

AMBULANT:A Fast,Multi-Platform Open Source SML Player

Dick C.A. Bulterman, Jack Jansen, Kleanthis Kleanthous, Kees Blom and Daniel Benden CWI: Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica

Kruislaan 413

1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands

+31 20 592 43 00



This paper provides an overview of the Ambulant Open SMIL player. Unlike other SMIL implementations, the Ambulant Player is a reconfigureable SMIL engine that can be customized for use as an experimental media player core.The Ambulant Player is a reference SMIL engine that can be integrated in a wide variety of media player projects. This paper starts with an overview of our motivations for creating a new SMIL engine then discusses the architecture of the Ambulant Core (including the scalability and custom integration features of the player).We close with a discussion of our implementation experiences with Ambulant instances for Windows,Mac and Linux versions for desktop and PDA devices.

Categories and Subject Descriptors H.5.1 Multimedia Information Systems [Evaluation]

H.5.4 Hypertext/Hypermedia [Navigation]. General Terms

Experimentation, Performance, V erification Keywords

SMIL, Player, Open-Source, Demos


The Ambulant Open SMIL Player is an open-source, full featured SMIL 2.0 player. It is intended to be used within the researcher community (in and outside our institute) in projects that need source code access to a production-quality SMIL player environment. It may also be used as a stand-alone SMIL player for applications that do not need proprietary mediaformats.The player supports a range of SMIL 2.0 profiles ( including desktop and mobile configurations) and is available in distributions for Linux, Macintosh, and Windows systems ranging from desktop devices to PDA and handheld computers. While several SMIL player implementations exist,including the RealPlayer [4], InternetExplorer [5], PocketSMIL [7],GRiNS [6],X-SMILES [8] and various proprietary implementations for mobile devices, we developed Ambulant for three reasons: Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists,requires prior specific permission and/or a fee.

'MM’04, October 10-16, 2004, New Y ork, New Y ork, USA.

Copyright 2004 ACM 1-58113-893-8/04/0010...$5.00. ·None of the existing SMIL players provides a complete and correct SMIL 2.0 implementation. The Ambulant player implements all of SMIL, based on the SMIL 2.0 Language profile plus extensions to support advanced animation and the needs of the mobile variant used by the 3GPP/PSS-6 SMIL specification [9].

·All commercial SMIL players are geared to the presentation of proprietary media. The Ambulant player uses open-source media codecs and open-source network transfer protocols, so that the player can be easily customized for use in a wide range of research


·Our goal is to build a platform that will encourage the development of comparable multimedia research output.By providing what we expect will be a standard baseline player, other researchers and development organizations can concentrate on integrating extensions to the basic player (either in terms of new media codecs or new network control algorithms). These extensions can then be shared by others.

In contrast to the Helix client architecture [10], which also moved to a GPL core in mid-2004, the Ambulant player supports a wider range of SMIL target application architectures,it provides a more complete and correct implementation of the SMIL language, it provides much better performance on low-resource devices and it provides a more extensible media player architecture. It also provides an implementation that includes all of the media codecs as part of the open client infrastructure.

The Ambulant target community is not viewers of media content, but developers of multimedia infrastructures, protocols and networks. Our goal has been to augument the existing partial SMIL implementations produced by many groups with a complete implementation that supports even the exotic features of the SMIL language.

The following sections provide an introduction to the architecture of the player and describe the state of the various Ambulant implementations. We then discuss how the Ambulant Core can be re-purposed in other projects. We start with a discussion of Ambulant’s functional support for SMIL.


The SMIL 2.0 recommendation [1] defines 10 functional groups that are used to structure the standard’s 50+ modules. These modules define the approximately 30 XML elements and 150 attributes that make up the SMIL 2.0 language. In addition to defining modules, the SMIL 2.0 specification also defines a number of SMIL profiles: collection of elements, attributes and attribute values that are targeted to meet the needs of a particular implementation community. Common profiles include the full SMIL 2.0 Language, SMIL Basic, 3GPP SMIL,XHTML+SMIL and SMIL

1.0 profiles.

A review of these profiles is beyond the scope of this paper(see [2]), but a key concern of Ambulant’s development has been to provide a player core that can be used to support a wide range of SMIL target profiles with custom player components.This has resulted in an architecture that allows nearly all aspects of the player to be plug-replaceable via open interfaces. In this way, tailored layout, scheduling, media processing and interaction modules can be configured to meet the needs of individual profile requirements. The Ambulant player is the only player that supports this architecture.

The Ambulant player provides a direct implementation of the SMIL 2.0 Language profile, plus extensions that provide enhanced support for animation and timing control. Compared with other commercial and non-commercial players, the Ambulant player implements not only a core scheduling engine, it also provides complete support for SMIL layout,interaction, content control and networking facilities.Ambulant provides the most complete implementation of the SMIL language available to date.


This section provides an overview of the architecture of the Ambulant core. While this discussion is high-level, it will provide sufficient detail to demonstrate the applicability of Ambulant to a wide range of projects. The sections below consider the high-level interface structure, the common

services layer and the player common core architecture.

