



1 devote…to (doing) sth.把…奉献给devoteoneself to致力于,献身于 be devoted to专心致志于

2 human beings 人类

3 move off 离开,启程,出发

4 lead a…life 过着……的生活

5 crowd in 涌上心头,涌入脑海

6 look down on/upon 蔑视,瞧不起

7 refer to 查阅,参考,谈到 (其中,to为介词)

8 by chance 碰巧,凑巧

9. come across 偶遇,碰见

10. carry on 继续,坚持 carry out 实行,执行,完成

11. be dressed in 穿着… dress as 打扮成…

12.fight for 为….而战 fight against 与…战斗

13.put to death判死刑

14. concern oneselfwith…关注…注意…

15.intend to dosth./ doing sth. 打算做某事

16. in the shadeof 在…的树荫下,在…的庇护下

17.gain doctor’sdegree 获得博士学位

18. be consideredas 被看做….

19.take turns todo sth 采取步骤做某事

20.do research on…做…方面的研究

21.mean to do 打算做某事 mean doing 意味着

22. by now 直到现在


1 She spentyears observing and recording their daily activities.


(spend+时间/金钱+doing sth 花时间或金钱去做某事)

2 Only after hermother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to beginher project. 她的母亲头几个月来帮过她的忙;这才使她得以开始自己的计划。


3 FollowingJane’s way of studing chimps, our group are all going to visit them in theforest.


(-ing作方式状语。注意非谓语动词作状语时的区别:-ing主动/进行/延续,-ed被动/过去,to do主动/将来)

4.It seemed thatshe had been very busy in her chosen carrer travelling abroad to study aswell aswriting books and articles 看起来她忙于所选择的和写作一样的到国外研究。

(It seemed that+从句:似乎是,看起来好像是。 as well as 还有)

5.What made hersucceed later on was the kindness and consideration she showed to all herpatients


(What made her succeed主语从句。了解what引导的名词性从句的译法,明白它们在句中的成分:作主语、宾语、表语、同位语)


主谓一致,指人称和数方面的一致关系。分为:语法一致, 内容一致, 就近一致。

(一) 语法一致原则: 即主语为单数,谓语用单数,主语为复数,谓语也用复数。

1. 单数主语即使后面带有with , along with, together with,

like(象), but (除了),except,besides, as well as, no less than, rather than(而不是),including, in addition to 引导的短语, 谓语动词仍用单数。如:Air as well as water is matter. 空气和水都是物质。Noone except two servants was late for the dinner. 除了两个仆人外, 没有一个人迟来用餐。

2. 用and连接的并列主语,如果主语是同一个人,同一事,同一概念, 谓语动词用单数, 否则用复数。

The poet and writer has come.那位诗人兼作家来了.(一个人)

A hammer and a saw are useful tools.锤子和锯都是有用的工具. (两样物)

用and连接的成对名词习惯上被看成是一个整体, 如:bread andbutter(黄油抹面包), knife and fork(刀叉)等作主语时, 谓语动词用单数。

3. 不定式(短语), 动名词(短语), 或从句作主语时, 谓语动词用单数.

Serving the people is my great happiness.


When we’ll go out for an outing has been decided.


4. 用连接的并列主语被each, every 或no修饰时, 谓语动词用单数.

Every boy and every girl likes to go swimming. 每个男孩和每个女孩都喜欢去游泳.

No teacher and no student was absent from the meeting. 没有老师也没有学生开会缺席.

Each man and (each) woman is asked to help. 每个男人和每个女人都被请去帮忙。

5. each of + 复数代词, 谓语动词用单数. 复数代词+each, 谓语动词用单数.如:

Each of us has something to say. 我们每个人都有话要说。

6. 若主语中有more than one 或many a/an , 尽管从意义上看是

复数,但它的谓语动词仍用单数。但more+复数名词+thanone做主语时, 谓语动词仍用复数. 如:

Many a boy likes playing basketball.许多男生都喜欢打篮球.

More than one student was late.不只一个学生迟到

More persons than one come to help us. 不止一个人来帮助我们。

7. none 做主语时,谓语动词可用单数, 也可用复数; 但在代表不可数的东西时总是看作单数,因而谓语动词要用单数.

None of us are (is) perfect.人无完人。

None of this worries me.这事一点不使我着急。

8. 名词如: trousers, scissors, clothes, goods, glasses 等作主语时, 谓语动词必须用复数.

