

Abstract:With the market shift from a seller to the buyer's market, in a highly competitive environment, companies look forward to new management. Business process reengineering (Business Process Reengineering, BPR) is the result of many business practices. Can improve business operations performance breakthrough new management ideas and methods. This article describes the technology-based workflow process of business process reengineering concepts, methods, processes and tools to implement business process reengineering to provide a technical reference.

Keywords: Business Process Reengineering (BPR) workflow (WorkFlow) process modeling

一、workflow technology

(一)Workflow and Workflow Management System

According to international definitions of Workflow Management Coalition, workflow is the automated operation of the business process, in part or whole to the performance of the participants on the documents, information or tasks in accordance with the rules to take action and make it passed between the participants. In short, the workflow is a series of interrelated, automated business activities or tasks, work with a fixed procedure for the regular activities of a concept put forward. By the definition of good work down into tasks, roles, rules and processes for implementation and monitoring, to improve the level of production organization and work efficiency.

Workflow and other management ideas, technologies, is an optimization method is optimized to work thinking and techniques, which have the following advantages:

1.Main business processes can greatly shorten the processing time. In general, their daily activities, about 70% of the class activities are processes, workflow, business activity throughout the sector at all stages of planning through better business processes, parallel execution of independent activities, reduce business process does not necessary intermediate data and other methods to reduce the wait and the purpose of temporary storage space, which can greatly speed up the process of processing speed, improve people's working efficiency and management of the standardization level.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/1212849792.html,e of workflow technology, quickly and easily access all relevant data and workflow, automatically become a task to provide for the relevant information needed to reduce the staff is very tedious and time-consuming data to find work. This increases efficiency, reduces management costs, thus greatly improving service quality.

3. Use of workflow technology can maximize the integration of enterprise information resources available to achieve full use of resources. As workflow technology has flexibility and openness, it can ensure the enterprise information system can be extended successfully to meet the changing market environment.

Workflow management system is to provide a workflow generated (including business process definition), workflow and business process workflow management and monitoring functions necessary to support a set of tools. Most workflow management system application process generally use the following four steps:

(1)Process definition. The main task of this stage is based on enterprise business process a process model (workflow model) that can be handled with a formal computer language to describe the business process. Analysis and implementation process model is a necessary basis for workflow management.

(2)Model analysis and process optimization. This stage is to use static or dynamic model analysis methods and tools to analyze the performance of process models, in order to find the model possible bottlenecks, deadlocks and so on, in order to improve and optimize the model.

(3)Application systems development. The stage optimization model under the corresponding information systems, database systems, the implementation of workflow management software and workflow management software, integration with other systems.

(4)WfMS implementation. WfMS implementation is the use of workflow management software, according to the process optimization model to create process instances, schedule and control the course of business, the implementation of activities. In this implementation process, WfMS will interact with the operator or trigger the application of system-related functions.

In practical applications, workflow management systems implementation and business process reengineering are closely related. Implementation of the workflow management system is aimed to enhance the flexibility of enterprises, and can change according to market continuously improve their business processes.

(二)Workflow and Business Process Reengineering

Business Process Reengineering (BPR) is a thorough business process re-think and re-design. This will inevitably lead to management concepts, business processes, organizational structure and corporate culture of many multi-level change, so there must be steps to a purpose and a plan for the implementation of BPR, to ensure ultimate success. BPR's life cycle can be divided into project planning, process modeling, process optimization, systems implementation and project evaluation five stages:

(1)Project Planning. The main task of this stage to develop business planning and BPR objectives. Senior leadership in this phase enterprise development through the development of business strategies to guidance from higher levels of project implementation is necessary; In addition, business leaders should also be on the implementation of the necessity and importance of BPR form of unanimity, to determine the process of recycling target.

(2)Process modeling. The main task of this stage is to accurately describe the existing business processes, build business process models. Process modeling is a business process analysis and optimization design.

(3)Process optimization. The main task of this stage is the stage in the process model based on the analysis and optimization of enterprise business processes. Optimizing business processes, we must give full play to the role of information technology. On the one hand, with the computer, networking and the rapid development of communication technology, information technology can provide flexible business-oriented working groups

and based on communications interoperability. This may change the behavior of businesses - from the serial into a parallel mode of collaborative work. On the other hand, information technology, in particular, is based on rigorous mathematical model based on simulation analysis and optimization tools, early detection of bottlenecks and put forward reasonable optimization process or comments.

(4)System implementation. This phase is mainly under the optimized process model, the re-establishment in the enterprise with new business processes that match the organizational structure, conduct training, complete business process transformation.

