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天人相应Correspondence of human body and natural environment

辨证论治treatment based onsyndrome differentiation

针灸acupuncture and moxibustion

寒凉药物herbs cold and cool in nature

滋阴降火nourishing yin and reducing fire

整体观念concept of holism

开窍(of the five zang-organs) open into

生长化收藏sprout, grow, transform, ripen and store

同病异治different therapeutic methods used to treat the same disease 异病同治same therapeutic method used to treating different diseases 从阴引阳drawing yang from yin

阴平阳秘balance of yin and yang

寒极生热extreme cold generating heat

热极生寒 extreme heat gernerating cold

病机总纲general rule of pathogenesis

祛风散寒eliminating wind and dispersing cold

实则泻之treating excess syndromes with reduction

虚寒证deficiency cold syndrome

实热症 excess heat syndrome

潜阳熄风suppressing yang and eliminating wind

补其不足 supplement insufficiency

泻其有余 reduce excess

五行学说the theory of five elements

木曰曲直wood characterized by bending and straightening

火曰炎上fire characterized by flaring up

土爰稼穑earth characterized by sowing and reaping

金曰从革metal characterized by clearing and changing

水曰润下water characterized by moistening and descending

母病及子illness of mother viscera affecting the child one

子病及母illness of child viscera affecting the mother one

相乘相侮over restriction and counter-restriction

心火亢盛exuberant fire in the heart

肾阳式微declination of kidney yang

平肝和胃soothing the liver and harmonizing the stomach

水火不济between water and fire

奇恒之腑extraordinary fu-organs

藏象学说the theory of visceral manifestation

藏而不泻storage without discharge

泻而不藏discharge without storage

形体诸窍physical build and various orifices

其华在面the luster manifesting upon the face

满而不实 full but not to be solid

实而不满solid but not to be full

心主血脉heart governing blood and vessels

肺司呼吸lung controlling breathing

脾主运化spleen governing transportation and transformation

肝主疏泄liver controlling conveyance and dispersion

肾主藏精kidney governing storing essence

面色无华lusterless complexion

汗血同源sweat and blood sharing the same origin

升降出入ascending, descending, going out and going in

宣发肃降dispersion, purification and descent

后天之本acquired base of life

肝气逆上upward adverse flow of liver qi

先天之精innate essence

奇恒之腑extraordinary fu-organs

孤俯isolated fu-organ

腐熟水谷digest water and food

七冲门the seven important portals

胆主决断The gallbladder is responsible for making judgment

泌别清浊separating the lucid from the turbid

大肠主津The large intestine governs thin body fluid

小肠主液The small intestine governs thick body fluid


温养腑脏warming and nourishing the viscera

津血同源body fluid and blood sharing the same origin

气为血帅,血为气母Qi commands the blood and the blood carries qi. 益气固脱nourishing qi to stop collapse

奇经八脉eight extraordinary vessels

十二经筋tendons of the twelve regular meridians

舒经活络soothing meridians and activating collaterals

刺络拔罐collateral pricking and cupping therapy

腠理闭塞stagnation of interstitial space

湿邪困脾pathogenic dampness obstructing the spleen

外感六淫six excesses pathogenic factors

饮食劳倦mproper diet and overstrain

阳常有余,阴常不足Yang is usually excessive while yin is frequently deficient.

四大经典Four GreatClassic:

Huangdi s Canon of Medicine黄帝内经

Classic of Difficulties难经

Shennong s Classic of Materia Medica神农本草经

Rreatise on Cold Damage and Miscellaneous Diseases伤寒杂病论
