

刘洪波 雅思阅读真经 内部讲义 中

【雅思真经派读写互通理论】 长难句理解 经典句型背诵 剑8 1.1 The revolutionary aspect of this new timekeeper was neither the descending weight that provided its motive force nor the gear wheels (which had been around for at least 1,300 years) that transferred the power; it was the part called the escapement. 1.3 Some researchers say the results constitute compelling evidence that telepathy is genuine. Other parapsychologists believe that the field is on the brink of collapse, having tried to produce definitive scientific proof and failed. Sceptics and advocates alike do concur on one issue, however, that the most impressive evidence so far has come from the so-called ‘ganzfeld’ e xperiments, a German term that means ‘whole field’. 2.2 The Little Ice Age was far from a deep freeze, however; rather an irregular seesaw of rapid climatic shifts, few lasting more than a quarter-century, driven by complex and still little understood interactions between the atmosphere and the ocean. 2.3 While it is true that the olfactory powers of humans are nothing like as fine as those possessed by certain animals, they are still remarkably acute. 3.3 It follows from the above that sparing use of energy reserves should tend to extend life. 3.1 Discussion now centres on whether the route through the maze is communicated as a 'left-right' sequence of turns or as a 'compass bearing and distance' message. 3.3 Forests are one of the main elements of our natural heritage. The decline of Europe's forests over the last decade and a half has led to an increasing awareness and understanding of the serious imbalances which threaten them. 4.2 The MSC has established a set of criteria by which commercial fisheries can be judged. 4.3 It was found that children from the noisy schools had higher blood pressure and were more easily distracted than those who attended the quiet schools. Moreover, there was no evidence of adaptability to the noise. In fact, the longer the children had attended the noisy schools, the more distractible they became. 剑6 1.2 Theoretically, in the world of trade, shipping costs do not matter. Goods, once they have been


雅思强化写作精讲班第4讲讲义 有效避免7种语法错误 有效避免7种语法错误 1 Employee can benefit more from telecommuting than employer. 2.1 Work at home using modern technology can greatly enhance our efficiency. 2.2 Children who are raise in impoverished families can generally deal with problems more effectively in their adult years. 2.3The problems that are created by environmental contamination is very hard to resolve. 2.4 Many students are very like studying home economics. 2.5 In present-day society, cultures were becoming very similar. 3 Intelligent students should not be treated different by their teachers. 4.1 Countries should pay attention on the disadvantages globalisation may create. 4.2 The Internet has instead of teachers in many classrooms. 5 Some parents do not obey traffic rules himself. 6 Some people think the Internet only has positive impact, other people think it also has negative influence on our lives. 7 There are a great many children think the main purpose of education should be to afford them pleasure and enjoyment. 高分范文讲解 范文讲解 In Britain, when some people get old they often go to live in a home with other old people where there are nurses to look after them. The government has to pay for his care. Who should be responsible for our old people? Give reasons for your answer. Example 2 Band 8 One of the most challenging problems of today’s society is the question about who should be responsible for our old people. It is not only a problem with money but also a question of the system we want our society to have. In my essay, I would like to present four possible models. Firstly, the company could be responsible for its retired employees. To do this, a special fund could be established. The advantage of this model is that if one believes in the capitalist system, it should be the cheapest solution. One possible problem is that the companies may have competition disadvantage due to higher staff costs. A second solution is that the government has to take the responsibility for the old people’s care. It can finance this with its tax in comes. Actually, this is the most democratic model since everybody gets as much money as he or she needs. Unfortunately, as the present situation in our country shows, this solution seems not to work very well.

