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遵纪守法to observe discipline and abide by the low

走共同致富的道路to take the road to common prosperity

自留地individual farm plots=private plots of land

自负盈亏to be responsible for one’s own profit and loss

专业户specialized household

抓住经济建设这个中心to commit ourselves to the central task of ecoomic development

重复建设to build redundant project=duplication of similar projects

重点扶贫县designated poverty-stricken countries

中央the central government

治理整顿to improve the economic environment and rectify the economic order

治理三乱to put a stops=eliminate indiscriminate fines,charges and levies

支农惠农政策policies to support and benefit agriculture,rural areas and farmers

政企分开to separate government functions from enterprise management


跃上新台阶to reach a new high

有经济头脑的人commercially minded people=people with business sense

优生优育to promote good prenatal and postnatal care

以权谋私to abuse power for personal gains

移风易俗to transform outmoded habit and custom

依法治国to rule the country in accodance with law


一刀切sweeping approach=action in disregard of objective conditions

严防死守life-and-death defense

严打to crack down on crimes and social evils

亚运村Asian Games Village

姓社姓资问题distinction of what is socialism and what is capitalism

星火计划Spark Program

小商品市场smalls fair

小康生活to lead a relatively comfortable life

小康社会a well-off society

乡镇企业township enterprise=rural enterprise

下硬功夫to make intensive efforts

下海to take the plunge into private business

下岗人员the laid-off

物质文明material progress

五讲四美运动the movement of “five stresses and four points of beauty”:to promote civility,courtesy,tidiness,prderliness and integrity

五讲四美三热爱five stresses,four points of beauty and three aspects of love

五好家庭five-virtue family

温饱问题the problem of inadequate foo and clothing

晚婚晚育late marriage and postponement of childbearing

歪风邪气unhealthy practices and evil phenomena

脱贫to shake off poverty

四有公民citizens who have high ideals,moral integrity,a good education and a strong sense of discipline

事业编制staffing of government affiliated institutions

实事求是to pursue a realistic and pragmatic approach

十年计划和“八五”计划纲要the guideline of the Ten-Year Programme and the Eight Five-Year Plan

十年动乱the ten chaotic years

生态补偿机制ecological damage compensation mechanism

涉外婚姻Chinese marrage with foreign nationals

社会主义基本制度the basic system of socialism

扫黄anti-pornography drive