(5)Project evaluation. BPR implementation, the need for new monitoring and evaluation of business processes to the problems found, if necessary, the process needs to be perfect again. Contrast WfMS application life cycle and the five stages of the implementation of BPR, we can see the workflow technology can better support the BPR in the process analysis, process optimization, system implementation and evaluation of the four stages of the project. In addition, because WfMS can schedule and monitor the implementation of activities, to achieve good process management and control.

Thus, workflow technology has good support for BPR. In fact, the implementation of workflow technology is the most widely used BPR techniques.

二、Based on workflow technology, BPR implementation process

Business processes and activities according to the complexity of the composition, based on workflow technology, the implementation of BPR can be implemented using a variety of ways. Here one of the process modeling, process optimization, system implementation and assessment of the four stages of the project content, methods, tools and related notes.

(一)Set up a business workflow model

Enterprise is a complex economic, social and physical systems, must be from multiple angles to describe its business processes. Usually from the organization, resources, business processes and data to examine four aspects of enterprise business processes.

(1)Organization described the organizational business units and their mutual relationship. Exist between organizational units are subordinate or collaborative relationship, to form a certain hierarchy;

(2)Resources in the enterprise resource description and resource entity type attributes. Resources are the activities to implement the necessary conditions; resource entity may be the implementation of activities, that may be required for the implementation of the activities of equipment, materials or activities in the physical output of the new entity. Between the organization and resources mapping, every resource entity has a corresponding responsibility to organizational unit, the organizational unit responsible for this resource entity's use and maintenance;

(3)Business process business process description, which is included in the definition of the business process activities and the logical relationship between these relationships.

(4)Data from the perspective of enterprise data describing the relationship between business process and data in the data structure of relations, set up a business process workflow model is to determine several aspects of the business and its relationship process.

(二)Analysis of enterprise workflow model

Transformation of the original process by the existence of irrational factors in order to

improve business process performance is one of the major BPR objectives, therefore, the establishment of a business workflow model, you must analyze, identify problems and use of optimization solutions.

(三)Optimization of enterprise workflow model

After these several times on business workflow model simulation runs and analysis of operating results, it is often to modify or re-define the workflow model simulation environment. This is because the original workflow model through simulation and found that the unreasonable structure of the model or relationship, you need to make changes or adjustments. Modify or adjust the model to achieve the following two purposes:

(1)Adjust the workflow model and the actual business process to improve their consistency. The model started with the actual business process possible inconsistencies, the simulation analysis can be part of that model, which does not match with the actual situation, then modify the workflow model by repeatedly and run the simulation process, adjusting the model to make it step by step approach the actual business process.

(2)Optimization of the workflow model, the final optimized business process. Through the implementation of simulation and analysis of simulation results may be unreasonable that where the current workflow model, such as rising costs caused by an irrational allocation of resources, reduced efficiency. At this time, by modifying the model structure or parameters, re-run the simulation, you can find a better solution to optimize workflow model, the ultimate purpose of business process optimization. Can use several methods to optimize the business process. Common include: changes in the transaction path, modify the activities of possession of the amount of resources, the implementation of activities to change the time or resources to change the structure of the organizational structure, adjust the quantity of resources.


Business process is a complex system, how dynamic environment to identify, describe and analyze the process for understanding and improving business process foundation. This article describes the technology-based workflow process of business process reengineering concepts, methods, processes and tools, including detailed explanation of the business workflow model, analysis and optimization of methods and tools for business process reengineering to provide the technical implementation reference.


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企业文化标语中英文 【篇一:非常全面的企业宣传标语中英文】 企业宣传标语 corporation propaganda slogan 1. 顾客满意是企业永恒的追求 customer satisfy is the eternal pursue of corporation. 2. 安全 来于警惕,事故出于麻痹 safety is from alert, and accident is from paralysis. 3. 责任是质量的保证、质量是企业的生命 responsibility is the assurence of quality, and quailty is the life of corporation. 4. 有品质才有市场、有改善才有进步 only quality posesses market, and improvement gets progress. 5. 细节决定成败、勤奋成就人生。 details determine success or failure, and diligance creats life. 6. 事故是最大的浪费、安全是最大的节约 accident is largest waste, and safe is the greatest saving. 7. 保护环境是责任、爱护环境是美德 environment potection is our responsibility, and environment cherish is our virtue. 8. 生产绿色产品、节约地球资源 output green products, and save our earth resources. 9.以质量求生存、以信誉求发展、以管理求效益


