

Unit One A teenager upset by study(为学所困的少年) Hiding behind the dustycurtain, a teenagerpackedup his overcoat into the suitcase. He planned to leave home at dusk,though it was thundering and lightningoutdoors. He had got to do leave home because he was tired of his parents’ nagging about his English study and could not go through it any longer. He couldn’t get along well with English and dislike d

ignore d him on purpose.As a result, his score English classes because he thought his teacher

in each exam never add ed up to over 60. He even c heat ed while join ing in a survey.

His partner was concerned about him very much. She understood exactly what he was suffer ing from, but entirelydisagree d with his idea. In order to calm him down and settle his problem, she talked with him face to face. They swap ped a series o f learning tip s while walk ing the dog. Her words made the “knot(结)”in his mind loose. The item s she s et down helped him find the “ highway” to studying English well.

The teenager was grateful and got great power from his friend’s words. Now, he has recover e d from loneliness and being upset and has f all en in love with English.

躲在积满灰尘的窗帘后面,一个少年把大衣装入手提箱。他计划在黄昏时离家出走,尽管外面正雷电交加。他不得不离家是因为厌倦了父母对他英语学习的唠叨(nagging about),不能再经受下去了。他的英语学习总是无法取得进展,而且不喜欢英语课是因

为他以为老师有意忽略他。结果,他每次考试分数合计从未超过60. 他甚至在参加一次测验时作弊。



Unit Two Using Standard English Properly(恰当使用标准英语)At present, standard English plays an important role (part) in modern official international culture. But American native English isn’t changing rapidly but gradually, including the usage of vocabulary, phrases and accent.Actually, many differences have appeared. F or example, an American boss with an important identitycame up straight to an Englishman and command ed, “Use trucks which still have gas to send candies to the apartment.” When retelli ng, the Englishman said polite ly and influently, “Use lorries which still have petrol to send s weets to the flat.

Because o f the above point, the present r uling government f requently put on rubber boards with directions everywhere in the blocks, such as in elevator s, subway s and so on, and request ed the people to r ecognize these differences and make use of English properly.

目前, 标准英语在现代、官方的、国际文化交流中起很重要的作用,但是美国当地的英语,包括他词汇的使用,短语和口音,都都是逐渐而非迅速变化的。实际上,很多的不同已经出现了。例如,一位有重要身份的美国老板直接走近一位英国人命令他:“用还有汽油的卡车送糖果到公寓去。”在复述时,那英国人却用一种非常礼貌的语气流利地转述了:“用还有汽油的卡车送糖果到公寓去”这句话。


Unit Three A Trip(一次旅行)




Because the t ransport i ng fare was expensive, my brave and reliable sister insist e d that we (should) cycle there and that she organize the trip. She had such a stubborn attitude that

, no one could find proper words to persuade her to once she w as determined to do something

change her mind. Finally, I gave in and put some w ool and cool boil ing water in the parcel. We must make up our mind and care about the detail s, such as: deep valley ,sharp bend and the flow ing waterfall . Just as I record ed in my journal, it was so hot that we had to cycle along the familiar valley in shorts to our camp ing place at a high a ltitude. Without pillow, we slept in a cave of a temple at midnight. But as usual, we get a good viewin spite of many disadvantage s. I’m fond of t he journey!

Unit Four A Frightening Horrible Earthquake(可怕的地震)在那次地震前,水井、池塘和运河中的污水都涨涌起来,但是却没人作出准确的判断并有所准备。刹那间,一切都在摇晃,成千上万的砖房,许多水坝和矿山遭到破坏,百分之九十的煤矿管道爆裂成为废铁,发出有臭味的蒸汽。





Dirt y water rose in well s, pond s and c anal s before the earth quake. But no one judge d it and got prepare d. Suddenly, everything shook. Thousands of brick houses and a number of dams and mines were destroy ed. Giving out smelly steam, 90 percent of the pipe s in the coal mine burst and became useless steel. People’s suffering was exeme.

The army were shock ed. They were organize d right away to rescue the injure d and offer fresh drinking water and shelter s to them r ight away. Without electricity, they dug out the survivor s buried in the ruins with hands.

At last, the disaster was a t an end. Speeches were given i n honor of the army.

While reading the headlines and titles, we should also sincerely express our thanks to the reporters.

Unit Five A Hero President 英雄总统




The educated president of the Republic standing on the s tage is a good-qualityhero,who

. Before coming to power, he set up t he Youth is easy-going, generous, devoted and selfless

League and was voted the leader. With a law degree, he was willing to accept no fee to fight for the equal rights of those out of work.Though he kept peaceful principles without

violence and terror, he was still sentenced to 30 years in prison. Criminals even blew up his house.

