




Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation


本单元的核心话题是用一般过去时谈论度假等发生在过去的事情。因此"Where did you go on vacation""Did you go to the beach Yes,I did / No,I didn’t."等是教学的重点。通过对本单元的学习,学生能掌握本单元出现的地点名词,用于询问和回答过去发生的事情的短语和句型。



1. 词汇:New York City, Central Park, exam, were, rainy, delicious,expensive, inexpensive, crowded, flew, kite, later, felt, little,corner, discuss, etc.

2. 句型: Where did you go on vacation I went to summer camp.Did she go to Central ParkYes, she did.No,she didn’t.

3. 语法:一般过去时的特殊疑问句、一般疑问句及肯、否定回答。

4. 能力目标:能用一般过去时熟练谈论假期发生的事。









1. 以任务型教学作为课堂教学理念、利用整体语言教学法、情景教学法、交际教学法等。

2. 在教学中创设切实可行的任务型教学活动、突出交际性。

3. 教师为主导、学生为主体、任务为基础,注重实用性。

4. 引趣激趣策略,创设情景调节气氛,引发激发学生兴趣。




第1课时:Section A 1a-2c

第2课时:Section A 2d-3c

第3课时:Section B 1a-2c

第4课时:Section B 2d-Self Check



1. 掌握重点句型:How was your vacationWhere did you go Did you go out with anyone

2. 理解并掌握几个不定代词:anyone, everyone, something, anything,everything, nothing的用法。

3. 熟练运用句型:Did you …






掌握句型:Where did you go on vacation Did you go out with anyone Did you buy anything Did you visit anyone


能用句型Did you …提出尽可能多的有关过去假期的问题。








Step 1 Greetings

Greet the class as usual.

Step 2 Revision

Ask the students to look at the picture on Page 1 and make conversations, using the sentence pattern: -Where did you go on vacation -I went to the mountains. -Did you go with anyone -Yes, I did. / No,I d idn’t.

Step 3 Role play

The teacher acts as Rick and ask a student to act as Helen and practice the dialogue of 2d on Page 2. Then ask the students to practice in pairs and finally ask two or three pairs to act it out.

Step 4 Grammar Focus

Review the grammar box. Ask students to say the questions and answers. Review the difference between regular –ed past tense verbs (stay –stayed, visit-visited) and irregular past tense verbs (go –went, buy-bought). Then get the students to ask and answer the

questions and answers in pairs.

Step 5 Game

Ask one student to act as the teacher and ask some individual students questions. Get as many students as possible to be the teacher.

Then ask the students to pay attention to the words: no one, anyone,everyone, something, nothing, anything.

Step 6 Practice

3a Fill in the blanks with the words in the box and practice the conversation.

3b Fill in the blanks in the e-mail mestudentsage with the words in the box.

After checking the answers, get the students to read them aloud. Step 7 Group work

Make a survey. Ask the students to make a survey by asking the questions about their last vacation: Did you eat anything at a reastaurant Did you read anything interesting ….Make sure the students practice the dialogues again and again and write down the results in the form. Then ask some students to report their results.

Step 8 Homework

Ask your classmates as many questions about their last vacation as possible.


Fill in the blanks.

1. Where ___ you ___ (go) on vacation

2. I ___ (go) to New York City.

3. -___ you ___ (go) out with ______ -No. No one was here. Everyone was on vacation.

4. -Did you buy _______ special -Yes, I _______ (buy) something for my father.

5. -___ was the food –Everything tasted really good!

参考答案:1. did, go 2. went 3. Did, go, anyone 4. anything, bought 5. How




第1课时 Section A 1a-2c



1. 掌握句型:-Where did you go on vacation -I went to the mountains. -Did you go with anyone -Yes, I did. / No,I didn’t.

2. 熟练掌握本课短语:stay at home, went to New York City, went to summer camp, went to the mountains, went to the beach, visited museums,visited my uncle.


