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Chapter One

A helicopter of central articulated rotor makes a level flight with cruse speed. In this flight condition, the pitching attitude angle is 20, longitudinal cyclic pitching angle

is B1 70, rotor longitudinal flapping angle is a1s 30. Assuming the tilted angle of rotor shaft is 00, please determining the following angles:

Helicopter climb angle

Fuselage attack angle

Rotor attack angle s

Rotor flapping due to forward speed a10

中心铰式旋翼直升机以巡航速度前飞。俯仰角-2 °,纵向周期变距7°,纵向挥舞角-3 °,旋翼轴前倾角0° 平飞,爬升角0° 机身迎角-2 ° 桨盘平面迎角-2 ° 吹风挥舞4°

Chapter Two

1. For the main/tail rotor configuration helicopter, the pilot applies

which stick or rudder to control what kind of surfaces and

corresponding aerodynamic forces?

2. Whythe gradient of control stick forces can' t be too large or small?

3. Co-axis, tandem and tilted-rotor helicopters have no tail rotor. How

to change the direction in hover for these helicopters?

1. 操纵——气动面——响应P13 表2-1 前推/后拉杆——纵向周期变距,桨盘前倾/ 后倒——前飞/后飞,俯仰

左推/ 右推杆——横向周期变距,桨盘侧倒——侧飞,滚转

油门/ 总距杆——改变总距——改变垂向速度脚蹬——改变尾桨总距——改变航向

2. 为什么杆力梯度不能太大也不能太小P16 太大时大操纵较吃力,太小了不易感觉当前位移量。杆力梯度适中有利于精确操纵。

3. 共轴、纵列、倾转旋翼机如何悬停转弯?共轴——上下旋翼总距差动纵列——前后横向周期变距一个向左一个向右倾转旋翼——一侧后倒一侧前倒

Chapter Three

1. The rotation direction of Black hawk helicopter rotor is anticlockwise

from the top view. Please answer the following questions: Howthe rotor flaps when the helicopter comes up gust in hover?

How to adjust the controller to keep the hover condition?

Howthe blade changes its feathering angle following the pilot 's


2. During left and right turn flights with constant speed and

altitude, is there any different for pilot controls?

3. Is there flapping motion for hinge-less rotor?

1. 黑鹰直升机旋翼右旋




2. 不改变高度和速度时,左转弯和右转弯有区别没?


同理,右旋直升机右转弯的操纵为:松脚蹬—减小左压杆—减总距—减小前推杆3. 无铰式旋翼有挥舞吗?

Which items in the linear equations of helicopter motion reflect the longitudinal and lateral cross-coupling effect? 直升机线化运动方程中哪些项体现了横纵向的耦合P53


1. What is the mission of helicopter trim calculation?

2. In order to keep the center of helicopter mass in the specified range

it is necessary to check the helicopter loadings before flight. Why the

center of helicopter mass must be in the specified range?

3. The tail rotor of somehelicopters is lower than main rotor. What is

the advantages and disadvantages when the tail rotor is lower than

main rotor?

4. Bell-412 helicopter releases left and right buoys for making an

urgent lading on the water surface. Compare the differences of pilot controls and helicopter attitude before and after releasing buoys.



尾桨低于旋翼的好处及坏处P70 好处:尾梁扭转载荷不大,不需要加固垂尾以安装尾桨。总之可以减小结构重量。