3.1 The High-Level Interface Structure Figure 1 shows the highest level player abstraction. The player core support top-level control external entry points (including play/stop/pause) and in turn manages a collection of external factories that provide interfaces to data sources (both for standard and pseudo-media), GUI and window system interfaces and interfaces to renderers. Unlike other players that treat SMIL as a datatype [4] ,[10], the Ambulant engine has a central role in interaction with the input/output/screen/devices interfaces.

This architecture allows the types of entry points (and the moment of evaluation) to be customized and separated from the various data-sources and renderers. This is important for integration with environments that may use non-SMIL layout or special device interface processing.

3.2 The Common Services Layer

Figure 2 shows a set of common services that are supplied for the player to operate. These include operating systems interfaces, drawing systems interfaces and support for baseline XML functions.

All of these services are provided by Ambulant; they may also be integrated into other player-related projects or they may be replaced by new service components that are

optimized for particular devices or algorithms.

3.3 The Player Common Core

Figure 3 shows a slightly abstracted view of the Ambulant common core architecture. The view is essentially that of a single instance of the Ambulant player. Although only one class object is shown for each service,multiple interchangeable implementations have been developed for all objects (except the DOM tree) during the player’s development. As an example,multiple schedulers have been developed to match the functional capabilities of various SMIL profiles.

Arrows in the figure denote that one abstract class depends on the services offered by the other abstract class. Stacked boxes denote that a single instance of the player will contain instances of multiple concrete classes implementing that abstract class: one for audio, one for images, etc. All of the stacked-box abstract classes come with a factory function to create the instances of the required concrete class.

The bulk of the player implementation is architected to be platform independent. As we will discuss, this platform independent component has already been reused for five separate player implementations. The platform dependent portions of the player inc lude support for actual rendering, UI interaction and datasource processing and control. When the player is active, there is a

single instance of the scheduler and layout manager, both of which depend on the DOM tree object. Multiple instances of data source and playable objects are created. These interact with multiple abstract rendering surfaces. The playable abstract class is the scheduler interface (play, stop) for a media node, while the renderer abstract class is the drawing interface (redraw). Note that not all playables are renderers (audio, SMIL animation). The architecture has been designed to have all components be replaceable, both in terms of an alternative implementation of a given set of functionality and in terms of a complete re-purposing of the player components. In this way, the Ambulant core can be migrated to being a special purpose SMIL engine or a non-SMIL engine (such as support for MPEG-4 or other standards).

The abstract interfaces provided by the player do not require a “SMIL on Top” model of document processing. The abstract interface can be used with other high-level control

models (such as in an XHTML+SMIL implementation), or to control non-SMIL lower-level rendering (such as timed text). Note that in order to improve readability of the illustration, all auxiliary classes (threading, geometry and color handling, etc.) and several classes that were not important for general understanding (player driver engine, transitions, etc.) have been left out of the diagram.

4. IMPLEMENTATION EXPERIENCES This sectionwill briefly review our implementation experiences with the Ambulant player. We discuss the implementation platforms used during SMIL’s development and describe a set of test documents that were created to test the functionality of the Ambulant player core. We conclude with a discussion on the performance of the Ambulant player. 4.1 Implementation Platforms

SMIL profiles have been defined for a wide range of platforms and devices, ranging from desktop implementations to mobile devices. In

order to support our research on distributed SMIL document extensions and to provide a player that was useful for other research efforts, we decided to provide a wide range

of SMIL implementations for the Ambulant project. The Ambulant core is available as a single C++ source distribution that provides support for the following platforms:·Linux: our source distribution inc lude makefiles that are used with the RH-8 distribution of Linux. We provide support for media using the FF-MPEG suite [11]. The player interface is built using the Qt toolkit [12].

·Macintosh:Ambulant supports Mac OS X 10.3. Media rendering support is available via the internal Quicktime API and via FF-MPEG. The player user interface uses standard Mac conventions and support (Coca). ·Windows: Ambulant provides conventional Win32 support for current generation Windows platforms. It has been most extensively tested with XP (Home,Professional and TabletPC) and Windows-2000. Media rendering include third-party and local support for imaging and continuous media. Networking and user interface support are provided using platform-embedded libraries.

·PocketPC: Ambulant supports PocketPC-2000,PocketPC-2002andWindows Mobile 2003 systems. The PocketPC implementations provide support for basic imaging, audio and text facilities.

·Linux PDA support:Ambulant provides support for the Zaurus Linux-PDA. Media support is provided via the FF-MPEG library and UI support is provide via Qt. Media support includes audio, images and simple text.

In each of these implementations, our initial focus has been on providing support for SMIL scheduling and control functions.We have not optimized media renderer support in the Ambulant 1.0 releases, but expect to provide enhanced support in future versions.

4.2 Demos and T est Suites

In order to validate the Ambulant player implementation beyond that available with the standard SMIL test suite [3], several demo and test documents have been distributed with the player core. The principal demos include:·Welcome: A short presentation that exercises basic timing,media rendering, transformations and animation.

·NYC: a short slideshow in desktop and mobile configurations that exercises scheduling, transformation and media rendering.

