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1. on foot

2. by bus

3.by train

4.by bike

5. by plane

6. look at the traffic lights

7. Wait at the yellow light

8. Stop at the red light.

9. Remember the traffic rules.

10. the fifth floor


1.by plane

2.by bus .

3.on foot

4.by ship

5.by bike

6.by subway

7.by train

8.clean the room

9.sweep the floor

10.cook the meals


1. how do you go to Canada ?

2.What’s the weather like today ?

3. who is he

4. what do you usually do on the weekend?

5.which floor do you live?

四.听短文,判断下列句子与所听内容是否相否,相符的写F,不相符的写T A

A:Sarah, let's go to the park this afternoon.

B:Great! But how do we go to the park ?

A:It's easy . Come to my home by bike . Then we go to the park by bus .

B:Ok .But where is your home, Chen Jie ?

A: B:Which floor ?

A:The fifth floor ,Room 5A .

B:OK ! This afternoon. See you at 2 o'clock .

A:See you then .


The traffic lights are the same in every country . There are always three lights: red , yellow and green. Red means “Stop”. Yellow means “Wait”and green means “Go”. In China , drivers drive on the right side of the road . In the US , drivers drive on the right side , too. In England and Australia, however , drivers drive on the left side of the road . If you go by car, by bike or on foot , you must know the traffic rules .



1.Today is Tuesday

2.tomorrow is Thursday

3.we don’t have class on Sunday

4.we had fun

5.in the bedroom

6.I do homework

7.watch TV

8.how about going there

9.me too

10.they like apples


What day is it today?

It’s Wednesday.

What do you have on Wednesday?

We have English, science ,computer and PE.I like Wednesdays.


1.What day is it today?

2.What do you have on Sunday?

3.What do you do on Saturdays ?

4.What does he do on Sundays ?

5.What are you like?



A:What are you going to do after school?

B:I want to buy a pair of shoes. Where is the shoe store ?

A:It's next to the hospital .

B:How can I get to the hospital ?

A:You can go by the No.301 bus . Get off at the cinema . Then walk straight for three minutes . The hospital is on the left.

B:Thank you .

A:You are welcome .


Dear Amy,

Please come to my twelfth birthday party at 6 pm on Saturday. Now let me tell you how to come .

1 Start from the bus stop in front of our school .

2. Take the No. 17 bus.

3. Get off at the post office .

4. Walk east for three minutes .

5 Find the white building on the left .

6 Look for me near the door.


Sarah .



1. EDB

2. H KE

3. FJK

4. DFT

5. UIC


1. Do you like cabbage

2. I eat green beans

3. this is potato

4 . it sounds good

5. they are tasty


What's your favourite food ?