企业管理者必备的英文单词 希望对你有帮助哦!目标mission/ objective集体目标group objective内部环境internal environment外部环境external environment 计划planning组织organizing人事staffing领导leading控制controlling步骤process原理principle方法technique经理manager 总经理general manager行政人员administrator主管人员supervisor 企业enterprise商业business产业industry公司company效果effectiveness效率efficiency企业家entrepreneur权利power职权authority职责responsibility科学管理scientific management现代经营管理modern operational management行为科学behavior science生产率productivity激励motivate动机motive法律law法规regulation经济体系economic system管理职能managerial function产品product服务service利润profit满意satisfaction归属affiliation尊敬esteem自我实现self-actualization人力投入human input盈余surplus收入income成本cost资本货物capital goods机器machinery设备equipment建筑building存货inventory经验法the empirical approach


K公司新产品开发流程再造的研究 K公司新产品开发流程再造的研究(一) 摘要 本论文首先从现代企业经营管理模式与企业所处的内外环境之间存在的主要矛盾和现今知识经济时代的主要特征出发,描述了从60年代到90年代与企业流程再造理论相关的思想和观点,论述了企业流程再造的起源及其内涵。?其次,本论文在研究了大量国内外企业实施企业流程再造案例的基础上,提出了在企业进行再造时,需要一个系统的企业流程再造的理论框架,这一再造框架包括:一系列的指导原则;企业流程再造的过程;一系列的方法和工具。在这个框架的指导下,流程再造才能顺利地完成。企业流程再造框架促进了企业流程再造由理论到实际应用的转变,增加了流程再造的可操作性,减少了流程再造的失误。 最后,将企业流程再造框架具体应用到了k公司新产品开发流程再造的研究中,取得了预期的效果。通过分析现有新产品开发流程,得出了开发流程的描述,并建立了流程的IDEF模型;使用ASME方法,定量分析了各个活动消耗的时间,发现了流程中的非增值活动;使用作业成本法,计算了流程的实际费用,在此基础上设计了新的流程。新流程实现了缩短新产品开发周期和减少开发费用的预定目标。?实践证明,这一理论框架对企业流程再造具有一定的指导意义,可以减少实施过程中的失误,节省再造耗用的资源,确保企业流程再造能够顺利完成。另外,企业流程再造不是一朝一夕的事情,流程的再造应该是连续不断的过程。 关键词:企业流程再造(BPR)IDEF方法ASME方法作业成本法(ABC)??第一章引言? 1.1企业流程再造的背景 在全球经济一体化的今天,随着市场竞争的加剧和中国加入WTO,我国企业面临着新的机遇和挑战,如何在新的挑战面前以最快的速度、最好的质量、最低的成本、最优的服务及最清洁的环境来满足不同客户对产品的需求和企业可持续发展的要求是企业所面临的难题,企业要生存和发展,必须时刻审视自己所处的内外部环境,不断的调整自己,适应环境的变化。许多企业纷纷采用企业流程再造解决所面临的难题,希望通过企业流程再造增强企业竞争力,使企业的管理产生革命性的变化。?麻省理工学院计算机教授迈克尔.哈默(Hammer)于1990年用Reengineering表达对企业的全面改造。1993年,哈默(Hammer)和C SC顾问公司的杰姆斯.钱皮(JamesChampy)联名出版了<<企业流程再造工商管理革命宣言>>。定义企业流程再造为"对企业的业务流程作根本性的重新思考和彻底的重新设计,使企业在成本、质量、服务和速度等方面取得显著的改善。"企业流程再造包括四个含义:根本性、彻底性、显著性、业务流程。 根本性:对长期以来在企业经营中所遵循的基本信念,如分工思想、等级制度、规模经营、标准化生产和官僚体制等进行重新思考,打破原有的思维定势,进行创造性思维。?彻底性:企业流程再造不是对企业的肤浅的调整修补,而是要进


企业文化建设(英文) Introduction In any companies has its own culture. Some culture is strong, others culture is weak. No matter the culture is strong or weak that will impac t on the development of enterprises. Therefore, enterprises should also tak e effective measures to maintain the corporate culture. Wegman is a groce ry store. He has a strong corporate culture, but also affect their employee s follow the Wegman's culture. Strong and Weak Culture Definition of Strong and Weak culture An organization must be composed of both a variety of cultural. So we can divide these into strong and weak culture, according to different a ttributes of cultures. Strong Culture is the key values are strongly held an d widely recognized cultural organizations by the public. Strong Culture w ill restrict a manager's decision-making related to choice of all manageme nt functions. It determines what people should do or not do anything. Or ganizations have strong cultures have a very clear recognition of the valu e. Strong cultural impact for the employee's behavior, and reduce staff tur nover have more direct contact. On the contrary, (Philip Kotler & Gary A rmstrong , [M] 2010 ) Weak Culture is the key values that cannot be wi dely accepted and strongly insist cultural organizations. In a strong culture, the organization's core values are both strongly h eld and widely shared. The more members who accept the core value and the greater their commitment to those value is, the stronger culture is. C onsistent with this definition, a strong culture will have a great influence on the behavior of its employees because the high degree of sharing and intensity creates atmosphere of high behavior control.


