


Dear Friends,


How is everything! Welcome to the Land of Peach Blossoms. It is the great work A Tale of the Land of the Peach Blossom by Mr. Tao Yuanming,a famous poet of the East Jin Dynasty, that gave the place the fame. During the past thousands of years, this land, with its unique beauty and tranquility, has appealed to streams of visitors, who come to pay homage.


The bridge where we are standing now is called Qionglinqiao (The Bridge of the End of the Woods), which is named after the allusion of the fisherman’s hoping to discover where the peach trees ended from the above-mentioned great work. It is said that when the fisherman from Wulin rowed along the stream, he found himself in the midst of a wood full of peach blossoms, and therefore, he got rather curious.


The elegant building in front of you is the Garden of Chrysanthemums, constructed during the reign of Emperor Wanli of the Ming Dynasty. It used to be the memorial temple to Mr. Tao Yuanmin. As Tao was keen on chrysanthemums, the name of the place was thus changed into the Garden of Chrysanthemums


We can see a couplet at the entrance which reads, ―quèɡuài wǔ línɡyú,zìdònɡkǒu ɡuī lái, bǎ jīn ɡǔ yóu rén mánɡ shà; yù xún pénɡzé zǎi, wèn tián yuánān zài, wéi táo huā liú shuǐ yī rán.‖ It says that when the Wulin fisherman came back from the Land of Peach Blossoms, he revealed the Utopia to others. Consequently, numerous people came to inquire Mr. Tao Yuanming about the location of the beautiful scenery. Of course, they got no answers but the silently flowing peach blossom stream.


Entering the gate of the Garden of Chrysanthemums, we will see a big stone with the carved picture of Tao’s Picki ng Chrysanthemums at the East-ward Fence. On the back of the stone is a poem of Drinking Wine, which reads: ―While picking asters 'neath the Eastern fence,my gaze upon the Southern mountain rests.‖


This building, ancient, richly ornamented and splendid, is the Memorial Temple to Mr. Tao. On the pillar at the main entrance there is a couplet which well describes the personalities of Mr. Tao Yuanming, ―xīn ài jú, pì nì rónɡhuá, nán wéi dòu mǐ shé yāo, cí qù pénɡzé xiàn lìnɡ; xìnɡshì jiǔ, bùjífùɡuì, ɡān yuàn nán shān zhǒnɡdòu, ɡuī lái wǔ liǔ xiān shēnɡ.‖ It tells us that Tao Yuanming had a particular love for chrysanthemums, while a strong abhorrence for high positions. He would rather abandon his post as the magistrate of Pengze County than work as a humble servant for five bushels of rice. He loved wine while hated wealth. He would prefer to be a hermit and plant beans at the foot of the Southern mountain. What a man!


In the middle of the memorial temple are portraits of Mr. Tao, and on the right is his autobiography entitled the Tale of Mr. Tao Yuanming. The some thirty portraits, based on the descriptions of Mr. Tao by writers of all dynasties, give us a picture of the 61-year life of the great poet. He was designated as an official five times, while resigned five times. He would never work as a humble servant for five bushels of rice. After he resigned as the magistrate of Pengze County, he lived the rest 20 years of his farming life in optimism and simplisity.


This is Fangzhuting (the Pavilion of Square Bamboo), which was built in the 23rd year of the Reign of Emperor Wanli, the year 1595 AD in another word. This is a brick octangle structure of three gates and four windows. When President Jiang Zemin visited this place in 1995, he touched the bamboo and couldn‘t help exclaiming, ―It is really a square one‖


Along the flagstones we have arrived at the Cave of Qin People. All the cottages in sight, ancient in style, are the villagers‘ houses. They have lived in this Utopia for generations. It is interesting that most people here have got the family name Qin. Maybe they are named after the Dynasty Qin simply because they want to avert the chaos of war of the Qin Dynasty. They are very hospitable as they would invite guests to dinner with chicken and wine, and they would eagerly ask about what is happening in the outside world.


Going down the neat and ancient stone stairs, we first arrive at Qinrenju (the House of Qin People). The houses are structures of the Qin Dynasty with ancient walls, carved pillars, and upturned eaves. The interior furniture has a strong color of Qin, while the farmland, the bamboo and the mulberry trees outside bring a strong ancient atmosphere.


Outside the Qinrenju is the Bamboo Corridor, which, as the name suggests, is all neatly manufactured by bamboo. The corridor and the houses connected together are neat in structure and grotesque in shape. Seen from afar, the winding corridor looks rather like a Chinese dragon.


Unconsciously, we have arrived at the Hall of Public Discussion, a classic building of a column and tie construction, which is said to have been constructed by people of the Qin Dynasty. There are yards, stages and ponds in the hall. The Hall of Public Discussion is a place for Qin people to discuss important events. Social Events like sacrifice, weddings, funerals and house-raising are all under discussion here.


OK! This is the end of our visit to the Land of Peach Blossoms, and the end of my introduction as well. Your kind suggestions are always welcomed. Thank you all.



Dear Friends, How is everything! Welcome to Langshan, a national geological park and a place of interest in China.


