的 9.barbecue n. 烧烤 10.sandcastle n. 沙堡 11. collect v.收集 collection n. 收集物(可数) 12. plan v. 计划 短语:plan to do sth. 计划做某事 Eg: I plan to buy a new bag. 13. shall modal v. 将要,好吗(主要对第一人称复数提问) Eg: Shall we go out and play together? 过去式should 14. cost 花费 短语:sth cost sb some money. 某物花费了某人多少钱 Eg: The book costs me ten dollars. 15. trip n. 旅行 短语:a trip/ visit to some place去某地旅游


沪教版牛津英语二年级下册抄写句子 二年级英语作业 一抄写下列单词和句子注意大小写及标点符号。 autumn winter cool cold season bus zebra brown zoo fish wolf van five giraffe snake elephant black hand hen salad carrot chicken banana frog skate hop ride a bicycle skip kite book girl run purple sun tiger cat dog red train car ship pig bag pink table watch soft hard rough smooth white orange What colour are they? They are white Touch the bag Is it smooth? No It’s rough Listen! What can you hear? I can hear a ship Do you like running? Yes I like running What do you like eating? I like eating salad What are they? They are zebras

Do you like giraffes, Kitty? No, I don’t I like swimming in the water 二选出不同类的单词写序号。 ( )1 A bag B write C rubber ( )2 A ride B rice C write ( )3 A boy B big C small ( )4 A cola B juice C zebra ( )5 A can B hear C see ( )6 A hard B soft C head ( )7 A spring B summer C season ( )8 A skip B ship C skate ( )9 A carrot B chicken C can ( )10 A ship B soft D short 结束语 1、同学们,老师相信,在你们当中一定有未来的高斯、笛卡儿,只要积极动脑,做生活的有心人,你们一定会为人类的发展做出巨大的贡献,创造出巨大的财富,有信心吗? 2、同学们,科学的殿堂美不胜收,只要大家以勤为径,每个人都能领略到无限美好的风光。 3、一分耕耘,一分收获,同学们,体验到成功的喜悦了吗? 4、珍惜时间就等于珍惜生命。让我们每个热爱生命的人都去珍惜每分、每秒,好吗? 5、同学们,大家想过吗?为什么人民币的面值只有1分、2分、5分、1角、2角、5角、1元、2元、5元……而没有3分、4分、6分、7分呢?这虽然是个小问题,老师相信,聪明的你们一定能研究出大学问! 6、同学们,生活中时时刻刻有数学,事事有数学,因此,我们应该爱数学、学数学、用数学。 7、你有哪些新收获?你是怎样获取这些知识的?你还有什么疑难问题?谁来帮她解决? 8、今天,我们通过自己的努力,发现并学会了这么多知识,老师真为你们骄傲!其实生活中有更多的知识等着你们去发现、探索,快做个有心人吧,你会成长得更快! 9、同学们,与数学王国的人交朋友吧,它会让你领略到宇宙的神奇与奥妙! 10、同学们,我们好多知识都是前人经过无数次实验总结出来的。老师希望你们在今后的学习中不断探索,获取更多知识,好吗? 11、没有最好,只有更好。老师相信,下节课同学们一定会表现得更出色。 12、这节课有许多知识是通过同学们独立学习、合作学习学会的,希望同学们今后能更好地掌握这种学习方法,学好数学,掌握更多的文化知识,为祖国的繁荣富强贡献自己的一份力量。 13、只要同学们善于动脑筋,敢于创新,也完全有可能利用这个特性来进行一些小发明,小创造,快行动起来吧!成功总是青睐于那些善于思考的头脑。我相信,用你们的聪明和智慧一定会获得成功! 14、同学们在这节课的学习中,你自己运用了哪些学习方法,学到了哪些知识?有哪些收获?大家自己要学会总结,学会回顾,同学们自己想一想,一起来总结一下。 15、同学们通过操作实验推导出了圆锥体的计算公式,我们学的好多知识都是前人经过无数次实验总结出来的,老师希望你们像科学家们那样,在今后的学习活动中不断探索、不断创新、不断实验,就一定能获取更


沪教版牛津上海小学六年级上册英语阅读试题含答案解析 一、阅读理解 1.阅读理解阅读短文,判断句子对“正确”错“错误”。 I'm a girl from Guangzhou. I have a pen pal. His name is John. He's an Australian boy. He's twelve years old. He studies in Guangzhou now. John is a good student. He studies hard every day. John often cooks breakfast, lunch and dinner by himself. He likes Chinese food very much. He is interested in cooking. And he's good at cooking. (1)John is from Australia. (2)John studies in Australia. (3)John is 20 years old. (4)John likes cooking very much. (5)He doesn't like Chinese food. 【答案】(1)1 (2)0 (3)0 (4)1 (5)0 【解析】【分析】(1)句意:约翰来自于澳大利亚。根据句子His name is John. He's an Australian boy. 可知答案正确,故填:正确。 (2)句意:约翰在澳大利亚学习。根据句子He studies in Guangzhou now. 可知答案错误,故填:错误。 (3)句意:约翰20岁。根据句子He's twelve years old. 可知答案错误,故填:错误。(4)句意:约翰非常喜欢做饭。根据句子He is interested in cooking. 可知答案正确,故填:正确。 (5)句意:约翰不喜欢中国食物。根据句子He likes Chinese food very much. 可知答案错误,故填:错误。 【点评】此题考查阅读判断。先在文章中找到和题干相关的信息,再进行判断分析。2.阅读理解根据短文内容判断下列各句的正误


