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Comprehensive Course
实 用 英 语

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6. The mourner who refuses to let go of his grief eventually isolates himself from his friends. —the mourner who refuses to free himself of his grief /continues his life with grief finally separates himself from his friends. Let go of : to stop holding E.g. Don’t let go of the rope.hold it tightly and don’t let go. let go of my hand,you’re hurting me! Isolate: to cause to be separated E.g. When one has an infectious disease,he is usually isolated. the mountain village is isolated from the outside by the heavy snow
Comprehensive Course
实 用 英 语
Practical English
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Comprehensive Course
实 用 英 语
Unit Three Text A
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Unit Four Text A Unit Five Text A
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Comprehensive Course
实 用 英 语
综 合 教
4. We can stay down for the count and be carried out the ring , or we can pull ourselves back to our feet. ------ we can lie down on the ring waiting to be counted out or we can stand up by ourselves. 5. Grief, in part, is self-pity turned inside out. ----- grief, to some extent, is the expression of inward selfpity. Self-pity is a feeling of unhappiness and depression one has about himself and his problems. Inside out: reversed; thoroughly; completely E.g. he wore his socks inside out. he knew his trade inside out.
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may gain a lot from life(para.9)

Comprehensive Course
实 用 英 语
Text Study
1. Squarely: directly and firmly E.g. she looked squarely at me. she stood squarely in front of me. 2. Look sb/sth in the eye: face it directly E.g. can you look me in the eye and tell me you are not lying? 3. in the face of: in spite of ; in the presence of; befor E.g. he succeeded in the face of great diffficulities. she began to cry in the face of failure 返回
Comprehensive Course
实 用 英 语
1. 2. what is your opinion of crisis? How do you cope with it?
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Comprehensive Course
实 用 英 语
challenge cope despair generate manage precious defeat depress magnificent shorten
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in the face of turn inside out isolate…from… be worse off
to one’s feet let go of run off At every point
Comprehensive Course
实 用 英 语
1. Expect trouble as an inevitable part of life.(para.1) 2. Learn to forgive oneself in the face of a devasting experience. (para.2) 3. Learn to control our reactions to whatever happens to us. (para.3) 4. time and blind faith are the best healers for those suffering “nervous breakdown”(paras.4-6) 5. Activity is the best prescription for a broken heart. (para.7-8) 6. Do remember those who have suffered a lot in life

Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
Comprehensive Course
实 用 英 语
Unit 3> Text A >Coping with Crisis
Lead-in Vocabulary Outline Text Study Summary Quizzes
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