Langshan is situated in the county of Xin‘ning in the southwest border area of Hunan Province. It is said that when Emperor Shundi inspected south via this county, he saw the beauty of the unique hills and marvellous rivers. Shundi stopped and exclaimed, ―What a great hill! We‘ll call it Langshan.‖ The Mountain Langshan thus got its name.


Langshan is typical of the Danxia landform. There was a continental lake tens of millions of years ago in this place. The crustal movement led to the convex bottom of the continental lake. Consequently, the present Danxia landform of red sandstones has come into being. The shape and the scope of Danxia landform here have both ranked top over similar landforms in China.


Ladies and gentlemen, here we are at the Niubishan (Hill of Ox Nostrils). Quite a special name, right? Just look at the right side of the rock, you will find a lot of holes in pair just like ox nostrils. That‘s why local residents call here the Hill of Ox Nostrils. Later, as Lei zaihao and Li Yuanfa, both leaders of peasant revolution, launched revolts here; and Shi Dakai, a famous leader of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom during the Qing Dynasty, used to station his troops here. The name was then changed into the Stronghold of Ox Nostrils.


Here we can see five big Chinese characters which reads tiān xià dì yīxiànɡ(―The First Lane Under the Sun‖). It was written by professor Chen Guoda, the denominator of Danxia landform, the famous geologists and a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, who visited Langshan in the year 1993. The widest place of the ―The First Lane Under the Sun‖ is o nly 0.8 meter in width, while the narrowest place is only 0.3. Standing in the lane, you can see neither the way in front of you nor the way behind. The only thing in sight is a line of sky above and the cliffs facing across. The superlative craftsmanship of the ―The First Lane Under the Sun‖ makes people sigh that one‘s life is as short as the width of the line of sky above. It is really a unique scenic spot in the world.


Here we are at the scenic spot of Bajiaozhai (The Octangle Mountain Village), which is located in the extremly southern border area of Langshan between Hunan and Guangxi. As there are eight peaks connected with each other, and the eight peaks lean against one another just like a lotus flower. The place thus got its name.



We are now in the scenic spot of Luotuofeng (the Camel Peak), which is typical of Danxia landform here. Please take a look at the peak Luotuofeng in front of you. Does it look like a camel coming from the distant desert? This is really the longest, the biggest and the heaviest camel in the world. Now please take a look at this side. Here we have got an up-side-down Lajiaofeng (Hot Pepper Peak), 180 meters in height. The upper circumference is about 100 meters, while the lower circumference is only 40 meters. This huge hot pepper, splendidly red all round is the symbol of the enthusiasm of Hunan People. In September, 2002, the French Spiderman Alain Robert came here for Free Solo to challenge Guiness World Record Book.


My friends, here in front of you is Zixiadong, another picturesque place filled with green mountains, limpid water and sagging willows. Don‘t mistake Zixidong for a cave. Dong refers to a village of minority ethnic groups. It is said that once an eminent monk roamed throughout China and selected this place for practising Buddhism. Every morning, he would get up, light incense and candles, air his kasaya on the top of Mountain Hongwa faced with the rosy morning cloud, and sit down to practise Buddhism. The kasaya in the sun shone with boundless radiance. Incense smoke curled up from the place. This place is therefore called Zixiadong. It is also a macca for both Buddhism and Taoism.


After we have sensed the grandour of Langshan, we will feel the tenderness of the River Fuyi. The beautiful river, whose water is quite clean and limpid, is lined up with grotesque peaks and queer-shaped rock. The River Fuyi and the world-famous River Lijiang of Guilin both originate from Mountain Mao‘er of the county of Ziyuan, Guangxi. The river got this name as the county of Xin‘ning was within the scope of the ancient Kingdom of Fuyi.


Unconsciously, here we are at the Rock of General, one of the six unique landscapes of Langshan. The rock used to be a part of a hill, which is 400 meters in height, and 40 meters in circumference. The top is relatively small, while the upper side and the lower side are of the same size. The grand figure of the rock can be clearly seen even though you are 5000 meters away.

好了,我的讲解就到这里,希望这一次崀山之行能为大家留下一个美好的回忆,谢谢大家。Well, this is the end of my introduction. I hope the visit will leave you a fantastic impression. Thank you all.



Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to Suxian ridge for sightseeing.

Suxian ridge is also famed with Niupi mountain. Legend has it that Su Dan become an immortal in the period of the Western Han Dynasty. That‘s how the ridge got its name.


Dear friends, here we are at ―Chenzhou Hotel‖. It was a common ancient inn, but has been famous for Qin Guan. When he lived here, he wrote down the well-known poem about Chenzhou Hotel, which entitled《Step Sally line ·Chenzhou Hotel》. The original Chenzhou Hotel has been destroyed in the war, and this is rebuilt in 1989 according to the construction french of Song Dynasty and folk house style of southern Hunan.


Ladies and gentlemen, now you can see a tablet named ―Sanjue monument‖, which is now listed as key protection units in Hunan Province. ―Sanjue‖ means Qin Guan‘s poem, Su Shi‘s epilogue and Mi Fu‘s calligraphy, and has a high popularity. Chairman Mao Zedong met with the leaders of Hunan Province in Changsha in 1960, he specifically mentioned this tablet. In honor of the famous literateur – Qin Guan, his bronze statue has been set up on the left side of Sanjue monument. When the players of Chinese Women Volleyball Team are training in Chenzhou, they are visiting here to relax.


