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( 南京明基医院呼吸内科, 南京医科大学附属医院, 南京 210019 )
摘要: 恶性胸腔积液( MPE) 是进展期恶性肿瘤的常见并发症, 合并有 MPE 的患者临床常表现为 进行性呼吸困难、 咳嗽、 肺不张、 胸痛以及发热等不适症状, 往往难以承受系统性的全身化疗。 因此, 对于顽固或者复发的 MPE 患者, 及时予以胸腔局部姑息性治疗以改善呼吸困难等不适症状就尤为 必要。MPE 患者胸腔内局部灌注治疗是目前临床常用的治疗手段, 随着对 MPE 形成机制的研究深 MPE 入, 的腔内灌注治疗措施不断得以改进, 现就胸膜硬化剂及药物在 MPE 患者腔内灌注治疗的进 展及相关作用机制予以综述 。 关键词: 恶性胸腔积液; 腔内灌注; 作用机制; 治疗 The Advancement of Intracavity Instillation for Malignant Pleural Effusion YE Sheng, SHI Yifeng, WANG Cheng. ( Department of Pulmonary Medicine, BenQ Medical Center, Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 210019 , China) Abstract: Malignant pleural effusion( MPE) is a common complication of advanced cancer. The patients who suffer from MPE usually present processing dyspnea, cough, atelectasis, chest pain, fever and other discomfort symptoms. And it's often hard for them to bear the systematic chemotherapy. Therefore, for the stubborn and recurrent MPE patients, chest local palliative treatment is necessary to ameliorate dyspnea. MPE chest cavity local intracavity instillation is a common clinical treatment method at present. Along with the further research into MPE's formation mechanism, the intracavity instillation therapy for MPE is improving constantly. Here is to discuss the advancement and related mechanism of pleurosclerosis and drug during MPE's intracavity instillation. Key words: Malignant pleural effusion; Intracavity instillation; Mechanism; Treatment
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