Module 1 Family and friends Unit 1 Family and relatives 1.family and relatives 家庭和亲戚 2. a family tree 一个家谱 3.grandsons and granddaughters 孙子和孙女们/外孙和外孙女们 4.get a lot of presents 得到许多礼物 5.Happy Birthday (to sb.) ! 生日快乐! 6.get a birthday card from sb. 从某人那儿得到一张生日卡 7.one of my family members 我的家庭成员之一 8.only have one aunt 仅仅有一个阿姨 9.my classmates 我的同班同学 10.go shopping 去购物 11.what else 其他什么 12.play badminton 打羽毛球 13.go cycling 去骑自行车 14.go swimming 去游泳 15.two cousins 两个堂/表兄弟/妹 16.how many + 名词复数多少…… 语言点 1. This is my grandfather.这是我的(外)祖父。 These are my family and relatives.这些是我的家人和亲戚。 注意句中各成分保持单复数同形。 2. I?m their son.. 我是他们的儿子。 We?re their sons.我们是他们的儿子。 3. How many uncles do you have?你有多少个叔叔? How many后面接可数名词的复数形式。 4. What do you do with your…?你和你的…干什么? 5. What else do you do with your…?你和你的…还干什么? 6. What else do you do with your…?你和你的…还干什么?With是个介词,后面接人称代词时,要用宾格的形式。With me/him/her/it/us /them 7. always/sometimes/usually是频度副词,提问应该要用How often…?


二年级单词 friend long slide swing seesaw box desk 朋友长得滑梯秋千跷跷板盒子课桌 chair car bear doll table meat grass 椅子小汽车熊玩具娃娃桌子肉草 flower tree boy girl 花树男孩女孩 时间:morning afternoon evening night 早上,上午下午傍晚夜晚 数字:one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 形容词:big small thin fat tall 大的小的瘦的胖的高的 short long young old 矮的;短的长的年轻的年老的 家庭成员:sister brother mother father 姐妹兄弟妈妈爸爸 grandfather grandmother 爷爷(外公)奶奶(外婆)

身体器官: hair head face eye mouth nose ear hand 头发头脸眼睛嘴巴鼻子耳朵手 文具:pencil pencil case book rubber ruler bag 铅笔铅笔盒书橡皮尺子书包动词:run write swim fly draw sing dance 跑写游泳飞画画唱歌跳舞 skip ride a bicycle 跳绳骑自行车 颜色:yellow red green blue orange 黄色的红色的绿色的蓝色的橘色的 动物:fox hippo monkey lion tiger 狐狸河马猴子狮子老虎 elephant rabbit panda dog cat 大象兔子熊猫狗猫 餐具:bowl plate spoon chopsticks 碗盘子勺子筷子 自然物质:sun moon star sky 太阳月亮星星天空


沪教版牛津上海六年级上册英语阅读理解及答案解析 一、阅读理解 1.阅读理解阅读理解,判断正误 Zhang: Excuse me, how do we get to the People's Park? Man: You can go there by the No. 5 bus, or you can go on foot. Zhang: How do we go on foot? Man: It's easy. Turn left at the traffic lights. The park is near a tall office building. John: Thank you very much. Hurry up, Zhang Peng! Zhang: No! The light is red. Stop! John: That's right. We have to wait. Zhang: Now it's green. Let's go! (1)John and Zhang Peng can't go to the park by the No. 5 bus. (2)John and Zhang Peng want to go to the park on foot. (3)The People's Park is near the traffic lights. (4)John wants to go at a red light. (5)Zhang Peng follows the traffic rules. 【答案】(1)0 (2)1 (3)0 (4)1 (5)1 【解析】【分析】(1) 通过文章中的“You can go there by the No. 5 bus.(你可以乘五号公车去。)”可以知道这道题目是错误的; (2) 通过文章中的“How do we go on foot?(我们走路怎样去?)”可以知道这道题目是正确的; (3) 通过文章中的“The park is near a tall office building.(公园在一栋高高的办公大楼附近。)”可以知道这道题目是错误的; (4)通过文章中的John所说的“ Hurry up, Zhang Peng!(快点,张鹏!)”可以知道约翰在不知情的情况下,想要闯红灯,因此这道题目是正确的; (5) 通过文章中的“No! The light is red. Stop!(不!现在是红灯。停下来!)”可以知道,张鹏遵守交通规则,因此这道题目是正确的。