通过例子Who went to the movies last Saturday引出动词go的过去式went,从而引出一般过去时态。大面积操练,采用学生提出间题,学生解决问题,借助多媒体来提高学生的主动性。




掌握句型:-Where did you go on vacation -I went to the mountains/ New York City/ beach /summer camp. -Did you go with anyone -Yes,I did. / No,I didn’t.










Step 1 Greetings

Greet the class.

Step 2 Lead in

Ask questions about what students did last Saturday.

(1)Who went to the movies last Saturday Point to one student who raises his or her hand. Sara went to the movies last Saturday. Repeat.Write this sentence on the board.

Underline the word went.

(2)Ask:Who visited a friend last SaturdayPoint to one student who raises his or her hand.Carlos visited a friend last Saturday.Repeat. Write this sentence on the board. Underline the word "visited".

Point to the words went and visited in the sentences on the board.Say:We use these words to talk about things that happened in the past. Write these pairs of words on the board:go–went, visit –visited. Ask: Can you point out the words that talk about the past

This activity introduces the key vocabulary.

Step 3 Practice

1. Focus attention on the picture.Ask: What can you seeSay: Each picture shows something a person did in the https://www.360docs.net/doc/2319388781.html, each activity and ask students to repeat: went to the mountains, went to New York City,went to summer camp, visited my uncle,stayed at home, went to the beach,visited museums.

2.Point to the numbered list of activities.Say each one again and ask

the students to repeat.

3.Now, please match each phrase with one of the pictures.Say:Write the letter of each picture next to the name of the activity.Point to the sample answer.

4.Check the answers.

Step 4 Listening

1.Point to the picture on the screen. Say: look at Picture A,Where did Tina go on vacation Yes,she went to the mountains.

Ask:What did the person do in each scene Say: There are three conversations. Play the recording the first time.

2. The people talk about what they did on vacation.Listen to the recording and write numbers of the names in the right boxes in the picture. Please write only 5 numbers. Point out the sample answer next to the picture showing went to the mountain. Play the recording a second time.

3.Correct the answers.

Step 5 Pair work

Point out the example conversation. Ask two students to read the dialogue to the class. Say the dialogue in the picture with a student,Do a second example to the class. Then say:Now work with a partner, make conversations about the people in the pictures.As they talk,move around the classroom monitoring their work. Offer language or pronunciation support as needed.

Step 6 Listening

1.2a. Ask: Where did the people go on vacation And then ask the students to listen carefully and fill in the chart. Play the recording twice and then check the answers.

2. Look at the form carefully, ask: Did the people do the following things Then ask the

students to listen carefully and check the anwers. Play twice and ask

the students to check the answers in pairs and then check the answers together.

Step 7 Role play

Look at the form again carefully and make role-play conversations among Grace,Kevin and Julie. Ask one or two groups to show the conversation first and then get the students to practice in groups.


仁爱版八年级年级上册英语教案 仁爱版八年级年级上册英语教案 学习是把知识、能力、思维方法等转化为你的私有产权的重要手段,是"公有转私"的重要途径。你的一生,无法离开学习,学习是你最忠实的朋友,它会听你的召唤,它会帮助你走向一个又一个成功。以下是本文库为您整理的《仁爱版八年级年级上册英语教案》,供大家查阅。 【篇一】初二年级上册英语教案仁爱版 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation 教材解读 本单元的核心话题是用一般过去时谈论度假等发生在过去的事情。因此"Where did you go on vacation""Did you go to the beach Yes,I did / No,I didn’t."等是教学的重点。通过对本单元的学习,学生能掌握本单元出现的地点名词,用于询问和回答过去发生的事情的短语和句型。 单元目标 一、知识与技能 1. 词汇:New York City, Central Park, exam, were, rainy, delicious,expensive, inexpensive, crowded, flew, kite, later, felt, little,corner, discuss, etc. 2. 句型: Where did you go on vacation I went to summer camp.Did she go to Central ParkYes, she did.No,she didn’t. 3. 语法:一般过去时的特殊疑问句、一般疑问句及肯、否定回答。 4. 能力目标:能用一般过去时熟练谈论假期发生的事。 二、过程与方法 灵活运用教材,从所教学生的实际水平和语言能力出发,调整和取舍教学内容,合理安排本单元的课时数,设计好每课时的教学内容。 三、情感、态度与价值观 1.通过描述假期发生的事,增进同学间的了解,增进感情。 2.通过图片和视频欣赏优美的风景,培养热爱祖国大好河山的思想感情,提高学生的环保意识。