雅思阅读练习题:Global warming

雅思阅读练习题:Global warming 很多同学在备考雅思时找不到雅思阅读练习题,今天新通教育小编为大家带来了雅思阅读练习题一篇,希望对大家有用,更多雅思阅读练习题目请关注新通教育官网。 Global warming You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13 which are based on Reading Passage 1 below. Questions 1-5 Reading Passage 1 has six paragraphs A-F . Choose the most suitable headings for paragraphs B-F from the list of headings below. Write the appropriate numbers i-viii in boxes 1 - 5 on your answer sheet. List of Headings i The plaintiffs?viewpoints on regulating emission ii Federal government being taken to court iii Possible impact of the case on other lawsuits iv Regulating air pollution by twelve States v Stance of the Bush administration vi Viewpoints of Bill Clinton on regulation vii The call for emission caps and reduction 1


雅思精讲阅读班精讲班第8讲讲义 Questions 25-28 说明:录音开始的2分钟内容已经在上一讲中讲过。。。 Questions 25-28 What is a dinosaur? A. Although the name dinosaur is derived from the Greek for “terrible lizard”, dinosaurs were not, in fact, lizards at all. Like lizards, dinosaurs are included in the class Reptilia, or reptiles, one of the five main classes of Vertebrata, animals with backbones. However, at the next level of classification, within reptiles, significant differences in the skeletal anatomy of lizards and dinosaurs have led scientists to place these groups of animals into two different superorders: Lepidosauria, or lepidosaurs, and Archosauria, or archosaurs. B. Classified as lepidosaurs are lizards and snakes and their prehistoric ancestors. Included among the archosaurs, or “ruling reptiles”, are prehistoric and modern crocodiles, and the now extinct thecondonts, pterosaurs and dinosaurs. Paleontologists believe that both dinosaurs and crocodiles evolved, in the later years of the Triassic Period (c. 248-208 million years ago), from creatures called pseudosuchian thecodonts. Lizards, snakes and different types of thecondont are believed to have evolved earlier in the Triassic Period from reptiles known as eosuchians. C. The most important skeletal differences between dinosaurs and other archosaurs are in the bones of the skull, pelvis and limbs. Dinosaur skulls are found in a great range of shapes and sizes, reflecting the different eating habits and lifestyles of a large and varied group of animals that dominated life on Earth for an extraordinary 165 million years. However, unlike the skulls of any other known animals, the skulls of dinosaurs had two long bones known as vomers. These bones extended on either side of the head, from the front of the snout to the level of the holes in the skull known as the antorbital fenestra, situated in front of the dinosaur’s orbits or eyesockets. D. All dinosaurs, whether large or small, quadrupedal or bipedal, fleet-footed or


第三章 一基础句型 (1)S+V Nobody went out. The children are playing. (2) S+V+O We love our country. Granny looks after the baby carefully. They put up a new hospital. He dreamed a horrible dream last night. (3) S+V+O+O He gave his sister the piano. He bought his wife a fur coat. The old man gave a story book to the boy. (4) S+V+O+C I found the book easy. They held him hostage. I heard him singing. (5) S+L+P Trees are green. The milk tastes sour. She became a lawyer. 感观动词:seem,appear,look,taste,smell ,sound ,feel 变化过程动词:become,get,grow,turn,go,come ,fall 保持状态动词:be,stay,remain,keep,continue,stand 二句子成分 主语谓语宾语定语状语补语表语同位语 Samuel Pepys , the famous writer of the test,was most sorry for the fact that many famous buildings were destroyed. 同位语从句 独立成分:与句子的其他成分没有语法上的联系 如:感叹语呼语插入语 Hi , Tracy, you look tired. What’s more, their parents allow them to stay out. As a result, it became a success in the US. 三动名词:含义 (1)做主语:According to the writer of the test, imaging the future will serve the interests of the present and future generations. It’s no use buying a lot of books without reading them. (2) 做表语:His job is teaching physics. Seeing is believing. (3) 做宾语:Our monitor suggested having a discussion of this subject. We are looking forward to visiting your country. (4)做定语:There is a swimming pool at the back of the garden 四分词:动词的另一种形式,是谓语动词


(六)Multiple Choice NB 1. 侧重对文章的理解,非语法单词的辨析 2. 选文章主旨的Multiple Choice留到最后做 3. 注意大处和小处的区分 4. 一定回原文定位 5. 最后用排除法(最好不用,尽量用题干找) 6. 在选择题中,与其选项风格不一致的即位干扰项 第四次课 一:课题:雅思学术类阅读选择题讲解 二:教学目的:让学生了解选择题解题步骤和技巧及练习 三:课型:新授课 四:课时:第四课时 五:教学重点:单选题和多选题解题步骤和技巧 六:教学难点:单选题如何排除干扰项 七:教学过程: 1.导入主题---选择题 2.选择题分类讲解:单选题和多选题 单选题 一:考试趋势 从近一年的考试来看,选择题出现的频率和题目的数量都在上升。2010年47场考试选择