His clothes are good. 但这些名词前若出现 a pair of , 谓语一般用单数.

A pair of glasses is on the desk. 桌上有一副眼镜。

9. 形复意单名词如:news ; 以ics 结尾的学科名称如: physics, mathematics, economics; 国名如: the United States; 报纸名如: theNew Times; 书名如: Arabian Night <天方夜谈>; 以及The United Nations<联合国> 等作主语时, 谓语动词用单数。

10. “a +名词+and a half “, “one and a half + 名词”, “the number of + 名词”等作主语时, 谓语动词要用单数.

Only one and a half apples is left on the table.

注意: one or two + 复数名词作主语, 谓语动词用复数形式,

One or two places have been visited. 参观了一两个地点。

(二) 内容一致原则:

1.主语中有all, half, most, the rest等, 以及”分数或百分数+名词”做主语时,谓语动词单复数取决于连用的名词.

The rest of the bikes are on sale today. 剩下的自行车,今天出售。

60%of the apple was eaten by little boy.这个苹果的60%都被


Most of the apples were rotten.大部分的苹果都是烂的。

Most of the apple was eaten by a rat. 这个苹果的大部分被老鼠吃了。

2. 不定数量的词组, 如:part of , a lot of , lots of , one of , anumber of , plenty of等作主语时, 谓语动词的单复数取决于量词后面名词的数.

A part of the textbooks have arrived. 一小部分教科书已运到。

A part of the apple has been eaten up by the pig. 这个苹果的一部分被猪吃光了。

3. 加减乘除用单数.

Fifteen minus five is ten . 15减去5等于10。

4. 表示时间, 金钱, 距离, 度量等的名词做主语时, 尽管是复数形式, 它们做为一个单一的概念时,其谓语动词用单数.

Ten miles is a good distance. 十英里是一个相当的距离。

5. (1) 通常作复数的集体名词. 包括police , people, cattle 等, 这些集体名词通常用作复数.

The British police have only very limited powers.

(2) 通常作不可数名词的集体名词. 包括equipment,furniture, clothing, luggage 等.

(3) 可作单数也可作复数的集体名词. 包括audience, committee, government, family, enemy, group, party, team, public 等.

The committee has/have decided to dismiss him. 委员会决定解雇他。

6. the +形容词/过去分词形式”表示一类人或事物, 作主语时, 谓语动词用复数.

The injured were saved after the fire.

(三) 就近原则

1. 由here, there, where 等引导的倒装句中, (有时主语不止一个时)谓语动词与靠近它的主语在数上一致.

Here comes the bus 公共汽车来了.

Here is a pen and some pieces of paper for you. 给你一支钢笔和几张纸。

Where is your wife and children to stay while you are away?

你不在这儿的时候, 你爱人和孩子在哪儿呆呢?

2. 用连词or, either.... or, neither….nor, not only….but also 等连接的并列主语, 谓语动词与靠近它的主语在数上一致。

Neither the students nor the teacher knows anything about it 学生和老师都不知道这事.

