

01.What would you do if you _________ a million dollars?

A. have

B. have had

C. had

D. shall have

02.Even if I _________, I wouldn’t.

A. can

B. shall

C. could

D. will

03.If he were alive, he _________ twenty years old now.

A. will be

B. would be

C. would have been

D. is

04.I don’t think you _________ me even if I told you the truth.

A. will believe

B. would have believed

C. would believe

D. believed

05.If I had not called for a doctor, your friend_________.

A. had died

B. will have died

C. will die

D. would have died

06.I would have married her if she _________ such an extravagant girl

A. were not

B. wouldn’t be

C. would have been

D. hadn’t been

07.If it _________ convenient, let’s meet at nine o’clock.

A. is

B. being

C. was

D. were

08.If he _________ in a day or two, I would wait for him.

A. will return

B. returns

C. were to return

D. had return

09.If he _________ late, give him the message.

A. were coming

B. would come

C. should come

D. were coming

10.________ the doctor come a little sooner, the patient would have been saved.

A. Had

B. Should

C. Were

D. If

11._________ he aid, I could not have succeeded.

A. But

B. Without

C. Not

D. Unless

12.I _________ abroad last year but for my illness.

A. would go

B. would have gone

C. had gone

D. went

13.I _________ had it not been that he grasped me.

A. should have fallen b. should fall C. had fallen D. fell

14.I wish I _________ as tall as she.

A. is

B. am

C. were

D. be

15.Oh, if only _________ your advice then.

A. take

B. took

C. should take

D. had taken

16.She talked and acted as if she _________ abroad for a long time.

A. would have lived

B. might have

C. lived

D. had lived

17.Mr. Smith is, _________, a walking dictionary.

A. as it is

B. as though

C. as it were

D. as if 18.He would rather people _________ about his family.

A. not talked

B. haven’t talked

C. didn’t talk

D. wouldn’t have talked

19.What if I _________?

A. failed

B. should failed

C. would fail

D. had failed

20.If he _________in Germany, what language would he probably speak now?

A. had born

B. have been born

C. had been born

D. would have been born


21.They are the ones who assert that a better bridge could have been built have we had

their assistance.

22.Had anyone asked him, Barlow could tell the investigators some useful details about

the robbery.

23.If the cook had been more careful in measuring the ingredients, the dinner will have

been much better.

24.If you had listened, you too would have concluded that Peter is more capable than

any other boy in his class.

25.Helen will graduate with her class if she had been able to meet all of the

requirements in time.

26.Had they had enough cash on hand, they will buy this fancy furniture.

27.If the volume of British investment is to be increased, other demands on national

resources would have to be reduced or eliminated.

28.Sometimes I get the idea that a student is expected o think about getting educated

for the sake of society as if he is not a part of it.

29.I sometimes wish that my university is as large as the State University because our

facilities are more limited than theirs.

30.You have confessed that you are sorry for your rebellion. So I will recommend that

you will not be punished.


虚拟语气专项练习(高考真题之虚拟语气) 1.(1995年14)When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it . A.breaks B.has broken C.were broken D.had been broken 2.(1996年全国卷I19)You didn't let me drive. If we in turn, you so tired. A. drove, didn't get B. drove; wouldn't get C. were driving; wouldn't get D. had driven; wouldn't have got 3.(2000年上海卷43) ---do you mind if I keep pets in this building? ---____. A. I'd rather you didn't, actually. B. Of course not, it's not allowed there. C. Great! I love pets. D. No, you can't. 4.(2000年上海卷60)If you had _____your test paper carefully before handing it in, you would have made fewer mistakes. A. looked up B. thought about C. gone over D. gone round 5.(2001上海卷40)What would have happened______, as far as the river bank? A. Bob had walked farther B. if Bob should walk farther C. had Bob walked farther D. if Bob walked farther 6.(2002上海春招31)How I wish every family _____ a large house with a beautiful garden. A. has B. had C. will have D. had had 7.(2002上海秋37)It is hard for me to imagine what I would be doing today if I __________ in love, at the age of seven, with the Melinda Cox Library in my hometown. A. wouldn’t have B. had not fallen C. should fall D. were to fall fallen 8.(2002上海秋39)__________ be sent to work there? A. Who do you suggest B. Who do you suggest that should C. Do you suggest who should D. Do you suggest whom should 9.(04上海春招)You might just as well tell the manufacturer that male customers ___ not like the design of the furniture. A. must B. shall C. may D. need 10.(04广西)I often see lights in that empty house. Do you think I _____ report it to the police? A. should B. may C. will D. can 11.(04辽宁)-Mum , I've been studying English since 8 o'clock. __I go out and play with Tom for a while ? A -No, I'm afraid not . Besides , it's raining outside now . A.Can't B.Wouldn't C.May not D.Won't 12.(04天津)- Who is the girl standing over there ? - Well , if you __know , her name is Mabel . A. may B. can C. must D. shall 13.(04浙江)I ____ pay Tracy a visit, but I am not sure whether I will have time this Sunday. A. should B. might C. would D. could