No fear of the guards’cruelty, he kept active and continued fighting in the prison. As a matter of fact, he never l ost heart or worried about himself even during the p eriod in trouble.

position and a g oldblanket. Finally, people sincerelyadvised rewarding him with the leader’s


英语单词巧记方法 我们在平时记单词的时候,可以巧妙的运用一些顺口溜来帮助,并且孩子们非常感兴趣,记得也牢固,如我们在记颜色的时候可以运用以下顺口溜: 绿色green 春天笑 红色red 夏天闹 黄色yellow 秋天到 白色white 雪花飘 黑色black 包公脸 蓝色blue 像天空 粉色pink 桃花红 棕色brown 老树皮 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 英语单词口诀记忆法 小时候,我们为了记忆方便,经常喜欢将地理的名词编成小的顺口溜如四大著名石窟,我们为了方便记忆,记成一个叫云龙的人卖(麦)馍(莫)即云龙卖馍---云指云岗石窟,龙指龙门石窟,麦指麦积山石窟,莫指莫高窟。这样背起来非常的容易,而且在考试时应用自如,这也是后来我的单词和语法口诀教学的思想来源。此外在单词的教学过程中,发现好多单词都有包含相同的独立的单词/词根,只是在这个单词前加不同的前缀或字母,我就利用这个特点将这类单词根据其含义特点编写成比较流畅的口诀,串到一起来背,就变得容易且有趣而且一下子就

记住了多个单词。因为是串记在一起,所以回忆时一并回忆,记得更牢。人如何才能记住这些单词,在不同时间不同地点回忆7次,就会记住了,而口诀法的好处就在于可以随时回忆。 背单词最忌枯燥,如果长期使用一种方法背单词不仅枯燥而且还可能降低效率,这也是许多同学不能坚持下去的原因。在国外读过书的同学会知道:如果学校中一个科目不funny 没有意思,则没人去读。老师上课就是在讲故事,谁的故事讲得好,使你在听故事过程中不知不觉就掌握了所学的内容,谁就是最受欢迎的老师。背单词也是如此,尽可能让背的过程有趣化,多样化,而口诀法的出现恰恰祢补了传统背词法的缺陷。 操作方法: 将单词按逆序或模糊查询,查出一组以某一单词结尾或开头的词,根据其拼写和含义编成口诀,注意口诀一定要顺口流畅,要好记而且直白,不要过于深奥而难以理解,这样不便记忆。 举例说明: 一、用逆序查出了一组单词及其含义 bull cull dull gull hull lull mull bull n. 公牛 cull vt. culled; culling; culls; 挑选从其他东西中选出;挑选采集;收集去掉 【例】cull the biggest apple


我爱记单词 Fall in Love with English 爱上英语 Hiding behind the loose dusty curtain,a teenager pack ed up his overcoat into the suitcase.He planned to leave home at dusk though there was thunder and lightning①outdoors.He had got to do this because he was tired of his parents' nagging②about his English study and did not want to go through it any longer.He couldn’t get along well with English and dislike d join ing in English classes because he thought his teacher ignore d him on purpose.As a result, his score in each exam never add ed up to over 60.His partner was concerned about him very much.She understood exactly what he was suffer ing from,but entirely disagree d with his idea.In order to calm him down and settle his problem,she talked with him face to face and swap ped a series of learning tip s with him.The item s she set down helped him find the “highway” to studying English well. The teenager was grateful and got great power from his friend’s words.Now,he has recover ed from being upset and has fall en in love with English.(42new) ①lightning['laitni?] 闪电②nag [n?g] 唠叨 有个少年躲在积满灰尘的松散窗帘后把大衣装入手提箱。尽管外面正打雷闪电,他仍计划在黄昏时分离家出走。他不得不这样做是因为厌倦了父母对他英语学习的唠叨,不想再忍受下去了。他的英语学习总是无法取得进展,而且不喜欢参加英语课的学习是因为他以为老师有意忽视他。结果,他每次考试的分数合计从未超过60。 他的搭档很关心他,也确切地理解他遭受的折磨,但却完全不同意他的想法。为了使他冷静下来好好解决问题,她和他面对面地交谈,并交换了一系列的学习心得技巧。她写下来的项目帮助他找到了学好英语的“高速路”。 这个少年非常感激,并从朋友的话里获得极大的动力。现在,他已经从沮丧中恢复过来,真正爱上了英语。 Different Countries Have Different Kinds of English 不同的国家有不同的英语 Voyages of people from England play an important part in spreading the English language.At present,English is frequently spoken as an official or common language in many countries,such as America,Singapore,Malaysia and some African countries.All base d on British English,the English spoken in these countries can be well understood by native English speakers.But actually,these Englishes have been gradually changing in accent s,spelling s,expression s and the usage of vocabulary.Because of this fact,you can make use of the differences to tell which country the foreigners of your block are from.For example, if a boss fluently command s his driver,“Come up straight to my apartment by lift and take some gas for my trucks and cab s”,instead of request ing,“Please come to my flat by elevator and take some petrol for my lorries and taxis”,you can recognize his American identity,while the latter suggests that he is British.(35 new)


