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湖南省血吸虫病研究所附属湘岳医院CT室(岳阳市414000) 罗昭阳

【摘要】 目的:阐明成人髋关节病变的CT表现,评价其诊断价值。材料与方法:回顾分析经临床确诊或病理证实的41例髋关节病变的CT征象,其中退行性骨关节病14例,成人股骨头缺血坏死10例,类风湿性关节炎5例,髋关节结核4例,强直性脊柱炎累及髋关节3例,滑膜骨软骨瘤病3例,色素沉着绒毛结节性滑膜炎2例。结果:退行性骨关节病以承重区关节畸形和骨性关节面改变为主,软骨下囊变特别明显;股骨头缺血坏死显示股骨头硬化、囊变及软骨下骨折,晚期继发骨性关节炎改变;类风湿性关节炎关节间隙普遍狭窄,关节面下小囊肿周围无明显骨硬化;强直性脊柱炎累及髋关节表现为髋臼关节面锯齿状或毛刷状破坏;髋关节结核关节面广泛骨质破坏,可见到小死骨和寒性脓疡;滑膜骨软骨瘤病显示滑膜增厚和其内小钙化灶,较大的骨软骨体呈桑椹状表现;色素沉着绒毛结节性滑膜炎关节面下囊变区边缘硬化明显,关节间隙存在。结论:各种髋关节病变的CT表现不同,CT能清楚显示髋关节解剖结构及病变的部位、范围和病理解剖细节,是评价髋关节病变特别是单关节病非常有效的检查手段。

关键词:髋关节病变 体层摄影术 X线计算机

CT Diagnosis of H ip Joint Lesions in Adults(Analysis41C ases)

Luo Zhaoyang

CT Division,Hunan Provincial Schistos omiasis Disease Research Institute A ffiliated

X iang Y ue H ospital,414000

【Abstract】 Purpose:T o study the CT manifestations of hip joint lesions in adults and to assess their diagnostic value.Materials and Methods:CT signs in41cases with clinically-or pathologically-proved hip joint lesions in adults were retrospectively analyzed,The diseases included coxarthrosis in14,avascular necrosis of the fem oral head in10,rheumatoid arthritis in5,tuberculosis of the hip joint in4,ankylosing spondylitis inv olves hip joint in3,synovial osteochondromatosis in3,pigmented villo nodular synovitis in2.R esults:The coxarthrosis have de2 formation of bearing region and change of osseous articular sur face are the maior features,subchondra cyst very markedly;Avascular necrosis of the fem oral head showed the lucent cystic region,sclerotic region and microfractures,later secondary osteoarthritis;Rheumatoid arthritis showed general narrowing of the joint space,subchondral small cysts and its adjacent bone sclerosis not marked;Ankylosing spondylitis inv olves hip joint showed the articular sur face of acetabulum like serration or brush;Tuberculosis of the hip joint showed widely destruction in the articular sur face, small dead bone and cold abscess visible;Synovial osteochondromatosis showed synovial thickening and small calcification,large osteochondrous body as mulberry;Pigmented villo nodular synovitis showed subchondral cyst′s edge sclerotic markedly,the joint space as well.Conclusion: Hip joint lesions in adults,due to a variety of dis orders,dem onstrate various CT manifestations.CT scan can clearly dem onstrate the anatomy of the hip joint and location,extent and pathologic details of lesions.CT is invaluable means for the evaluation of hip joint lesions in especial m onar2 ticular arthropathies.

K ey w ords:Hip joint lesion T om ography X-ray com puted


1 材料与方法111 临床资料 本组共41例,其中退行性骨关节病14例,男9例,女5例,年龄42~74岁,病程2个月~10年不等,主要为髋部疼痛、活动不便;股骨头缺血坏死10例,男8例,女2例,表现为髋关节疼痛、压痛、跛行,其中3例有应用激素史,2例有外伤史;类风湿性关节炎5例,男2例,女3例,病程2~12年,髋关节疼痛、功能障碍,类风湿因子试验均为阳性;强直性脊柱炎累及髋关节3例,均