2018年专四真题虚拟语气和情态动词章振 邦语法书页数标注-CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

Subjunctive mood (P122, p. 129. P 143 动词过去完成体P181-190, 395)条件句 14. “I wondered if I could have a word with you.” The past tense in the sentence refers to a __B___. (p128) 2017 A. past event for exact time reference B. present event for tentativeness C. present event for uncertainty D. past event for politeness V. in specific contexts, the simple past can also denote the present or the future time. There are two uses. One is known as the attitudinal past (属于“表态性过去时” (attitudinal past), 即表示说话人当前的试探性态度 , 而非过去时间 , 多用于表示意愿或心理状态的动词) , that is , the past tense is associated with the present time in independent clauses expressing a question, request or suggestion. Its effect is to make the question/request/suggestion less direct, implying a polite, somewhat tentative attitude试探性态度,婉转语气 on the part of the speaker. A: Did you want me? B.Yes, I wondered if you could give me some help .


完整版专四英语语法 考点

语法考点之一:虚拟语气 考点1. If从句中的虚拟语气 1、与过去事实相反:从句sb had done,主句sb would(should, could, might)+ have done; 2、省略if,从句的语序用到装,即将were, had或 should移至主语的前面,但否定词not不前移。 3、与将来事实相反:从句sb did (should+do或were+to do),主句sb would (should, could, might)+do。 4、错综条件句:主句与从句的动作发生在不同的时间段。 比如:从句对过去虚拟,而主句对现在虚拟,即从句sb had done,主句sb would(should, could, might)+do; 考点2:表示建议、要求、命令等动词如insist, order, command, suggest, advise, propose, ask, require, request, demand引导的从句及it引导的相应的分词、名词和形容词从句,谓语用(should)+动词原形。 考点3:It is +advisable, essential, important, imperative, incredible等从句,谓语用(should)+动词原形。 考点4:it is (high/about) time that的结构中,从句使用一般过去式。例如: 考点5:much as"尽管,虽然"引导让步状语从句,从句中用would have done表示假设。 考点6:if only, wish, as if/as though引导从句, 与过去事实相反:had + done; 与现在事实相反:动词过去式; 与将来事实相反:could/would + do 考点7:would rather/sooner从句中 使用一般过去式或过去完成式 分别表示对现在或过去的虚拟 考点8:lest / for fear that+(should ) +原形动词。 语法考点之二:情态动词 *情态动词: will(愿意), shall(将), must(必须), can, may, would, should (应该), might, could, ought to, used to(过去常常), need(需要), dare(竟敢),have to(不得不) 考试中,情态动词部分重点测试以下内容: (1)情态动词+行为动词完成式(表示推测) (2)某些情态动词的特殊用法 考点1. 情态动词+have+过去分词结构表示推测 (1) must have done表示推测过去某事“一定”发生了。否定形式为:can’t / couldn’t have v-ed, 表示过去不可能发生某事。 (2) could have done表示推测过去某动作“很可能”发生了。 (3) may / might have done 表示推测过去某事“也许”发生了.