·News: a complex interactive news document that tests linking, event-based activation, advanced layout, timing and media integration. Like NYC, this demo support differentiated mobile and desktop configurations.

·Links: a suite of linking and interaction test cases.

·Flashlight: an interactive user’s guide that tests presentation customization using custom test attributes and linking/interaction support. These and other demos are distributed as part of the Ambulant player web site [13].

4.3 Performance Evaluation

The goal of the Ambulant implementation was to provide a complete and fast SMIL player. We used a C++ implementation core instead of Java or Python because our experience had shown that on small devices (which we feel hold significant interest for future research), the efficiency of the implementation still plays a dominant role. Our goal was to be able to read, parse, model and schedule a 300-node news presentation in less than two seconds on desktop and mobile platforms. This goal was achieved for all of the target platforms used in the player project. By comparison, the same presentation on the Oratrix GRiNS PocketPC player took 28 seconds to read, parse and schedule. (The Real PocketPC SMIL player

and the PocketSMIL players were not able to parse and schedule the document at all because of their limited SMIL language support.)

In terms of SMIL language performance, our goal was to provide a complete implementation of the SMIL 2.0 Language profile[14]. Where other players have implemented subsets of this profile,Ambulant has managed to implement the entire SMIL 2.0 feature set with two exceptions: first, we currently do not support the prefetch elements of the content control modules; second, we provide only single top-level window support in the platform-dependent player interfaces. Prefetch was not supported because of the close association of an implementation with a given streaming architecture. The use of multiple top-level windows, while supported in our other SMIL implementation, was not included in version 1.0 of Ambulant because of pending working on multi-screen mobile devices. Both of these feature are expected to be supported in the next release of Ambulant.



T his paper describes version 1.0 of the Ambulant player, which was released on July 12, 2004. (This version is also known as the Ambulant/O release of the player.) Feature releases and platform tuning are expected to occur in the summer of 2004. The current release of Ambulant is always available via our SourceForge links [13], along with pointers to the most recent demonstrators and test suites.

The W3C started its SMIL 2.1 standardization in May, 2004.At the same time, the W3C’s timed text working group is completing its first public working draft. We will support both of these activities in upcoming Ambulant releases.


While SMIL support is becoming ubiquitous (in no small part due to its acceptance within the mobile community), the availability of open-source SMIL players has been limited. This has meant that any group wishing to investigate multimedia extensions or high-/low-level user or rendering support has had to make a considerable investment in developing a core SMIL engine.

We expect that by providing a high-performance, high-quality and complete SMIL implementation in an open environment, both our own research and the research agendas of others can be served. By providing a flexible player framework, extensions from new user interfaces to new rendering engines or content control infrastructures can be easily supported.


This work was supported by the Stichting NLnet in Amsterdam.


[1]W3C,SMIL Specification,


[2]Bulterman,D.C.A and Rutledge, L.,

SMIL 2.0:Interactive Multimedia for Web and Mobile Devices, Springer, 2004. [3]W3C,SMIL2.0 Standard Testsuite,

https://www.360docs.net/doc/4511423250.html,/2001/SMIL20/testsuite/ [4]RealNetworks,The RealPlayer 10,


[5]Microsoft,HTML+Time in Internet

Explorer 6,



[6]Oratrix, The GRiNS 2.0 SMIL Player.


[7]INRIA,The PocketSMIL 2.0 Player,

wam.inrialpes.fr/software/pocketsmil/. [8]https://www.360docs.net/doc/4511423250.html,,

X-SMILES: An Open XML-Browser for Exotic Applications.


[9]3GPP Consortium,The Third-Generation

Partnership Project(3GPP)SMIL PSS-6


https://www.360docs.net/doc/4511423250.html,/ftp/Specs/archive/26_series /26.246/ 26246-003.zip

[10]Helix Community,The Helix Player.



FF-MPEG:A Complete Solution for Recording,Converting and Streaming Audio and Video.



Qtopia:The QT Palmtop

https://www.360docs.net/doc/4511423250.html,/ [13]Ambulant Project,

The Ambulant 1.0 Open Source SMIL

2.0 Player,


[14]Bulterman,D.C.A.,A Linking and

Interaction Evaluation Test Set for SMIL,

Proc. ACM Hypertext 2004, Santa

Cruz,August, 2004.


华北电力大学科技学院 毕业设计(论文)附件 外文文献翻译 学号:121912020115姓名:彭钰钊 所在系别:动力工程系专业班级:测控技术与仪器12K1指导教师:李冰 原文标题:Infrared Remote Control System Abstract 2016 年 4 月 19 日

