国际经济学第3章,李嘉图模型The Ricardian Model

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假设:aLC/aLW < aLC */aLW * 或 aLC/aLC * < aLW/aLW *
如果: aLC < aLC * 则:本国具有奶酪生产的绝对优势 absolute advantage
• 如果两国各在某一商品上具有绝对优势, 那么两国在相应的商品上也必然具有比 较优势,这句话对吗?请评论。
– Why? because the domestic country will specialize in wine production whenever PC /PW < aLC /aLW
– And we assumed that aLC /aLW < a*LC /a*LW so foreign workers won’t find it desirable to produce cheese either.
RS = ?
(4)如果 PC / PW = aLC */aLW * ,RS = ? (5)如果 aLC */aLW * < PC / PW ,RS = ?
Relative Supply and Relative Demand
• There is no supply of cheese if the relative price of cheese falls below aLC /aLW .
Production Possibilities
• The production possibility froLeabharlann Baidutier (PPF) of an economy shows the maximum amount of a goods that can be produced for a fixed amount of resources.
李嘉图模型 The Ricardian Model
• 关于比较优势理论 • 单一要素经济 • 单一要素世界中的贸易 • 贸易所得 • 多种产品模型中的比较优势 • 比较优势理论的局限性 • 对比较优势理论的实证分析
• 鲁宾逊每小时可以摘 10 个椰子或捕 3 条 鱼,他的朋友星期五每小时可摘 30 个椰 子或捕 2 条鱼。他们应给如何分工呢? 如果鲁宾逊每小时只能摘 10 个椰子或捕 1 条鱼,他们又该如何分工呢?
• If QC represents the quantity of cheese produced and QW represents the quantity of wine produced, then the production possibility frontier of the domestic economy has the equation:
• When PC /PW = aLC /aLW , domestic workers will be indifferent between producing wine or cheese, but foreign workers will still produce only wine.
Relative Supply and Relative Demand
aLC = 在本国生产1单位奶酪的劳动投入量 aLW = 在本国生产1单位葡萄酒的劳动投入量 aLC和aLW为 单位产品的劳动投入
unit labor requirement
令 QW = 本国的葡萄酒产量 QC = 本国的奶酪产量
则:aLW QW + aLC QC ≤ L 充分就业时有:aLW QW + aLC QC = L 即: QW = L / aLW - ( aLC / aLW )QC 生产可能性边界:production possibility frontier
1、贸易之前的情况 (1)两个国家:本国和外国(Home & Foreign) (2)能生产两种产品:奶酪和葡萄酒(cheese & wine) (3)每个国家只有一种生产要素(Labor) (4)令 L = 本国的劳动总供给 L* = 外国的劳动总供给 (5)令 aLC = 在本国生产1单位奶酪的劳动投入量 令 aLW = 在本国生产1单位葡萄酒的劳动投入量 令 aLC * = 在外国生产1单位奶酪的劳动投入量 令 aLW * = 在外国生产1单位葡萄酒的劳动投入量
• 机会成本 opportunity cost 为得到某种东西所必须放弃的东西。
Assumptions of Ricardian Model
1. Labor is the only resource important for production.
2. Labor productivity varies across countries, usually due to differences in technology, but labor productivity in each country is constant across time.
相对供给 (relative supply,RS) 是用一种产品 的供给数量除以另一种产品的供给数量; 相对需求 (relative demand,RD) 是用一种产品 的需求数量除以另一种产品的需求数量。
Relative Supply and Relative Demand
• 当 PC / aLC < PW / aLW ,工人将流向葡萄酒 部门,此时本国只生产葡萄酒 即: PC / PW< aLC / aLW
• 当 PC / aLC = PW / aLW时,本国将同时生产奶 酪和葡萄酒两种产品 即: PC / PW = aLC / aLW
– 如果 PC / PW> aLC / aLW, 本国就会专门 生产奶酪
6. Only two countries are modeled: domestic and foreign.
两种商品:奶酪 (cheese)、葡萄酒 (wine) 一种生产要素:劳动 ( labor ) 令L = 本国的劳动总供给
(单位:人小时 person—hours)
– 如果 PC / PW< aLC / aLW,本国就会专门生 产葡萄酒
– 只有当 PC / PW = aLC / aLW时,本国才会生 产奶酪和葡萄酒两种产品
• The economy will specialize in the production
of cheese if the relative price of cheese exceeds its opportunity cost; it will specialize in the production of wine if the relative price of cheese is less than its opportunity cost. • In the absence of international trade, the relative prices of goods are equal to their relative unit labor requirements.
Total units of wine production
3、相对价格与供给 令 PC 为奶酪的价格
PW 为葡萄酒的价格 PC / PW 为两种产品的相对价格
relative price
• 当 PC / aLC > PW / aLW, 工人将流向奶酪部
门,此时本国只生产奶酪 即: PC / PW> aLC / aLW
• To calculate relative prices with trade, we first calculate relative quantities of world production: (QC + Q*C )/(QW + Q*W)
• Next we consider relative supply of cheese: the quantity of cheese supplied by all countries relative to the quantity of wine supplied by all countries at each relative price of cheese, Pc /PW.
• When a*LC /a*LW > Pc /PW > aLC /aLW , domestic workers specialize in cheese production because they can earn higher wages, but foreign workers will still produce only wine.
Total amount of labor resources
Labor required for Total units
each unit of
of cheese
cheese production production
Labor required for each unit of wine production
3. The supply of labor in each country is constant.
4. Only two goods are important for production and consumption: wine and cheese.
5. Competition allows laborers to be paid a “competitive” wage, a function of their productivity and the price of the good that they can sell, and allows laborers to work in the industry that pays the highest wage.
– 如果 PC / PW> aLC / aLW, 一国就会专门 生产奶酪
– 如果 PC / PW< aLC / aLW,一国就会专门生 产葡萄酒
– 只有当 PC / PW = aLC / aLW时,一国会同时 生产奶酪和葡萄酒两种产品
(1)如果 PC / PW < aLC / aLW,RS = ? (2)如果 PC / PW = aLC / aLW,RS = ? (3)如果 aLC / aLW < PC / PW < aLC */aLW * ,
Home has 1200 units of labor available. It can produce two goods, apples and bananas. The unit labor requirement in apple production is 3, while in banana production it is 2. a. Graph Home's production possibility frontier. b. What is the opportunity cost of apples in terms of bananas? c. In the absence of trade, what would the price of apples in terms of bananas be? Why?
• David Ricardo 大卫 • 李嘉图
• Principles of Political Economy and Taxation (1817)
• 比较优势 comparative advantage 如果一个国家在本国生产一种产品的机 会成本低于在其他国家生产该产品的机 会成本,则这个国家在生产该产品上拥 有比较优势。