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实践证明,NAFTA对于美洲区域经济一体化的未来发展,尤其是对拟议中的美洲自由贸易区(FTAA)的建立具有重要的意义。这主要体现在:NAFTA是FTAA的重要蓝本、NAFTA 成员中的墨西哥成为建立FTAA的坚定支持者、NAFTA对未来的FTAA的建立具有“实验室”的意义。当然,FTAA最终建立还需要克服和解决相当多的难题。



North-South regional economic cooperation groups have played an important role in world arena since North-South relations were transformed from hostility into cooperation in the 1990s, an era that globalization grows more rapidly than ever. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is the first institution in the world created by the North-South cooperation. U.S. has changed its attitude to regionalism and the North-South relations are experiencing a profound transformation.

From the 1940s to the early 1980s, Mexico had missed two opportunities for development, and suffered a severe debt crisis in the 1980s. In order to overcome this plaguing crisis, Mexico adopted a new development strategy and carried out neo-liberalism economic reform. Joining U.S.-initiated NAFTA is a key step for this reform. The impetus of Mexico to join this agreement is to face globalization and promote rapid development of domestic maquiladora enterprises.

In more than one decade, NAFTA’s influence on Mexican economy and politics can be summarized into three categories: positive, negative and modest. Analysis made by some scholars on the basis of quantity model and studies by the World Bank and IMF show that NAFTA has contributed greatly to Mexican economic growth, FDI inflow, export expansion, productivity improvement and institutional building. As a whole, the positive influence on Mexico is obvious. However, by integrating its economy with its northern neighbors, the Mexican government hasn’t done its best to implement policies of adjustment. Therefore, there are many problems regarding rural development, wage increase for the workers in maquiladora, non-documented immigrants to US and Canada, environment protection and structural reform. Mexico should make great efforts to maximize the positive impact, minimize the negative ones and take proper measures to avoid negative problems in the future.

Studies on NAFTA experience in the past decade show that growing economic cooperation between Mexico and the other two NAFTA members has not led other trade groups or countries in Latin America to suffer losses. It has some effects on China’s export to the United States in the short term, especially for textile products. In recent years, although bilateral trade between China and Mexico has been growing rapidly, disputes over the bilateral trade statistics, trade frictions, competition in US market and China’s full market status stand out.

NAFTA’s impact on Mexico indicates that cooperation among NAFTA members should be expanded and deepened. Some regulations under NAFTA are disadvantageous to Mexican economic development. These regulations have led Mexico to unbalanced development though they have fixed its future reform direction. Definitely, NAFTA is not Panacea to Mexican economic stability. The future effort for Mexico is to collocate resources in trade and non-trade section, enhance human resources investment and training, intensify financial reform, emphasize private credit service, expedite the reform of labor market and attach importance to emigrant management.

NAFTA’s experience has proved that it bears significance for future development of regional economic integration and set an example for FTAA. Mexico strongly supports the formation of FTAA, and NAFTA’s experience can be used as the reference to FTAA. However, we should also notice that on the way to form FTAA there still exist some difficulties.

Key Words: NAFTA Globalization North and South Economic Relations Mexico