红外遥控系统 摘要 红外数据通信技术是目前在世界范围内被广泛使用的一种无线连接技术,被众多的硬件和软件平台所支持。红外收发器产品具有成本低,小型化,传输速率快,点对点安全传输,不受电磁干扰等特点,可以实现信息在不同产品之间快速、方便、安全地交换与传送,在短距离无线传输方面拥有十分明显的优势。红外遥控收发系统的设计在具有很高的实用价值,目前红外收发器产品在可携式产品中的应用潜力很大。全世界约有1亿5千万台设备采用红外技术,在电子产品和工业设备、医疗设备等领域广泛使用。绝大多数笔记本电脑和手机都配置红外收发器接口。随着红外数据传输技术更加成熟、成本下降,红外收发器在短距离通讯领域必将得到更广泛的应用。 本系统的设计目的是用红外线作为传输媒质来传输用户的操作信息并由接收电路解调出原始信号,主要用到编码芯片和解码芯片对信号进行调制与解调,其中编码芯片用的是台湾生产的PT2262,解码芯片是PT2272。主要工作原理是:利用编码键盘可以为PT2262提供的输入信息,PT2262对输入的信息进行编码并加载到38KHZ的载波上并调制红外发射二极管并辐射到空间,然后再由接收系统接收到发射的信号并解调出原始信息,由PT2272对原信号进行解码以驱动相应的电路完成用户的操作要求。 关键字:红外线;编码;解码;LM386;红外收发器。 1 绪论


文献信息: 文献标题:Challenges and opportunities affecting the future of human resource management(影响人力资源管理未来的挑战和机遇) 国外作者:Dianna L. Stone,Diana L. Deadrick 文献出处:《Human Resource Management Review》, 2015, 25(2):139-145 字数统计:英文3725单词,21193字符;中文6933汉字 外文文献: Challenges and opportunities affecting the future of human resource management Abstract Today, the field of Human Resource Management (HR) is experiencing numerous pressures for change. Shifts in the economy, globalization, domestic diversity, and technology have created new demands for organizations, and propelled the field in some completely new directions. However, we believe that these challenges also create numerous opportunities for HR and organizations as a whole. Thus, the primary purposes of this article are to examine some of the challenges and opportunities that should influence the future of HR. We also consider implications for future research and practice in the field. Keywords: Future of human resource management, Globalization, Knowledge economy Diversity, Technology 1.Change from a manufacturing to a service or knowledge economy One of the major challenges influencing the future of HR processes is the change from a manufacturing to a service or knowledgebased economy. This new economy is characterized by a decline in manufacturing and a growth in service or knowledge as the core of the economic base. A service economy can be defined as a system based on buying and selling of services or providing something for others (Oxford


科学论文写作的基本要点 (供作者参考,请特别留意对摘要、引言和讨论部分的写作建议和要求) 论文标题:需要准确地反映论文的内容和主题,一目了然,而且要尽可能吸引读者的注意力。 摘要:按目的、方法、结果、结论的结构撰写。其中,方法和结果应具有细化的内容。 方法部分:不能过于笼统。应有示例中体现红字部分的内容。 【示例:拟合(如何拟合?)出了相关度较高的数学模型;测量(如何测量?) 了XX系数;证明(如何证明?)了其与XX有很好的相关性;建立(如何建立?) 了XX与XX的关系模型;用实验(什么样的实验?)验证该方法的有效性。】 结果部分:不能仅是定性的词汇,应有定量数据说明达到了什么 效果。 【示例:“结果表明,该算法较好地抑制了XX的干扰,实现了XX信号的快 速提取,信噪比得到了显著的提高。”类似的描述,几乎可以放到许多论 文的摘要中,所以就失去了意义。应该定量说明,如“结果表明,该算法 能够抑制XX的干扰,使信噪比提高16 dB,相当于30次叠加平均效果, 从而可以实现XX信号的单导快速提取。”】 关键词:尽可能从题名、摘要、层次标题和正文的重要段落中抽出与主题概念一致的词和词组,选择那些最具有检索意义的术语, 避免使用过于宽泛的词汇。H-index 10,100,10 引言:旨在介绍论文所要探讨和解决的问题; 对研究背景(面)、内容(点)、工作的意义,要有实质性地描述, 以便向读者交代与问题相关的背景; 要包括对同行工作的介绍,介绍同类工作已有的结果,已研究到什 么程度,并评述相关的工作或指出存在的问题; 简要说明论文所采用的方法和贡献,以吸引读者的注意力。 材料与方法:详细描述方法的细节(试剂及仪器的生产厂家、规格,操作过程==),使用的材料,实验的步骤,理论的推导过程等。 结果:展现研究工作的新发现、新理论、新成果,应该针对表示结果的图、表等进行系统的阐述(不能只是把图和表放在论文中),并对成果进 行简要评论。 (方法和结果应是独立的两大部分。不要在一个部分内,叙述一种方 法和对应的结果;然后再叙述另一方法和对应的结果。)