公司企业文化宣传用语(中英文) 在线网校: 考试书库: 网校以及考试书库开发及拥有课件范围涉及公务员/ 财会类/学历类/建筑工程类 等 9 大类考试的在线网络培训辅导和全新引进高清 3D 电子书考试用书。 1.欣赏的奇妙之处在于,它能让我们自己也拥有被欣赏 者的优点。 Appreciation is a wonderful thing:It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well. ——Voltaire 伏尔泰 2.最了不起的天赋,莫过于能估量事物的真正价值。 The greatest of all gifts is the power to estimate things at their true worth. ——Rochefoucauld 拉罗什富科 3.欣赏你的同事为工作的付出。没有什么能够替代几 句合时宜的、发自内心的赞美,赞美不花费任何成本却能 带来无比的财富。 Appreciate everything your associates do f o r the business.Nothing else can quite substitute for a few well-chose,well-timed,sincere words of

praise.They’re absolutely free and worth a fortune. ——Sam Walton 山姆.沃尔顿 4.我每天早上醒来都提醒自己:我自己说的话并不能 帮助自己成长。所以如果我想多学习,就要注意聆听。 I remind myself every morning:Nothing I s a y this day will teach me anything. So if I’m going to learn,I must do it by listening. ——Larry King 拉里.金 5.思考如智者,说话如民众。 Think like a wise man but communicate in t h e language of the people. ——William butler Yeats 叶芝 6.昨日已经消逝,明日还未到来,我们拥有的只是今天。让我们从现在开始吧! Yesterday is gone.Tomorrow has not yet come.We have only today.Let us begin. ——Mother Terese 德兰修女 7.无论走到哪里,无论天气如何,你都要带上自己的 阳光。 Wherever you go,whatever the weather is ,always bring your own sunshine. 8.如果否定了事物的可能性,你就在瞬间失去了生活


企业管理常用名词缩写 作者:Christian 5S : 5S管理 ABC : 作业制成本制度(Activity-Based Costing) ABB : 实施作业制预算制度(Activity-Based Budgeting) ABM : 作业制成本管理(Activity-Base Management) APS : 先进规画与排程系统(Advanced Planning and Scheduling) ASP : 应用程式服务供应商(Application Service Provider) ATP : 可承诺量(Available To Promise) A VL : 认可的供应商清单(Approved Vendor List) BOM : 物料清单(Bill Of Material) BPR : 企业流程再造(Business Process Reengineering) BSC : 平衡记分卡(Balanced ScoreCard) BTF : 计划生产(Build To Forecast) BTO : 订单生产(Build To Order) CPM : 要径法(Critical Path Method) CPM : 每一百万个使用者会有几次抱怨(Complaint per Million) CRM : 客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management) CRP : 产能需求规划(Capacity Requirements Planning) CTO : 客制化生产(Configuration To Order) DBR : 限制驱导式排程法(Drum-Buffer-Rope) DMT : 成熟度验证(Design Maturing Testing) DVT : 设计验证(Design Verification Testing) DRP : 运销资源计划(Distribution Resource Planning) DSS : 决策支援系统(Decision Support System) EC : 设计变更/工程变更(Engineer Change) EC : 电子商务(Electronic Commerce) ECRN : 原件规格更改通知(Engineer Change Request Notice) EDI : 电子资料交换(Electronic Data Interchange) EIS : 主管决策系统(Executive Information System) EMC : 电磁相容(Electric Magnetic Capability) EOQ : 基本经济订购量(Economic Order Quantity) ERP : 企业资源规划(Enterprise Resource Planning) FAE : 应用工程师(Field Application Engineer) FCST : 预估(Forecast) FMS : 弹性制造系统(Flexible Manufacture System) FQC : 成品品质管制(Finish or Final Quality Control) IPQC : 制程品质管制(In-Process Quality Control) IQC : 进料品质管制(Incoming Quality Control) ISO : 国际标准组织(International Organization for Standardization) ISAR : 首批样品认可(Initial Sample Approval Request) JIT : 即时管理(Just In Time) KM : 知识管理(Knowledge Management)