He or you have taken my pen. 他或你拿了我的钢笔。

注意: one of +复数名词+who/that/which引导的定语从句中, 定语从句的动词为复数。

Mary is one of those people who keep pets. 玛丽是饲养宠物者之一。

The only one of +复数名词+ who/that./which 引导的定语从句中,定语从句的动词应为单数。

Mary is the only one of those people who keeps pets. 玛丽是唯一一个饲养宠物的人。


必修四unit one achieve [ 3‘t j i:v] vt.完成;达至U 【经典例句】By hard working we can achieve anything. 只要我们努力,任何事情都能成功. 【考点聚焦】同义词:accomplish v.完成(任务等); 2)名词:achievement成就;功绩 entertain—entertainment,move -movement,equip -equipmentjudge—judg(e)mentm,等. 3) achieve的常见搭配: 我的记忆卡 achieve success获得成功achieve victory 取得胜禾1 achieve one ' s purpose 目的achieve one ' sOm 目标 achieve a good result彳导至U好的结果achieve one ' s go现某人的目标 2) mean的用法 Mean doing sth. 意味着做… Eg. Doing such a thing means wasting time. mean to do sth 打算做某事 eg. Do you mean to go without money behave [b工*heIv] vt. & vi.举动;举止;行为表现 【经典例句】He behaved with great courage in the battle. 他在这次战斗中表现得非常勇敢. 【考点聚焦】1〕 behavio〔u〕r n.举止;行为;表现;misbehavio〔u〕r n.不良行为 2〕常用搭配:behave oneself使举止好;使举止规矩 worthwhile [w 3 :日〔h〕wa工l] adj.值得花时间〔精力〕的;有价值的 【经典例句】It is worthwhile to visit the museum. 参观这个博物馆是值得的. 【考点聚焦】1〕区别worthwhile与worth , worthy的用法: worthwhile意为值得〞,指花时间、精力、金钱等去做某事是值得的.如: It is worthwhile to read the book.=It is worthwhile reading the book.= Reading the book is worthwhile.这本书值得一读. 但不可以说The book is worthwhile reading. worth表示访值……〞时,后接价值数量词;当表示值得〞时,后接名词、代词或动名词〔不能接不定式〕,常用well修饰,不用very.如: This laptop is worth 10 000 yuan and it is well worth buying. 这台笔记本电脑值10 000元,很值得买. worthy表示值得〞时,常作表语,结构为worthy of sth..如: It is a worthy cause and worthy of our hardworking.这是一份高尚的事业,值得我们努力. worthy后面还可接动名词或不定式,结构分别是worthy of being done和worthy to be done. 如: The incident is worthy of being remembered.=The incident is worthy to be remembered .这次事件值得纪念. observe [nb1z3:v] vt.观察;观测;遵守 【经典例句】We should strictly observe the discipline. 我们应该严格遵守纪律. 1)同根词:observer n.观察者observation n.观察;观测


You're busy filling out the application form for a position you really need; let's assume you once actually completed a couple of years of college work or even that you completed your degree. Isn't it tempting to lie just a little, to claim on the form that your diploma represents a Harvard degree Or that you finished an extra couple of years back at State University More and more people are turning to utter deception like this to land their job or to move ahead in their careers, for personnel officers, like most Americans, value degrees from famous schools. A job applicant may have a good education anyway, but he or she assumes that chances of being hired are better with a diploma from a well-known university. Registrars at most well-known colleges say they deal with deceitful claims like these at the rate of about one per week. Personnel officers do check up on degrees listed on application forms, then. If it turns out that an applicants lying, most colleges are reluctant to accuse the applicant directly. One Ivy League school calls them impostors(骗子); another refers to them as special cases. One well-known West Coast school, in perhaps the most delicate phrase of all, says that these claims are made by no such people. To avoid outright(彻底的)lies, some job-seekers claim that they attended or were associated with a college or university. After carefully checking, a personnel officer may discover that attending means being dismissed after one semester. It may be that being associated with a college means that the job-seeker visited his younger brother for a football weekend. One school that keeps records of false claims says that the practice dates back at least to the turn of the century-that's when they began keeping records, anyhow. If you don't want to lie or even stretch the truth, there are companies that will sell you a phony (假的)diploma. One company, with offices in New York and on the West Coast, will put your name on a diploma from any number of non-existent colleges. The price begins at around twenty dollars for a diploma from Smoot State prices increase rapidly for a degree from the University of Purdue. As there is no Smoot State and the real school in Indiana properly called Purdue University, the prices seem rather high for one sheet of paper. 6. The main idea of this passage is that. A)employers are checking more closely on applicants now B)lying about college degrees has become a widespread problem C)college degrees can now be purchased easily D)employers are no longer interested in college degrees 7. According to the passage, special cases refer to cases where. A)students attend a school only part-time B)students never attended a school they listed on their application C)students purchase false degrees from commercial films D)students attended a famous school

人教版高中英语必修四Unit1 单元教学笔记

人教版高中英语必修四 Unit 1 Women of achievement 1. achievement [C] 成就,功绩; [U] 完成,达到 achieve vt. 完成, 达到,实现 短语:make achievements in… 在……取得成就 achieve success / victory /one’s purpose / aim / goal 取得成功、胜利;达到目的、实现目标 2. concern vt. 与……有关;使担忧;使关心 concerned adj. 有关的;担忧的 concerned 表示“有关的”作后置定语;concerning 介词,“关于” 常见短语: concern oneself for / about… 关心;为……担忧= be concerned about / for… be concerned with… 关心;和……有关 as / so far as ….be concerned 就……而言;就……来说 She concerns herself about her son’s future. = She is concerned about her son’s future . As far as I am concerned , I cannot object to your marriage . 3. specialist [C] 专家, 专业工作者,专科医生,后接in短语 I think you’d better consult a specialist in Chemistry. specialize vi. 专攻, 专门从事,专注于,后接in短语 What do you ~ in? 你的专业是什么? 4. connection [C,U] 连接,关系 in connection with 与……有关 Please tell me all you know in connection with that matter.


