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Lesson Four

Radio Check and ATIS

PIL: Beijing Ground CCA 981 radio check 129.0, how do you


CTLL: CCA 981 Beijing Ground read you 5

CTL: CSN 306 I read you 2, adjust your transmitter

Beijing Capital Airport Information Alpha. Zero one three hours, ILS approach runway 36R, runway surface wet, braking action good. Work in progress near beginning of runway 36L. Taxiway Papa closed. Wind 350 degrees meters per second, CAVOK temperature 30 dew point 22, QFE 1015 QNH 1018. No sig. On initial contact advise you have information Alpha.

This is Hong Kong International Airport Information T at time 0900, runway in use 13, expect IGS approach. Surface wind 090 degrees 10-20kts visibility 9km. Cloud

scattered 1 400 feet, scattered 1 800 feet temperature 24 QNH 1011hPa. Expect windshear and moderate turbulence on approach and departure. Acknowledge Information T on frequencies 119.1 for Arrival and 124.65 for Departure.


PIL: Hong Kong Ground CSN 304 radio check 121.6 CTL: Station calling Ground say again your call sign PIL: Hong Kong Ground CSN 304 radio check on 121.6, how do you read me

CTL: CSN 304 Hong Kong Ground your signal is unstable check your transmitter and give me a short count PIL: Roger CSN 304

PIL: Ground CSN 304, 1 2 3 4 5, how do you read CTL: CSN 304 read you 3 loud background whistle, check again

PIL: Roger 5 4 3 2 1, how do you read now

CTL: CSN 304 loud and clear

PIL: Thank you CSN 304





驾:地面,南航 304, 1,2, 3, 4, 5 ,听我怎样?管:南航304,听你3个,背景尖叫声很大,再检查一遍驾:收到,5, 4, 3, 2, 1,现在怎样?



New Words and Phrases

pre-start n. (此处)启动前,开车前

read n. 听

adjust vt. 调整

transmitter n. 发射机

surface n. 表面

short count 短数

whistle n. (无线电台发出的)尖啸声

wet a. 湿

braking action 刹车效应

work in progress 正在施工

CAVOK (Cloud And Visibility OK) 云高和能见度好dew point 露点

no sig (no significant change)无重大变化expect vt. 预计

IGS (Instrument Guidance System) 仪表指引系统scattered a. 散开的

windshear n. 风切变

moderate a. 中等程度的

turbulence n. 颠簸

arrival n. 进场,到达


1. 无线电检查的通话顺序

1) 对方呼号

2) 本机呼号

3) radio check

4) 信号怎样

2. 无线电检查时对信号质量的描述,见下表:

3 ATIS的种类。航站自动情报服务通话分三类:

1) 进场通播,为进场航空器提供的通播服务,见句型C

2) 离场通播,为离场航空器提供的通播服务

3) 进、离场通播,为进场和离场航空器提供的通播服务,见句型D

4 通播是按字母顺序依次排列的,每30-60分钟换一换,驾驶员与进离场管制单位建立初始联络时应确认已收到通播。

5 通播的一般格式。进离场通播的电文包括以下容并按顺序勃发:

1) 机场名称

2) 代码

3) 观测时间

4) 预计进近类别

5) 使用跑道

6) 重要的跑道道面情况,刹车效应

7) 延迟等待(如有必要)

8) 过渡高度层(如有必要)

9) 其它必要的运行情况

10) 地面风向量

11) 能见度,跑道视程

12) 现行天气