高中英语单词50个记忆口诀,有趣又有效。联系上下文背单词最高效,特别是有趣的小故事。 1.马戏团的鹦鹉 它一岁的age(年纪) 会说人的language(语言) 头脑很懂manage(经营) 要求增加wage(薪水) 惹得老板rage(发怒) 把它关进cage(笼子) 2.败家女的生活 天生就很lazy(懒惰的) 生活就爱cozy(舒适的) 上街血拼crazy(疯狂的) 体胖心感uneasy(不安的) 减肥虚脱dizzy(头晕眼花的) 成天沉溺fantasy(幻想) 3.贫农发家史 地下播下seed(种子) 种出却是weed(杂草) 只能当作feed(饲料) 生存无法proceed(继续) 冒险去采seaweed(海带) 脚被刺伤bleed(流血) 拼命加快speed(速度) 回来销售succeed(成功) 见财心生greed(贪婪) 4.武术冠军擒贼 那天我骑着cycle(自行车)见有人偷旧bicycle(自行车) 还美其名曰recycle(回收利用) 我便鼓起了muscle(肌肉) 八卦掌划出semicircle(半圆) 擒贼被写进了article(文章) 5.英国的过去 大英帝国无bound(边界) 英联邦国家abound(大量存在) 流通货币是pound(英镑)

随处英语的sound(声音) 满城绅士牵hound(猎狗) 6.超级逃兵 行军方向forward(向前的) 他的方向backward(向后的) 逃跑方式awkward(笨拙的) 其实是个coward(懦夫) 7.掌舵手 有一个volunteer(志愿者) 把船来steer(驾驶) 快乐是sheer(纯粹的) 神情却queer(古怪的) 高傲像deer(鹿) 8.码头黑老大 野心相当large(大的) 想把地盘enlarge(扩大) 要想在这discharge(卸货) 保护费要overcharge(多收) 谁敢把我charge(控告) 9.便宜无好货 话说有个student(学生) 旅行需要tent(帐篷) 去到商店rent(租借) 只要几百cent(分) 野营发生accident(事故) 原来没有vent(通风孔) 骨架还全bent(弯曲) 奸商让人resent(愤恨) 10.排骨抢劫案 教堂旁边的shop(商店) 正大声播放pop(流行音乐) 卖美味红烧chop(排骨)


《高中英语单词串记法》短文搞定高考3500个单词 1. Fall in Love with English爱上英语 Hiding behind the loose dusty curtain, a teenager pack ed up his overcoat into the suitcase. He planned to leave home at dusk though there was thunder and lightning outdoors. He had got to do this because he was tired of his parents’ nagging about his English study and did not want to go through it any longer. He couldn’t get along well with English and dislike d join ing in English classes because he thought his teacher ignore d him on purpose. As a result, his score in each exam never add ed up to over 60. His partner was concerned about him very much. She understood exactly what he was suffer ing from, but entirely disagree d with his idea. In order to calm him down and settle his problem, she talked with him face to face and swap ped a series of learning tip s with him. The item s she set down helped him find the highway to studying English well. The teenager was grateful and got great power from his friend’s words. Now, he has recover ed from being upset and has fall en in love with English. 有个少年躲在积满灰尘的松散窗帘后把大衣装入手提箱。尽管外面正打雷闪电,他仍计划在黄昏时分离家出走。他不得不这样做是因为厌倦了父母对他英语学习的唠叨,不想再忍受下去了。他的英语学习总是无法取得进展,而且不喜欢参加英语课的学习,因为他以为老师有意忽视他。结果,他每次考试的分数合计从未超过60。 他的搭档很关心他,也确切地理解他遭受的折磨,但却完全不同意他的想法。为了使他冷静下来好好解决问题,她和他面对面地交谈,并交换了一系列的学习心得技巧。她写下来的条款帮助他找到了学好英语的最佳捷径。 这个少年非常很感激,并从朋友的话里获得极大的动力。现在,他已经从沮丧中恢复过来,真正爱上了英语。 2. Different Countries Have Different Kinds of Englishes 不同的国家有不同的英语 Voyage s of people from England play an important part in spreading the English language. At present, English is frequently spoken as an official or common language in many countries, such as America, Singapore,Malaysia and some African countries. All base d on British English, the English spoken in these countries can be well understood by native English speakers. But actually, these Englishes have been gradually changing in accent s, spelling s, expression s and the usage of vocabulary. Because of this fact, you can make use of the differences to tell which country the foreigners of your block are from. For example, if a boss fluently commands his driver, “Come up straight to my apartment by elevator and tak e some gas for my