一、企业流程再造 企业流程再造(Business Process Reengineering—BPR)由美国麻省理工学院计算机方面的教授Michael Hammer博士在1990年发表于《哈佛商业评论》的“再造不是自动化,而是重新开始”一文中首次提出,随后他与James Champy 于1993年合著《再造公司》(Reengineering the Corporation)一书,并以“管理革命的宣言”作为副标题,掀起了世界性的BPR研究浪潮。 目前众多企业应用了信息技术(IT),但只是作为提高工作效率和自动化程度的手段,而对作业过程则不做任何适应性改变,限制了提高企业整体绩效的空间。所有这些都要求在管理理论和方法上作出深刻的变革,使企业适应新的市场环境,这也是企业流程再造的本质内涵,即:对企业运营根本重新思考,彻底翻新作业流程,以便在现今衡量的关键指标,如成本、品质、服务和速度上获得戏剧性改善。 企业管理信息系统的应用在很大程度上推动了企业管理方式的变革,因为在为企业设计一个采用计算机网络进行信息处理、传输的新系统时,往往要改变手工管理的方式并需重新设计企业的业务处理流程,因此,近几年从事管理信息系统的专业人员基本上认为管理信息系统的系统规划工作和企业流程再造是异曲同工的。 企业流程再造的基本内涵就是以作业过程为中心,摆脱传统组织分工理论的束缚,提倡顾客导向、组织变通及正确地运用信息技术,使企业适应快速变动的环境,该理论的核心是“流程”观点和“再造”观点。 所谓“流程(Process)”的观点,强调企业运行是集成从订单到交货或提供服务的一连串作业活动,组成企业活动的要素是一件件业务,一项项作业,而非一个个部门。企业流程再造要重新检查每一项作业活动,识别不具有价值增值的作业活动,将其剔除,并将所有具有价值增值的作业活动重新组合,优化作业过程,缩短交货周期。 “再造(Reengineering)”的观点强调打破旧有管理规范,再造新的管理程序,以回归原点和从头做起的新观念和思考方式,获取管理理论的重大突破和管理方式的革命性变化。“再造”要求摆脱现行系统,从零开始,展开功能分析,将企业系统所欲达到的理论功能,逐一列出,再经过综合评价和统筹考虑筛选出最基本的、关键的功能并将其优化组合,形成企业新的运行系统。 例4-3 企业流程再造案例——福特公司的“采购–收货–付款”流程再造福特公司的美国总部有500多名财务人员,其单据往来十分繁杂,通常的程


企业文化英语怎么说 企业文化是一个企业的灵魂所在,企业文化英语要怎么说呢?下面跟着一起来看看企业文化英语的说法。 企业文化英语怎么说企业文化:corporate culturecorporate 意思是社团的, 法人的, 共同的, 全体的所以说是用corporate 知识扩展企业文化内容 根据企业文化的定义,其内容是十分广泛的,但其中最主要的应包括如下几点: 经营哲学 经营哲学也称企业哲学,源于社会人文经济心理学的创新运用,是一个企业特有的从事生产经营和管理活动的方法论原则。它是指导企业行为的基础。一个企业在激烈的市场竞争环境中,面临着各种矛盾和多种选择,要求企业有一个科学的方法论来指导,有一套逻辑思维的程序来决定自己的行为,这就是经营哲学。例如,日本松下公司“讲求经济效益,重视生存的意志,事事谋求生存和发展”,这就是它的战略决策哲学。 价值观念 所谓价值观念,是人们基于某种功利性或道义性的追求而对人们(个人、组织)本身的存在、行为和行为结果进行评价的基本观点。可以说,人生就是为了价值的追求,价值观念决定着人生追求行为。价