文献翻译 原文 Combining JSP and Servlets The technology of JSP and Servlet is the most important technology which use Java technology to exploit request of server, and it is also the standard which exploit business application .Java developers prefer to use it for a variety of reasons, one of which is already familiar with the Java language for the development of this technology are easy to learn Java to the other is "a preparation, run everywhere" to bring the concept of Web applications, To achieve a "one-prepared everywhere realized." And more importantly, if followed some of the principles of good design, it can be said of separating and content to create high-quality, reusable, easy to maintain and modify the application. For example, if the document in HTML embedded Java code too much (script), will lead the developed application is extremely complex, difficult to read, it is not easy reuse, but also for future maintenance and modification will also cause difficulties. In fact, CSDN the JSP / Servlet forum, can often see some questions, the code is very long, can logic is not very clear, a large number of HTML and Java code mixed together. This is the random development of the defects. Early dynamic pages mainly CGI (Common Gateway Interface, public Gateway Interface) technology, you can use different languages of the CGI programs, such as VB, C / C + + or Delphi, and so on. Though the technology of CGI is developed and powerful, because of difficulties in programming, and low efficiency, modify complex shortcomings, it is gradually being replaced by the trend. Of all the new technology, JSP / Servlet with more efficient and easy to program, more powerful, more secure and has a good portability, they have been many people believe that the future is the most dynamic site of the future development of technology. Similar to CGI, Servlet support request / response model. When a customer submit a request to the server, the server presented the request Servlet, Servlet responsible for handling requests and generate a response, and then gave the server, and then from the server sent to


XXX学院 毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译 学院:计算机与软件工程学院 专业:计算机科学技术(软件工程方向) 姓名: 学号: 外文出处:GoyKakus.THE RESEARCH OFCUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT STRATEGY [J]. International Journal of Management Research & Review, 2017, 1(9): 624-635. 附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 注:请将该封面与附件装订成册。

附件1:外文资料翻译译文 客户关系管理战略研究 Goy Kakus 摘要 客户关系管理解决方案,通过为你提供客户业务数据来帮助你提供客户想要的服务或产品,提供更好的客户服务、交叉销售和更有效的销售,达成交易,保留现有客户并更好地理解你的客户是谁。本文探讨了客户关系管理模型在获得、保持与发展策略方面的优势。然而,我们对其定义和意义还存在一些困惑。本文通过考察关系营销和其他学科方面的相关文献,解释了客户关系管理的概念基础,从而对客户关系管理的知识作出了贡献。 关键词:客户关系管理模型, 客户关系管理的博弈改变者与关键策略 引言 CRM 是客户关系管理的简称。它的特征在于公司与客户的沟通,无论是销售还是服务相关的。客户关系管理这一术语经常用来解释企业客户关系,客户关系管理系统也以同样的方式被用来处理商业联系, 赢得客户,达成合同和赢得销售。 客户关系管理通常被考虑作为一个业务策略,从而使企业能够: *了解客户 *通过更好的客户体验留住客户 *吸引新客户 *赢得新客户和达成合同 *提高盈利 *减少客户管理成本 *通过服务台等工具软件,电子邮件组织者和不同类型的企业应用程序,企业业务经常寻求个性化的在线体验。 设计精良的客户关系管理包括以下特征: 1.客户关系管理是一种以顾客为中心并以客户投入为基础的服务响应,一对一的解决客户的必需品, 买家和卖家服务中心直接在线互动,帮助客户解决他


流动的:一个快速的,多平台的开放源码的同步化多媒体整合语言唱机Dick C.A. Bulterman, Jack Jansen, Kleanthis Kleanthous, Kees Blom and Daniel Benden CWI: Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica Kruislaan 413 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands +31 20 592 43 00 Dick.Bulterman@cwi.nl 摘要: 本文概述了一个出现在早期的流动性的同步化多媒体唱机。不同于其它同步化的实现,早期的播放器是一个可重组的同步化引擎,可以定制作为一个实验媒体播放器的核心。同步化唱机是一个引用了同步化多媒体引擎并可以集成在一个广泛的媒体播放器的项目。本文是以我们要创造一个新的同步化引擎为动机的综述开始的。然后论述的是早期媒体播放器的核心架构(包括可扩展性,播放器自定义的集成装置)。我们以一个关于我们在windows,Mac,Linux版本应用于台式机以及PDA设备上实施流动性例子的体验的讨论结束。 类别和主题描述符: H.5.2 多媒体的信息系统。 H.5.4 超级文本/超级媒体。 一般词汇: 试验,性能,验证。 关键词: 同步化多媒体整合语言,唱机,公开源代码,演示。 1.动机: 早期公开的同步化媒体播放器是一个非常有特色的公开源代码的同步化 2.0播放器,它以研究团体的意图被使用(在我们的研究团体内外)目的是为了研究项目的团体在需要源代码的时候可以访问生产特性的同步化播放器的网站。它也被用作一个独立的不需要专有的媒体格式的同步化播放器使用,播放器支持一系列同步化2.0配置文件(包括台式机和移动的配置)可以被分配利用在Linux,Macintosh,windows系统的台式机,PDA设备和掌上电脑。 同时现存的几个同步化播放器,包括网络视频播放软件,IE浏览器,小型同步化播放器, GRiNS ,X- GRiNS ,以及各种各样专有移动设备,我们发展流动性唱机有三个原因: 准许制作数字以及个人或者课堂使用中的的全部硬拷贝即时没有提供拷贝权限或者商业性的利益分摊,而且在第一页有这种拷贝的注意事项。服务器上有关于复制以及翻版的分发列表的通知。需要事先明确具体的许可权以及费用。 'MM’04, October 10-16, 2004, New Y ork, New Y ork, USA. Copyright 2004 ACM 1-58113-893-8/04/0010...$5.00. 现有的同步化播放器没有提供一个完整同步化2.0播放器的正确实现。早期的播放器所有的同步化工具,是以同步化2.0语言的属性为基础加上扩展功能能够支持高级的动画以及规范可移动设备以3GPP/PSS-6同步化使用. 所有的同步化播放器都是针对商业SMIL表达专有媒介。早期的播发器使用开源的媒体解码器和开源的网络传输协议,以便播放器可以轻松定制广泛的使用范围的研究计划。 我们的目标是建立一个鼓励发展类似的多媒体研究输出的平台,,我们期望的是一个标准的基线播放器的供给,其他研究人员和开发机构可以集中精力到基线播放器的集成扩展(从新媒体的解码器或新的网络控制算法任何一个中)。这些扩展可以在其它的平台上被共享。 在2004年中期,与螺旋形客户机对照,同时移动到一个GPL核心,早期的播放器支持一个广阔的范围的同步化应用指标构架,它提供了一个准确实现的更完整的同步化语言,它在低资源配置下提供了更好的性能,提供了更多可扩展的媒体播放器架构。它也提供了一个包含所有媒体解码作为部分开放的客户基础。


