新概念英语青少版3A Unit1

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enjoy being a model/didn‘t mind working as a model ---在enjoy和(not)mind后面要接名词或 动名词。动名词由动词加-ing构成 ,如 being ,travelling ,working , having ,seeing .
Note for the text
She didn’t mind working as a fashion model.
单 词 大 比 拼
偶然遇 见 当模特 同样的 人
时装模 特 正规的 工作
介意 和朋友 们一起
Who can you see ? Who did Alan bumped into last week ?
She enjoys watching TV, but I hates reading magazines. ____________________________ TV? Yes, I enjoy it. But reading magazines? I hate it.
I play football. + I like it.=I like playing football.
you know ---通常置于解释性的语句句尾。 on her own ---意为“她自己”。own 前 的物主代词要与主语的人称一致,如:on my/your/his/its/our/their own .
Don't we all ?!---这是否定疑问句,意思 相当于We all do,但语气更强,需要用 yes来回答。
My name is XX
Age: secret Hobby: watching English movies, singing I come from XX province. I’m glad to be your teacher this term, and hope we will have an enjoyable time in learning English.
James :Why ?She was so successful ! Alan :She certainly was . James :So why didn't she like working as a model ?
Alan :She didn't mind working as a model .But she hated travelling on her own . James :Nina ,lonely ?Why ?
About you
• What sport (s) do you enjoy doing? • What do you like doing at home in the evening? • What job (s) do you hate doing? • What do you love doing at the weekend?
Alan :Nina likes having a proper job ,and seeing the same people every day .She likes being among friends . James :Don't we all ?!
Note for the text
Eg: Tom doctor
Tom has got a job ,he wants to be a doctor . Tom is a doctor ,he is a kind man.
Key words
proper/’prɔpə/ marketing /’mɑrkɪtɪŋ/ certainly /’sə:tnli / teach /ti:tʃ/ mind bump into/bʌmp ’ɪntuː/
Do you like travelling ? Do you like travelling on your own ? Does Nina like travelling on her own ? What did she hate ?
Do you like being among friends ? What about Nina ?
她不介意当模特,是吗? 是的,她不介意。
Look at the picture, and write about the people like the example.
He likes Sailing, but he hates gardening.
Sailing? I like it. But gardening? I hate it!
Can you introduce yourself to me?
Unit 1
Lesson 1
A proper job
Lead in
Lead in
Lead in
Write the words and make sentences .
Ask the Ss to choose one word about jobs and write , choose one name from the box ,let the Ss make sentences .
Turn back
She just wanted a proper job .(对 划线部分提问)
What kind of job did she just want ?
Turn back
She didn't mind working as a model . (改为反意疑问句,回答,并翻译) She didn't mind working as a model , did she ? No ,she didn't .
She doesn’t mind doing housework, but he hates washing up. __________________________
Housework? I don’t mind it. But washing up? I hate it!
She hates doing homework, but he doesn’t mind __________________________ reading.
• 1. 我经常和邻居聊天,很开心。 I always enjoy chatting to our neighbours. • 2. 我妈妈讨厌做家务,我讨厌做作业。 My mother hates doing housework, and I hate doing homework. • 3. ——你想做什么? ——我想做营销工作。 ——what do you want to do? ——I want a job in Marketing.
Homework? I hate it! Reading? I don’t mind it.
She loves tennis, but she doesn’t like _____________________________ shopping.
Tennis? I love it! But shopping? I don’t like it.
adj正规的,合适的 v+prep 偶然遇见 n 市场营销
adv 肯定地,无疑地 v 教,传授
v 介意,反对
on one’s own fixed phrase 独自地,单独地
New words
bump into the same people
get a job
a fashion model mark the tests
Enjoy being a model
Working as a model Travelling on her own The same people
Being among friends
Don’t we all ? What happened?
Is she all right? Guess what!
Alan :Guess what ,James ! I bumped into Nina last week . She's got a job in Marketing at Optima.
James :Marketing ?But Nina's a fashion model ! Alan :Well ,she was a fashion model ,but she's working at Optima now .
What was Nina's job ? What's she doing now ?
What kind of job did Nina want ?
Was she succssful as a model ?
He is a teacher. + He enjoys it. He enjoys being a teacher. She reads a lot of books. + She loves it. She loves reading. They must do their homework.+ They hate it. They hate doing their homework. We must wash up, but we don’t mind it. We don’t mind washing up.
on one’s own
make cakes
wash up
last week
enjoy/ hate/like/mind being a model
every day
work as
chat to friends
Bumped into
A fashion model
James :What happened ?Is she all right ? Alan :Oh ,yes ,she's fine .She just wanted a proper job .Nina didn't enjoy being a model ,you know .
4、Change some sentences .
I bumped into Nina last week . (改为一般疑问句;对划线部分提问) Did you bump into Nina last week ?
Turn back
Who did you bump into last week ?
Thank you!
1、Listen to the MP3 and answer the questions . Did Nina enjoy being a model ?Why ?/Why not ?
Turn back
Turn back
2、Watch DVD and read books . 3、Read and act it in pairs .