值观不是人们在一时一事上的体现,而是在长期实践活动中形成的关于价值的观念体系。企业的价值观,是指企业职工对企业存在的意义、经营目的、经营宗旨的价值评价和为之追求的整体化、个异化的群体意识,是企业全体职工共同的价值准则。只有在共同的价值准则基础上才能产生企业正确的价值目标。有了正确的价值目标才会有奋力追求价值目标的行为,企业才有希望。因此,企业价值观决定着职工行为的取向,关系企业的生死存亡。只顾企业自身经济效益的价值观,就会偏离社会主义方向,不仅会损害国家和人民的利益,还会影响企业形象;只顾眼前利益的价值观,就会急功近利,搞短期行为,使企业失去后劲,导致灭亡。 企业精神 企业精神是指企业基于自身特定的性质、任务、宗旨、时代要求和发展方向,并经过精心培养而形成的企业成员群体的精神风貌。 企业精神要通过企业全体职工有意识的实践活动体现出来。因此,它又是企业职工观念意识和进取心理的外化。 企业精神是企业文化的核心,在整个企业文化中起着支配的地位。企业精神以价值观念为基础,以价值目标为动力,对企业经营哲学、管理制度、道德风尚、团体意识和企业形象起着决定性的作用。可以说,企业精神是企业的灵魂。 企业精神通常用一些既富于哲理,又简洁明快的语言予以表达,便于职工铭记在心,时刻用于激励自己;也便于对外宣传,容易在人们脑海里形成印象,从而在社会上形成个性鲜明的企业形象。如王府


企业文化建设英文 Pleasure Group Office【T985AB-B866SYT-B182C-BS682T-STT18】

R e p o r t Introduction In any companies has its own culture. Some culture is strong, others culture is weak. No matter the culture is strong or weak that will impact on the development of enterprises. Therefore, enterprises should also take effective measures to maintain the corporate culture.Wegman is a grocery store.He has a strong corporate culture, but also affect their employees follow the Wegman's culture. 1. Strong and Weak Culture 1.1 Definition of Strong and Weak culture An organization must be composed of both a variety of cultural. So we can divide these into strong and weak culture, according to different attributes of cultures. Strong Culture is the key values are strongly held and widely recognized cultural organizations by the public. Strong Culture will restrict a manager's decision-making related to choice of all management functions. It determines what people should do or not do anything. Organizations have strong cultures have a very clear recognition of the value. Strong cultural impact for the employee's behavior, and reduce staff turnover have more direct contact. On the contrary, (Philip Kotler & Gary Armstrong , [M] 2010 ) Weak Culture is the key values that cannot be widely accepted and strongly insist cultural organizations. In a strong culture, the organization's core values are both strongly held and widely shared. The more members who accept the core value and the greater their commitment to those value is, the stronger culture is. Consistent with this definition, a strong culture will have a great influence on the behavior of its employees because the high degree of sharing and intensity creates atmosphere of high behavior control. 1.2 The culture of Wegman Characterize Wegman's culture is a Strong Culture. Strong culture for the greater impact of employee behavior, and reduce staff turnover have a more direct relationship. A special result of a strong culture should be lower employee turnover. (Robbins, . and Coulter, [M], 2007) A strong


企业管理常见英文缩写 QMS: Quality Management Systems 质量管理体系 EMS:Environment Management Systems 环境管理体系 SA :社会责任 Social Accoutability HACCP :危害分析与关键控制点 Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point RoHS:电气电子设备中限制使用某些有害物质指令 The Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment WEEE:报废电子电气设备指令 Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment IAF: International Accreditation Forum 国际认可论坛 IAF/MLA: 国际认可论坛多边承认协议 CNAB:中国认证机构国家认可委员会英文名称为:China National Accreditation Board for Certifiers CNAT:中国认证人员与培训机构国家认可委员会(CHINA NATIONAL AUDITOR AND TRAINING ACCREDITATION BOARD,简称CNAT) CNAL:中国实验室国家认可委员会英文名称为CHINA NATIONAL ACCREDITATION BOARD FOR LABORATORIES IECQ:是国际电工委员会电子委员会电子元器件质量评定体系International Electrotechnical Commission Quality IEC是国际电工委员会 International Electrotechnical Commission National/International/Customer Standard. Control Procedure. 国家国际客户标准控 制程序 Product Document Control Procedure. 产品文件控制程序 Stock Taking Procedure. 仓库盘点控制程序 New Suppliers/Sub-contractor Evaluation.


1.Corporate Culture企业文化(企业个性,形成于企业生产经营实践之中,为全体员工所认同并且遵守的、带有本组织特点的使命总之精神价值观和经营理念,以及这些理念在生产经营实践、管理制度、员工行为方式和企业对外形象的体现的总和。为企业灵魂,推动其发展动力。有有形与无形之分。) The personality of an organization(warm, aggressive, friendly, open, innovative, conservative, and so on.) Guides how employees think, act and feel is a broad term used to define the unique personality or character of a particular company or organization, and includes such elements as core values(核心价值观)and beliefs, corporate ethics, and rules of behavior. 2.Functions of Corporate Culture企业文化的主要功能 Three key functions are: Provide a sense of identity for members.导向功能:对每个员工价值取向及行为取向的导向功能 Generate commitment to the organization’s mission.凝聚功能:一种价值观被员工所认同后产生巨大的向心力和凝聚力。 Clarify and reinforce standards of behavior. 约束功能:软约束。 产生于企业文化的氛围、群体行为准则和道德规范。