https://www.360docs.net/doc/4511423250.html,/finance/company/consumer.html Consumer finance company The consumer finance division of the SG group of France has become highly active within India. They plan to offer finance for vehicles and two-wheelers to consumers, aiming to provide close to Rs. 400 billion in India in the next few years of its operations. The SG group is also dealing in stock broking, asset management, investment banking, private banking, information technology and business processing. SG group has ventured into the rapidly growing consumer credit market in India, and have plans to construct a headquarters at Kolkata. The AIG Group has been approved by the RBI to set up a non-banking finance company (NBFC). AIG seeks to introduce its consumer finance and asset management businesses in India. AIG Capital India plans to emphasize credit cards, mortgage financing, consumer durable financing and personal loans. Leading Indian and international concerns like the HSBC, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, Barclays and HDFC Bank are also waiting to be approved by the Reserve Bank of India to initiate similar operations. AIG is presently involved in insurance and financial services in more than one hundred countries. The affiliates of the AIG Group also provide retirement and asset management services all over the world. Many international companies have been looking at NBFC business because of the growing consumer finance market. Unlike foreign banks, there are no strictures on branch openings for the NBFCs. GE Consumer Finance is a section of General Electric. It is responsible for looking after the retail finance operations. GE Consumer Finance also governs the GE Capital Asia. Outside the United States, GE Consumer Finance performs its operations under the GE Money brand. GE Consumer Finance currently offers financial services in more than fifty countries. The company deals in credit cards, personal finance, mortgages and automobile solutions. It has a client base of more than 118 million customers throughout the world


我国第三方物流中存在的问题、原因及战略选择 熊卫 【摘要】我国物流业发展刚刚起步,第三方物流的理论和实践等方面都比较薄弱。本文指出我国第三方物流存在的问题在于国内外第三方物流企业差距、物流效率不高、缺乏系统性管理、物流平台构筑滞后、物流管理观念落后等。分析了产生上述问题的原因,并提出了精益物流、中小型第三方物流企业价值链联盟、大型第三方物流企业虚拟化战略等三种可供选择的第三方物流企业发展战略。 【关键词】第三方物流;精益物流战略;价值链联盟;虚拟化战略 1引言 长期以来,我国国内企业对采购、运输、仓储、代理、包装、加工、配送等环节控制能力不强,在“采购黑洞”、“物流陷井”中造成的损失浪费难以计算。因此,对第三方物流的研究,对于促进我国经济整体效益的提高有着非常重要的理论和实践意义。本文试图对我国策三方物流存在的问题及原因进行分析探讨,并提出第三方物流几种可行的战略选择。 2我国第三方物流业存在的主要问题 (一)我国策三方物流企业与国外第三方物流企业的差距较大,具体表现在以下几个方面: 1、规模经济及资本差距明显。由于国外的大型第三方物流企业从全球经营的战略出发,其规模和资本优势是毫无疑问的,尤其初创时期的我国策三方物流业,本身的规模就很小,国外巨头雄厚的资本令国内企业相形见绌。 2、我国策三方物流业企业提供的物流服务水准及质量控制远不如国外同行。当国内一些企业还在把物流理解成“卡车加仓库“的时候,国外的物流企业早已完成了一系列标准化的改造。同时,国外的物流组织能力非常强大,例如德国一家第三方物流公司,公司各方面的物流专家遍布欧洲各地。如果有客户的货物需要经达不同的国家,那么欧洲各地的这些专家就在网上设计出一个最佳的物流解决方案。这种提供解决方案的能力就是这第三方物流公司的核心能力,而不像国内公司号称拥有多少条船,多少辆车。 3、我国加入WTO后物流产业的门槛降低。在物流服务业方面:我国承诺所有的服务行业,在经过合理过渡期后,取消大部分外国股权限制,不限制外国服务供应商进入