Now we are at Suxian Taoist Temple. Xu Xiake, who is the famous Chinese geologist, made a visit here at last when he came to Suxian ridge. It was originally bulit in Western Han Dynasty, destroyed by fire. In the ninteenth year (731 A.D) of Kaiyuan of Tang Dynasty, Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty ordered to repair Suxian Taoist Temple. It also had been repaired in Song, Ming and Qing Dynasty. Now, the architectural style of Suxian Taoist Temple presents a Taoist temple style of Song Dynasty. Its main hall is higher than wing, for the traditional curved roof, flying eaves, Titan head mortar walls, Chinese-style tiles; wing-rooms are double-deck buildings. Above the door of the main hall is a white-marble-dragon tablet with a eight-character inscription ―Chi Feng Xu Xian Zhao De Zhen Jun‖. The inscription is written by Emperor Lizong of the Southern Song Dynasty in the fifth year (1264 A.D) of Jingding.



In front of us is ―Qujiang Room‖, which is behind Suxian Taoist Temple. After the peaceful settlement of Xi‘an Incident, General Zhang Xueliang had been locked up for life by Jiang Jieshi. In the spring of 1938, General Zhang Xueliang was imprisoned here. After the liberation, it has become a base for patriotic education, and a large number of historical d ocuments have been displayed in it. That‘s how ―Qujiang Room‖ got its name. Now let us recall General Zhang Xueliang‘s memorable days in Qujiang Room.

Yandi Mausoleum炎帝陵(易彩纯老师翻译)各位游客大家好!欢迎大家前来瞻仰炎帝陵.炎帝陵是举世闻名的始祖三陵之一,也是海内外炎黄子孙祭祖朝圣、旅游观光的胜地。炎帝神农氏是中华农耕文化的创始者,他为中华民族的始兴和繁衍作出了开创性的伟大贡献。

Welcome to Yandi Mausoleum!Yandi Mausoleum, one of the three earliest ancestor mausoleums in this world, is a famous tourist attraction favored by all Chinese people. Shennong is the ancestor of Chinese farming culture, and he made a path-breaking contribution to the development and prosperity of Chinese people and culture.


Where we are now is the Sacred Square. All the activities of sacrificing ancestors would take place at this square. Now we are in front of Shennong Grand Hall. It is built from the model of Qing buildings and looks like Imperial Palace in Beijing very much.


OK, now we are in front of the Eight Grand Pictures of Achievements. One of Shennong‘s great achievements is his converting the jute to hessian cloth and thus

making clothing, which made human society take a big step towards civilization. Here we can see the second achievement ―creating market for people to exchange goods at noon‖. Shennong advocated exchanging goods to meet people‘s needs. Next, it is the fourth achievement ―cutting woods to make bow and arrow‖ which refers that Shennong improved the hunting tool and hence improving the productive force of the society. ―Making farming tools and teaching people how to do farming‖ is the fourth achievement of Shennong. The development of new tools greatly increased the farming efficiency and thus sol ved the problem of people‘s first necessity for food. Shennong‘s fifth contribution is his ―tasting hundreds of herbs and establishing medical science‖. In order to memorize such an achievement, Chinese people regards Sheng Nong's herbal classic as the first medical book in China. And here is Shennong‘s sixth achievement: ―making pottery and smelling iron to make hatchet‖, which greatly bettered people‘s life. Then we are coming to the seventh achievement: ―cutting tung to make Qin (a Chinese musical instru ment) and smelling wire to make string‖. The invention of Qin greatly enriched ancient people‘s life and later ―Five-string Qin‖ was invented, which was also called ―Shennong Qin‖. Here we come to the last achievement: ―building houses for living‖. This id ea came from birds‘ nest. Enlightened by that birds could build their nests for a comfortable living, Shennong had a sudden idea that people could also build their own houses like birds. Therefore, many houses were built from then on, thus people began to live in their own houses instead of caves. From the above eight achievements, we can see that all of them are about people‘s daily life.


Ok, now we are at Yandi Mausoleum Grand Hall which consists of five entrances. The first entrance is Wumen. On getting through Wumen, we can see a large White marble stone which is engraved with a large inscription ―Yandi Mausoleum‖ written by Chinese president Jiang Zeming on September 4th, 1993. And on the right lies a beautiful and tame tablet deer and on the left a tablet eagle is spreading its wings to be ready to fly. They are said to be another two mothers of Yandi. The second entrance is Liting. Above