沪教牛津版小学英语二年级下册(2b)教学 计划

民办红扬小学二年级英语下册教学计划 (2012—2013年度第二学期) 一、全册教材简析: 本册书共九单元,每单元的话题为:Unit1 Farm animal ; Unit2 In the circus ; Unit 3 My room ; Unit 4 In the park ; Unit5 wash with water ; Unit 6 Eating and drinking ; Unit 7 Hot summer ; Unit 8 Time. 最后一单元是复习单元,每一单元分Let’s act. Let’s talk. Let’s 六个版块。整本书教学内容与 learn . Letters. Let’s play. Let’s enjoy 学生生活紧密联系,围绕“动物,房间,运动,水,饮食,夏天,时 间表达”几个话题,学习简单的交际用语。每一单元穿插字母音和形 的学习。 二、学期教学总目标: 1激发小朋友学习英语的兴趣,培养他们学习英语的积极态 度,并具有一定的语音、语调,及良好的学习习惯和英语交际的能 力,为以后学习打下良好的基础。 中的句子,并能根据指令作出动作反2能听懂、理解Let’s act. 应。 3能说Let’s talk中的句子,能在情景中进行简单的交流。 4能认读Let’s learn中的单词。 5 能做一些英语小游戏。 6 能唱Let’s enjoy中的歌谣和小诗,理解小故事。

7 26个字母的大小写认读。 三、本册教材重、难点: 单词,句重点:1、每一单元中的Let’s talk. Let’s learn . Letters 子。 2、通过真实、自然地情景教学9组会话,并进行简单的 交流。 难点:1 能将所学的知识点运用到实际情景中去。 2.学习持久性和良好的学习习惯的培养。 四、教学内容及进程安排 中的六个动物的单 1、Unit1 Farm animal 能认读Let’s learn 词;会说、认读let’s talk部分和let’s learn 中的单词和句子;能听 懂Let’s act, Let’s play 中的句子并作出反应;理解并表演let’s 六个动物单enjoy部分的故事;字母: N n, O o的认读;Let’s learn 词音和形;听懂、会说let’s talk中的会话;单词的读音和认识;对 话在实际情景中的应用。 2、Unit2 In the circus 继续学习动物名称, 能认读Let’s learn 中的六个动物的单词;会说、认读let’s talk部分和let’s learn 中的 中的句子并作出反应;理 单词和句子;能听懂Let’s act, Let’s play 解并会唱let’s enjoy部分的歌曲;字母Pp,Qq的认读;Let’s learn 六个动物单词音和形;听懂、会说let’s talk中的会话: a、Elephant的发音, b、在实际情境中运用对话。


沪教牛津版九年级(初三)英语上册语音过关 Unit1 Wise men in history 词汇学习 四会 要求: 理解并重复运用是成功记忆之 母 ○ 熟练直至一看词形便能立刻反射出声音 ○ 最初新词可通过音标或老师或设备领读模仿 及 ② 懂 意思:知道 中文意思 词性 ○ ③ 能 拼写: 注意单词中有哪些 元音字母 或元音字母组合 , 结合自然拼音法 知道对应的字母 或组合 发什么音 ④ 活 运用: 结合课本原句或文段去记它的中文意思和用法 积累新词汇在练习题中的句子 (平时尽力去尝试运用新学的词汇,定期回顾朗读所做的练习、课文、记笔记) 词 形 (字母 &组合) 词 形 1 golden 2 *crown 3 olympics 4 agreement 5 confirmation 6 pot 7 doubt 8 real 9 truth 0 seem 1 solve 2 fill 3 bowl 4 *displace 5 less 6 metal 7 certain 8 prison 9 boxing 0 racing 1 *wrestling 2 hit (hit, hit) 3 brave 4 *punctuation 5 correct 6 mistake 词性 读 音 (句) ( 读准音) 词性 音 标 adj. ['g ?? ld( ?)n] n. [kr a? n] n. [?? 'l ?mp ?ks] n. [?'gri?m(? )nt] n. [k ?nf ?'m e??(?)n] n. [p ?t] v. [d a? t] adj. [ri?l] n. [tr u?θ] v [si?m] v. [s ?lv] v. [f ?l] n. [b ?? l] v. [d ?s'pl e?s] det [les] n. ['met( ?)l] adj ['s ??t(?)n; -t ?n] n. ['pr ?z(? )n] n. ['b ? ks ??] n. ['r e?s??] n. ['resl ??] v. [h ?t] adj. [bre ?v] n. [p ??(k) t?? 'e??(? )n; adj. [k ?'rekt] n. [m ?'st e ?k] 中文 意思 基本用法 课本原句 (组词造句) (文 句) (巩固记忆 ) (巩固记忆 ) (巩固记忆 ) 中 文 意 思 遮掩默写 3次 遮掩默写 2次 遮掩默写 1次 金的;金色的 王冠;皇冠 奥运会 同意;应允 证实 罐 不能肯定;对??无把握 真的;正宗的 真相;实情 好像;似乎 解决;处理 装满;注满 碗;盆 取代;替代 较少的;更少的 金属 确定的;肯定的 监狱;牢狱 拳击(运动) 赛马(运动) 摔跤运动 (用手或器具 )击;打 勇敢的;无畏的 标点符号 准确无误的;正确的 错误 短语固搭 1 (be) happy with 对某人或事物)满意的
