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创新是一个民族进步的灵魂,是一个国家兴旺发达的动力, 创新教育是素质教育的延伸与提高。为适应当前时代的要求,创新教育已成为当今教育改革的主旋律,课堂教学则是培养学生创新精神及实践能力的主阵地。但是长久以来,受应试教育的影响,教师在教学中忽视了学生创新意识和创造能力的培养。如何在小学英语课堂教学中进行创新教育,是我们每位英语教师值得深思的课题。以下是我结合几年来的英语教学实践谈谈自己的看法。

Innovation is the soul of a nation, is a driving force for national p rosperity, innovation education is the extending and promoting the qu ality education. In order to meet the requirements of the times, the innovation education has become the main theme of current education r eform, classroom teaching is the main position of cultivating student s' innovative spirit and practice ability. But for a long time, the i mpact of examination-oriented education, training of teachers in teac hing ignores students' innovation consciousness and creative ability. How to carry out innovative education in primary school English clas sroom teaching, is each of our English teacher thought-provoking topi c. The following is my with several years of English teaching practic e to talk about his own views.


A, stimulate interest, is the source of power to cultivate students' innovative consciousness.


" Interest is the best teacher ". From the physiological, psychologic al point of view, students interested in the learning content, the br ain will immediately excited, thinking more agile and active, can ent

er the best state in learning, and can be in the best of spirits to d evote, thus get twice the result with half the effort. Therefore, I i n the teaching according to the teaching content, to understand the s tudent's interest, using flashcards, pictures and other visual aids, students like games, contests, painting, acting, singing, chant forms, in the teaching of knowledge and interest in development, to meet th e students active, curious psychology, mobilize the enthusiasm of the students the.


For example, in food, I let the students brought a variety of food, i n the teaching of Related words, to produce the food, and the games b y men and women, supermarket shopping, little gourmet game and links, consolidate and practice. Students can also interact with others, to taste the food. Greatly stimulate their desire to learn, not only to active thinking, and let the students become interested to participa te in practice.

又如在教职业这一话题时,我让学生在课堂上充分施展他们的表演才能,学生们个个情绪高涨。严肃认真的teacher(教师), 温和细心的nurse(护士),端庄气质的policeman/policewoman(警察) ,手握冲锋枪的soldier(士兵)等形象演绎得惟妙惟肖,使他们在参与中生趣,在趣味中长智,在思考中创新。

And as in teaching this topic of occupation, I let the students in th e classroom to fully display their talent, students all in high spiri ts. Serious teacher ( teacher ), gentle careful nurse ( nurse ), dign ified temperament policeman/policewoman ( police ), soldier ( soldier s armed with submachine guns ) and image interpretation perfectly, ma ke their life in the long wisdom, in the interest of the thinking of innovation, in the.