高中英语必修四第一单元知识点 在当今的社会,学好英语是非常必要的。高中英语必修四第一单元的知识点主要有哪些呢?接下来店铺为你整理了高中英语必修四第一单元知识点,一起来看看吧。 高中英语必修四第一单元重点短语知识点 1 devote…to (doing) sth.把…奉献给devoteoneself to致力于,献身于 be devoted to专心致志于 2 human beings 人类 3 move off 离开,启程,出发 4 lead a…life 过着……的生活 5 crowd in 涌上心头,涌入脑海 6 look down on/upon 蔑视,瞧不起 7 refer to 查阅,参考,谈到 (其中,to为介词) 8 by chance 碰巧,凑巧 9. come across 偶遇,碰见 10. carry on 继续,坚持 carry out 实行,执行,完成 11. be dressed in 穿着… dress as 打扮成… 12.fight for 为….而战 fight against 与…战斗 13.put to death判死刑 14. concern oneselfwith…关注…注意… 15.intend to dosth./ doing sth. 打算做某事 16. in the shadeof 在…的树荫下,在…的庇护下 17.gain doctor’sdegree 获得博士学位 18. be consideredas 被看做…. 19.take turns todo sth 采取步骤做某事 20.do research on…做…方面的研究 21.mean to do 打算做某事 mean doing 意味着 22. by now 直到现在 高中英语必修四第一单元重点句型知识点


M4U1 Women of achievement Phrases: 1.使...睡觉leave...sleeping 2.扮作dress as 3.为...而奋斗fight for 4.从...把...驱逐出去drive..out of.. 5.被处以死刑be put to death 6.被判处死刑be sentenced to death 7.改善监狱条件improve prison conditions 8.使自己参与;关心concern oneself with 9.献出某人一生去devote all one’s life to 10.鼓励...做... encourage to 11....和....之间的关系connection . 12.在...做一些搜索do some reasearch on 13.吸引某人注意catch one’s eye 14.从...解脱free from 15.专门为...而设计的be intended for 16.某人自己的of one’s own 17.几乎不能can hardly wait to do 18.亲自on one’s own 19.与..争吵quarrel with 20.对待....好/差behave well/badly towards/to 21.守规矩;举止得体behave oneself 22.在(...的)阴凉处in the shade (of..) 23.四处走动move about/around 24.搬走move away 25.观察到某人在做某事observe sb. doing sth. 26.观察到某人做了某事observe sb. do sth. 27.庆祝/欢度节日observe holidays 28.赢得某人的尊敬gain one’s respect 29.尊敬某人为.../因...而尊敬某人respect for... 30.尊重某人have/show respect for sb. 31.关于with respect to 32.在许多方面上in many respects 33.(就某事)与某人争论argue with sb.(about/over/on sth.) 34.据理赞成/反对.... argue for/against sth. 35.主张...;认为.... argue that.. 36.涌上心头crowd in 37.聚集在...周围crowd around/round 38.挤满了... be crowded with 39.离开;启程;出发move off 40.激起/引起某人inspire sb. with sth.=inspire sb. 41.支持;拥护in support of 42.查阅,参考;谈到;涉及refer to 43.把...称作... refer to...as.... 44.将...送交给... refer...to... 45.(偶然)遇见;碰见;被理解;被弄懂come across 46.发生come about 47.长出来;出版;结果是come out 48.当谈及... When it comes to 49.打算让某人做某事intend do sth. 50.本打算做某事(但没有)had intended to do sth.=intended to have done 51.发表演说deliver a speech 52.把...交给/传递给... deliver ...to... 53.分娩be delivered of a baby 54.继续做某事carry on (with)sth. 55.不停地做某事,继续做某事carry on doing 56.实施;执行carry out 57.使渡过难关;顺利完成carry through 58.赢得;获得carry off 59.一个直率的人an outspoken person 60.直率的见解outspoken views 61.直率的评论outspoken comments 62.对某事直言不讳outspoken in something 63.闯红灯run a red light Sentences: 1.清晨5点45分,太阳刚从东非的贡贝国家公园的上空升起。 2.这意味着我们要返回前一天晚上我们离开黑猩猩一家睡觉的大树旁。