高中英语的单词分析记忆的分享 第一大方法:通过发音背单词 同学们要掌握单词拼写与发音之间的规律,发好每一个音标,读准每一个单词;还可以把包含同一元音的单词归为一类(如mistake,change,pain,gain,amazing…)集中操练,读起来朗朗上口,特 别过瘾!通过发音背单词不但很快就能记住单词,更能练出地道发音! 第二大方法:跟着录音背单词 导致中国人背单词失败的最根本原因就是:发音不过关,单词读不准。所以一定要跟着标准的录音背单词。把音量开到最大,反复 听录音并跟着大声朗读单词。这时候你的眼睛、耳朵、嘴巴全部用 起来了,不断刺激大脑,印象也特别深刻! 第三大方法:“三最”狂读背单词 “默默无闻”地背单词效果极其低下!一定要用“三最法”狂读 狂背每个单词。背单词的时候,一定要做到最大声、最清晰、最快速。当你用“三最法”操练单词时,你的注意力会高度集中,记忆 的效率会大大提高,你不仅记住了单词,还锻造了国际口腔肌肉! 第四大方法:分门别类背单词 英语中有很多单词属于同一类别,可以把同一类别的单词集中起来一起操练,从而大大提高单词记忆的效率。同学们可以自己动手,对本书的单词进行分门别类,抄在小纸条上或制成单词卡,然后集 中轰炸、专门突破、分类记忆! 第五大方法:单词家族背单词 英语中有很多单词都有整个家族,名词、动词、形容词、副词,加上不同的前缀、后缀就有不同的词性变化、意思变化。要想彻底

掌握一个单词,我们要做的就是:整个家族一锅端!家族内所有的单词全部消灭!通过单词家族可以大大提升背单词的效率。 第六大方法:零碎时间背单词 背单词不需要大段大段的整块时间。每天起床后、睡觉前、一日三餐前后、排队等车、上学放学路上、甚至上厕所的零碎时间都可以用来狂读狂背单词。请随身携带这本书,一有时间就疯狂朗读书中的单词,随时随地疯狂操练,脱口而出! 第七大方法:同义反义背单词 看到一个单词的时候,可以联想到它的同义词或近义词,通过对比辨析,掌握它们的用法;看到一个单词的时候,可以联想到它的反义词,一正一反,成双成对,让你一石二鸟,一箭双雕!用这种对比法来记忆单词,印象会更加深刻! 第八大方法:同声传译背单词 看着单词脱口而出它的中文意思,看着中文意思脱口而出这个单词。或者请你的同学说出单词,你立刻脱口而出中文意思;说单词的中文意思,你立刻脱口而出这个单词。通过中英文快速互译的方法背单词,效果特别好!同时还可以锻炼你的口译能力。 第九大方法:通过句子背单词 孤立地背单词只能是“背了记、忘了背、背了又忘”!所以,一定要通过实用的背单词。在句子中记单词才是有生命的单词,才能牢记单词的意思和用法,才能与之建立感情,才会让你刻骨铭心,永难忘怀!更重要的是,通过脱口而出句子来背单词,你不但在积累单词量,更在积累句子量!句子量比单词量更重要! 第十大方法:通过短文背单词 一篇短文里面包含了大量有用的单词和短语,通过背诵短文可以大面积地消灭单词!而且,在短文中你可以牢牢记住单词的意思和用法。更重要的是,通过背诵短文你能够大段大段地讲英语了,这才是我们学习英语的最终目的。


