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对外贸易亦称“国外贸易” 或“进出口贸易”,简称“外贸”,是指一个国家(地区)与另一个国家(地区)之间的商品、劳务和技术的交换活动。国际贸易政策是一国政府为使本国利益最大化、为促进本国经济快速发展、实现本国收入公平分配而采取的限制或者是鼓励自由贸易的策略。国际贸易理论中,自由化国际贸易政策一直以来是占主导地位的,针对世界上各国贸易限制政策及相应的保护政策,中国必须结合国际环境及制度,选择符合本国国情、遵守国际准则、加强本国经济实力的国际贸易政策。国际贸易政策和一国对外贸易更是有着紧密的联系,如何更好地利用国际贸易政策促进本国对外贸易的发展成为各国越来越关注的问题,本文主要讲述中国对外贸易的重要意义、中国在对外贸易中所面临的环境、中国国际贸易政策改变过程中对外贸易的特征以及取得的成果。同时本文搜录了一些基本的信息并结合图文来分析借以更为直观的方式展现给大家。



Foreign trade " foreign trade " or " import and export trade " refers to the a country’s activities with another country between the goods, services and technical exchange . International trade policy is the strategy used by the government to maximize their own interests, to promote its rapid economic development, to promote the fair distribution of income and restrict or encourage free trade. In the theory of international trade, the international trade policy has always been dominant. According to world trade restrictions and corresponding protection policy, China must choose the international trade policy integrated with the international environment and system, and with native national condition and adherence to international guidelines to strengthen the national economy. International trade policy and foreign trade is closely linked, how to make better use of international trade policy to promote the development of foreign trade has become more and more important. This article focuses on the significance of Chinese foreign trade, the environment that Chinese foreign trade faces, the process of foreign trade and achievements made by Chinese. At the same time in this paper, there is some basic information combining graphic analysis to show you.

Key words:international trade policy and foreign trade foreign trade environment.


摘要 ............................................................... I ABSTRACT.......................................................................................................................................... II 一、前言 (1)

(一)对外贸易的意义 (1)

(二)国际贸易政策 (2)

(三)国内外研究文献综述 (3)

(四) 研究目的和意义 (3)

二、中国对外贸易面临的环境与现状 (4)

(一)中国对外贸易面临的基本状况 (4)

(二)现状与特征 (6)

1.中国对外贸易的现状 (6)

2.中国对外贸易的特征 (8)

三、中国对外贸易政策的调整过程与效果 (9)

(一)中国对外贸易政策的调整过程 (9)

1.单纯保护转变为“奖出限入”保护 (9)

2.隐形保护转变为规范性显性保护 (9)

3.政策调整从微观领域向宏观领域延伸 (9)

4.政策目标由“调剂余缺”转变为“推动经济增长” (10)

5.以“扩大出口”为基本方针 (10)

6.从最初无意识到最终有意识地实现贸易自由化 (10)

(二)中国对外贸易政策演变的效果 (11)

(1)提高了国内资源配置效率 (11)

(2)减少了国内价格扭曲 (11)

(3)促进了国内经济体制改革 (11)

(4)推进了对外贸易发展 (11)

结论 (12)

参考文献 (13)

致谢 (14)