Liting, there is a big tablet wi th the inscription of ―Ancestor‘s Light Illuminating the World‖ written by CPPCC Vice Chairman Zhou Peiyuan. Next, we will come to the main hall, the highest building of Yandi Mausoleum. On these two stone pillars hangs on a pair of couplets saying ―the in vention of lei and Si laid the basis for agro-industrial system; the tasting of various herbs set a precedent for medicine‖ (Lei and Si is a type of Chinese farming tools). This couplet outlines the three major achievements of Yandi. On the top of the main hall hangs on an inscribed horizontal tablet saying ―The ancestor will be remembered by all Chinese descendents forever‖. This was written by Chen Yun at his age of 83. The main hall is also where Yandi‘s gilded statue lies. We can see that the gilded statue of Yandi sits on the magnificent altar with a smile, his left hand holding an ear of rice and his right hand two ganoderma lucidums and a bamboo basket standing between his legs. The basket is filled with some of his hand-picked herbs. Now, we are in f ront of the fourth entrance ―Tombstone Pavilion‖. Here there is a white marble stone which is engraved with seven big Chinese characters meaning ―the mausoleum of Yandi ShenNong‖; this inscription was written by Hu Yaobang, the General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, on May 5th, 1985. Behind the marble stone is Shen Nong's mausoleum,where incenses had been burning continually for thousands of years. Next, let‘s come to see Yubei(meaning ―the royal monument‖)Park. Each time after the ancestor emperors finishing the worship, a royal monument would be engraved as commemoration.


The pioneering spirit and selfless devotion of Yan di, after being inherited and carried forward by countless ancestors, have been developed into today‘s hard, unyielding national spirit, and have become the standpoint of the Chinese people.

Ok, that‘s all about our visiting today, thank you!

Mountain Tianzi 天子山(丁双梅老师翻译)


Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Mountain Tianzi for sightseeing. Very pleased to be your tour guide. We are goanna visit the nature reserve of Mountain Tianzi, acclaimed as the gem of forest and peaks. It is one of the scenic highlights in the scenic area of Wu Lingyuan. Enjoying favorable climate, Mountain Tianzi presents you fantastic natural beauty, overlooking mountains and valleys in the distance.



We can see this strange landform known as quarts sandstone landform. According to scientific research, 300millon years ago here was vast ocean. About 100million years ago, due to the impact of waves, quarts sandstone laid more than 500m deep at the bottom of the sea. Later, owing to the movements of earth‘s crust, th e land here appeared out the deep water. With small gravel washed away, the movements of rocks and rain‘s erosion, the region in the long years has formed the special quarts sandstone landform. Walk in the mountain and have an exciting experience of ―an en larged bonsai ,a minimized fairy land and gem of the forest and peaks.‖


Here we are at Shen Tangwan, the most mysterious spot of Wu Lingyuan. It has nine level of rocks. Someone once ventured into the valley only to return when he was absolutely horrified on the fourth level of about 150m deep, howling wind accompanied by mournful shrills enshrouded in the valley. In 1968, some PLA soldiers planed to cull some precious medical herbs in the valley. With guns and slings, they went down the valley. Again they were forced back when they reached the sixth level. Even seen from there, the valley looked bottomless and horrible. They also saw with telescopes some giant boas and other wild beasts. Since then, Shen Tangwan has become a world of mysteries and no one has ever set foot in it .


About 500m away from Shen Tangwan lies the Terrace for Mustering Officers where according to a legend that the son of heaven used to practice his army here. You might imagine how great the son of heaven was, practicing his arm here. Have a look at the peaks down there. At first glance, they look disorderly. With close examination, they look neat in its formation. Do they look like soldiers, energetic and dignified , going on a expedition?


In front of us is the Helong park. Entering the park, in sight is the Bronze Statue of Helong. It stands 6.5m in height , weighing more than 9 tons ( the weight of the horse included). This the largest and heaviest of all the statues of the great men of China in the past hundred years.


Not far away from the back of the statue stands the overlook of Yun Qingyan, from there you may feast your eyes on the natural beauty of West Sea. West Sea refers to a sea of pillars and peaks, stretching for miles.



Please look ahead. Not far away, charming peaks rising dramatically in uneven clusters, bear close resemblance to writing brush. This is the ―Peaks of Royal Writing Brush‖, one the ten tourism highlights of Wu Lingyuan. Legend has that after his defeat, the son of heaven burned all his official papers. When the papers were burning, he caught a glimpse of the royal writing brush, which reminded him of the past. With these writing brushes, he read official papers, wring comments. With these writing brushes, he gave orders, leading his army. After his defeat, he felt ashamed to see these writing brushes. Angry and sad, he tossed these writing brushes into the valley. When the writing brushes landed, they magically changed into the peaks—Peaks of the Royal Writing brush. The scenic spot is so famous that some stamps, official envelops and tickets have been graced by the picture of the peaks.


Dear friends, please look at the opposite side in the middle of the mountains. There you may feast your eyes on a natural beauty in mist. A slender maiden, stands gracefully, with a basket of flowers and nice smiles on her face. She is now scattering flowers to the human society , thus called as ―Fairy Maiden Presenting Flowers‖.

天子山的风景是迷人的,这里的民风也是淳朴的,这里有看不完的风景,讲不完的故事,因而有人评价天子山为―谁人识得天字面,归来不看天子山‖。但愿天子山的景色留给大家的是永远美好的回忆,希望大家下次再来天子山观光游览,谢谢!The scenery of Mountain Tianzi holds a fascination for tourists home and abroad. And the people here are simple and honest. Mountain Tianzi haves more scenic sights to offer than we can enjoy and has too many stories to tell. No wonder people speak highly of the mountain that Mountain Tianzi is beyond exploration. After visiting the mountain, you shall have no interest in visiting any other mountain.