企业流程再造案例 第一章企业概况 海信科龙电器股份有限公司是中国最大的白电产品制造企业之一,创立于1984年,总部位于中国广东顺德,主要生产冰箱、空调、冷柜和洗衣机等系列产品。1996年和1999年,公司股票分别在香港和深圳两地发行上市。 1996年,海信凭借变频技术高起点进入空调产业;2002年,海信通过并购北京雪花进入冰箱业;2006年底,海信成功收购科龙电器,由此诞生了中国白色家电的新航母——海信科龙。 按照规划,海信白电资产将注入科龙电器,届时,海信科龙将拥有海信、科龙、容声三个“中国驰名商标”,拥有海信空调、海信冰箱、科龙空调、容声冰箱四个“中国名牌产品”,主导产品涵盖冰箱、空调、冷柜、洗衣机等多个领域,生产基地分布于顺德、青岛、北京、成都、南京、湖州、扬州、芜湖、营口等省市,形成了年产800万台冰箱、600万套空调、200万台洗衣机、70万台冷柜的强大产能。 海信科龙在顺德、青岛两地设立了研发中心,并在美国、日本、英国等各地设立了科研机构,由 1000多名技术人员组成了业内规模最大、专业最齐全的研发团队,时刻与世界主流家电技术保持同步,推进着研究成果的不断创新,致力提升人们的生活品质。 目前,海信、科龙、容声三大品牌的主导产品,从技术研发、工艺质量、生产制造、物流运输、市场销售等各个环节充分共享资源,整体布局,各有侧重,协同运作,均衡发展,形成各自独特的产品风格和优势,培养各自鲜明的品牌个性,全面满足不同国度和地域、不同特征和偏好的消费者的需求。

按照稳健、务实的原则,海信科龙的发展目标是:经过未来3,5年的发展,公司销售收入总额达到400亿元,在技术水平、产品档次、市场规模、盈利能力、企业持续发展能力等各方面,全面提升企业的综合实力,成为“中国家电领军企业”。 第二章企业组织结构 1.科龙电器现行组织结构仍以生产管理为导向而不是以市场营销为导向 2.集团市场营销策划中心的定位和使命并没有被普遍地认识到,因而发挥的作用非常有限 3.专业公司内部各部门之间因缺乏充分的沟通和协调,对市场反应迟缓 4.地区分公司经理对区域市场的开拓和管理缺少足够的自主权 5.科龙的售后服务网点数量和覆盖面都远远低于主要竞争对手 6.仅仅“自上而下”的目标体系和追求“销售额和利润”增加了销售目标的不可实现性 7.内部管理流程太长导致客户满意率低 8.呆板低效的配送体系无法提供销售所需要的支持 9.现有业务人员的管理和考核体系不利于队伍营销意识的培养和对市场的开拓 10.科龙各专业公司存在巨大的整合潜力


企业文化标语(中英文)timeiswhatyoumakeofit.(swatch)天长地久。(斯沃奇手表)makeyourselfheard.(ericsson)理解就是沟通。(爱立信)engineeredtomovethehumanspirit.(mercedes-benz)人类精神的动力。(梅塞德斯-奔驰) startahead.(rejoice)成功之路,从头开始。(飘柔)adiamondlastsforever.(debierres)钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。(第比尔斯)fresh-upwithseven-up.(seven-up)提神醒脑,喝七喜。(七喜)intelinside.(intelpentium)给电脑一颗奔腾的“芯”。(英特尔奔腾)connectingpeople.(nokia)科技以人为本。(诺基亚)fortheroadahead.(honda)康庄大道。(本田)letusmakethingsbetter.(philips)让我们做的更好。(飞利浦)teachinginlife,appreciatingduringteaching.在生活中施教,在施教中提升。asingleflowerdoesnotmakeaspring.一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园。beautyliveswithkindness.美寓于善。ittakesthreegenerationstomakeagentleman.十年树木,百年树人。goodisgood,butbettercarriesit.精益求精,善益求善。seekthetruthfromfacts.实事求是。childrenarewhatthemothersare.耳濡目染,身教言传。thereisnoendingtolearning.学无止境。 wherethereisawill,thereisaway.有志者事竟成。