仁爱版英语八年级上册教案全集整套(详 细) 教案一:Unit 1 Introduction to English - 研究目标:通过研究本单元,学生能够了解英语的重要性, 掌握一些基本的问候语和自我介绍的方式。 - 教学内容:自我介绍、问候语、英语字母表、数字。 - 教学方法:听说结合,互动交流。 - 教学步骤: 1. 学生自我介绍,老师引导学生使用英语进行自我介绍。 2. 研究基本的问候语,例如:Hello, How are you? I'm fine, thank you. 3. 研究英语字母表,教师板书字母表,并逐一教授正确的发音。 4. 研究基本数字,从1到10的阿拉伯数字及其对应的英文表达。 5. 练对话,学生分组进行对话练,使用已学的问候语和数字进 行简单对话。 - 教学评价:通过观察学生的互动表达和对话练,评价学生的 研究情况。

教案二:Unit 2 Making New Friends - 研究目标:通过研究本单元,学生能够了解交朋友的技巧和方法,掌握一些交际用语。 - 教学内容:介绍自己、询问个人信息、交谈技巧。 - 教学方法:听说结合,角色扮演。 - 教学步骤: 1. 学生分享自己认识新朋友的经历,老师引导学生回顾交朋友的技巧。 2. 研究介绍自己的表达方式,如姓名、年龄、爱好等。 3. 研究询问个人信息的方式,如What's your name? How old are you?等。 4. 引导学生讨论交谈技巧,如互相倾听、表达尊重等。 5. 进行角色扮演活动,学生分组进行模拟交谈练。 - 教学评价:观察学生的个人介绍和角色扮演表现,评价学生的交际能力和理解程度。 (继续编写其他教案...)


八年级上册仁爱英语教案(最新7篇) 初二年级上册英语教案仁爱版篇一 第1课时Section A 1a-2c 教学目标 一、知识与技能 1、掌握句型:—Where did you go on vacation? —I went to the mountains. —Did you go with anyone? —Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. 2、熟练掌握本课短语:stay at home, went to New York City, went to summer camp, went to the mountains, went to the beach, visited museums, visited my uncle. 二、过程与方法 通过例子Who went to the movies last Saturday?引出动词go的过去式went,从而引出一般过去时态。大面积操练,采用学生提出间题,学生解决问题,借助多媒体来提高学生的主动性。 三、情感、态度与价值观 学会用一般过去时进行信息交流,培养学生的环保意识,热爱大自然。 教学重点 掌握句型:—Where did you go on vacation? —I went to the mountains/ New York City/ beach /summer camp. —Did you go with anyone? —Yes,I did. / No, I didn’t. 教学难点 掌握用过去时谈论假期的活动。 教法导航 通过看图、看视频、听录音、问答、讨论等方法学习谈论能力和表达愿望。 学法导航 通过看、听、说等各种途径,以小组合作的形式,主动探求知识,锻炼自主学习能力。 教学准备 图片,多媒体。 教学过程 Step 1 Greetings Greet the class. Step 2 Lead in Ask questions about what students did last Saturday. (1)Who went to the movies last Saturday? Point to one student who raises his or her hand. Sara went to the movies last Saturday. Repeat.Write this sentence on the board. Underline the word went. (2)Ask:Who visited a friend last Saturday?Point to one student who raises his or her hand.Carlos visited a friend last Write this sentence on the board. Underline the word “visited”. Point to the words went and visited in the sentences on the board.Say:We use these words to talk about things that happened in the past. Write these pairs of words on the board:go–went, visit –visited. Ask: Can you point out the words that talk about the past? This activity introduces the key vocabulary. Step 3 Practice 1、Focus attention on the picture.Ask: What can you see?Say: Each picture shows