Hopefully, you shall have pleasant and unforgettable memories of the mountain. Welcome you back to Mountain Tianzi for another sightseeing tour at your convenience. Thank you very much!


黄石寨Huangshi village (蔡隽老师翻译)


Dear friends, welcome to Zhangjiajie National Forest Park. I‘m v ery pleased to be

your guide to visit the largest v iewing platform in the park---- the Yellow Rock Village. You will regret about that you never visited Zhangjiajie if you do not visit the Yellow Rock Village. HuangShizai is the most important sight in Zhangjiajie National Forest Park. It was highly praised by a famous poet: ―It makes us surprised in five steps, astonished in seven steps and shocked in ten steps.‖ And now, let us enjoy the beautiful views.


There is an only single road to climb Huangshi/Yellow Rock Village. This road we are walking now was made by manpower more than ten years before. Listen, this is a wonderful local song in front of us from the singing platform. Well-dressed TuJia girls are welcoming ladies and gentlemen with dancing and singing. Will their songs awake your infinite imagination to seek TuJia customs and culture? Will their hospitality, simplicity and kindness bring you some relaxation and happiness that you never had? At this moment, will you comprehend the true essence of ―beautiful mountain, beautiful water and more beautiful people?‖


Look! There is a wonderful rock on the top of the peak, which has 20 meters tall with a half-opened stone box on it. In the local folklore, this is a treasure-box for classical books of King Xiang, who had treasured up his tactics books presented by Zhangliang.

大家请看前方,两山相挤,中间仅有一条通道,大有―一夫当关,万夫莫开‖的气势,这里就―南天门‖。再请大家看这边,顺着我手指的方向便是―定海神针‖,它高大挺拔,巍然屹立,似乎在用强硬的身躯支撑着整座大山。―定海神针‖与―金鞭岩‖遥遥相对,形成了一幅十分壮观的―天然壮景‖。Look ahead, this is SOUTH HEAVEN GATE. Between two narrow mountains, there is only one channel just like a Door General guard the heaven. This way, please. I am pointing a ―Magic Needle‖, which strongly stands there to support the whole mountain with its rough body. ―Magic Needle‖ and ―JingBian Rock‖ stand face to face so that a natural spectacular has been formed.


What is the solo pillar? It is the most famous scenic among the natural park--- The SOUTH-HEAVEN PILLAR and it is 300 meters high from the ground to the top of the clouds. It named after South Heaven Gate because it stands close to South Heaven Gate. It is a feature of ―WuLingYuan‖. Its top is bigger than its bottom. Although it had experienced ten t housand years‘ rain and wind, its perseverance has never lost. It is an epitome of quarts sandstone mountain forest in ―WuLingyuan‖ and it is also a log of ―International Forest Protect Day‖ of ZhangJiajie.


We can see this strange landform known as quarts sandstone landform. According to scientific research, 300millon years ago here was vast ocean. About 100million years ago, due to the impact of waves, quarts sandstone laid more than 500m deep at the bottom of the sea. Later, owing to the movements of earth’s crust, the land here appeared out the deep water. With small gravel washed away, the movements of rocks and rain’s erosion, the region in the long years has formed the special quarts sandstone landform. Walk in the mountain and have an exciting experience of “an enlarged bonsai, a minimized fairy land and gem of the forest and peaks.”


Ok, we have reached to the top of HuangShizai smoothly. Lo ok, this is ―Pick Star Platform‖. When you stand here, you will feel ―all other mountains are smaller‖, especially at night, you can feel stars are so closed that you can pick them.


Please guess what are the queers of the Six Wonder Pavilion? Mountain, water, clouds, stones, animals and plants consist of these queers accurately. Ok, so much for today, welcome to HuangShizai again. Thanks.

金鞭溪Golden Whip Brook 由蔡隽老师翻译


Hello, everybody. Today, we will visit Golden Whip Brook, which is one of the most beautiful valleys all over the world. It is honored with ever-flowing spring in 1000 years‘drought and ever-green water in 10,000 years‘ raining. The whole valley is 7.5 km long. The Golden Whip Brook is just like a blue scarf around the beauty--- ZhangJiajie. And it makes the mountains and waters show out ―three thousand unique peaks and eight hundred clean waters‖.



What kind of valley does the Gold Whip Brook belong? A famous writer ShenCongwen signs high praise for her ―The maid of ZhangJiajie‖; th e promoter WuGuanzhong came here and claimed her ―a fairy-tale world‖. Now let us follow the prints covered by Mr. Shen and Mr. Wu to uncover this mysterious veil of it.