Project Budget Monitor and Control Author:Yin Guo-li Nationality:American Derivation:Management Science and Engineering.Montreal: Mar 20, 2010 . With the marketing competitiveness growing, it is more and more critical in budget control of each project. This paper discusses that in the construction phase, how can a project manager be successful in budget control. There are many methods discussed in this paper, it reveals that to be successful, the project manager must concern all this methods. 1. INTRODUCTION The survey shows that most projects encounter cost over-runs (Williams Ackermann, Eden, 2002,pl92). According to Wright (1997)'s research, a good rule of thumb is to add a minimum of 50% to the first estimate of the budget (Gardiner and Stewart, 1998, p251). It indicates that project is very complex and full of challenge. Many unexpected issues will lead the project cost over-runs. Therefore, many technologies and methods are developed for successful monitoring and control to lead the project to success. In this article, we will discuss in the construction phase, how can a project manager to be successful budget control. 2. THE CONCEPT AND THE PURPOSE OF PROJECT CONTROL AND MONITOR Erel and Raz (2000) state that the project control cycle consists of measuring the status of the project, comparing to the plan, analysis of the deviations, and implementing any appropriate corrective actions. When a project reach the construction phase, monitor and control is critical to deliver the project success. Project monitoring exists to establish the need to take corrective action, whilst there is still time to take action. Through monitoring the activities, the project team can analyze the deviations and decide what to do and actually do it. The purpose of monitor and control is to support the implementation of corrective actions, ensure projects stay on target or get project back on target once it has gone off target。


文献综述怎么写 1) 什么是文献综述? 文献综述是研究者在其提前阅读过某一主题的文献后,经过理解、整理、融会贯通,综合分析和评价而组成的一种不同于研究论文的文体。 2) 文献综述的写作要求 1、文献综述的格式 文献综述的格式与一般研究性论文的格式有所不同。这是因为研究性的论文注重研究的方法和结果,而文献综述介绍与主题有关的详细资料、动态、进展、展望以及对以上方面的评述。因此文献综述的格式相对多样,但总的来说,一般都包含以下四部分:即前言、主题、总结和参考文献。撰写文献综述时可按这四部分拟写提纲,再根据提纲进行撰写工作。 前言,要用简明扼要的文字说明写作的目的、必要性、有关概念的定义,综述的范围,阐述有关问题的现状和动态,以及目前对主要问题争论的焦点等。前言一般200-300字为宜,不宜超过500字。 正文,是综述的重点,写法上没有固定的格式,只要能较好地表达综合的内容,作者可创造性采用诸多形式。正文主要包括论据和论证两个部分,通过提出问题、分析问题和解决问题,比较不同学者对同一问题的看法及其理论依据,进一步阐明问题的来龙去脉和作者自己的见解。当然,作者也可从问题发生的历史背景、目前现状、发展方向等提出文献的不同观点。正文部分可根据内容的多少可分为若干个小标题分别论述。 小结,是结综述正文部分作扼要的总结,作者应对各种观点进行综合评价,提出自己的看法,指出存在的问题及今后发展的方向和展望。内容单纯的综述也可不写小结。 参考文献,是综述的重要组成部分。一般参考文献的多少可体现作者阅读文献的广度和深度。对综述类论文参考文献的数量不同杂志有不同的要求,一般以30条以内为宜,以最近3-5年内的最新文献为主。 2、文献综述规定 1. 为了使选题报告有较充分的依据,要求硕士研究生在论文开题之前作文献综述。 2. 在文献综述时,研究生应系统地查阅与自己的研究方向有关的国内外文献。通常阅读文献不少于30篇,且文献搜集要客观全面 3. 在文献综述中,研究生应说明自己研究方向的发展历史,前人的主要研究成果,存在的问题及发展趋势等。 4. 文献综述要条理清晰,文字通顺简练。 5. 资料运用恰当、合理。文献引用用方括号[ ]括起来置于引用词的右上角。 6. 文献综述中要有自己的观点和见解。不能混淆作者与文献的观点。鼓励研究生多发现问题、多提出问题、并指出分析、解决问题的可能途径,针对性强。 7. 文献综述不少于3000字。 3、注意事项 ⒈搜集文献应尽量全。掌握全面、大量的文献资料是写好综述的前提,否则,随便搜集一点资料就动手撰写是不可能写出好的综述。 ⒉注意引用文献的代表性、可靠性和科学性。在搜集到的文献中可能出现观点雷同,有的文献在可靠性及科学性方面存在着差异,因此在引用文献时应注意选用代表性、可靠性和科学性较好的文献。 ⒊引用文献要忠实文献内容。由于文献综述有作者自己的评论分析,因此在撰写时应分清作者的观点和文献的内容,不能篡改文献的内容。引用文献不过多。文献综述的作者引用间接文献的现象时有所见。如果综述作者从他人引用的参考文献转引过来,这些文献在他人


