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姓名__________ 班级__________分数___________


seventy basketball the UK summer

by car plane warm well done



( ) 1、play basketball A、大本钟

( ) 2、Big Ben B、在操场上

( ) 3、turn off C、走路

( ) 4、on foot D、关掉

( )5、in the playground E、打篮球


( ) 1、玩具火车 A、go swimming

( ) 2、做家庭作业 B、shopping list

( ) 3、一本英语书 C、an English book

( ) 4、购物清单 D、do my homework

( ) 5、去游泳 E、toy train_



()1、What do you often do on Monday? A. All right.

()2、What day is today? B. On foot.

()3、Do you have a math class? C. We raise our national flag. ()4、How do you go to school? D. It’s Saturday.

()5、Please turn on the fan. E. Yes, I do.


()6、What do you need? A. I wear a T-shirt.

()7、How much is it? B. It’s sunny.

()8、What will you do? C. I need a computer.

()9、How is the weather today? D. It’s ten yuan.

()10、What do you wear? E. I will go to Beijing.



A. fruits

B. the UK

C. raise national flag

D. a science book

E. the Great Wall


( )1.当你向对方说“把窗户关掉”,你该这么说:“”

A. Please close the window.

B. Please turn off the widow.


A. What day is today?

B. What’s the date today?

( )3.当你忘记带语文书时,可以向同学说:“?”

A. May I use your science book?

B. Give me a science book, please.

( )4.想表达你最喜爱的节日是什么?“”

A.What’s your favorite season? What’s your favorite color?

A.How is the weather in Beijing?

B.How is the weather in London?

A.My favorite season is summer.

B. 4、My favorite season is spring.

A.My mother go to work by bike.

B. My mother goes to work by bike.

A.How much is it?

B. How many is it?.



A.She’s from Taiwan.

B. She’s from Shanghai.


A.Please close the light.

B. Please turn off the light.

()3. We have a class meeting on Tuesday.




A.He is clean the blackboard.

B. He is cleaning the blackboard.

()5. We have an English class this afternoon.


B. 我们今天下午有一节数学课。