请大家注意看左边这些奇特的植物,它就是国家一级保护植物-----珙桐。珙桐是多年生木本花卉,通常在春末夏初时节开花,花呈白色,柱头上略带一点紫红,很像鸽子的头和嘴,花身有两片又大又长的苞片,像是一对翅膀。整个花朵的形状就像放飞的鸽子,这是我国特有的珍贵树种,因而外国人亲切地称它为―中国鸽子花‖。Look, these unique plants on the left are HongTong, which is a state first-class protected plant. HongTong is a perennial root garden plant, which usually blooms in the early summer or late spring. The flowers are white and its tops are of a little purple, just like heads and mouths of the pigeons. There are two big and long clusters on the body of flowers, just like a pair of wings. The whole flower is just like a pigeon, so the foreigners nam ed it as ―Chinese Pigeon Flower‖ fondly.


Look, these luxurious and tall tower-like trees on either side of valley are metasequoia glyptostroboides---State First-class protected plants, which is a kind of ancient plant. People thought it had disappeared in the fourth glacial stage. However, Chinese botanists found it in MoDaogou, WanXian County, CiChuan Province in 1941. In 1982, more than 3,000 cherish plants besides metasequoia glyptostroboiedes were discovered. It is a huge treasure blessed by nature.


Turn right, in front of us this is a famous Gold Whip Rock, which is so high that it is closed to the clouds. Meanwhile the Gold Whip Spring is named because it crosses this rock. This rock is 378 meters high and is squared with small top peak and large bottom, just like a rising steel whip pointing at the clouds. This view makes us formidable. At the same time, it is made up of red quartz rock and limestone. In the sun, it is shining. Therefore, this rock is named Gold Whip Rock, which is the highest, steepest and most magnificent Stone Mountain in the whole scenic spots. It is highly praised: ―there are many unique mountains, but the Gold Whip Rock is more unique.‖



There are more unique sceneries. A gigantic peak on the left of the Gold Whip Rock is like an eagle, raising its head and flying in the air. Meanwhile its wing is hugging the rock powerfully, wonderfully. So it is named ―legendary eagle protects the whip‖. It is one of the hottest scenic spots in the Gold Whip Brook. Maybe you may feel so strange that why the nature is so legendary. According to scientific research, 300millon years ago here was vast ocean. About 100million years ago, due to the impact of waves, quarts sandstone laid more than 500m deep at the bottom of the sea. Later, owing to the movements of earth‘s crust, the land here appeared out the deep water. With small gravel washed away, the movements of rocks and rain‘s erosion, the region in the long years has formed the special quarts sandstone landform. Walk in the mountain and have an exciting experience of ―an enlarged bonsai, a minimized fairy land and gem of the forest and peaks.‖ When seeing them, every one feels the amazement of the nature skills.


The path winds along mountain ridges and birds sing and flowers give out fragrance. Is there anybody who saw a strange flower? Its figure is like a lobster. Right, this is a lobster flower that is a cherish herb plant. It sprouts in spring, blossoms in summer, bears fruits in autumn and falls leaves in winter.


People always say there are two clear eyes in WuLingyuan. ZiCaotan is one of the eyes. It is said that there grew a purple grass on the wall of the pond before, therefore, it is called ZiCaotan.

Here, the canal becomes wide suddenly. Water from the ShaDaogou straight has little waves after 15 meters‘ barriers. The water is just like a smooth mirror. ZiCaotan is 4 meters wide and 5 meters deep. Here is a nice place for the state second class animal ----a giant salamander .And it is also a birthplace of famous golden whip fish. Ok, so much for today. Thanks!

毛泽东故居the former resident of Mao ZeDong



Hello, ever yone! Welcome to the former resident of Mao ZeDong‖. Now, we are facing a simple and unsophisticated farmhouse .we call it Shangchangwu. And our great chairman Mao Zedong was born in this place on December 26th, 1893. Although it is a quite common farmhouse with U-shape construction in South China, it possesses beautiful views with limpid water and green mountains. Once, here lived two families, Mao‘s family and their next door neighbor. And the thirteen and a half rooms on the left hand belong to Mao‘s fam ily.


Look up! There hangs a red tablet inscribed with golden characters ―The former resident of Mao Zedong‖. The inscription was written by Chairman Deng Xiaoping on April 2nd, 1983. Now, let‘s enter into the central room. It‘s a place for Mao‘s family and their neighbors enjoying together to entertain guests. The old fashioned table and chairs here are settled as they were many years ago. Please look at this! It is called Shenkan, which is a family area of worship of God and ancestors. When chairman Mao as a child, he often helped his parents doing some housework in this place. And the big buckets here are the original items in those years.


Here we come to the kitchen. Please look at that cooking range. It is made from mud bricks according to the memory of the old people when recovering the exhibition. There is a big Brazier put in the middle of the room. The southern peasant families usually have a room to keep warm by firing wood in winter. And there is an iron hook hung above it.

It is called ―L utanggou‖ and it was used to boll water and rice. It is really a lively atmosphere when the whole family gets together and sits around the brazier to warm themselves and chat together. In the spring of 1921. It‘s around this brazier that Mao Zedong persuaded his relatives to join the revolution. After hearing his brother Mao Zenmin‘s suffering in that troubled times, Mao Zedong said that: ―yes, it is not happen on only us, but all of us in the whole country! We can‘t live without fighting against the evil. So we should do some benefit things for our society in spite of the safety of ourselves.‖ Afterwards, by the guiding of Mao Zedong, all his families devoted themselves to the revolutionary career. And there are 6 families sacrificed in the war.