虚拟语气 概念 虚拟语气用来表示说话人的主观愿望或假想,所说的是一个条件,不一定是事实,或与事实相反。 在条件句中的应用 条件句可分为两类,一类为真实条件句,一类为非真实条件句。非真实条件句表示的是假设的或实际可能性不大的情况,故采用虚拟语气。 真实条件句—主将从现 egs.If he comes, he will bring his violin. 典型例题 The volleyball match will be put off if it ___. A.will rain B. rains C. rained D. is rained 答案B。真实条件句主句为将来时,从句用一般现在时。 注意: 1)在真实条件句中,主句不能用be going to表示将来,该用shall, will. (错) If you leave now, you are never going to regret it. (对) If you leave now, you will never regret it. 2)表示真理时,主句谓语动词便不用shall (will) +动词原形,而直接用一般现在时的动词形式。 非真实条件句 1)时态:可以表示过去,现在和将来的情况。它的基本特点是时态退后。 a.同现在事实相反的假设。 句型:条件从句主句 一般过去时should( would) +动词原形 If they were here, they would help you. b.表示与过去事实相反的假设。 句型:条件从句主句 had done,should(would) have + done If she had worked harder, she would have succeeded. The rice would not have been burnt if you had been more careful. If my lawyer had been here last Saturday, he would have prevented me from going. If he had come yesterday, I should / would have told him about it. 表示对将来的假想 句型:条件从句主句 一般过去时should+ 动词原形 were+ 不定式would + 动词原形 should+ 动词原形 If you succeeded, everything would be all right. If you should succeed, everything would be all right. If you were to succeed, everything would be all right.


高考英语虚拟语气知识点真题汇编附答案 一、选择题 1.—Would you mind if I ______ the window? —Not at all. In fact, I was going to suggest you ______ it. A.open; did B.opened; to do C.open; doing D.opened; do 2.The requirement of the government is that the citizens not set off fireworks from January 1, 2019 on. A.shall B.should C.can D.may 3.—What a pity! You missed my birthday party. —Terribly sorry!___________my uncle not visited me unexpectedly. A.Should B.Would C.Had D.Did 4.How I wish I ______ my mouth before I shouted at my mum! A.shut B.have shut C.had shut D.would shut 5.That was not the first time he ____ us. I think it's high time we ____ strong actions against him. A.betrayed, take B.had betrayed, took C.has betrayed, took D.has betrayed, take 6.—How impressive China’s 70th anniversary of National Day parade is! —Definitely. If only I ________ on the scene! A.was B.were C.have been D.had been 7.She wouldn’t have flown off the handle _____the fact that you didn’t intend to hurt her. A.were she to know B.had she known C.did she know D.should she have known 8.-Where are the children? The school bus is leaving. - I wish they ______ always late. A.aren’t B.weren’t C.wouldn’t be D.hadn’t been 9.His suggestion that she ________ in his home suggested he ________ very warm-hearted. A.would stay; was B.stayed; be C.should stay; be D.stay; was 10.—I’m sorry. I________to your birthday party if…… —Forget it. I know you were in Shanghai on business then. A.had come B.would have come C.needn’t have come D.came 11.Look at the trouble you are in!_______your parents’ advice. A.If only you would have followed B.If only you followed C.If only you would follow D.If only you had followed 12.You can download it and rewrite your report using your own words you acknowledge where you got your information by attaching a list of websites you got your information from.


专四真题虚拟语气和情态动词章振邦语法书数 标注 Standardization of sany group #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#

Subjunctive mood (P122, p. 129. P 143 动词过去完成体P181-190, 395)条件句 14. “I wondered if I could have a word with you.” The past tense in the sentence refers to a __B___. (p128) 2017 A. past event for exact time reference B. present event for tentativeness C. present event for uncertainty D. past event for politeness V. in specific contexts, the simple past can also denote the present or the future time. There are two uses. One is known as the attitudinal past (属于“表态性过去时” (attitudinal past), 即表示说话人当前的试探性态度 , 而非过去时间 , 多用于表示意愿或心理状态的动词) , that is , the past tense is associated with the present time in independent clauses expressing a question, request or suggestion. Its effect is to make the question/request/suggestion less direct, implying a polite, somewhat tentative attitude试探性态度,婉转语气 on the part of the speaker. A: Did you want me , I wondered if you could give me some help .


