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The following two excerpts are about Ice Bucket Challenge, anactivity initiated to raise m oney and awareness for the diseaseALS (渐冻

症). From the excerpts, you can find that the activityseems to have achieved much succe ss, but there have alsobeen doubt and criticism.

Write an article of NO LESS THAN 300 words, in which youshould:

summarize the development of ice bucket challenge activity, and then express your opini ontowards the activity, especially whether the problem found with this kind of activity will finallyundermine its original purpose.

Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and langu agequality.

Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

Write your article on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.

Excerpt 1:ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Takes U.S. by Storm

In the last two weeks, the Ice Bucket Challenge™ has quite literally “soaked” the nation. Everyonefrom Ethel Kennedy to Justin Timberlake has poured a bucket of ice water over his or her headand challenged others do the same or make a donation to fight ALS within twenty-four hours.

Between July 29 and today, August 12, The ALS Association and its 38 chapters have rec eived anastonishing $4 million in donations compared with $1.12 million during the same time period lastyear. The ALS Association is incredibly grateful for the outpouring of sup port from those peoplewho have been doused, made a donation, or both.

“We have never seen anything like this in the history of the disease,” said Barbara Newh ouse,President and CEO of The ALS Association.

With only about half of the general public knowledgeable about amyotrophic lateral scler osis (ALS),the Ice Bucket Challenge is making a profound difference. Since July 29, The Association haswelcomed more than 70,000 new donors to the cause.

“While the monetary donations are absolutely incredible,” said Newhouse,

“the visibility that thisdisease is getting as a result of the challenge is truly invaluable. Pe ople who have never beforeheard of ALS are now engaged in the fight to find treatments and a cure for ALS.”

Excerpt 2:Ice bucket challenge: who’s pouring cold water on the idea?

The ice bucket challenge has certainly raised awareness. Whether that’s primarily of the disease forwhich it is raising funds or the speed at which images of swimsuit-clad celebrit

ies will go viral is along-term question. More pertinent right now is whether or not the cr aze has reached a tippingpoint.

As it lived by social media, so the ice bucket challenge could die by it. The state of Califor nia iscurrently experiencing one of the worst droughts on record. So gestures such as co mpaniesdousing their staff en masse in hundreds of gallons of icy water, come across mo re as wasteful PRexercises than charitable gestures – and are being called out as such on Twitter.

There has been a similar reaction in China. Last week, protesters in drought-stricken Hen anprovince raised empty red buckets over their heads, accompanied by the slogan “Hena n, pleasesay no to the ice bucket challenge”.

China’s ministry for civil affairs, while broadly supportive, has warned citizens against the practice’s“entertainment and commercial tendencies”.

But the real dampener could be the risk of bodily harm. Doctors around the world have warned ofrisks to elderly people, expectant mothers and people with heart conditions.


Do It, but with Love and Sincerity

The year 2014 witness target=_blank

class=infotextkey>witnessed the birth and boom of an activity online and offline both at home and abroad: the ice bucket challenge. Originally designed to attract public attention to the disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), the practice has aroused a heated debate during its development. There exist opposing views on this matter. Proponents, represented by the ALS Association, claim that it is beneficial and praiseworthy, for it substantially increased donations for sufferers of the disease. Opponents, however, argue that it wastes water, does harm to one’s body and risks becoming a form of entertainment or commercial advertisement.