Unit 1 Playing Sports Topic 1 I’m going to play basketball. Section A The main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。 Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn some new words and phrases: almost, against, term, cheer, cheer … on, team, win, row, quite, bit, quite a bit/a lot, join, club, skate, volleyball, tennis, table tennis 2. Learn some useful sentences: (1)I saw you play basketball almost every day during the summer holidays. (2)Would you like to come and cheer us on? 3. Learn the future tense with be going to: (1)We are going to have a basketball game against Class Three on Sunday. (2)Are you going to join the school rowing club? 4. Talk about preferences: —Which sport do you prefer, cycling or rowing? —I prefer rowing. 5. Talk about sports and games. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具图片/海报/教学挂图/录音机/小黑板 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步复习(时间:7分钟)


仁爱英语八年级上教案 【篇一:仁爱英语八年级上册教学设计】 (仁爱英语八年级上册) unit1 topic1 section a 教学设计 【摘要】 review some useful sentences in order to know about students’ holiday. then learn some new words and phrases, and lead to the future tense with be going to. let students master the important point by practicing in the class. 【关键词】 1.almost, against, term, cheer, cheer ? on, team, win, row, quite, bit, quite a bit / a lot, join, 2.the future tense with be going to: 【教材分析】 1.本课教材的重点内容是掌握一般将来时态“be going to”的使用。 2.对本课的重点句型要进行重点提示和操练。如:“be going to+do”; which sport do you prefer, ? or ??(prefer doing) 3.让学生理解cheer ?on 和 plan to do sth的用法。 1.教材地位及作用 本课的教材起到一个引领与创设情境的作用,把询问假期活动的内容与新学期的打算以对话的形式复合在一起,既起到复习巩固的作 用又能引导学习新知识的渴望。在口头练习和交际会话中可以适当 的拓展,让学生能够熟练掌握一般将来时态的应用。 2.teaching aims and demands : 1.learn some new words and phrases: almost, against, term, cheer, cheer ? on, team, win, row, quite, bit, quite a bit / a lot, join, 2.learn the future tense with be going to: 3. learn some useful sentences: (1)i saw you play basketball almost every day during the summer holidays. (2)would you like to come and cheer us on? 3.the important point、the difficult point: 1.learn the future tense with be going to: 2.learn the new words and phrases: 【学情分析】多数学生能够做好预习,并根据老师的引导比较有热情的学


Unit 1 Playing Sports Topic 1 I’m going to play basketball Section A 【教学重难点】 The main activities are 1a and 2.本课重点活动是1a和2。 【教学目标】 1.Learn some new words and phrases: almost, against, term, cheer, cheer …on, team, win, row, quite, bit, quite a bit /a lot, join, club, skate, volleyball, tennis, table tennis 2.Learn some useful sentences: (1)I saw you play basketball almost every day during the summer holidays. (2)Would you like to come and cheer us on? 3.Learn the future tense with be going to: (1)We are going to have a basketball game against Class Three on Sunday. (2)Are you going to join the school rowing club? 4.Talk about preferences: —Which sport do you prefer, cycling or rowing? —I prefer rowing. 5.Talk about sports and games. 【教学准备】 图片/海报/教学挂图/录音机/小黑板 【教学过程】 Step 1 Review 第一步复习(时间:7分钟) 复习学过的运动项目名称,引出生词。 (展示一些有关运动的图片,并通过师生对话,引出新的运动项目名称。) Step 2 Presentation 第二步呈现(时间:10分钟) 通过师生对话,呈现1a中部分生词及功能句,并使学生初步掌握be going to 句型。