Now we come into the bedroom of Mao‘s parents and Mao was born just in this room on December 26th, 1893. There are portraits of Mao‘s parents on the wall. His father—Mao Shunsheng was born in October, 1870 and was a very simple and diligent farmer. But unfortunately he died from acute febrile in his fifty in 1920.we should say that it is the father‘s industry and good housekeeping management that supported Mao Zedong out learning in his early years. This lady was Mao‘s mother—Wenshi. She was born in1867 and was not only diligent but also intelligent. This farm woman was so warm-hearted that she was always helping other neighbors. The g ood moral character of the parents gave a deep impression upon the great man. When Mao Zedong watched the portrait of his mother in 1959, he signed: ―I‘m really looks like my mother.‖ And yes, this old wooden bed in front of us is also an original one. .

这里是毛泽东的卧室.墙上的这张照片是毛泽东和母亲及两个弟弟与1919年春天在长沙的合影.当时毛泽东同志在长沙工作,小弟毛泽覃在长沙读书.因母亲病重,大弟毛泽民送母亲去省城治病,所以他们母子四人才有机会留下这唯一的一张合影,也就是这年10月毛泽东的母亲去世了,这张珍贵的照片由于在毛泽东外婆家珍藏而幸存下来. 这里是毛泽东小时候学习的地方,当年,毛泽东晚上读书就是用的这盏小油灯.毛泽东他天资聪颖,又酷爱读书,夏天的晚上蚊子特别多,他就在床边放一条凳,凳上放一盏灯,人躲到蚊帐里面,将他头伸到外面来看书.冬天,他常常躺在被子里读书到深夜.甚至在他13至15岁停学在家劳动的时候,他也刻苦攻读.

This is Mao‘s bedroom. The portrait on the wall was the group photo of Mao‘s mother, Mao‘s two brothers and himself in spring 1919 in Changsha. That year, Mao worked in Changsha and his little brother also studied in the city. Because his elder brother sent their badly sick mother to see a doctor in the provincial capital, the families had the chance to leave the memory. Also in this year‘s October, his mother died. And the cherish photo was carefully collected by Mao‘s mother‘s family. The bedroom is also the study of Mao Zedong. Look, this is the oil lamp accompanied by Mao reading in his childhood. In summer nights, there were many mosquitoes. So he put up a mosquito net

and only left his head outside to read. And in winter, he often stayed up to read books with this oil lamp. Even when he dropped out of school in his 13 to 15, he still read as many books as he could get


Your attention, please! Otherwise you‘ll miss an attic in this room. And it is in this room that the ShaoShan Branch of the Chinese Communist Party was set up. Ok, follow me please. Here is the site where MaoZedong placed his farm tools. He began his work at the age of six. From the age 13 to 15, because of lack of physical labor, he dropped out of school to work on the farm. Therefore, he was a professional farmer for two years. The water wheels and graphite here are stuff used by MaoZedong. Ok, so much for today. Hopefully, you shall have pleasant and unforgettable memories of the resident.

岳阳楼the Yueyang Tower (周清老师翻译)


Hello, everyone!Welcome to visit the Yueyang Tower. As one of the famous three towers in the south of Yangtze River, Yueyang Tower is national key cultural relic protection units and the first batch of 4A class tourism.


Yueyang Tower has four landscape features in general. First, it is historical. It was originally built in the 19th year (214 A.D.) of Jianan of eastern Han dynasty, for soldiers to rest on and watch out. In the Three kingdoms Period, Lusu, General of Wu State, trained his soldiers here and then rebuilt it as a tower to review his troops. And it has been called Yueyang Tower since the 2nd year (759 A.D) of Qianyuan of Tang Dynasty (reined by Tang Suzong), so it is the oldest tower among the famous three towers. Second, it has the most unique scenery, which contains river, lake, mountain and the town. It was said by one scholar in ancient China in his work that the good scenery of Baling (old name of Yueyang) lays in Dongting Lake, holding the mountain and swallowing the Yangtze River, being boundless with a magnificent and changeful prospect. Third, it has deep cultural heritage. The poem collections of Yueyang Tower contains thousands of famous works and great amount of couplets, plaque, screens, and calligraphy, painting and stone inscriptions. And they all contain sense of urgency of the Chinese nation. For instance, in the famous poem S tepping on the Yueyang Tower, written by Dufu, one famous poet during the Tang dynasty, the sense of urgency was shown between the lines. And also, Yueyang Tower, written by the famous poet Fan Chung-yen, developed the excellent tradition to the summit. The great philosophy of life, not pleased by external gains, not saddened by personal losses, and the sense of urgency, being the first to bear hardships, and the last to enjoy comforts, the spirit blended together in these sentences arouse the exclaim of Su Dongpo: A saint would also agree with Fan‘s words. Fourth, it is a precious cultural relic. Among the famous three towers in the south of Yangtze River, only Yueyang tower keeps its original address, original appearance, and it is the state protected historic site which has historical, art and scientific value. Now, we can see that the tower, which was repaired with the principle of keeping its original appearance in 1983, was built all by wood. That is, no masonry or iron nail was used; only wood was used to repair the tower. And also the building skill is very exquisite.


