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目录 (1)

摘要 (2)


第1章绪论 (4)

1.1选题的背景和研究意义 (4)

1.2国内外研究现状............................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

1.2.1国外研究现状.................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

1.2.2文献综述 (5)

1.3研究的主要方法 (7)

1.4本文的创新点 (8)

第2章我国大学生自主创业环境分析 (9)

2.1创业概念的界定 (9)

2.2我国大学生自主创业理论分析 (9)

2.3我国大学生自主创业研究 (15)

2.3.1我国大学生自主创业 (15)

2.3.2我国大学生自主创业环境 (16)

2.3.3我国大学生自主创业教育 (16)

第3章:优化我国大学生自主创业环境对策研究 (18)

3.1优化我国大学生自主创业的政策环境 (18)

3.2优化我国大学生自主创业的资金环境 (20)

3.2.1创业基金 (20)

3.2.2银行贷款 (21)

3.2.3风险投资 (22)

3.2.4发展债券式的创业启动金 (22)

3.3优化我国大学生自主创业教育环境 (23)

第4章结论与展望 (27)

参考文献 (28)






In the past two decades,the economic globalization and new economy have provided good opportunities for entrepreneurship.Entrepreneurship activities 11ave been an important part of the world today.In China,with the pressure of employment gromole environment forcoliege student entrepreneurshas become all urgent problem that has to be resolVed We research on tlle entrepreneurial environment of college students m Zhejiang province.SO as to supply the government with some guidelines in lmpr0Vlng the entrepreneurial environment of college students.In this paper,we firstly review entrepreneurship theories and entrel)reneunal en、,iroIl ment t11eories,and define the college student entrepreneurship· l hen we deScribe tlle background and current situation of college student entrepreneurship activities in Zhejiang province,entrepreneurship,we establish the evaluation index system for the entrepreneuri envillent of college students in Zhejiang province,and amend the system by the method of Delphi.The final evaluation index system has five first grade indexes andthirty.three secondary indexes.According to this evaluation index system,we surVey college student entrepreneurs in Zhejiang province through questlonnmre aIldinterview methods,and get the specific evaluation scores.Then we do statisticS analysis of the data,and find that the present entrepreneurial environment matches notwell with the ideal environment that pursuit by entrepreneurs.There ale some dislocations for the govemment to build the good entrepreneurial environment of college students.At last,some useful countermeasures and suggestions al e provided to improve the entrepreneurial environment of college students.It Can be from the policy environment,fund environment and entrepreneurship educmion environment to improve the entrepreneurial environment.

KEYWORDS: College Students,Entrepreneurial Environment,Assessment,