Apple was one of several highly successful companies founded in the 1970s that bucked the traditional notions of what a corporate culture should look like in organizational hierarchy. Steve Jobs often walked around the office barefoot even after Apple was a Fortune 500 company. By the time of the "1984" TV ad, this trait had become a key way the company attempted to differentiate itself from its competitors. According to a 2011 report in Fortune,this has resulted in a corporate culture more akin to a startup rather than a multinational corporation. As the company has grown and been led by a series of chief executives, each with his own idea of what Apple should be, some of its original character has arguably been lost, but Apple still has a reputation for fostering individuality and excellence that reliably draws talented people into its employ. This was especially after Jobs' return. To recognize the best of its employees, Apple created the Apple Fellows program, awarding individuals who made extraordinary technical or leadership contributions to personal computing while at the company. The Apple Fellowship has so far been awarded to a few individuals. Apple is also known for strictly enforcing accountability. Each project has a "directly responsible individual," or "DRI" in Apple jargon. As an example, when iOS senior vice president Scott Forstall refused to sign Apple's official apology for numerous errors in the redesigned Maps app, he was forced to resign. Numerous employees of Apple have cited that projects without Jobs' involvement often took longer than projects with his involvement. At Apple, employees are specialists who are not exposed to functions outside their area of expertise. Jobs saw this as a means of having best-in-class employees in every role. For instance, Ron Johnson who was Senior Vice President of Retail Operations until November 1, 2011, was responsible for site selection, in-store service, and store layout, yet he had no control of the inventory in his stores (which is done company wide by then-COO and now CEO Tim Cook who has a background in supply-chain management). This is the opposite of General Electric's corporate culture which has created well-rounded managers.[236][236] Under the leadership of Tim Cook who joined the company in 1998 and ascended to his present position as CEO, Apple has developed an extremely efficient and effective supply chain which has been ranked as the world's best for the four years 2007–2010.[citation needed]The company's manufacturing, procurement and logistics enables it to execute massive product launches without having to maintain large, profit-sapping inventories; Apple's profit margins have been 40 percent compared with 10–20 percent for most


企业常用缩写 作业制成本制度 (Activity-Based Costing) 实施作业制预算制度 (Activity-Based Budgeting) 作业制成本管理 (Activity-Base Management) 先进规画与排程系统 (Advanced Planning and Scheduling) 应用程序服务供货商( Application Service Provider ) 可承诺量 (Available To Promise) 认可的供货商清单 (Approved Vendor List) : 物料清单 (Bill Of Material) 企业流程再造 (Business Process Reengineering) 平衡记分卡 (Balanced ScoreCard) 计划生产 (Build To Forecast) 订单生产 (Build To Order) : 要径法 (Critical Path Method) : 每一百万个使用者会有几次抱怨 (Complaint per Million) : 客户关系管理 (Customer Relationship Management) 产能需求规划 (Capacity Requirements Planning) 客制化生产 (Configuration To Order) 限制驱导式排程法 (Drum-Buffer-Rope) 成熟 度验证 (Design Maturing Testing) 设计验证 (Design Verification Testing) 运销资源计划 (Distribution Resource Planning) 决策支持系统 (Decision Support System) 设计变更/工程 变更 (Engineer Change) 电子商务 (Electronic Commerce) ECRN : 原件规格更改通知 (Engineer Change Request Notice) EDI : 电子数据交换 (Electronic Data Interchange) EIS : 主管决策系统 (Executive Information System) EMC : 电磁相容 (Electric Magnetic Capability) EOQ : 基本经济订购量 (Economic Order Quantity) ERP : 企业资源规划 (Enterprise Resource Planning) FAE : 应用工程师 (Field Application Engineer) FCST :预估(Forecast) FMS : 弹性制造系统 FQC : 成品质量管理 IPQC : 制程质量管理 IQC : 进料 质量管理 ISO: 国际标准组织 (International Organization for Standardization) ISAR : 首批样品认可 (Initial Sample Approval Request) JIT : 实时管理 (Just In Time) KM : L4L : LTC : LUC : MES : 制造执行系统 (Manufacturing Execution System) MO : 制令 (Manufacture Order) MPS : 主生产排程 (Master Production Schedule) 5S : 5S 管理 ABC ABB ABM APS ASP ATP AVL : BOM BPR BSC BTF : BTO CPM CPM CRM CRP CTO DBR DMT DVT DRP DSS EC : EC : (Flexible Manufacture System) (Finish or Final Quality Control) (In- Process Quality Control) (Incoming Quality Control) 知识管理 (Knowledge Management) 逐批订购法 (Lot-for-Lot) 最小总成 本法 (Least Total Cost) 最小单位成 本 (Least Unit Cost)