高中英语必修四第一单元重点、难点 Unit One Women of achievement 1、Then we follow as they wander into the forest. 然后当它们向森林走去时,我们就跟随着。 wander (1) 游荡;漫游 They wandered in Europe for three months. 他们在欧洲漫游了三个月。 His eyes wandered round the full house. 他用眼睛把整个房子扫视了一遍。 (2) 迷路乱走 Don’t wander off the road into the forest. 别离开大路进入森林。 The dog wandered off and got lost. 狗迷路走失了。 (3) 蜿蜒曲折 The river wanders through some very beautiful country. 小河蜿蜒曲折穿越漂亮的乡村。 The little stream wanders through the woods. 小溪从林中穿过。 (4) 胡想;说胡话 Don’t let your thought wander in class. 上课时思想别跑毛。 His mind wandered back to his college days. 他的思想又回到了大学时代。 2、In pairs discuss what they have in common and what makes them great. 同桌互相讨论他们有什么共同点,什么使得他们很伟大。 common adj. & n. (1)共同的,常见的

高中英语 人教版必修四第一单元语法:主谓一致

Unit 1 Women Of Achievement 主语和谓语动词的一致(Agreement between subject and verb) 基本含义:主语要和谓语动词保持人称和数的一致。 I am seventeen. She is sixteen. 主谓一致有以下几种情况: (一)并列主语的主谓一致 1. 两个单数名词由and 连接,作主语时,表示两个 不同的概念,谓语动词用复数。 My brother and I have both seen the film. 我和我的哥哥都看过这部电影。 Steam and ice are different form of water. 蒸汽和冰是水的不同形式。 2.两个单数名词由and 连接,表示同一人、同一物 或同一概念,或表示不可分割的整体时,谓语动词用单数。 The professor and writer is speaking at the meeting .(表示同一人) 那位教授作家正在会上发言。

A poet and novelist has visited our school . (表示同一人) 一位诗人兼小说家参观了我们学校。 War and peace is a constant theme in history . (表示同一概念) 战争与和平是历史永恒的主题。 The knife and fork is on the desk. (表示不可分割的整体)刀叉在桌子上。 3 .被every ,each ,many a ,no 修饰的单数名词由and 连接,谓语动词用单数。 Each boy and (each) girl /Every boy and (every) girl has an appl e . 每个男孩和女孩都有一个苹果。 Many a teacher and (many) a stud ent has seen the film. 许多老师和学生都看过这部电影。 No sound and no voice is needed .一点声音都没有。 4.由or , either...or , neither ..nor ,not only ...but also,not ..but 连接的并列主语,根据就近一致原则,谓语动词的单复数形式要和与它邻近的主语的数保持一致。由there 或here 引导的句子,主语不止一个名词时,谓语动词通常与邻近的名词或代词保持一


人教版高中英语必修四Unit1课文全解 人教版高中英语必修四Unit1课文全解(常考单词、高频短语和写作句式) 1.知识点扫描之词汇 characteristic n.特征;特性 scientific adj.科学的 analyse vt.分析 defeat vt.打败;战胜;使受挫n.失败 attend vt.照顾;护理;出席;参加 expert adj.熟练的;经验或知识丰富的n.专家 physician n.医生;内科医师 cure n.治愈;痊愈vt.治愈;治疗 challenge n.挑战vt.向……挑战 victim n.受害者 absorb vt.吸收;吸引;使专心 suspect vt.怀疑n.被怀疑者;嫌疑犯 enquiry n.询问 pump n.泵;抽水机vt.(用泵)抽(水) handle n.柄;把手vt.处理;操纵 firework n.烟火(燃放) positive adj.积极的;肯定的;确实的 cautious adj.小心的;谨慎的 movement n.移动;运动;动作 backward adv. & adj.向后地(的);相反地(的) spin vi.& vt.旋转;纺(纱或线) blame vt.责备;谴责n.过失;责备 2.词汇拓展 conclude vt.&vi.(结束;推断出) conlusion n.(结论;结束)

