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Every author has a unique view on it. What impressed us most is a view of Xiong li that, though there exists great emotional appeal in the speech, it can’t avoid the talk of “pie in the sky”.
Lexics By Lu
“To our sister republics south of our border, …, to assist free men and free governments in casting off the Lu chainsXK of poverty.” Quantity Accuracy Variety “sister” --- An equal and friendly standpoint
Feature 2
The first personal nouns & variants Feature 3 “we", "us, our, me” united
Lexics By Xiong
The quantity of words:1342 The quantity of major terms is 349, accounting for 26%. Most of them originate from Latin, Greek or French, with Lu Quantity XK a complex internal structure and obvious written Accuracy Variety features The use of adjective Subjective judgment and emotional color: Eg: fruitful , peaceful , great , powerful , solemn , hard , steady The first personal nouns & variants “we", "us, our, me
In their point of view, the wording is formal, solemn and credible. There are three main features.
She thinks that the wording is subjective and emotional, which is greatly beneficial to inspire audiences.
In terms of the syntax, all of the three authors generally hold the same opinion.
Accuracy The number of VarietyThe speech consists of simple sentence is 52. sentence, complex there is more long sentence, sentence than compound short sentence, sentence, and which shows the Eg: imperative formality of the “let…do…” sentence . speech.
Lu regards it as an traditional structure with
gorgeous beginning, abundant body and perfect ending.
Variety show us a speech pattern:
X &K &Xiong
those nations who would make themselves our adversary, we offer not a pledge but a request.”
“make themselves our adversary”--- Put the blame on other countries’ provocation
The based administrative program; The policy to allies and potential allies ; The strategy to hostile countries ; Appealing to action. With distinct religious color
Thank you !
Metaphor: eg: riding the back of the tiger、 that we shall pay any price, Variety the prey of hostile powers 、 bear any burden, meet any jungle of suspicion hardship, support any friend, Repetition: eg: oppose any foe to ” To those…” assure …”five verb phrases ”Let both sides...” Parallelism: eg: Antithesis: eg: ” United, there is little we cannot do ...Divide , there is little w e can do , ...” (para 6)
Lexics By X&K
Major terms formal
Feature 1
Nouns replacement XK refined &Variety rigorous Abstract nouns convincing Modifier after nouns informative .
Let every nation know, …wenku.baidu.com,
Allusion--- X & K Eg: “rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation” Variety (Bible) Climax--- Xiong Eg:” Nor will it be finished in the first one thousand days , nor in the life of this Administration, nor even perhaps in our life time on this planet.” (para20)
Comparison and Conclusion
--- On Three Stylistic Analysis of Kennedy’ s Inaugural Address
Five Aspects:
Lexics Syntax Rhetoric Discourse
Friend & Foe lead & land & love
Pay & Price Bear & Burden Friend & Foe
Alliteration Assonance Rhyme
Lu jie
Alliteration Assonance
Xie & Kang
Colonial control Lead & Land
After detailed reading these three pieces of theses, we know that the inaugural address given by Kennedy is a marvelous masterpiece and a lot of knowledge about speech stylistics.
well or ill, convert our good words into good deeds
she holds the view that in the context of the cold war, Kennedy’s word in speech is accurate and tone is careful.