Well, dear friends, we can see the tower right in front of us. The three words ―Yue Yang Tower‖ on the plaque was written by Guo Moruo, a great contemporary poet, and now it has been recorded in the book Famous Plaque of China. Now everyone, please look, the whole tower was supported by only four pillars of Nanmu tree. Twelve golden pillars from the bottom to the roof, inside the tower make the shape of a ring, and support the second floor and twenty wooden pillars around supporting each other make a whole part. The third floor of the tower is a wooden structure of helmet type, and covered by yellow glazed tiles. The helmet type is one remarkable feature of Yueyang tower, you see, it looks like a powerful helmet of a general of the ancient times, and together with the

overhanging eaves, it seems that it is going to fly high.Now please look at the wishful cirrus-type brackets under the helmet, you may find it looks like the honeycomb, embellished by the ornamentation of dragon, hoenix and cloud. It not only supports the weight of the helmet but also makes the whole building beautiful, solemn and harmonious. So the Yueyang Tower as a building is a wonder in the aspects of aesthetics, mechanics, architectonic and technology. Entering the tower, we can see the carve screen, Yueyang Tower, the poem written by the famous poet Fan Chung-yen. The carve screen are made up of 12 piece of wood of rosewoods. 岳阳楼开始真正名扬天下,是在北宋滕子京重修岳阳楼、范仲淹作《岳阳楼记》以后。庆历四年,滕子京被贬为岳州知府,他上任后便重修岳阳楼,并请好友范仲淹写下了千古名篇《岳阳楼记》。这篇文章全文虽然仅368个字,但是内容博大,哲理精深,气势磅礴,语言铿锵,成为千秋绝唱。而―先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐‖则更成为传世名句,成为中华民族优秀知识分子崇高人格文化的积淀。《岳阳楼记》以其至高至上的思想内容和艺术魅力,流传千古而不朽,滋养着人们的心灵。

Yueyang Tower became well known since the repair by Teng Zijing in South Song Dynasty and also the born of the poem by Fan Chung-yen. Teng Zijing was demoted as the governor of Yue state, and he repaired the tower then and asked his good friend Fan Chung-yen to write the famous poem Yueyang Tower. Even if Yueyang Tower, the poem has only 368 words, as a best work, it is rich in content and contains profound philosophic theory. The two sentences Fan writes:―Be the first to worry about the troubles across the land, the last to enjoy universal happiness‖ have for thousands of years been a well-quoted dictum and represents the lofty personality of the Chinese excellent intellectuals. It spread s and nourishes people's mind with its rich content and deep thought.


In the first floor, there are praising couplets of the tower by ancient and modern celebrities. Now, let‘s step on to the third floor. Standing here, overlooking by the window, we can enjoy the great scene of holding the mountain and swallowing the Yangtze River, or we can appreciate the landscape of lakes and mountains. Well, you can find the lake and the sky are linked together, the lake and the sky are of the same color, just like the poem: ―same color of the lake and the sky, endless romantic of the wind and the moon‖, this is right our feeling of the moment, right? Now, we can see the work of Du Fu, Stepping on Yueyang Tower, and it was also written on the screen by Mao Zedong. The screen has strict layout, and as a calligraphy work, it is scribble. As a rare art treasure hanging here, it really brings brilliance to the tower.

Ok, everyone, so much for the introduction of the Yueyang Tower, welcome to visit it again, thank you!

岳麓书院Yuelu Academy (易彩纯老师翻译)


Hello, everyone! Welcome to Yuelu Academy----one of Chinese millennium institutions.

I am very glad to be your tourist guide. Now we are at the front gate of Yuelu Academy. Please look up, there is a plaque of the millennium institution. Why is Yuelu Academy known as a millennium institution? It turns out to have more than 1000 years of history since its foundation in 976 A.D., hence getting the name. Yuelu Academy, Bai Lutong Academy in Jiangxi province, Sonyang Academy and Huaiyang Academy in Henan province are known as China's four great academies.


OK, now let us experience the strong cultural information of this millennium institution. From the plane graph of Yuelu Academy, you can find that the ancient buildings of Yuelu Academy is symmetric in the layout and is formed with many in-depth courtyards. The lecture hall is located in the center of the axis, which is also the center of the whole academy. There are mainly three partial functions for Academy's building: giving lectures, storing books and doing sacrificial offering.


This is He Xi Stage, where God-rewarding activities are performed in ancient times. Zhu Xi, one of Neo-Confucians in the Song Dynasty, often got up very early to clime the Yuelu Mountain to see the sunrise; when he saw the sunrise, he often rejoiced with clapping and cheers ― He Xi, He Xi‖, which means the red sun rose up; later, Zhangshi, the president of Yuelu Academy, built a stage named He xi Stage.


Along the central axis, we come to the gate of Yuelu Academy. Please look up and you can see a horizontal inscribed board with four big Chinese characters ―岳麓书院‖(Yuelu Academy), which was bestowed by Song Zhenzong, one of Chinese emperor in Song Dynasty. Now, please look at both sid es of the couplet ―惟楚有才,于斯为