neighbourhood n.(附近;邻近) neighbour n.(邻居;邻近的人) expose vt.(暴露;揭露;使曝光) exposition n.(说明;解释;博览会) pollute vt.(污染;弄脏) pollution n.(污染) announce vt.(宣告;通告) announcement n.(宣告;通告;通知) instruct vt.(命令;指示;教导)instruction n.(命令;指示;说明书) construct vt.(建设;修建) construction n.(建设;建筑物) contribute vt.(捐献;贡献;捐助)contribution n.(贡献;捐助物;捐款) enthusiastic adj.(热情的;热心的)enthusiasm n.(热情;热心;热忱) reject vt.(拒绝;不接受;抛弃) rejection n.(拒绝;退回;废弃物)) universe n.(宇宙;世界) universal adj.(宇宙的;全世界的;普遍的) 3.重点短语 know about 了解……情况(消息) make sense 讲得通;有意义 put forward 提出 draw a conclusion 得出结论 expose…to 使显露 apart from 除……之外;此外 be to blame 应受责备的;应负责任的 come to an end 结束;终止 lead to 引起;造成;导致

英语知识点人教版高中英语必修四Unit 1《Women of achievement》word教案3-总结

Book4,Unit1,Women of Achievement The Second Period Grammar Teaching goals 教学目标 1. Target language 目标语言 a. 重点词语 achievement,inspire,worthwhile,observe,institute,respect,condition,argue,entertainment b. 重点句子 2. Ability goals 能力目标 a. Enlarge vocabulary by learning word-formation. b. Learn to use Subject-verb agreement correctly. 3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Teach Ss how to enlarge vocabulary by word-formation and how to use subject-verb agreement. Teaching important points 教学重点 a. Noun Suffix in word-formation. b. Subject-verb agreement of collective nouns.

Teaching difficult points 教学难点 Enable students to use collective nouns correctly, by understanding their meanings in certain situations. Teaching methods 教学方法 Let students do the exercises, and then collect their answers. Ask them to conclude the rules and then give them some explanation. Teaching aids 教具准备 A projector. Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式 语法详解: 所谓主谓一致是指主语和谓语动词之间,即主语的人称和单复数形式决定着谓语动词对应的形式。 1)语法形式上要一致,即单复数形式与谓语要一致。 2)意义上要一致,即主语意义上的单复数要与谓语的单复数形式一致。


人教版高中必修四英语Unit1单元知识点总结 人教版高中必修四英语 Unit 1 Women of achievement Warming up 1. in pairs 成对 2. quite an achievement 了不起的成就;a sense of achievement成就感 achieve one's purpose达到目的;achieve one's goal达到目标 3. have a lot/much in common (with)…) (与……)有很多共同之处 have not much / a little in common (with)…) (与……)没有很多共同之处 have something / nothing in common (with)…) (与……)有/没有共同之处 in common with…与…..一样 4.. give reasons for 给…理由 5. fight for…为……而战斗/奋斗; fight ag ainst…为反对……而斗争 fight one’s way out打出一条路fight on继续战斗fight out解决 6. put sb to death处死某人,判处某人死刑sentence sb, to death 判处某人死刑 frighten /scare sb. To death把某人吓得要命 7. improve prison conditions改善监狱的条件 8. the Nobel Peace Prize诺贝尔和平奖 9. one of the top leaders高级领导人之一 10. concern oneself with 让自己关注be concerned about/for…对…担心/关心 show/feel concerned about/for…担心/关心/挂念……with concern关切地;


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人教版英语必修四第一单元课文知识点 一 one: one则表示泛指,指同名称中的另一事物既可以替代人,也可以替代物 复数形式为 ones. that,主要用于两种东西的对比,其复数形式为those,也可以用于特指。 that用作替代物,无法用作替代人。 that,which: hereistheman(that)you'rebeenlookingforidon’tliketheway(that)youtalktosomebody else. and: shedoctorsherchildrenforcoldsandstomachaches.二 untilthen: untilthen,hisfamily____fromhimforsixmonthsa.didn'thearb.hasn'theardc.hasn'tbee nhearing d.hadn'theard过去完成时标志词: 1.由时间状语去认定 2.(1)by+过去的时间点。 3.(2)bytheendof+过去的时间点。 4.(3)before+过去的时间点。 5.i_______(finish)readingthenovelbynineo'clocklastnight. 6.we_______(learn)over twothousandenglishwordsbytheendoflastterm. 7.they______(plant)sixhundredtreesbeforelastwednesday. 三

