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摘要 (2)

Abstract (2)

第1章绪论 (4)

1.1研究背景及研究意义 (4)

1.2 国内、外相关研究综述 (5)

第2章房地产项目成本控制相关理论 (7)

2.1房地产项目成本控制概述 (7)

2.2房地产项目成本控制方法 (7)

2.2.1 投标、签约阶段成本控制 (7)

2.2.2 施工准备阶段成本控制 (8)

2.2.3 人工、材料、机械及现场管理费控制 (8)

第3章万科房地产项目的成本控制概况 (8)

3.1万科八阶段成本控制 (8)

3.1.1立项成本控制 (8)

3.1.2 规划环节 (9)

3.1.3 招投标环节 (9)

3.1.4 施工环节 (10)

3.1.5 材料及设备采购环节 (10)

3.1.6 销售环节 (10)

3.1.7 工程预决算 (10)

3.1.8 物业管理成本 (11)

3.2 万科各个管理部门在成本控制中的作用 (11)

3.2.1项目发展部 (11)

3.2.2设计部 (11)

3.2.3工程管理部 (11)

3.2.4项目部 (12)

3.2.5营销中心 (12)

3.2.6 财务管理部 (12)

第4章结论与展望 (12)

致谢 (12)

参考文献 (12)

摘要:近些年来,我国为了追求片面的经济发展,将房地产产业作为我国经济支柱产业进行发展。在不断的发展与完善过程中已经形成了一整套发展规则与产业布局。随着我国经济发展的不断转型与完善,现阶段由于房地产市场带动的GDP 产业受到社会各界的诟病。在这样的背景下,我国相继的出台了一系列限制房地产发展的政策。从宏观的角度抑制了房地产行业的发展,同时也加剧了房地产行业的业内竞争。



Abstract:In recent years, our country in the pursuit of economic development, the real estate industry as a pillar industry of China's economic development. In the process of continuous improvement and development has formed a complete set of rules and the development of industrial layout. With the development of the economy in China and the transformation of perfect, nowadays GDP industry criticized real estate market driven by the community. In this context, China has successively

promulgated a series of policies to limit the real estate development. From the macroscopic angle inhibited the development of real estate industry, but also intensified the competition of the real estate industry.

Has the double meaning of theory and practical aspects of this research. In terms of theoretical significance: This paper reviews the important significance of cost management in the project management of the real estate. And put forward the feasibility of the project management framework of cost management based on. At the same time, the use theory tools of a real estate project execution may exist in the process of cost control problems are summarized, and put forward the corresponding solutions, provide necessary theoretical basis for subsequent project cost control research.

In practical terms this paper has an empirical study on the cost control in the process of implementation of the research object of a real estate project is analyzed. With the implementation of cost control in the process of status as the first-hand research data. To enhance the core competitiveness of the project based on the project cost management and improve the sales profit space for the purpose of analysis, the macroscopic and microcosmic problems in the specific implementation process. At the same time, based on the existing problems and gives a feasible solution. Put forward some constructive suggestions for the company under the other project operation and cost control. At the same time also provides a reference for other similar projects cost management in enterprise.

Keywords: real estate; cost control; economic development;