仁爱版八年级上册英语教案:Unit1 Playing Sports

仁爱版八年级上册英语教案:Unit1 Playing Sports 一、教学目标 1.学习本单元核心词汇,掌握描述运动方式的词汇和短语。 2.学习与外籍朋友进行交流的基本礼仪和语言表达,提高英语口语水平。 3.进一步加深对体育运动的认识,了解不同运动的发展与历史。 二、教学重难点 1.活用本单元核心词汇,运用英语进行体育运动和比赛的描述。 2.掌握礼仪用语,能够与外籍友人进行基本的沟通交流。 三、教学准备 1.多媒体设备,投影仪等。 2.实物模型和图片,用于辅助教学。 3.教学用具,包括黑板、白板、笔等。 四、教学过程 1. 预热 1.导入课题,介绍本单元课题及目标。 2.邀请学生们一起分享自己最喜欢的体育运动。 2. 新课讲解 1.通过多媒体展示不同体育运动的图片,进行简单介绍。 2.分组讨论各个体育项目的规则、比赛流程等。 3.讲解本单元核心词汇,包括名词、动词和短语,例如: –playing sports:进行体育运动 –ride a bike:骑自行车

–do yoga:做瑜伽 –go swimming:去游泳 3. 练习活动 1.设计齐头式练习,让学生们发挥创造力,用本单元学习的词汇进行充分表述。 2.利用实物模型和图片进行课堂互动,让学生们用英语表述认出物品,例如:球、拍子、跑步机等。 3.进行小组赛跑组织比赛,并学生之间进行交流。 4. 巩固知识 1.汇总单元中学习的常用语句和对话,进行模拟对话演练。 2.分角色进行对话,让学生充分体验面对不同情况时应对的态度和表现。 5. 课堂总结 1.对本单元中涉及的核心知识进行总结。 2.讲解下一单元的课题及目标。 五、教学反思 本节课设计以体育运动为主题,采用多种教学方式提高学生们的学习兴趣,增加课堂互动。通过实物模型和图片,让学生们更加直观地了解不同体育运动的设备、规则等,进一步促进他们的学习兴趣。通过课堂互动和演练,让学生们加深对知识的记忆和理解,同时也积极锻炼其语言口语表达和社交交往能力,提高课程效果。整个课堂氛围轻松愉悦,学生们学习效果较佳,课程得到了很好的实施和运用。


八年级英语上册教案仁爱版 教案标题:八年级英语上册教案(仁爱版) 教案目标: 1. 通过本单元的学习,学生将能够掌握并运用本单元的词汇、语法和句型。 2. 培养学生的听、说、读、写的综合能力。 3. 培养学生的合作与沟通能力。 教学重点: 1. 学习并掌握本单元的重点词汇和短语。 2. 学会运用一般过去时的肯定、否定和疑问句。 3. 能够用英语描述过去发生的事情。 教学难点: 1. 学会正确运用一般过去时的肯定、否定和疑问句。 2. 能够运用所学的知识描述过去的事件。 教学准备: 1. 教材:仁爱版八年级英语上册教材。 2. 多媒体设备:电脑、投影仪等。 3. 教学辅助工具:图片、录音机等。 教学过程: Step 1: Warm-up (热身活动) 1. 打招呼并与学生进行简单的问候。 2. 通过展示几张图片,引导学生回忆和描述图片中的人物和场景。 Step 2: Presentation (呈现新知)