题出现了41次,所以它被考到的频率还是相当高的。我们看2011年1月8日刚举行的考试,单选题在三篇文章中出现了两次,题目的数量达到5题左右。单就那次考试来看,选择题成为了主打。所以我们预测未来考试中90%可能遇到单选题。 二:题型特点 1.四选一 2.题文同序 三:题型分析 (一)题型细分 1.主旨题 2.细节题 3.目的题 (二)选项细分 (1)干扰项 1无:选项中所讲的内容在原文中不存在或者找不到语言依据。 ①比较关系 ②主观臆断(选项是根据原文信息做出的的一个主观推测,往往带有很大的抽象性) 2.满:出现了绝对词的选项80%不是答案。绝对此包括形容词和副词的最高级,如all, most,

only, always, largely。 3.片:只涉及原文部分语句或段落(往往出现在主旨题或目的题中) 4.混:似是而非,原文语句间的信息杂糅(往往是一些关系的杂糅,如并列关系改成从属关 系) 5.反:与原文意义相反或相矛盾 (二)正确项 原文的同义改写(照抄原文一般不是正确答案) 四.解题策略 (一)细节题 1.题型特点: ①题干相对(主旨)较长,定位词比较明显 ②选项信息相对集中,一般为1-2段 2.解题步骤: Step1:划定位词 划出题干和选项的定位词(同时进行) Step2:定位 ①根据题干定位词,定位到段 ②根据选项定位词,定位到句 *定位辅助 (同篇文章,前有题型) 可借助该文章下的前一题型信息,大致定位该题第一题在文中的段落位置。 (文章首题)



Passage 2 资料考证来源于维基百科 After repairs, she plied for several years as a passe nger liner between Britain and America, before being converted to a cable-laying ship and la ying the first lasting” Brunel worked for several years as assistant engineer on the project to create a tunnel unde r London's River Thames 题目配对 tunnel under river Thames -- which Brune was not responsibl e for it Though ultimately unsuccessful, another of Brunel's interesting use of technical innovat ions was the atmospheric railway 配对建成不久就停止运营那项吧 Great Eastern was designed to cruise non-stop from London to Sydney and back (since engi neers of the time misunderstood that Australia had no coal reserves), and she remained the l argest ship built until the turn of the century. Like many of Brunel's ambitious projects, t he ship soon ran over budget and behind schedule in the face of a series of technical probl ems.great eastern 配对建设推迟了很对次和财务上不成功我配了两个


雅思阅读判断题考点总结及判断原则(上) 是非无判断题(TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN)一直以来都是一种令雅思考生们头疼不已的题型。这种题型的难点主要有以下两个方面:第一,题干信息和原文信息之间经常会发生同义替换,使得考生在定位题干出处以及理解题干与原文的对应上会时常出现问题。第二,在思维方式上的转换,过去的中国考生所涉及到的判断题型只有是和非两种情况,大家都已经比较适应非黑即白的解题思路了,但是在雅思考试中,又加入了Not Given这一概念,对考生的逻辑思维方面要求更加严谨,需要我们思考地更加全面。 正是这一点,使得广大的雅思考生难以适应,因而会导致很多解题上的失误。下面,笔者就结合上述的两方面难点,针对这种经典的雅思阅读题型进行做法和思路上的探讨。 一、解题思路 是非无判断题是一种细节题,因此在做题时,需要遵循细节题的解题思路: 1. 分析问题时,从题目中找出合适的定位词 所谓定位词,顾名思义,就是用来在原文中定位跟题目有关的信息出现的位置的依据。在从题目中找定位词时,找到的信息需要满足两个条件:一是具有独一性;二是最好不发生变化。因此,在解决雅思阅读的细节题时,从题目中找的定位词信息可以分为如下三类: 1)易识别的信息,如大写、数字、特殊字体等 这类词通常不容易发生变化,因此在原文中看到的和在题目中出现的基本是一样的;而且这类词比较显眼,在文章中的出处可以快速找到。 如剑5 Test 3 Passage 2中的第18题: Coastal erosion occurred along Egypt‘s Mediterranean coast before the building of t he Aswan dams. 本句中的Egypt’s Mediterranean coast可以作为定位信息在文中直接进行快速定位,我们很快就能够在第一段中找到出题点: The fertile land of the Nile delta is being eroded along Egypt‘s Mediterranean coast at on astounding rate,in some parts estimated at 100 metres per year. In the past,land scoured away from the coastline by the currents of the Mediterranean Sea used to be replaced by sediment brought down to the delta by the River Mile,but this is no longer happening. 定位到题目在原文中的出处之后,通过理解下文信息我们即可判断出原文信息和题目信息是对应的。 又如剑8 Test 1 Passage 2的第21题: Air Traffic Control started after the Grand Canyon crash in 1956.



