
1.Welcome to Vancouver.
2.As Canada’s third-largest metropolitan city after Toronto and Montreal, Vancouver is an important industrial, financial and business center.
温哥华是仅次于多伦多和蒙特利尔的加拿大的第三大城市,是一个重要的工 业、金融和商业中心。
3.Sometimes called Canada’s gateway to the Pacific, Vancouver is linked by shipping services with Pacific ports of the United States, China, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand.
温哥华被称作加拿大通向太平洋的门户,它与美国、中国、日本、澳大利亚 和新西兰的太平洋港口有船运服务往来。
4.Through the Panama Canal it is linked with Atlantic ports of Americas and Europe.
5.Products of Western Canada’s farms, ranches, forests, coal mines, and industries are sent by rail to Vancouver and then by water to the ports of the world.
加拿大西部的农场、牧场、森林、煤矿和其他工业的产品都由铁路送往温哥 华然后经水路送往世界各地的港口。
6.One of the world’s largest natural, ice-free harbors, it is where the manufactured goods from Asia arrive throughout the year.
7.The majority of Vancouver’s historic buildings are in the Gastown and Chinatown areas.
温哥华主要的历史建筑都在 Gastown 和 Chinatown 地区。
8.Older sections of the city have undergone considerable change since 1960, when downtown high-rise office buildings and hotels were built.
自从 1960 年,那时城市的摩天大楼和酒店建造起来,以后城市的旧城区经 受了彻底的改变。
9.False Creek-a decaying industrial area with sawmills, rail yards, and small shops-was transformed into a residential development project.
False Creek,拥有锯木厂、铁路和小型商店的废工业区,转入了住宅发展项目。
10.Gastown, the original heart of the city, was restored in the 1880’s style with antique stores and boutiques.
Gastown,这个原本是城市心脏的地方被重新修建成为拥有 19 世纪 80 年代 古董店和商品店的风格。
11.Vancouver is largely British in character with some Chinese influence.
12.Almost three fourths of the population are of British ancestry.
几乎 3/4 的人口是英国的后裔。
13.The Chinese, French, Japanese, and East Indians are the largest among other ethnic groups.
14.Its Chinatown is the second largest Chinese Community in North America, second only to San Francisco of the Unite States.
15.The city has

long been noted for its cultural activities.
16.Major institutions are the Macmillan Planetarium, Centennial and Maritime museums, Opera House, Queen Elizabeth Theatre, Vancouver Art Gallery, and Vancouver Aquarium.
主要的文化场所有麦克米伦天文馆、世界海洋博物馆、歌剧院、伊丽莎白女 皇剧院、温哥华美术馆和温哥华水族馆。
17.Robson Square has provincial government offices, a skating rink, multilevel shopping and food facilities, and a sports stadium with a seating capacity of 60,000.
罗宾逊广场是地方政府办事机构所在地、广场内有溜冰场、多层次购物和餐 饮设施和拥有 6 万人体育馆。
18.The Robson Square Conference Center and the Provincial Court House building are noted for their modern architectural style.
19.At this time of the autumn season, Vancouver, like many other places of Canada, is extremely beautiful.
20.Backgrounded by the bright blue sky, the leaves on maple trees, with brilliant hues of red, give a flaming tribute to the city.
21.Maple tree produce a peculiar sap each spring, which in turn produces a sweet and delicious syrup.
22.We Canadians are very grateful to these magic trees, because they color the Canadian landscape in the autumn and sweeten the Canadian palate in the spring.
我们加拿大人非常感激这些具有魔力的树,因为它们给秋天的加拿大带来了 美景,给春天的加拿大带来口福。
23.In particular, the maple tree leaf is Canada’s national symbol, and our national flag flies with it.
24.Wherever we go, the maple tree leaf reminds us of our great country and of our beautiful hometown Vancouver.
Distinguished guests:
Welcome to Shanghai Foreign Language School.
Before you start to look around, I would like to give you a brief account of our school.
4.我校创办于 1963 年,隶属上海外国语大学,是全国最早创建的几所外国 语学校之一。
Founded in 1963 as one of China’s earliest foreign language schools of its kind, the Shanghai Foreign Langrage School is a full-time boarding school affiliated to Shanghai International Studies University.