外文文献原稿和译文 原稿 JSP JSP (JavaServer Pages) is initiated by Sun Microsystems, Inc., with many companies to participate in the establishment of a dynamic web page technical standards. JSP technology somewhat similar to ASP technology, it is in the traditional HTML web page document (*. htm, *. html) to insert the Java programming paragraph (Scriptlet) and JSP tag (tag), thus JSP documents (*. jsp). Using JSP development of the Web application is cross-platform that can run on Linux, is also available for other operating systems. JSP technology to use the Java programming language prepared by the category of XML tags and scriptlets, to produce dynamic pages package processing logic. Page also visit by tags and scriptlets exist in the services side of the resources of logic. JSP page logic and web page design and display separation, support reusable component-based design, Web-based application development is rapid and easy. Web server in the face of visits JSP page request, the first implementation of the procedures of, and then together with the results of the implementation of JSP documents in HTML code with the return to the customer. Insert the Java programming operation of the database can be re-oriented websites, in order to achieve the establishment of dynamic pages needed to function. JSP and Java Servlet, is in the implementation of the server, usually returned to the client is an HTML text, as long as the client browser will be able to visit. JSP pages from HTML code and Java code embedded in one of the components. The server was in the pages of client requests after the Java code and then will generate the HTML pages to return to the client browser. Java Servlet JSP is the technical foundation and large-scale Web application development needs of Java Servlet and JSP support to


XXX 学院 毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译 学院:计算机与软件工程学院 专业:计算机科学技术(软件工程方向) 姓名: 学号: 外文出处:Goy Kakus.THE RESEARCH OFCUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT STRATEGY [J]. International Journal of Management Research & Review, 2017, 1(9): 624-635. 附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 注:请将该封面与附件装订成册。

附件1:外文资料翻译译文 客户关系管理战略研究 Goy Kakus 摘要 客户关系管理解决方案,通过为你提供客户业务数据来帮助你提供客户想要的服务或产品,提供更好的客户服务、交叉销售和更有效的销售,达成交易,保留现有客户并更好地理解你的客户是谁。本文探讨了客户关系管理模型在获得、保持与发展策略方面的优势。然而,我们对其定义和意义还存在一些困惑。本文通过考察关系营销和其他学科方面的相关文献,解释了客户关系管理的概念基础,从而对客户关系管理的知识作出了贡献。 关键词:客户关系管理模型, 客户关系管理的博弈改变者与关键策略 引言 CRM 是客户关系管理的简称。它的特征在于公司与客户的沟通,无论是销售还是服务相关的。客户关系管理这一术语经常用来解释企业客户关系,客户关系管理系统也以同样的方式被用来处理商业联系, 赢得客户,达成合同和赢得销售。 客户关系管理通常被考虑作为一个业务策略,从而使企业能够: *了解客户 *通过更好的客户体验留住客户 *吸引新客户 *赢得新客户和达成合同 *提高盈利 *减少客户管理成本 *通过服务台等工具软件,电子邮件组织者和不同类型的企业应用程序,企业业务经常寻求个性化的在线体验。 设计精良的客户关系管理包括以下特征: 1.客户关系管理是一种以顾客为中心并以客户投入为基础的服务响应,一对一的解决客户的必需品, 买家和卖家服务中心直接在线互动,帮助客户解决他


外文翻译 DC GENENRATORS 1. INTRODUCTION For all practical purposes, the direct-current generator is only used for special applications and local dc power generation. This limitation is due to the commutator required to rectify the internal generated ac voltage, thereby making largescale dc power generators not feasible. Consequently, all electrical energy produced commercially is generated and distributed in the form of three-phase ac power. The use of solid state converters nowadays makes conversion to dc economical. However, the operating characteristics of dc generators are still important, because most concepts can be applied to all other machines. 2. FIELD WINDING CONNECTIONS The general arrangement of brushes and field winding for a four-pole machine is as shown in Fig.1. The four brushes ride on the commutator. The positive brusher are connected to terminal A1 while the negative brushes are connected to terminal A2 of the machine. As indicated in the sketch, the brushes are positioned approximately midway under the poles. They make contact with coils that have little or no EMF induced in them, since their sides are situated between poles. Figure 1 Sketch of four-pole dc matchine The four excitation or field poles are usually joined in series and their ends brought out to terminals marked F1 and F2. They are connected such that they produce north and south poles alternately. The type of dc generator is characterized by the manner in which the field


快递服务业概述 An Overview of Express Delivery Services Material Source :A Report By US—ASEAN Business Council,2005 Author : James I. Campbell Jr. A.Characteristics of an Express Delivery Company Four major integrators : UPS, FedEx, TNT, and DHL, account for almost 85 percent of the world's express shipments. The services that these companies provide generally share the following characteristics which differentiate them from other traditional forms of delivery services: Door-to-door delivery : this includes the seamless transfer across multiple modes of transport . the “integrated” aspect of the service offered frees the customer from the need to make complex transportation arrangements for pick-up and delivery。 Close custodial control : Using sophisticated information systems that enhance security ,EDS firms maintain close custodial and administrative control over all shipments。This is particularly important to reduce the risk of loss or damage to goods in transit。 Track and trace technology : Shippers and consignees may track the precise movement and location of their shipments and confirm delivery with the use of sophisticated ‘track and trace'technology that an EDS firm provides。 Facilitation of customs clearance : EDS firms assist with customs clearance so that customers do not have to navigate bureaucratic customs regimes and the required paperwork. High level of reliability : EDS firms promise that packages will