51 as much a … as …(不仅是…还是…) Adria is as much a cook as (he is) an artist. not so much … as …(与其说是…倒不如说是…) He is not so much a genius as a hard worker. 52.本句省略whether和might后主谓倒装的让步状语从句。be it是一种表示让步的虚拟倒装结构,由be 引起的倒装句表示让步,并带有虚拟语气的结构特点,即be 用原形。是一种较少用且略带文学意味的习惯用法,它既可位于句首,也可位于句末或穿插句中。如:Be it late, I must finish this work.不仅用it,也可用其他人称代词或名词。 Be it so humble, there is no place like home. 金窝银窝,不如自己的草窝。 56.虚拟语气(Subjunctive Mood)这一语法项目是各类英语考试中心测试的重点之一。虚拟语气是一种特殊的动词形式,用来表示说话人所说的话并不是事实,而是一种假设、愿望、怀疑或推测。 Ⅰ用以表示虚拟条件的虚拟语气

⒈用if条件从句表示的虚拟条件,是虚拟条件最普通的方式。 ①虚拟现在时表示与现在事实相反的假设,其if 从句的谓语形式用动词的过去式(be 一般用were),主句用would/ should/ could/ might +动词原形,例如:If I were in your position I would marry her. ②虚拟过去时是表示与过去事实相反的假设,if 从句的谓语形式用过去完成时即had+过去分词,主句用would / should / could / might + have +过去分词,例如:If it had not rained so hard yesterday we could have played tennis. ③大多数的虚拟条件句属于上面三种情况的一种,但并不排除存在条件和后果中,一个和现在情况相反,另一个和过去情况相反,例如:If you had followed what the doctor said, you would not have been so painful now.这个句子在高中出现频率颇高。 ④但是,如果后果用了虚拟语气,而条件却用陈述语气,这种用法是错的。 ⒉除了表示虚假条件外,if从句还可以表示对将来的推测,由于是将来还没有发生的,所以谈不上是真实的还是虚假的,只能说这个事情发生的可能性有多大。一般情况下,可以用陈述语气的if从句来表示对一个未来事实的推测,这个事实是完全可能发生的。If从句的谓语形式用一般过去式或用were to / should +动词原形,主句用would / should /could/ might +动词原形,例如:Jean doesn't want to work right away because she thinks that if she were to get a job she probably wouldn't be able to see her friends very often.(1996年1月四级第44题) ⒊有时可以把含有助动词、情态动词、be或have的虚拟条件句中的连词if 省去,而将had , should, were 等词提到主语之前,即用倒装结构,这时候,如果出现not等否定词,否定词需放在主语后面。这种结构在口语中很少使用,但频频出现在各类考试中出现,例如:If it had not rained so hard yesterday we could have played tennis.→Had it not rained so hard yesterday, we could have played tennis. ⒋大多数的虚拟条件通过上面所讲的两种方法表达,但在个别句子中也可以通过介词without和介词短语but for表达,副词otherwise等表达出来。例如:We didn't know his telephone number; otherwise we would have telephoned him.(1995年6月四级第46题)值得注意的是,包含but for的句子,谓语动词必定要用虚拟形式,但包含without等短语的句子,谓语动词未必一定要用虚拟语气。 ⒌有时虚拟条件不是明确地表达出来,而在蕴含在用but引导的从句里,于是便出现了有谓语动词是虚拟语气的主句加上谓语动词是陈述语气的but从句构 成的并列复合句,例如I would have hung you but the telephone was out of order.在这样的句子里,如果主句没有用虚拟语气,或者从句用了虚拟语气,都是错的。 Ⅱ用在宾语从句中的虚拟语气 ⒈在表示愿望的动词wish后的宾语从句中,需用虚拟语气。(wish后的that 常省略),根据主句时态,从句谓语时态相应退后一位,例如:How she wished his family could go with him. ⒉在具有愿望、请求、建议、命令等主观意愿的动词(desire, demand, advice, insist, require, suggest, propo se, order, recommend, decide …) 后的宾语从句中需用虚拟语气。谓语动词用(should) +动词原形。值得注意的是,如果宾语从


Which of the following sentences contains subjunctive mood A. Lucy insisted that her son get home before 5 o’clock. B. She used to drive to work, but now she takes the city metro. C. Walk straight ahead, and don’t turn till the second traffic lights. D. Paul will cancel his flight if he cannot get his visa by Friday. If it____ tomorrow, the match would be put off. A. was to rain B. were to rain C. was raining D. had rained My boss ordered that the legal documents ______ to him before lunch. A. be sent B. were sent C. were to be sent D.must be sent It's getting late. I'd rather you ______ now. A.left B.leave× C. are leaving D.will leave 答案:would rather后面的从句须用虚拟式,若指现在,用一般过去时,若指过去,用过去完成时。

2018年专四真题虚拟语气和情态动词 章振邦语法书页数标注

Subjunctive mood (P122, p. 129. P 143 动词过去完成体P181-190, 395)条件句 14. “I wondered if I could have a word with you.” The past tense in the sentence refers to a __B___. (p128) 2017 A. past event for exact time reference B. present event for tentativeness C. present event for uncertainty D. past event for politeness V. in specific contexts, the simple past can also denote the present or the future time. There are two uses. One is known as the attitudinal past (属于“表态性过去时” (attitudinal past), 即表示说话人当前的试探性态度, 而非过去时间, 多用于表示意愿或心理状态的动词) , that is , the past tense is associated with the present time in independent clauses expressing a question, request or suggestion. Its effect is to make the question/request/suggestion less direct, implying a polite, somewhat tentative attitude试探性态度,婉转语气on the part of the speaker. A: Did you want me? B.Yes, I wondered if you could give me some help . Want, wonder, think, hope


高二虚拟语气高考题集锦 20XX年高考题 1. —I don’t really like James. Why did you invite him? 北(北京24’  )—Don’t worry. He come. He said he wasn’t certain what his plans were. :A. must not B. need not C. would not D. might not 2. ---- Shall I inform him of the change of the schedule right now? ---- I am afraid you ______, in case he comes late for the meeting. (福建25’) A. will B. must C. may D. can 3. -----No one _______ be compared with Yao Ming in playing basketball. ----Oh, you are really his big fan. (湖南28’) A. can B. need C. must D. might 4. If you ______ go, at least wait until the storm is over. (辽宁21’) A. can B. may C. must D. will 5. If you smoke, please go outside. (全国卷8’) A. can B. should C. must D. may 6.--- Will you read me a story ,Mummy? -- OK. You _______ have one if you go to bed as soon as possible. ( 陕西24’) A. might B. must C. could D. shall 7. --- How’s your new babysitter? --- We ______ ask for a better one. All our kids love her so much. (浙江11’) A. should B. might C. mustn't D. couldn't 8. --- Why didn’t you come to Simon’s party last night? --- I want to, but my mom simply _________ not let me out so late at night. A. could B. might C. would D. should (重庆25’) . 9. The police still have I found the lost child, but they’re doing all they A. can B. may C. must D. should (四川20’) 10. They have arrived at lunchtime but their flight was delayed. (新课标32’) A. will B. can C. must D. should 11. —Where are the children? The dinner’s going to be completely ruined. — I wish they always late. (北京28’) A. weren’t B. hadn’t been C. wouldn’t be D. wouldn’t have been 12. Maybe if I science, and not literature then, I would be able to give you more help. A. studied B. would study C. had studied D. was studying (北京30’) 13. --- Pity you missed the lecture on nuclear pollution. --- I it, but I was busy preparing for a job interview. (福建34’) A. attended B. had attended C. would attend D. would have attended 14. --- I left my handbag on the train, but luckily someone gave it to a railway official. --- How unbelievable to get it back! I mean, someone ______ it. (江苏34’) A. will have stolen B. might have stolen C. should have stolen D. must have stolen 15. I _______ through that bitter period without your generous help. ( 陕西22’) A. couldn’t have gone B. didn’t go C. wouldn’t go D. hadn’t gone (天津15’) 16. I ______ sooner but I didn’t know that they were waiting for me. A. had come B. was coming C. would come D. would have come


专四语法(虚拟语气) 虚拟语气用来表示说话人的主观愿望或假想,所说的是一个条件,不一定是事实,或与事实相反。 条件句可分为两类,一类为真实条件句,一类为非真实条件句。非真实条件句表示的是假设的或实际可能性不大的情况,故采用虚拟语气。 eg. If he comes, he will bring his violin. 典型例题 The volleyball match will be put off if it ___. A.will rain B. rains C. rained D. is rained 答案B。真实条件句主句为将来时,从句用一般现在时。 注意: 1)在真实条件句中,主句不能用be going to表示将来,该用shall, will. (错) If you leave now, you are never going to regret it. (对) If you leave now, you will never regret it. 2)表示真理时,主句谓语动词便不用shall (will) +动词原形,而直接用一般现在时的动词形式。 从句中提出一种与客观现实不相符或根本不可能存在的条件,主句会产生的一种不可能获得的结果。条件句中的虚拟语气根据不同的时间有三种不同的形 ?If I had time, I would do it again. ?If I had known of your arrival, I should have met you at the station. ?If she had further considered the problem, she might have come to the correct conclusion. 真题举例:


2014年英语专四语法真题 11.It’s essential that he_______all the facts first. A.is examining B.will examine C.examines D.examine D,虚拟语气题 12.Which of the follow italicized parts is used as an object complement? A.The front door remained locked. B.The boy looked disappointed. C.Nancy appeared worried. D.He seemed to have no money left. 13.Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT? A.Physics is an important school subject. B.The United States borders Canada. C.The Niagara Falls is in North America. D.Mumps is a kind of infectious disease. 14.The boys in the family are old enough for_____. A. schools B. school C. the school D. the schools 15.Which of the following italicized parts indicates a predicate-object relationship? A. He was reading Mary's letter in the room. B. You can buy men's shoes in this shop.


精品资料欢迎下载 2000-2018专四语法动词虚拟语气真题汇总 2018 20. My mother was determined to help those in need and she would have been immensely proud of what has been achieved these last 20 years. The italicized part in the sentence expresses _______. A. a hypothesis B. a suggestion C. a contradiction D. a surprise 2017年 15. “If I were you, I wouldn’t wait to propose to her.” The subjunctive mood in the sentence is used to ______ . A.alleviate hostility B.express unfavorable feelings C.indicate uncertainty D.make a suggestion 16. “It’s a shame that the city official should have gone back on his word.” The modal auxiliary SHOULD express _______ . A.obligation B.disappointment C.future in the past D.tentativeness 19.At that moment, with the crowd watching me, I was not afraid in the ordinary sense, as I afraid if I___________ alone. A.would have been...had been B.should be... had been C.could be...were D.might have been...were


虚拟语气高考真题 2016年组 3. (16 江苏)If it for his in vitati on the other day, I should not be here now. 2015年组 1. (15 陕西) Ellen is a fantastic dancer. I wish I as well as her. A. dance B. will dance C. had danced D. dan ced 2. (15 重庆)Without his wartime experiences. Hemingway ___ his famous novel A Farewell to Arms. A. Didn 'write B. hadn 'written C. would n 'write D. would n 'have writte n 3. ( 15 北京)If I _____ it with my own eyes ,I wouldn 'have believed it. A .didn 'tsee B.weren 'seeing C. wouldn 'see D.hadn 'seen 4. ( 15 安徽)It is lucky we booked a room, or we ______ no where to stay now. A. had not been B. should not be bee n 4. (16 浙江) Had the governments and scientists since their highest i n 200 5. A. had n ot falle n B. would not fall falle n C.were not to be D.should not have not worked together , AIDS-related deaths _____________ C. did not fall D. would n ot have A. had B. had had C. would have D. would have had 5. (15 天津)I wish I _______ at my sister in New York the n. 's weddi ng last Tuesday, but I was on a bus in ess trip A. will be B. would be C. have bee n D. had bee n 6.( 15江苏) It might have saved me some trouble the schedule. A. did I know B. have I known C. do I know D. had I known 7.( 15江苏) Many of the things we now ben efit from would not be around Thomas Edis on. A. tha nks to B. regardless of C. aside from D. but for 2014年组 1. ( 14 湖南)If Mr. Dewey the people there. prese nt, he would have offered any possible assista nee to A. were B. had bee n C. should be D. was 2. ( 14 重庆)It was John who broke the window. Why are you talking to me as if I ____ it? B. have done A. had done C. did D. am doing