1 Keys: 1. Hiding 2. though/although 3. because 4. it 5. disliked 6. to 7. what 8. disagreed 9. his 10. studying 2. Keys: 1. the 2. as 3. based 4. be understood 5. have been changing 6. usage 7. which 8. his 9. and 10. while 3. Keys: 1. had been determined 2. caring 3. Her 4. as 5. After 6. reliable 7. flowing 8. where 9. a 10. and 4. Keys: 1. before 2. was coming 3. The 4. giving 5. by 6. suffering 7. when 8. their 9. to help 10. were offered 5. Keys: 1. Before 2. who 3. to offer 4. believing 5. himself 6. was voted 7. though/ although 8. and 9. being sentenced 10. cruelty 6. Keys: 1.amazed 2.valuable 3.of 4.But 5.to remove 6.an 7.that 8.She 9.who/that 10.giving 7. Keys: 1. for 2.when 3.But 4.who 5.causing 6. to be held 7.responsibilities 8.one 9.It 10.will not be admitted 8. Keys: 1.simplify 2.the 3.connected 4.types 5.to explore 6.that 7.However 8.has become 9.in 10.their 9. Keys: 1.an 2.because 3.is destroyed 4.rubbing 5.from 6.powerful 7.that 8.told 9.Our 10.until 10. Keys: 1.dipping 2.dreamed/dreamt 3.that 4.called 5.on 6.whom/who/that 7.invitations 8.and 9.copies 10.It 11. Keys: 1. arrival 2. their 3. was moved 4. On 5. or 6. were 7. dressed 8. the 9. that 10. but 12. Keys: 1. which 2. But 3. the 4. was losing 5.Curiostity 6. Both 7. while 8. like 9. balanced 10. his 13. Keys:1. who 2. was wandering 3. an 4. though/although 5. impatient 6. it 7. harder 8. bringing 9. as 10. than 14. Keys:1. have proved 2. which 3. an 4. by 5. or 6. its 7. that 8. younger 9. causing 10. Luckily 15. Keys: 1. After 2. his 3. another 4. Canadian 5. impressive 6. that/which 7. flying 8. lies 9. the 10. Although 16. Keys: 1. Born 2. who 3. With 4. sparing 5.Her 6. and 7. has become 8. kindness 9. the 10. to 17. Keys: 1. had been struggling 2. how 3. being 4. skimming 5. on 6.practical 7. a 8. himself 9. in 10.Though/Although 18. Keys: 1. starred 2.watching 3. chased 4. his 5. a 6. homeless 7. On 8. Though/Although 9. off 10. that 19. Keys: 1. but 2. one’s 3. shows 4. what 5. representing 6. an 7. curiously 8. He 9. As 10. at 20. Keys: 1. by 2. an 3. translator 4. in 5. its 6. taking 7. was made 8. wherever 9. working 10. which


高考英语必背单词3500 快速记 忆 1 英语3500 单词之懒人记忆法 、前缀 一)表示否定的前缀 加在名词、形容词,动词之前。 disadvantage(缺点), dishonorable(不光彩的), disagree(不同意) 加在形容词,名词之前 incorrect(不正确的), inability(无能,无力), inaccurate(不准确的) 加在字母m,b,p 之前 impossible(不可能的),

impolite(不礼貌的) 加在以l 开头的词前 illegal(非法的), illiterate(文盲的,无文化的),illogical(不合逻辑的) 加在以r 开头的词前 irregular(不稳定的), irresistable (不可抵抗的),irresolvable(不能分解的,不能解决的)加在名词,形容词,副词之前unfinished(未完成的), undoubted(无疑的),unemployment(失业) 加在形容词,名词前

non-existence(不存在),non-essential(不主要的),non-electrical(非电的) 加在动词、名词之前misunderstand(误解),misjudge(误判),misleading(误导),misfortune(不幸) 加地动词之前 disappear(消失),disarm(解除武装),disconnect(失去联系) 加在名词,形容词之前decolor(脱色,漂白)

加在名词、形容词之前 anti-Japanese(抗日战争), anti-social(厌恶社会的,反社会的),antidite(解毒药) 加在名词、动词前 counterattack(反攻,反击),counteract(抵抗,阻碍),counterrevolution(反革命) 二)表示“前”的前缀 pre-exsiting(先于??而存在的), pre-selection(选举前的), preface(前言) anteroom(前室,接待室),


巧记英语单词的20种方法 巧记英语单词的方法1.逻辑记忆 通过词的本身的内部逻辑关系,词与词之间的外部逻辑关系记忆单词。 1)把几个字母看作做一个来记如: "ight"light,right,fight,night,might,sight,tight 2)外旧内新,如:bridge“桥”看成b+ridgeridge"山 脊”sharp看成s+harpharp"竖琴。 3)外新内旧,如:cleave“劈开”看成c+leave,tact"机智:看成t+act 巧记英语单词的方法2联想记忆 1)音与形的联想,即根据读音规则记忆单词。2)形与义的联想,如:eye把两个e看成两个眼。banana把a看成一个个的香蕉。bird把b和d看成两个翅膀。3)象声词,联想实际的声音,如:gong锣coo咕咕声。 巧记英语单词的方法3.构词记忆 利用构词法,通过分析词根、前缀、后缀、派生和合成等记忆单词。 巧记英语单词的方法4.分类记忆 巧记英语单词的方法5.卡片记忆 自制作单词卡片随时随身进行记单词,卡片写上单词的词形、词性、词义、音标、搭配、例句等。 巧记英语单词的方法6.词典记忆

即背字典,这种方法是一种强行记忆的方法。它的缺点是容易忘记,只是孤立记住单词的意义。可以作为一种短时间的强化手段。 巧记英语单词的方法7.比较记忆 1)英汉比较如:mama,cigar,beer,bar,fee等。2)单复数的比较如:good-goods,spirit-spiritswood-woods3)同音词的比较如:right-write,eye-I4)词的阴阳性的比较如:actor-actresshost-hostess 巧记英语单词的方法8.理解记忆 通过正确理解单词的本义、引申义和比喻义等如:second是“秒”,它来源于古代的六分法,分,秒,它是二次划分,因此second也是“第二”,进一步引申,还可理解为“辅助”用这种方法特别适合那些一词多义的词。 巧记英语单词的方法9.联系记忆 1巧记英语单词的方法0.感官记忆 记单词时,不要只用一种感官,尽可能地用多个感官,耳听、嘴读、手写、眼看、心记等。 巧记英语单词的方法11.软件记忆 巧记英语单词的方法12.阅读记忆 巧记英语单词的方法13.同义记忆 通过同义词一起进行单词记忆,可确切理解词义,这时不必注意它们的意义的区别。 巧记英语单词的方法14.反义记忆 巧记英语单词的方法15.图表记忆 利用形象的图表进行记忆,它的优点是意、形、物直观的结合到一起。你可以找一本英语图解字典作为参考。


Unit One A teenager upset by study(为学所困的少年) Hiding behind the dustycurtain, a teenagerpackedup his overcoat into the suitcase. He planned to leave home at dusk,though it was thundering and lightningoutdoors. He had got to do leave home because he was tired of his parents’ nagging about his English study and could not go through it any longer. He couldn’t get along well with English and dislike d ignore d him on purpose.As a result, his score English classes because he thought his teacher in each exam never add ed up to over 60. He even c heat ed while join ing in a survey. His partner was concerned about him very much. She understood exactly what he was suffer ing from, but entirelydisagree d with his idea. In order to calm him down and settle his problem, she talked with him face to face. They swap ped a series o f learning tip s while walk ing the dog. Her words made the “knot(结)”in his mind loose. The item s she s et down helped him find the “ highway” to studying English well. The teenager was grateful and got great power from his friend’s words. Now, he has recover e d from loneliness and being upset and has f all en in love with English. 躲在积满灰尘的窗帘后面,一个少年把大衣装入手提箱。他计划在黄昏时离家出走,尽管外面正雷电交加。他不得不离家是因为厌倦了父母对他英语学习的唠叨(nagging about),不能再经受下去了。他的英语学习总是无法取得进展,而且不喜欢英语课是因 为他以为老师有意忽略他。结果,他每次考试分数合计从未超过60. 他甚至在参加一次测验时作弊。 他的搭档很关心他,她确切地理解他遭受的折磨,但却完全不同意他的想法。为了使他冷静下来解决问题,她和他面对面地进行交谈。在遛狗的时候她们交换了一系列的学习心得技巧。她的话解开了他的“心结”,她写下来的项目帮助他找到了学好英语的“高速路”。这个少年非常感激,并从朋友的话里获得极大的动力。现在,他已经从孤独和沮丧中恢复过来,真正爱上了英语。 _______________ Unit Two Using Standard English Properly(恰当使用标准英语)At present, standard English plays an important role (part) in modern official international culture. But American native English isn’t changing rapidly but gradually, including the usage of vocabulary, phrases and accent.Actually, many differences have appeared. F or example, an American boss with an important identitycame up straight to an Englishman and command ed, “Use trucks which still have gas to send candies to the apartment.” When retelli ng, the Englishman said polite ly and influently, “Use lorries which still have petrol to send s weets to the flat. Because o f the above point, the present r uling government f requently put on rubber boards with directions everywhere in the blocks, such as in elevator s, subway s and so on, and request ed the people to r ecognize these differences and make use of English properly. 目前, 标准英语在现代、官方的、国际文化交流中起很重要的作用,但是美国当地的英语,包括他词汇的使用,短语和口音,都都是逐渐而非迅速变化的。实际上,很多的不同已经出现了。例如,一位有重要身份的美国老板直接走近一位英国人命令他:“用还有汽油的卡车送糖果到公寓去。”在复述时,那英国人却用一种非常礼貌的语气流利地转述了:“用还有汽油的卡车送糖果到公寓去”这句话。 正因为以上这一点,目前负责管理的政府频繁地在街区的各个地方都张贴了橡胶版制作的指导,例如/电梯里,地铁中等等,要求人们辨别这些不同,恰当地使用英语。 Unit Three A Trip(一次旅行)