1. 导入新课内容,引导学生学习本单元的新词汇和短语。 2. 通过多媒体展示或教师示范,让学生听、说、读新词汇和短语。 Step 3: Practice (练习) 1. 进行听力练习,让学生根据听到的内容回答问题或完成任务。 2. 进行口语练习,让学生运用所学的词汇和句型进行对话练习。 Step 4: Grammar (语法) 1. 介绍一般过去时的肯定、否定和疑问句结构。 2. 通过例句和练习,让学生掌握一般过去时的用法和变化规则。 Step 5: Application (应用) 1. 进行阅读理解练习,让学生阅读短文并回答相关问题。 2. 进行写作练习,让学生根据所学内容写一篇关于自己过去经历的短文。Step 6: Consolidation (巩固) 1. 进行小组活动,让学生合作完成一些任务或项目,如演讲、小剧场等。 2. 进行课堂练习,检查学生对所学内容的掌握程度。 Step 7: Summary and Homework (总结与作业) 1. 对本节课的重点知识进行总结,并与学生一起复习。 2. 布置家庭作业,要求学生完成相关练习或预习下一课内容。 教学反思: 本节课通过多种教学手段和活动形式,旨在培养学生的听、说、读、写综合能力。通过引导学生运用所学知识进行实际的语言交流和写作练习,提高学生的语言运用能力和学习兴趣。同时,通过小组合作和课堂练习,检查学生对所学内容的掌握情况,及时发现问题并进行针对性指导。


仁爱版八年级上册英语教案 仁爱版八年级上册英语教案 Unit 1 Lesson 1: Greetings and Introductions Objectives: •To learn and practice greetings and introductions in English •To develop vocabulary related to greetings and introductions •To improve listening and speaking skills Warm-up: •Play a short video clip or audio recording of people greeting each other in different situations •Ask students to discuss in pairs or small groups: –How do people greet each other in different situations? –What are some common phrases used for introductions?

Presentation: 1.Start by greeting the students and model different greetings ( “Good morning!”, “Hello!”, “How are you?”) and encourage them to respond. 2.Introduce the vocabulary related to greetings and introductions using flashcards or visual aids. 3.Drill the vocabulary pronunciation with the whole class, then have students practice in pairs. Practice: 1.Divide the students into pairs or small groups. 2.Provide each group with a set of role-play cards that contain different greeting and introduction scenarios. 3.Instruct students to take turns role-playing the scenarios and using the vocabulary they have learned. 4.Monitor the students’ conversations and provide feedback on pronunciation and language usage. Production: 1.Have students create their own dialogues using the greetings and introductions vocabulary.


仁爱版八年级上册英语教案 Unit 1 How often do you exercise ?一、教学目标:1、目标语言重点词汇:1,want somebody to do 2. be good for 3.pretty healthy 4.my eating habit 4.try to do 5.two or three times a week 6. help somebody do 7.look after my health 8.get good grades 9.study better 10.the same as 11. kind of unhealthy 重点句型:-含有以上词组的11句子。综合力量:能阅读介绍饮食习惯方面的文章2、情感渗透学会养成良好的生活习惯和饮食习惯,从而合理安排自己的各项工作,享受丰富多彩的校园生活。二、教学预备:教师预备:1,设计课后稳固练习的幻灯片,2局部有关事务的幻灯片3录音机和磁带。学生预备收集自己和他人生活习惯的信息:查找更多食物的英语名称。预习导航::1、听单词录音,熟记Section A的新单词,并制作单图片。2、完成1a,列出图中物品的英语单词,并识记新单词。3、读1a、1c中的对话,区分My name’s Jenny.和I’m Jenny.4、找出并区分I you my your his her。三、教学过程:1. 预习导学或自测1) 很少/几乎不曾_______________2) surf the lnternet _______________3) 大局部学生__________________ 4) as for ________________________ 5) 一周两次_______________________ 6) be good for ________________________ 7) 照看


