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1 Fiat seems bent on world domination of the car industry. But these days that cannot be achieved without a production presence in China, which has suddenly found itself catapulted into the position of the world's largest vehicle market by the blood bath in the US car market.

菲亚特似乎有意主宰全球汽车工业.但如今, 如果在中国没有生产业务, 这一点也无法实现. 随着美国汽车市场哀鸿遍野,中国突然发现自己已晋升为全球最大的汽车市场.

2 So now comes news that the Italian car company is talking to one of Beijing's favourite Chinese carmakers, Guangzhou Automobile, about a production joint venture. This would get Fiat back into China, after the joint venture with Nanjing Auto fell apart in 2007.

所以,现在有新闻报道,这个意大利汽车公司正与北京最热门的国产汽车制造商之一---广汽,商谈组建合资生产企业.这将带领菲亚特重回中国市场. 此前,该公司与与南京汽车的合资企业于07年解体.

3 Fiat is not talking about its plans for China, the only current bright spot in the world car industry. But Guangzhou Auto yesterday confirmed to the Financial Times that it is talking to Fiat about technical co-operation that “would not exclude the possibility of forming a joint ve nture”. The outlines of a potential deal are there for all to see on the website of the Chinese Ministry of Environmental Protection, which posted a notice in March that Fiat and Guangzhou Auto are discussing a Rmb4.27bn ($626m) joint venture. The official Shanghai Securities News says the venture could be approved within weeks and would produce 140,000 vehicles and 220,000 engines annually from 2011.

菲亚特并没有谈及其在中国的计划. 中国是目前全球汽车工业唯一一个亮点.但昨天, 广汽已向<<金融时报>>证实,目前它正与菲商谈技术合作事宜. 该技术合作将不排除组建合资公司的可能性. 中国环保局网站里公布了一个潜在合作意向的大纲, 并于三月份发布了一份公告,称菲和广汽正讨论设立一家总投资为人民币42.7亿元人民币(合6.26亿美元)的合资企业。官方媒体上海证券新闻报称,该合资企业可能在数周内获批,并于2011年开始, 每年生产140000辆整车以及220000发动机.

4 Maybe for Fiat it will be third time lucky? Its joint venture with Nanjing Auto had to be dissolved, and its partner sold to Shanghai Auto Industry Corp in 2007. And in March, Chery, another of China's biggest carmakers, said it was postponing production of cars with Fiat under a joint venture agreed in 2007.


5 Meanwhile, Guangzhou Auto is not only talking to Fiat. Yesterday it signed an agreement to take a 29 per cent stake in sport utility vehicle maker Hunan Changfeng Motor. Beijing has been encouraging such consolidation in the fragmented Chinese car industry to create a handful of champions that can more effectively compete with overseas car companies at home and abroad. Guangzhou Auto was recently anointed by Beijing as one of four carmakers that are encouraged to become larger as part of the consolidation plan.

与此同时,广汽并不仅仅只与菲一家进行商谈. 就在昨天, 它与多功能运动型汽车(SUV)制造商湖南长风摩托公司签订协议, 购买该公司29%的股权. 北京向来鼓励在分散的中国汽车工业进行这种整合, 以创建一批冠军企业, 与海外汽车公司在国内外市场有效地竞争. 最近,广汽被中国政府指定为整合计划中鼓励做大的4家汽车制造商之一。

6 Japan's economy contracted by a record 4.0 per cent quarter-on-quarter in the first three months of this year as domestic demand declined and an export rout continued, official data showed on Wednesday.

官方数据本周三显示, 由于内需减少,出口量持续下跌, 2009年头三个月,日本经济创记录地萎缩4.0%.

7 The decline in gross domestic product – equivalent to a extraordinary 15.2 per cent fall on an annualised basis – highlighted the woes facing the world's second largest economy, which has now contracted for a record four quarters in a row.

日本国内生产总值(GDP)的下滑,按年率来算,相当于15.2%. 这个显著下跌的数字突显出这个全球第二大经济体所面临的困境. 日本经济已创记录地连续四个季度滑坡.