Understanding IELTS Grammar ---Solution to Long & Complicated Sentences ●长难句成因: “树形结构”: ?修饰成分纷繁复杂 ?主从句交织 ?特殊句式 ●Strategies for Long & Complicated Sentences: 一、主从复合句解析 1.名词性从句 2.定语从句 3.状语从句 4.多重复合句 二、特殊结构句式解析 1. 分隔结构 2. 倒装结构 3. 强调结构 4. 双重或者多重否定 5. 比较结构 一、主从复合句解析 1.名词性从句 1.1 主语从句 ?Looking at the picture makes him experience a severe attack of nostalgia.

?For her, a woman, to defy her husband’s order would be considered audacious at her time. ?What bothers me about this point of view is that it implies that human beings, in some deep sense, are not part of nature. ?That he is in love with her is no longer a secret. 主语从句解读方法: ● ●主语从句引导词: Practice: (1)That he finished writing the composition in such a short time surprised us all. (2)Whether we will go for an outing tomorrow remains unknown. (3)Who will be our monitor hasn't been decided yet. (4)Who the watch belongs to is unknown. (5)Whom we must study for is a question of great importance. (6)What caused the accident remains unknown. (7)What we need is time. (8)What we need are good doctors. (9)Whatever you did is right. Example 1: That the nineteenth– century French novelist Balzac could be financially wise in his fiction while losing all his money in his life was an irony which was duplicated in other matters.


雅思精讲阅读班精讲班第7讲讲义 Questions 22-24 What is a dinosaur? A. Although the name dinosaur is derived from the Greek for “terrible lizard”, dinosaurs were not, in fact, lizards at all. Like lizards, dinosaurs are included in the class Reptilia, or reptiles, one of the five main classes of Vertebrata, animals with backbones. However, at the next level of classification, within reptiles, significant differences in the skeletal anatomy of lizards and dinosaurs have led scientists to place these groups of animals into two different superorders: Lepidosauria, or lepidosaurs, and Archosauria, or archosaurs. B. Classified as lepidosaurs are lizards and snakes and their prehistoric ancestors. Included among the archosaurs, or “ruling reptiles”, are prehistoric and modern crocodiles, and the now extinct thecondonts, pterosaurs and dinosaurs. Paleontologists believe that both dinosaurs and crocodiles evolved, in the later years of the Triassic Period (c. 248-208 million years ago), from creatures called pseudosuchian thecodonts. Lizards, snakes and different types of thecondont are believed to have evolved earlier in the Triassic Period from reptiles known as eosuchians. C. The most important skeletal differences between dinosaurs and other archosaurs are in the bones of the skull, pelvis and limbs. Dinosaur skulls are found in a great range of shapes and sizes, reflecting the different eating habits and lifestyles of a large and varied group of animals that dominated life on Earth for an extraordinary 165 million years. However, unlike the skulls of any other known animals, the skulls of dinosaurs had two long bones known as vomers. These bones extended on either side of the head, from the front of the snout to the level of the holes in the skull known as the antorbital fenestra, situated in front of the dinosaur’s orbits or eyesockets. D. All dinosaurs, whether large or small, quadrupedal or bipedal, fleet-footed or slow-moving, shared a common body plan. Identification of this plan makes it possible to differentiate dinosaurs from any other types of animal, even other archosaurs. Most significantly, in dinosaurs, the pelvis and femur had evolved so that the hind limbs were held vertically beneath the body, rather than sprawling out to the sides like the limbs of a lizard. The femur of a dinosaur had a sharply in-turned neck and a ball-shaped head, which slotted into a fully open acetabulum or hip socket. A supra-acetabular crest helped prevent dislocation of the femur. The position of the knee joint, aligned below the acetabulum, made it possible for the whole hind limb to swing backwards and forwards. This unique combination of features gave dinosaurs what is know as a “fully improved gait”. Evolution of this highly efficient method of walking also developed in mammals,