.这所具有外语专业性教育的全日制寄宿学校,是由国家教委和上海市教 委双重领导的一所全科类重点中学。
As a key middle school supervised jointly by administrations of the State Education Commission and Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, our school features strong foreign language programs, in addition to a complete syllabus with normal academic subjects which are required of all regular middle schools.
6.学校有一支优秀的教师队伍,现有 35 个班级,1300 多名在校生。
Staffed with an excellent faculty, this school has a current enrollment of over 1,300 students, studying in 35 classed at different grades.
7.建校以来,学校已培养外语水平较高,其他文化知识较好的毕业生为目 标,坚持“加强基础、发展智力、培养能力”的教学方针,做到“办学有特 色,教学有特点,学生有特长”,得到了国家教委和教育界的肯定,在国内 外享有较高的声誉。
Since its establishment, the school has always geared itself toward the objective of bringing up students with excellence in foreign language proficiency as well as in other academic subject. Over years, this school has persistently adhere to the school’s educational policy of “strengthening students’ academic foundation, cultivating students’ intellectual aptitude and developing students’ potential talent.” Its long-established practice of “ensuring special accomplishments in school administration, teaching methodology and student learning” is favorably recognized by the State Education Commission and education specialists. And consequently, our school enjoys a good reputation both at home and abroad.
8.学校开设英、德、法、日、俄等 5 个语种,各语种都聘有外籍专家任教。
We offer five foreign language programs of English, German, French, Japanese and Russian. The faculty of each foreign language program is joined by native speakers with teaching qualifications.
The school goes all out to provide its students with an environment effective for foreign language learning.
10.学校还开设多种选修课、第二外语课,帮助学生扩大知识面,发展个性 特长,陶冶情操,保证学生在德、智、体、美、劳诸方面全面发展。
On top of the regular, required subjects, we also offer a number of elective courses. In addition, students may, as they wish, choose to learn a second foreign language. These syllabi help to extend student’s scope of knowledge of the world, develop their personality and special skills and talents, and foster their healthy values, so as to ensure that our students graduate with an overall development in their moral integrity, intelligence and academic excellence, physical fitness, aesthetic values and fitness in physical labor.

美、法、日、韩等国家的一些学校 建立了校际交流关系,每年进行互访。
We greatly value our exchange relations with overseas institutions. Our exchange programs involve institutions in Germany, the United States, France, Japan and South Korea.
These annual exchanges of visits have provided several dozens of our faculty members and students with opportunities to study or give lectures in these countries.
13.30 多年来,我校为国家培养了近 4,000 名毕业生。
For over thirty years since its establishment, this school has graduated close to 4,000 students for the country.
Active in professions of all walks of life, SFLS graduates are contributing their expertise to China’s national drive of socialist modernization.
Currently, our faculty and students are working hard in full cooperation to upgrade this school in the direction of a first-rate foreign language institution with established fame both at home and abroad, a world-oriented institution with multiple programs and prevailing academic excellence.

1.Situated between the state of New York of the United States and the province of Ontario of Canada, and with an age of 25,000 years, Niagara Falls is one of the most spectacular natural wonders on the North American continent.
地处美国纽约州和加拿大安大略省交界处,有着 25,000 历史的尼亚加拉瀑布,是北美洲最壮观的自然奇观之一。
2.The falls are on the Niagara River, which flows between the United States and Canada from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario.
瀑布位于尼亚加拉河上,河流沿途将美加两国分开,然后从伊利湖注入安大 略湖。
3.The falls are about 17 miles northwest of Buffalo, N.Y.
瀑布位于纽约州水牛城西北方向 17 英里处。
4.The industrial city and tourist center of Niagara Falls, N.Y., is adjacent to the American side of the falls.
5.Niagara Falls, Ontario, is across the river.
6.The falls are divided into two parts by Goat Island.
7.The larger portion, on the southwest side, is the Canadian falls, known as the Horseshoe Falls.
8.It measures 790 meters along its curve and drops 49.4 meters.
沿途 790 公尺落差 49.4 公尺。
9.The smaller American falls is northeast of Goat Island.

