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∙To take notice of safe: The slippery are very crafty. = Be careful, slippery floor.(小心路滑。)[1]

∙To put out Xuanda Expressway(北京四环路). To put in Jingzhang Expressway.

(京张高速公路)= You are now leaving Xuanda Expressway. You are now entering Jingzhang Expressway.

∙Decimbing path. = Descent.(下坡路。)

∙Rain or snow day. Bridge, slow-driving.(下雨或雪天。桥,慢速行驶。河北省所有高速公路)= Slow down on bridge in case of rain or snow.(在


∙Oil gate. / Into. = Filling station 或 Petrol Station 或 Gas Station.

(加油站。)/ Entrance.(进口。)

∙Smoking is prohibited if you will be fined 50 yuan.(字面意义:如果你被罚50元的话吸烟不被允许。)= Smoking is prohibited; offenders will be fined 50 yuan.(不可吸烟,违反者将被罚款50元。)

∙Please come down from your bicycle.= Please dismount from your bicycle.


∙If you have trouble ask for the policeman.或If in trouble find police = In case of emergency call the police.(遇到紧急情况时请报警。)∙Being urgent call 110 quickly.(急,快打110。)= In case of emergency please call 110.(遇到紧急情况时,请拨打110。)——110为中国大陆的报警电话

∙When you across hard you can ring TEL xxx.(字面意义:如果你通过艰难你可以拨打电话xxx。)= In case of emergency please call xxx.(紧急时


∙Complaining tel.(字面意义:抱怨电话、投诉电话)= telephone number for complaints

∙When you leave car, please turn off door and window, take your valuable object = When you leave your car, be sure to lock your doors and windows and to take all valuables with you.(离开车时,锁好门窗,拿走贵重物品。)∙Don't forget to take your thing.= Don't forget your personal belongings.


∙Engine room is serious place.(字面意义:机房是严肃的地方)= Engine room: No unauthorised access.(机房重地;重地的意思其实就是闲人免进,只是中文通常都省略了下半句。)

∙Visit in civilisation, pay attention to hygiene!(字面意义:在文明中访问,对卫生注意!)= Attention visitors: Please be civilized and mindful of sanitation.(请文明游览,保持环境整洁。)

o注:“文明”(civilized) 一词在西方带有过时的帝国主义色彩,宜避免使用。

∙Deformed man toilet.(字面意义:变形的人厕所、畸形的(男)人厕所)/ Crippled restroom.(伤残的洗手间) = disabled toilet(残疾人厕所).

∙Carefully meet(字面意义:小心翼翼的见面)= Watch your head(小心碰头——注意不要撞到头)

∙Danger! Inhibition astraddle transgress. = Danger! No entry.(危险!


∙X Bank Shaoguan Cent Company = X Bank Shaoguan Branch.(某银行韶关分公司,此处分被误译为货币单位的分)

∙To run business = Open(营业中)

∙Drink tea(字面意义:喝茶)= Tea Break(短暂休息)

∙Many Function Hall(多功能厅,字面意义:很多功能大厅)= Multifunction Hall

∙We can't stand the sight of mattress fragrant grass = Don't step onto the grass(请勿践踏草地)

∙Fragrant fragile walnut meat biscuits = 一种坚果饼干,由达利集团制造∙Burnt meat biscuit(字面意义:烧焦的肉饼干)为一种肉味饼干

∙Please Drive Correctly(字面意义:请正确驾驶)= Please Drive Carefully (请小心驾驶)

∙New Shipu Hotel(字面意义:新Shipu酒店)= 并不是旅馆(Hotel),而是一家餐厅(restaurant)

∙Welcome to our fine restaurant(字面意义:欢迎来到我们的餐厅)= 一家旅馆中的标牌

∙Convenient noodle(方便面)= instant noodles(即食面)

∙Haw a thick soup = Hawthorn(一间承德公司制造)

∙Small two pots of heads(字面意义:小两锅的头)= 二锅头(erguotou)——一款地道菜式——出现在北京Oriental Plaza 餐单上

∙China smoke wine & A Smoke a Wine = Tobaccoist and Liquor Store(烟酒商店)

∙Japanesque Milk Cracker(日式牛奶饼干)——“Japanesque”是“日式”,和“Japanese”的意思不同.

∙Shopping's center = Shopping centre(购物中心)

∙Do not be occupying while stabilizing = Do not use the toilet while the train is stopping at a station.(火车在车站时勿用厕所)

∙Deep fried ghost variant, deep fried devil and oil fried ghost = 油炸鬼 = 油条。

∙Speaking cellphone strictly prohibited when thunderstorm = talking on cellphones not permitted during thunderstorms(雷暴时不可使用无线电话)∙Carefully slide = Beware of slippery floor(小心地滑)

∙Fuck goods(中国大陆某超市[2])= 干货,正确用法应为 "Dehydrated Food" 或"Dry Foods"。[3][4]


∙New Open = 新开幕,在台湾常使用,正确的英文应该是new opening。

∙Up / off bus pay tick cash(部份台北市公车)= Please pay your fare when boarding/alighting the bus. = 上/下车收费。(后来改成Pay when you get on / Off)