Understanding IELTS Grammar ---Solution to Long & plicated Sentences ●长难句成因: “树形结构”: ?修饰成分纷繁复杂 ?主从句交织 ?特殊句式 ●Strategies for Long & plicated Sentences: 一、主从复合句解析 1.名词性从句 2.定语从句 3.状语从句 4.多重复合句 二、特殊结构句式解析 1、分隔结构 2、倒装结构 3、强调结构 4、双重或者多重否定 5、比较结构 一、主从复合句解析 1.名词性从句 1、1 主语从句 ?Looking at the picture makes him experience a severe attack of nostalgia、 ?For her, a woman, to defy her husband’s order would be considered audacious at her time、 ?What bothers me about this point of view is that it implies that human beings, in some deep sense, are not part of nature、 ?That he is in love with her is no longer a secret、 主语从句解读方法: ●主语从句引导词: Practice: (1)That he finished writing the position in such a short time surprised us all、 (2)Whether we will go for an outing tomorrow remains unknown、 (3)Who will be our monitor hasn't been decided yet、


……… 课程安排 1st training: brief introduction 2nd training: common views 3rd training: sentence patterns 4th training: topic 5th training: topic 6th training: task one 1st training” Academic writing: (1 hour ) Task one: chart depiction (150/ 20’) Task two: argumentative essay/ report (250/40’) 1>Media 2>Environment

countries; developed countries> 3>Globalization 4>Youth issues 5>Social problems < aging society; the wealth gap; traffic jam; gender issues; gun; food safety> 6>Government issues 7>Education 8>Science and technology 9>Crime


雅思阅读讲义 1.关键词 (1)转折 But: Computerised data storage and electronic mail were to have heralded the paperless office, but contrary to expectations, paper consumption throughout the world shows no sign of abating. The risks of nuclear accidents may be tiny, but when they happen they can be catastrophic. Yet: The Aborigines made no use of Leptospermum or Dodonaea as food plants, yet the early settlers found that one could be used as a substitute for tea and the other for hops. However: Form the mid-1990s when the Green revolution began, Asian food production doubled through a combination of high-yielding crops, expanded farming area and greater intensification .However, a mysterious threat is emerging in the noticeably declining yields of rice. In fact Quite a few candidates are disturbed by the rumour that IELTS is going through big changes .In fact ,it appears nothing ever happened. whereas Whereas her country has plenty of oil, ours has none. On the other hand: Some people think that changes can be exciting, thrilling and adventuresome .On the other hand ,changes can also bring about life-threatening disasters. Etc. (2)让步 Although: Although the world regards Asia as the focus of an economic and industrial miracle, without adequate supplies of food, chaos could easily result. While: While ducks offer many advantages over hens, they must be given greater quantity of food. While much work has been done on the development of power sources for water pumping, for many people in rural Africa the use of human energy is only option. Albeit: For many previously inexperienced young women, the opportunity to gain financial independence, albeit limited and possibly temporary, has helped break down some of the taboos of their societies. Despite: Despite the great progress made in the recent decades, the achievement of the goal of clean water for all is still along way off. Etc. (3)并列 A and B The modern city consists of monstrous edifices and of narrow, dark streets full of petrol fumes and toxic gases, torn by the taxicabs and buses, and thronged ceaselessly by great crowds. A---, B---, and C--- Selecting the right person for the job involves more than identifying the essential or desirable skills ,educational