It is 305 meters across and drops about 51 meters.
宽度 305 公尺落差 51 公尺。
11.Just before flowing over the ledge, the American stream is only about one meter deep, while the Canadian stream is about six meters deep and carries some 95 percent of the Niagara River’s water.
临近断崖的那段水域,美国一侧的河水深仅 1 米,而加拿大一侧的河水则有 6 米深,尼亚加拉河 95%的水量由此通过。
12.Thus the Horseshoe is the larger and grander of the two falls.
13.Every minute about 340,000 cubic meters, or close to 379,000 tons, of water pours in torrents over the cliff of the falls of Niagara.
每分钟大约有 34 万立方米或将近 37.9 万吨的水沿尼亚拉加瀑布的悬崖飞流 而下。
14.As the water plunges from the brink of the falls, it fills the air with a silvery mist, which under the sunlight displays many brilliant rainbows.
当水从瀑布边缘飞流而下时,空气中充满了银色的小水滴,在阳光下呈现许 多美丽的彩虹。
15.The plunging water also sends out a never-ending roar as it strikes the bottom.
16.For this reason the Indians called the cataract Niagara, meaning “thunder of waters”.
17.The plunging water has worn away the lower rocks so that there are caves behind the sheets of water of both falls.
飞泻之下的河水冲蚀着下面的岩石,久而久之,两大瀑布的水帘之后便出现 了洞穴。
18.Sightseers may enter the Cave of the Winds at the foot of the American falls and get an unusual view.
19.The Canadian falls has carved a plunge basin 59 meters deep.
加拿大瀑布有一个 59 米深的瀑布谭。
20.Both the United States and Canadian governments have built parks, viewing platforms, paths, and highways.
21.The Niagara Reservation State Park was established in 1885 and is New York’s oldest state park.
尼亚加拉保护区国家公园于 1885 年建立,是纽约州的最古老的国家公园。
22.It includes an observation tower, elevators that descend into the gorge at the base of the American falls, and boat trips into the waters at the base of the Horseshoe Falls.
它包括一个观察塔、能够下降到美国瀑布谷底峡谷的电梯和能够进入马蹄瀑 布谷底水域的船只。
23.At night colored lights illuminate the falls and create a charming spectacle which viewers find hard to turn away from.
24.The park area has long been a tourist site and a favorite spot

for couples to spend their honeymoons.
1.飞跨上海黄浦江面的杨浦大桥是世界上最大的悬索桥。大桥全长 7,658 米,主跨达 602 米。
The 7,658-meter-long Yangpu Bridge on the Huangpu River of Shanghai is the world’s largest suspension bridge which spans 602 meters.
2.雄伟的大桥上耸立着一对 208 米高的桥塔,整座大桥成倒“Y”型。
The magnificent bridge, with its twin towers which rise 208 meters in height, is shaped like an inverted “Y”.
3.大桥主体结构由 256 根斜拉缆索加以稳固,其中最长的一根缆索为 328 米,重达 33 吨,有 301 根直径为七毫米的高强度钢丝绕成。
The massive structure of the bridge is supported by 256 cables, the longest of which stretches 328 meters and weighs 33 tons, and is made of 301 high-strength steel wires with a diameter of seven millimeters each.
4.大桥全长 1,172 米,桥宽 30.35 米,桥上设有双向六车道,两边还各有一 条宽两米的人行道。
The 1,172-meter-long and 30.35-meter-wide main section of the bridge features a two-way six-lane motor traffic with a two-meter-wide sidewalk flanked on each side.
5.大桥最高限速为每小时 60 公里。
The posted speed limit on the bridge is 60 kilometers per hour.
6.这座于 1993 年建成通车的大桥,每天可以容纳 5 万辆机动车的流量。
Completed in 1993, the bridge has a traffic capacity of 50,000 vehicles per day.
7.大桥净空高约 48 米,5 万吨巨轮可以顺利通航其下。
Its height, which rises some 48 meters above the water level, provides easy and safe navigation for 50,000-ton ships.
8.杨浦大桥造价为 13.3 亿元,仅用了 29 个月便建成。
1.33 billion yuan Yangpu Bridge was completed in only 29 months.
9.大桥设计采用了许多最先进的工艺方法,例如以砖石嵌面的桥塔可以抵 御时速每秒 80 米的强风。
A number of state-of-the-art techniques were incorporated in design, including the diamond-faced towers which are expected to withstand a strong wind of 80 meters per second.
The completion of the bridge heralds the entry of China’s bridge design and construction industry into the world’s advanced level.
