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Ⅱ. Grammar and Vocabulary

Section A

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Last summer, I had just enough money (21) _________ (save) to buy a golden ticket -- a 3-month train pass that would take me to the furthest reaches of Europe, Excited for my journey, I packed all the necessities -- (22) _________ the guidebook.

While the convenience of the Internet was definitely a (23) _________ (contribute) factor to my decision not to carry the few expensive kilograms of out-of-date information in my suitcase, this was not the only reason I decided to fly solo.

To be honest, my main problem with the guidebook is that I find it limits a journey -- like a bossy aunt (24) _________ is always telling you what to do, although she doesn’t always know that is best. Sometimes it’s better to read outside the lines. Sometimes it’s better not to read any lines at all.

Experience has taught me that there is a distinction between a tourist and a traveler. While waiting in a queue to see Michel-angel’s David in Florence, I met (25) _________ man who had a checklist. He showed me his list of “Top 20 things to do in Italy” and boasted that he had seen everything Italy had to offer in just four days. The problem that I had with this man’s approach to travelling was (26) _________ he was focused on ticking the boxes which were provided by his guidebook. He (27) _________ (lose) in the list of the “must-sees” and blind to all that was happening around him.

Guidebook - less (28) _________ we were, my companion and I tasted the joy of being a traveler when visiting Estonia, the Baltic country bordering Russia. Arriving on nothing more than a whim(突发的念头), we had no option but (29) _________ (approach) some friendly faces for advice. We introduced ourselves and asked them what was happening around town. When this resulted in an invitation to a beautiful Estonian home by a river (30) _________ we enjoyed a 110-degree wood stove sauna(桑拿浴)locally picked forest-mushrooms and the good company of our five new found Estonian friend, we sure were glad we had left our bossy aunt at home.

Section B

Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

The Internet, E-commerce and globalization are making a new economic age possible. In the future, capitalist markets will largely be replaced by a new kind of economic system based on networked relationships, __31__ arrangements and access rights.

Has the quality of our lives at work, at home and in our communities increased in direct __32__ to all the new Internet and business - to - business Internet services being introduced into our lives? I have asked this question of hundreds of CEOs and corporate executives in Europe and the United States. Surprisingly, virtually everyone has said, “No, quite __33__.” They say they are working longer hours, feel more stressed, are more impatient, and are even less civil in their dealings with colleagues and friends -- not to mention strangers. And what’s more revealing, they place much of the blame on the very same technologies they are so __34__ supporting.

The technological leader promised us that access would make life more convenient. Instead, the very technological wonders that were supposed to liberate us have begun to __35__ us in a web of connections from which there seems to be no easy escape.

If an earlier generation was __36__ with the quest to enclose a vast geographic land, the .com generation, it seems, is more caught up in the colonization of time. Every spare moment of our time is being filled with some form of commercial connection, making time itself the __37__ of all resources.

And while we have created every kind of labor-and time-saving device to serve our needs, we are beginning to feel like we have less time __38__ to us than any other humans in history. Maybe we need to ask what kinds of connections really __39__ in the e-economy age. If this new technology revolution is only about super efficiency, then we risk losing something even precious than time - our sense of what it means to be a(n) __40__ human being.

Ⅱ. Reading Comprehension

Section A

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with word of phrase that best fits the context.

Rewards and punishments are used in different ways by different communities to maintain social order and to preserve cultural values. In all cultures, parents must teach their children to __41__ the community’s moral rules
