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1. He isn’t interested in things like watching TV, listening to songs, or dancing. 2. I have already read this book. 3. Customers from various countries and regions are warmly welcome to establish and develop business contacts..

Soccer is a difficult sport.(1)A player must be able to run steadily without rest.(2)Sometimes a player must hit the ball with his or her head.(3)Players must be willing to bang into and be banged into by others.(4) They must put up with aching feet and sore muscles.

2.语篇的发展 英语思维强调个人意见的表达,写作要求观 点鲜明,符合逻辑,首尾统一。段落,开头 以主题句点明主题,其后内容按直线展开, 层层深入,辅助句紧扣中心思想。段落的线 性发展围绕主题展开,先陈述中心意思,后 分点论证说明,使主题句的内容展开,并为 后面的内容作好铺垫。 汉语思维习惯于绕圈子,常常先避开主题, 从宽泛的时间和空间入手,往往把主要内容 或关键问题保留到最后或含而不露。从次要 到主要、从相关信息到中心话题的话语组织 模式(逐步达到高潮的渐进式模式)。

3.语篇的结尾 英语主体思维强调客观性,摆出大量事实数据, 使读者确信作者并未搀杂个人观点。让作者得出 自己的结论,文章往往呈现无结论化倾向。 汉语主体思维主观性强烈,往往对读者的判断力 持怀疑态度,由作者出面给出结论,文章往往呈 现结论化倾向。比如,题目为Making our city greener中:Let’s join hands and take some efficient and urgent measures to make our city greener and greener. 或者用You should make your effort to make our city greener. Just do it from now on.等等。 英文表达:Urgent and efficient measures should be taken to stop environment pollution and make our city a more comfort place to live.

Sample 1 : Pleasures in Reading 1. Reading can offer me certain pleasures that real life cannot do. (TS) 2. In the first place, reading can disperse loneliness. 3.While reading I can meet the wise and the good of all lands and all times. 4. In the pages of the book I can talk and walk with these friends who are always ready to give me friendship, sympathy, and encouragement, whereas my friends in reality cannot give me these when they leave me. 2 Furthermore, reading can add fullness to my life. 3. By reading I can travel around the whole world, and lead varied lives. 4. Through books the beauties of nature, the enjoyment of art, the triumphs of architecture, the marvels of engineering, are all open to my wonder and appreciation. 1.It can be said those who cannot enjoy reading are poor men; those who enjoy reading most can obtain the most happiness from it. (CS)
1. 主述位结构(theme structure)上的差别
汉语属主题显著 (topic-prominent) 语言 英语属主语显著 (subject-prominent)语言
1.看电视、唱歌、跳舞这类活动他都不感 兴趣。
2 .这本书我已经看过了。 3. 热烈欢迎世界各地客商来此进一步加强合作, 建立和发展贸易关系。

足球运动员必须能不停地奔跑,有时 得用头顶球,撞别人或被别人撞,必 须忍受双脚和肌肉的疼痛,所以说, 足球运动是一项难度大的运动。

1.语篇的开头 英语重直线思维,先说重要的信息,后把 次要的信息一一补进,采用“演绎模式” (deductive);汉语从侧面说,阐述外围的环 境,最后说话语的信息中心。采用一种“归 纳”式(inductive)思维模式。 “I would like to apply for a university scholarship”, 在表达“看电视的坏处”时,汉语的首段大 都是先用一个段落陈述电视的好处,给人们 带来的种种实惠,再回到题目上来指出其缺 点;而英文的写作规范是开门见山,直接点 题。
2. 思维方式 (thought pattern/discourse pattern) 的不同 (在篇章的组织结构方面) 英语的直线型(linear) 汉语的螺旋型(circular/spiral/indirect)
Fra Baidu bibliotek
在遣词造句谋篇上: 循着从一般(general)到具体 (specific),从概括(summarize)到 举例(exemplify),从整体(whole) 到个体(respective)的原则。