八年级上册教案Unit 1 Playing Sports Topic 1 I’m going to play basketball. Section A Ⅰ. Material analysis 本课时的主要活动为1a和2。 通过Michael和Kangkang的对话,呈现了本课所要学的语法重点:将来时be going to do结构。结合本单元的话题Playing Sports, 呈现了重点短语:play basketball/football, have a basketball/football game, cheer … on, win (the game), prefer doing等。Playing Sports这个话题和学生们的生活紧密相连,容易激发学生的学习兴趣。但要正确使用be going to do对学生来说还是有一定困难的。困难一:be动词和主语不一致(多数学生);困难二:不会正确地将do替换成具体动词(少数学生)。所以,要求老师以课本文本内容为依据,结合学生的实际生活,引导学生正确地使用be going to do谈论自己的运动计划,并能用书面表达形式写出自己的运动计划。 Ⅱ. Teaching aims Knowledge aims: 1. 能根据音标正确朗读出下列单词表中的单词:team, win, cheer, row, quite, during, against, practice… 2. 能正确拼读并运用单词表中的黑体单词。 3. 能正确运用be going to do 表达运动计划。 4. 能正确地运用prefer doing结构表达喜好,如:prefer swimming, prefer rowing等。 5. 能运用本课所学语言,就自己的运动计划与他人交流。


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八年级仁爱英语教案 八年级仁爱英语教案(精选5篇) 教案提供了教学步骤、教学方法和教学资源,为教师提供指导,使其能够有效地引导学生学习英语。下面给大家分享八年级仁爱英语教案,欢迎阅读! 八年级仁爱英语教案(精选篇1) 一、教学目标: 1.语言知识目标: 1)复习所学的重难点句型及句式结构。 2)总结学习anyone, someone, everyone, something, anything, nothing 等不定代词的用法。 3)练习运用所学的句型及句式结构。 2.情感态度价值观目标: 学会用一般过去时进行信息交流,培养学生的环保意识,热爱大自然。 二、教学重难点 1.教学重点: 1)用所学的功能语言交流假期去了什么旅行。 2)复习运用本课时出现的新词汇。 2.教学难点: 1)复合不定代词someone, anyone, something, anything等的用法。 2)阅读填空能力的提高。 三、教学过程 ⅰ. warming- up and revision 1. free talk: ask ss the questions: where did you go on vacation? ss try to answer the questions. 2. review the usage of “复合不定代词” ⅱ. grammar focus. 1.学生阅读grammar focus中的句子,然后做填空练习。 1.你去了什么地方去度假? # # you go on #?

2.我去了纽约市。 i # # new york city. 3.你和什么人别一起去的吗? # # go out with #? 4.不,没有别人在这儿。每个人都在度假。 no. # # was here. # was on #. … (其余试题见课件部分) 3.学生们完成填空试题后,可以打开课本检查答案,对错误的句子,单独进行强化记忆。 ⅲ. try to find 一、复合不定代词总结: , any, no, every与-one, -thing可以组成八个不定代词,他们分别是:someone, # # # # # #。 2.带some的复合不定代词常用于肯定句中;带 any的复合不定代词常用于否定句或一般疑问句中。例如: 我想吃点东西。i’d like # to eat. 今天有人给我打电话吗? did # call me today? 3.当形容词修饰不定代词时,应放在其后面。例如:这本书里有什么新东西吗? is there # # in this book? 今天没有什么特别的事。 there’s # # today. 4.由some, any, no, every构成的复合不定代词作主语时,都作单数看待,其谓语动词用单数第三人称形式。例如: something is wrong with my watch. well, everyone wants to win. nobody knows what the future will be like.



Unit 1 Playing Sports Topic 1 I’m going to play basketball. Section A The main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。 Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn some new words and phrases: almost, against, term, cheer, cheer … on, team, win, row, quite, bit, quite a bit/a lot, join, club, skate, volleyball, tennis, table tennis 2. Learn some useful sentences: (1)I saw you play basketball almost every day during the summer holidays. (2)Would you like to come and cheer us on? 3. Learn the future tense with be going to: (1)We are going to have a basketball game against Class Three on Sunday. (2)Are you going to join the school rowing club? 4. Talk about preferences:
