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G.把状语从句或短语单独成句,破坏了句子的完整性。(Some students show their natural inclination to write incomplete sentences by punctuating some adverbial clauses or phrases into sentences.)


“Is honesty out of date?” Many people may ask.My answer is “no”.Because honesty is not a single social phenomenon but rather, a kind of humanity rooted in our mind.(×) “Is honesty out of date?” Many people may ask.My answer is “no”,because honesty is not a single social phenomenon but rather, a kind of humanity rooted in our mind.(√)【例2】

Traffic is very bad in this city.Particularly in its downtown area.(×)

Traffic is very bad in this city, particularly in its downtown area.(√)


And then there is no need worrying you‟11 be lost in a new place,if you have a cellphone.Especially, in some urgent situations.(×)

And then there is no need worrying you‟11 be lost in a new place if you have a cellphone,especially in some urgent situations.(√)

H.不会使用“there be”结构。(It is not uncommon that some students are incapable of using "there be" structure in their writing.)

修正办法:应该十分明确:在“there be”结构中,be后面的名词是句子的表语,如果它后面再有动作,应设法用定语从句、分词短语、不定式短语、介词短语来表示。


There are some people think that money can make the world go round.(×)

There are some people who think that money can make the world go round.(√)


At the meeting there are a lot of questions discuss.(×)

At the meeting there are a lot of questions to be discussed.(√)

I.句式缺少变化,使人读起来兴味索然。(Lack of sentence structure variety in some students’ writing always dampens the reader’s spirits.)

修正办法:在写一段英文时,应尽量避免使用同一类句型。要长、短句相间,适当使用一些被动句和there be句型,有时也可使用一些问句或倒装句。


True friendship is important to us.True friendship is a kind of human relation.But true friendship is not easy to come by.True friendship is based on mutual understanding,not on mutual benefit.It means that there are similar ideas between the friends and that true friends should trust each other and helps each other.True friendship should be able to stand all sorts of tests.(×)

True friendship is important to us.Why we value true friendship very much lies in the fact that it can lead to a pleasant mutual understanding among friends and a sound human relationship.But true friendship is not easy to come by.Only by sharing joy and happiness as well as worries and hardships can we cultivate and develop it.True friendship will be able to stand all sorts of test so long as friends can trust and help each other.(√)


There is a modem library in this university.There are 20 reading rooms,10 video rooms and 5 multi-function halls in the library.There are about 8000000 books and magazines on the shelves there.(×)

The university boasts a modern library which consists of 20 reading rooms,10 video rooms and 5 multi-function halls.There are about 8000000 books and magazines on the library's shelves.(√)

J.列举例证时,常常把列举用语“such as…”和“for example(instance)…”等独立成句,造成句法残缺不全。(Such phrase as "such as…" and "for example (instance)" usually used to cite examples are likely to appear as complete sentences in some students’ writing)
