新概念第一册63课 PPT课件

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• ★rich adj. 油腻的,富有的 the rich 富人 the poor 穷人 我不喜欢黄油因为它太腻了。 I don’t like butter, because it is too rich. rich second generation
★remain v. 保持,继续 ① vi. 留下;停留 你最好留在家里。 我们将要在罗马再呆两天。
adv. 当然 起床
adv. 还,仍 adj. 油腻的,富有的 n. 食物 v. 保持,继续
★better adj. 形容词good,well的比较级
good/well —> better —> best 1. 比较级:两者之间人或物进行比较
2. 比较级的构成 一般情况下直接加-er;high-higer; 以e结尾的加-r,large-larger; 重读闭音节结尾的单词,结尾的结构是辅
yet 一般用于否定句中。
• for another two days
• for 引导的表示时间的短语往往可以译作“ 达”,“计”
• He must remain in bed for another two days. 他还必须卧床两天。
• for about two hours each day 每天可达两 小时
n. 食物
• remain v. 保持,继续
• Listen to the tape for twice and then answering my questions.
Answering the questions
• Who else is in bed today? Why? • Mr. Williams. He has a bad cold, too. • How is Jimmy today? • He's better. • Can the doctor see him? • Yes, he can. • Does Jimmy look very well today? • Yes, he does. • How long must he stay in bed? • He must stay in be for another two days.
Most people remained silent at the meeting.
Review the words
• better
adj. 形容词well的比较级
• certainly adv. 当然
• get up
• yet
adv. 还,仍
• rich
adj. 油腻的,富有的
• food
已经学过的情态动词: can , would ,may,will
Must I go there? Yes, you must.
No, you need not. 你还不应该起床。
You mustn't get up yet. 这孩子不能去学校,而且不能吃油腻的食。
The boy mustn't go to school yet, and he mustn't eat rich food.
• He can get up for about two hours each day, but you must keep the room warm.
• D:Where's Mr. Williams this evening?
• W:He's in bed, doctor. Can you see him please? He has a bad cold, too!
Asking questions
• Ask me if Jimmy is better today. • Is Jimmy better today? • How... • How is Jimmy today? • Ask me if Jimmy's upstairs. • Is Jimmy upstairs? • Where... • Where is Jimmy? • Ask me if Jimmy must stay in bed. • Must Jimmy stay in bed? • Why... • Why must Jimmy stay in bed?
Completing the text
• D:How's Jimmy today? • W:Better. Thank you,doctor. • D:Can I see him please, Mrs. Williams? • W:Certainly, doctor. Come upstairs. • D:You look very well, Jimmy. • You are better now, but you mustn' t get
Lesson 63 Thank you, doctor!
• 单词学习 • 课文讲解 • 练习 • 日常用语 • 口语练习 • 作业
• better 更好的
• certainly • get up • yet • rich • food • remain
adj. 形容词well的比较级
You had better wear a pair of gloves.
You had better not telephone in the class.
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
• ★get up 起床 明天请五点起床。 Please get up at five tomorrow.
• every student (不能写为every of the student) • Every one of my fingers • Every boy loves their school. • Every one works hard in our company.
• Keep sth… Please keep your desk tidy.保持桌面整洁。 Keep the room warm.保持房间温暖。
You’d better remain at home. We’re going to remain in Rome for another two days.
② vt. 保持不变 在几天内还会很冷。 大多数人在会议上保持沉默。
It will remain cold for a couple of days.
• 单词抄五听一; • 听碟三次,每次不少于三十分钟; • 跟读课文,五遍。
情态动词:1,没有人称与数的变化;2,情态动词后只能 加动词原形 有情态动词时,变一变疑问句只需要把情态动词提前;肯 定回答是:Yes, 主语+相应的情态动词;否定回答是: No, 主语+相应的情态动词+ not 变否定句,直接再情态动词后+not
We must deliver the goods on time.
• each和every的区别: 1.Each
指两个或两个以上中的每一个 它有两种词性:形容词起修饰限定作用, 代词可单独使用。
• each boy <adj. > • each of the boys <pron.> • each of the students
2. Every 指三个或三个以上的每一个。 它只能做形容词
音+元音+辅音,;双写最后的辅音字母,再加-er; thin-thinner; 以辅音字母加y结尾的,边y为i,再加er, heavyheavier
Better safe than sorry.
• had better do sth.
• had better not do sth. 最好不要做某事
• Keep v.保持, 保留, 继续, 贮藏, 耽搁 把它保存在阴暗凉爽的地方。
Keep it in a dark and cool place.
Keep + doing. 这孩子一直哭。 The child kept crying. 我不会耽误你太长时间。I won't keep you long.
see a doctor
• 头疼 have a headache • 耳朵疼 have an earache • 牙疼 have a toothache • 胃痛 have a stomach ache • 发烧 have a temperature • 得了流感 have flu • 得了重感冒 have a bad cold • 得了感冒 have a cold
up yet. • You must stay in bed for another two day.
• D: The boy mustn't go to school yet, Mrs. Williams.
• And he mustn't eat rich food. • W: Does he have a temperature, doctor? • D: No, he doesn't. • W: Must he stay in bed? • D: Yes. He must remain in bed for another two

• How is Jimmy today? 吉米今天怎么样了? how 特殊疑问词,怎样 你怎么样?(你好吗?)How are you? 你有多重?How heavy are you? 你感觉如何?How do you feel today?
Modal verb
• Must 是一个表达的情感很强烈的情态动词意思是必须, 应当=have to
• Get vt.获得;收到;理解 你能给我买张票吗? Will you get me a ticket?
Do you get me?. I got you.
• ★yet adv. 还,仍(多用于否定句中) The work is not finished yet.
• ★certainly adv. 当然 =Of cause. =Sure.