高考英语词汇分类记忆 1.People 1. baby 婴儿 2. being物;生物;人 3. child(复children) n. 孩子,儿童 4. citizen 公民,居民,市民 5. civil国内,平民(非军人)的;民用 6. companion同伴,同事 7. comrade n. 同志 8. crowdn..人群vt. 拥挤,群聚 9. enemy n. 敌人;敌军 10. fellow n. 同伴;伙伴 11. friend[frend] n. 朋友 12. generation n.代,一代 13. guest n. 客人,宾客 14. human a.&n. 人,人类 15. humanbeing 人 16. man (单数,无冠词) n.人,人类(包括男女) 17. neighbour(-bor) n.邻居,邻人 18. partner n. 搭档,股东,舞伴 19. people n. 人,人们;人民 20. personn. 人, 身体, 容貌,

21. population n. 人口 22. publica.公共的,公众n.公众 23. race[reis] n. 种族,民族 24. teenager (13-19)青少年 25. adult 26. kid 2.Sex 1. boyn. 男孩 2. female a. 女性的;雌性的 3. girl n. 女孩 4. gentlemann. 绅士,先生 5. ladyn. 女士,夫人 6. sex[seks] n. 性,性别, 7. madam/madame夫人,女士 8. male[meil] a. 男的, 雄的, 男 9. man (men) n.男人,成年男子 10. Mr. (mister) n.先生, 阁下 11. Mrs.(mistress)夫人, 太太 12. Ms.[miz] n. 女士, 小姐 13. sirn. 先生;阁下 14. woman n. 妇女,女人,女仆