1.lookatthechildrenontheplayground.theyareflyingkites________(happy).let’sjoi nthem. 2.whydoyouthinkyoudidso___________(bad)inyourtest? as: astimewenton/by,shebecamemoreandmorebeautiful. asayoungman,hewasactiveinsports.remember,youmustdoeverythingasido heisverycareful,asweallknow.childassheis,shecanspeak2foreignlanguages 现在分词做后定: 定语:起至润色限量促进作用的语言成分,多为“的”;后置定语,顾名思义,放到被修饰词后的定语.现在分词并作定语,多表中主动和展开的含义.不同于过去分词,表中被动含义. theteachercamein,followingsomestudents.老师跟着一些学生进来了.(学生在老师之前?) theteachercamein,followedbysomestudents.老师被一些学生跟著进去了.即:老师进去了,他后面跟著一些学生.(学生在老师之后) thegirl____(stand)underthetreeisreallycharming.(令 人陶醉) people____(wait)forthebusoftenshelterinmydoorway.(等公共汽车的人经常在我的住所门口。)and前后一致 shewasmybestfriendafterall,andwasalwaysthereforme四 also,tooaswell,either区别 1)too放到句子末尾,通常用逗号分隔。 2)either在否定句中使用,但是放在句子末尾,通常用逗号隔开。3)also则放在系动词be之后,实义动词之前。4)aswell用在肯定句中,放在句子末尾。 helpsbdo: pleasehelpme____(lift) thisheavybox.willyouhelpme_____(choose)myselfanewcoat?workout: thatiswhatyouhavetoworkout


高中英语必修四第1-5 单元重点词汇及语法 (完整版) -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

Unit 1 Women of achievement 1.achieve v. 完成,达到;实现,获得achievement:n.完成;达到;成绩;成就 e.g He will never achieve anything if he doesn’t work hard.不努力工作他什么也做不成。 The company has achieved a 100% increase in profitability.这个公司在利润方面获得了百分之百的增长 We felt a great sense of achievement when we reached the top of the mountain. 当我们到达山顶的时候,我们有一种很大的成就感。 2.connection: 联系;关系;连接物;连接,联结(with/between) Pl. 亲属;亲戚 e.g There is a strong connection between smoking and heart disease.吸烟和心脏病 之间有很大的联系。 The company has a connection with a number of Japanese firms.这个公司和日本的好多公司有联系。 This town has very good road and railway connections with the coast.这个小镇和海岸之间有着很好的公路及铁路连接。 She ‘s English but she has Irish connections.她是英格兰人但她有爱尔兰的亲戚。in connection with: 有关 e.g In connection with your request of March 3, we are sorry to tell you that we can’t give you a reply until the manager comes back next week.关于你三月三日的请求,很抱歉地告诉你直到下周经理回来我们才能给你答复。 3.devote… to …献身于…;致力于…;把…奉献于… devoted: adj. 忠实的 devotion: n. 热爱,忠诚 e.g He has devoted all his life to helping blind people. 他一生都在帮助盲人。 He is my devoted friend. He is also devoted to his wife.他是我忠实的朋友,他对自己的妻子也很忠诚。 4.behave: v. 行为,表现 behavior :n. e.g She has been behaving rather oddly. 他举止很奇怪。 Behave yourself.做你自己。 5.worthwhile : adj. 值得的 e.g We had a long wait, but it was worthwhile because we got the ticket.我们等了很 久,不过很值得,因为我们得到了票。 worthwhile: 值得花时间/精力/金钱


