新人教版选修七Unit3 Under the sea全单元教案2

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Unit 3 Under the sea

Period One for Warming up

Teaching Aims:

1. Let the Ss know something under the sea, including some

animals and plants that live under the sea.

2. Ask the students to make a list of the animals and plants that

live under the sea to help them.


1. Have you seen plants and animals that live under the sea?

2. Where did you see them?

3. Do you have any favourite sea plants or animals? Share

what you know about these plants and animals.

4. Find out from your classmates where they have seen them.

Use the list below to help you:

on a snorkelling trip at an aquarium on a boat tour

on TV nature programmes in books in films

on the Internet

5. Give the following names of the animals and plants living

in the sea:

white whale白鲸anemone海葵sea star海星

shark鲨鱼coral珊瑚butterfly fish蝴蝶鱼

sea horse海马turtle海龟parrot fish鹦鹉

鱼kelp海带eel 海鳗angel fish

天使鱼anemone fish海葵鱼dolphin海豚


Period Two for Reading

Teaching Aims:Learn something about the sea in the passage. Contents: Learn something about the sea and some sentences and phrases.

Questions and answers:

Para 1

1.What did the writer do in the morning on 19th, January?

2.what did he think after seeing such extraordinary beauty?

He thought every cell in his body woke up and it was like discovering a whole new dimension of life.

Para 2

1.What is the first thing he became aware of?

All the vivid colours surrounding him.

2.Does he think the corals are fantastic? why?

Yes .Because they were shaped strangely like fans, plates, brains, lace and so on.

Para 3.

1.Did he frighten the fish when he swam among then?

No, he didn’t. The fish didn’t seem to mind him swimming among them.

2.What fishes did he see under the sea?

He saw many beautiful fish such as anemonefish, parrotfish, angelfish and so on.


1.Were there anything that made him feel frightened? What were they? Yes ,there were .He didn’t want to get too close to the eel, the giant clam. And the grey reef sharks made him scared to death.

2.Do the sharks he mentioned hurt people?

No, they don’t. They are not dangerous.


Why did he say he was very brave?

Because he swam over the edge of the reef and hung there looking down into depths of the ocean.

New words

1.witness v. 目击,做证n. 目击者,证人,证词

2.pack 打包,收拾行李

3.flee 逃跑,消失

4.abandon 遗弃,抛弃

5.annual 每年的