巧记英语单词的几种方法 发表时间:2012-08-15T14:56:48.107Z 来源:《中学课程辅导·教学研究》2012年第30期供稿作者:李俊梅 [导读] 在中学阶段的众多学科中,学生感到比较费时吃力的就是英语,学习英语的重要一关是单词记忆。 摘要:英语单词是学习英语的基础,要想学好英语,单词的掌握至关重要。如果记不住单词就会影响到听、说、读、写的全面训练和英语水平的正常发挥,导致成绩下降。因此,过好单词记忆关是很重要的。 关键词:英语单词;记忆方法;归类;联想 在中学阶段的众多学科中,学生感到比较费时吃力的就是英语,学习英语的重要一关是单词记忆。英语单词是学习英语的基础,要想学好英语,单词的掌握至关重要。如果记不住单词就会影响到听、说、读、写的全面训练和英语水平的正常发挥,导致成绩下降。因此,过好单词记忆关是很重要的。在多年的英语教学实践中,笔者摸索出了一些方法,现与大家共勉: 一、及时记忆法 及时记忆法就是要求上课时认真听讲,争取趁热打铁,当堂记住。为了让学生当堂记住,笔者又采用了以下几种具体方法: 1.直观法 直观法教学词汇生动活泼,能引起学生的兴趣,激发学生学习的主动性。如教“水果类”单词时,可拿着水果进课堂(也可用图片或简笔画),边指着水果,边介绍:This is an apple.This is a banana.This is a pear.……这些东西学生经常吃,这样引入单词既避免了枯燥的叙述,又激发了学生课外吃水果时回忆单词的兴趣。 2.动作法 许多英语单词的教学可借助动作来完成,如在教学jump,stand,run,sit,walk等动词时,教师可边做动作边说:“I'm jumping.I'm standing.I'm running.I'm sitting.也可让学生上讲台,教师说单词,学生做动作,台下学生做观众,气氛热烈,效果良好,这样学生把单词和动作联系起来,容易理解、便于记忆。 3.游戏法 爱玩是孩子的天性,可把枯燥的单词融于丰富多彩的游戏活动中,寓教于乐,如学介词类单词in/on/beside/behind/under等时,可设计让学生“猜物体在哪里”这一游戏。可随时借用学生的铅笔盒,先用一块橡皮或一支钢笔,边变换位置边问学生:Where is the pen?Guess!他们可以用汉语猜,然后板书It's in/on/under/behind the pencil-box,然后换用别的学习用品(如ruler,knife等)再练习巩固。这样,学生兴趣浓厚,轻而易举就掌握了这些单词。 二、归类记忆法 归类记忆法就是把学过的单词分成几类,化整为零,分别记忆。这种方法虽然比较传统,但效果很好,关键在于如何去调整划分“类别”,例如:动物,植物类的词;体育名称一类的词;国家及相关形容词、语言一类的词;食物、水果、蔬菜一类的词;职称,称呼一类的词;交通一类的词;学校生活及学习用品等。 如国家及相关形容词、语言一类的词: 国家相关形容词语言 China Chinese Chinese Japan Japanese Japanese England English English America American English Canada Canadian English France French French 三、联想记忆法 联想记忆法就是由一个单词想到与之相关的很多词汇,如看到family这个词可联想到father, mother, brother, sister, son,daughter,grandfather,grandmother 等。又如看到color可联想到white,black,red,green,yellow,blue,orange等,还有如subject,animal,food,fruit等。随着所学词汇量的增加,你会发现得更多。 四、运动记忆法 运动记忆法就是在记忆单词时,眼、口、耳、脑与手同时工作,要边读边写边记忆,切忌注意力不集中或以眼代嘴。 五、构词记忆法 了解一些构词方面的知识,也有助于记单词。如知道合成词是由两个词合在一起构成的新词,就容易记住,如bedroom,schoolbag,bathroom,classroom,penfriend,playground等。掌握一些派生词的前缀和后缀,如un-表示否定,就很容易记住happy-unhappy,usual-unusual,comfortable-uncomfortable等。im-也表示否定,如possible-impossible。后缀-less表示“无……的”,如hopeless,homeless,useless等。-er或-or放在动词之后表示做某事的人,就会轻松地记住teach-teacher,run-runner,work-worker,visit-visitor 等。-ist放在乐器名称后表示弹奏乐器的人,如violin-violinist,piano-pianist等。学习英语构词知识是记住单词、丰富词汇的重要方法。六、对比记忆法 对比记忆法就是把同义词、反义词和同音词等放在一起比较记忆,印象会特别深。like-love,begin-start,enjoy-hate,big-small,tall-short,fat-thin,white-black,write-right,whether-weather等。 七、拼读记忆法 读准单词的发音是记住单词的前提,拼读记忆法首先要求把单词读准确,充分认识单词的读音与拼写之间的关系,并要善于总结字母和字母组合在单词中的发音规律以及在某些特定情况下的发音,这样就会较轻松地记住单词。因此掌握了单词音与形的一致关系,对于符合读音规则的词,不用借助音标就可做到见形能读、听音能写,从而大幅度地提高记忆单词的效果。 八、循环记忆法 任何先进的单词记忆法都必须进行反复记忆,学了总会遗忘,为了防止遗忘,一定要不断地进行阶段性复习,如可以把单词及重点句


50篇串记精品短文 帮你记牢记全高中全部单词和短语 新课标《高中英语单词串记法》(最新修订版)简介 《高中英语单词串记法》运用“单词串记法”,按单元将人教版高中英语从必修一至 选修十共50个单元的必背单词和短语巧妙编写成50篇小短文,包括有小故事,诗歌或 课文缩写等,紧扣课本内容,覆盖高一至高三的所有必学生词和短语,每篇短文串词巧 妙,难度不大,长短适中,同时配上外教朗读的英语录音和帮助理解的译文,是全面复 习单词和短语的好材料,是迅速提高英语水平的好帮手! “串记法”与单词记忆 在英语学习中,单词“难记易忘”,究其原因,一,虽然只是一个单词,但要背记的 内容其实相当繁多,音(发音)、形(拼写)、意(中文意义)、用(词性、用法),一个 都不能少;二,词与词之间缺乏联系,缺乏应用环境,背记单词最终都陷入死记硬背的 苦战中;三,这种死记硬背的方法还非常不适合经常性地复习,而复习在长期记忆中却 是至关重要的。以下面一组单词为例: quality n. 质量;性质;品质 generous adj. 慷慨的;大方的 selflessly adv. 无私地;忘我地 devote (to) vt. 献身;专心于 republic n. 共和国 lawyer n. 律师 guidance n. 指导, 领导 legal adj. 法律的 fee n. 费,酬金 out of work 失业 league n. 联盟,社团 educated adj. 受过教育的,有教养的 come to power 当权;上台 president n. 总统;主席 opinion n. 意见;看法;主张 set up 设立;建立