Unit 1 知识归纳 词汇 1.,举止;行为表现 归纳拓展 某人态度好/恶劣 behave yourself守规矩,表现得体 (2)behaviour n. [U]行为,举止,习性 wellbehaved adj.表现好的 badlybehaved adj.表现差的 be on one's good/best behaviour举止规矩;行为检点 put sb.on his best behaviour规劝或警告某人要规规矩矩 2.得的,值得出力的 同类辨析 worthwhile,worth与worthy (1)worthwhile可作表语或定语,作表语时可替换为worth one's while,后接doing/to do。 (2)worth只能作表语;其前常用副词well修饰。 (3)worthy可作定语或表语;作定语时意为“可尊敬的,有价值的”。 3.察;观测(后跟名词或代词);看到;注意到(不用于进行时,后可以跟复合宾语或that从句);遵守(法律、协议或习俗);庆祝(节日) 归纳拓展 (1)observe sth.观察/遵守/庆祝…… observe sb.do sth.观察到某人做过某事(被动式不定式前要加to,be observed to do sth.) observe sb.doing sth.观察到某人正在做某事 observe+thatclause 发现…… (2)observe the law/traffic rules遵守法律/交通规则 observe Christmas/May Day庆祝圣诞节/五一劳动节 (3)observer n.观察者 observation n.观察,观察力 under observation受到监视 I felt he was observing everything I did. 我觉得他正在观察着我的一举一动。 I observed him take your pen. 我看见他拿走了你的钢笔。 4.respect vt.尊敬;尊重;敬重n.[U]尊敬,尊重;(复)敬意,问候;[C]着眼点,方面,细节 归纳拓展 (1)respect sb./sth.for sth.因某事尊敬或敬重某人/物 respect oneself自尊,自重 respect sb.as...尊敬某人为…… (2)have/show respect for 对……表示尊重;尊敬 out of one's respect出于对……的尊敬


Book 4Unit1 Women of achievement 1、achievement n. 〔1〕[C]成就,功绩:have a sense of achievement有成就感 〔2〕[U]达到,完成:→achieve vt.〔经过长期努力〕达到,实现,取得;achievable adj.可完成的,可达到的;achiever n.成功人士 [即学即练1]〔〕Although medical science______control over several dangerous diseases,what worries us is that some of them are returning.A.achievedB.has achievedC.will achieve D.had achieved [即学即练2]〔〕It’s through learning that the individual ____many habitual ways of reacting to situations.A.retainsB.gainsC.achievesD.acquires 2、put...to的三个主要含义: 〔1〕使某人在某地或或某种状况下,尤指睡觉、休息或死亡:She put her child to bed. 〔2〕问〔问题〕;提〔建议〕:I put a question to him. 〔3〕以某种方式试验〔某人或某事〕:Let’s put the matter to a vote. [即学即练3]〔〕At last the government put the criminal _____by hanging him.A.to dieB.to deathC.to be dyingD.into death [即学即练4]〔〕I was hoping Mr Brown could _________for a few days.A.put me inB.put me downC.put me onD.put me up 3、welfare n [U] 〔1〕幸福,健康;福祉:Our only concern is the children’s welfare.我们唯一关心的是孩子们的幸福. 〔2〕〔对有个人或社会问题的人提供的〕帮助;福利 welfare benefits/services/programmes:the provision of education and welfare services提供教育和福利服务〔3〕〔政府向穷人或失业者发放的〕救济金 on welfare:Most of the people in this neighborhood are on welfare.这一街区的大多数人都领取福利救济. 4、project v 〔1〕[T]预计,推断 be projected to do sth:Total expenditure is projected to rise by 25%.总开支预计增加25%. 〔2〕[I] 凸出,突出:projecting teeth龅牙 [+ out/from/through etc ]Four towers projected from the main building.从主楼上凸出来四个塔楼. 〔3〕[T] 放映;投射 project sth onto sth:She projected the slide onto the wall.她将幻灯片投射到墙上. 〔4〕[T] 呈现出…样子,表现〔自己〕 project yourself :his attempts to project himself as a potential leader他试图表现出自己作为未来领导的样子 〔5〕计划,预定the projected closure of the hospital计划关闭这所医院 〔6〕project your voice放开声音〔使大房间的每个人都能听见〕 〔7〕[T] 传播:The plant projects its seeds over a wide area. 那种植物可以把种子散播到很大的X围. 〔8〕[T]使〔某人〕迅速成功;让〔某人〕迅速获得更好的工作 project sb into/onto etc sth:His success projected him onto Channel 4’s comedy series ‘Packet of Three’.他的成功让自己跻身于第四频道的系列喜剧《三人帮》中. 〔9〕[T] 想象〔他人〕具有〔自己的思想感情〕;把〔自己的感情〕投射到他人身上 project sth on/onto sb:You’re projecting your insecurity onto me.你在把自己的不安全感强加到我身上. 5、specialist n专家
