





choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.

1. We have continued to work for one week, and the work is _____ finished.

A. all the more

B. no more

C. more or less

D. what is more

2. I forgot that I had presented him_____ a dictionary.

A. to

B. /

C. with

D. about

3. I would like to rent a house, modern, comfortable and_____ in a quiet neighborhood.

A. all in all

B. above all

C. after all

D. over all

4. The case against Robert Jones was _____ for lack of evidence.

A. discovered

B. dismissed

C. eliminated

D. resigned

5. There were some_____ flowers on the table.

A. artificial

B. unnatural

C. false

D. unreal

6. She never laughed, _____ lose her temper.

A. nor she ever did

B. or she ever did

C. or did she ever

D. nor did she ever

7. It was _____ that the queen would visit China next year.

A. produced

B. reviewed

C. exposed

D. revealed

8. The change in government is a/an _____ event of our time.

A. historic

B. historical

C. permanent

D. external

9. If you decrease the_____ of alcohol in this solution, it would be less dangerous.

A. part

B. portion

C. section

D. share

10. Only in that way_____ English well.

A. we can learn

B. we will learn

C. can we learn

D. can learn we

11. He thought the painting was of little _____, so he let me have it for only ten pounds.

A. cost

B. value

C. price

D. expense

12. _____, I agree to the plan.

A. On the whole

B. As a whole

C. At the whole

D. In the whole

13. Masked robbers _____a branch of the bank in the southern suburbs of the city last night.

A held back B. held over C. held up D. held off

14. After the surgery, Jerry’ wife tried to persuade him to stay longer in the hospital, but with

no ___.

A. affect

B. efficiency

C. effect

D. effort

15. In this terrible accident, all of the passengers in the bus ____fortunately, only some got

badly hurt.

A. surpassed

B. remained

C. maintained

D. survived

16. The teenage boy complained that his parents devoted all their time to work and______


A. missed

B. ignored

C. neglected

D. raised

17. The young teacher tried new approach _____English, which proved to be effective in

involving students in classroom activities.

A. to teach

B. to teaching

C. in dealing

D. dealing

18. The company advertised for advertised with a universit y degree_____ at least two years’

working experience.

A. plus

B. or

C. adding

D. except’

19. At the _____ stage of learning English, the learners should put an emphasis on listening

and speaking.

A. initially

B. initiate

C. initial

D. imitate

20. ____ the two months, the fourth year students will finish their graduation thesis, or they

can’t get the bachelor’s degree.

A. Through

B. Over

C. on

D. For

21. When the fire broke up, the people who lived in this building were _____ and fought

their way out.

A. scared

B. frightened

C. feared

D. panicked

22. The angry doctor _____ at the nurse for not preparing well enough for the surgery, which

made the nurse burst into tears.

A. yelled

B. shouted

C. screamed

D. cried

23. My mother seemed to have something on her mind and was _____ no mood to look at

my school report.

A. at

B. of

C. with

D. in

24. Mark Twain tried many ways to memorize his speech and finally found an__ one.

A. efficient

B. affective

C. effective

D. effect

25. Not only_____ have poorer memories they also had trouble telling important information from insignificant details.

A. did active smokers tend to

B. active smokers tended to

C. a parent would chose

D. would a parent choose

26. Bacteria is so small that_____ a microscope can it be examined.

A. upon using

B. only by using

C. after using

D. by using

27. _____ had the top designers laid down the law when women all over the world rushed to obey.

A. No sooner

B. Rarely

C. Only

D. Scarcely

28. Bacteria is s small that ______a microscope.

A. upon using

B. only by using

C. after using

D. by using

29. The middle-age people had better be careful about what they eat or they______ to gain overweigh.

A.mention B. tend C. intend D. sensible

30. Without ______ permission, visitors are not allowed to photograph these tare paintings in

the museum.

A. particular

B. particle

C. positive

D. Emphasize


questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer to each question. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Passage One

Deaths from cigarettes are likely to more than triple over the next quarter century to 20 every minute around the world, scientists warn in a new global survey. The survey covers 45 countries, 15 more than the previous study. The additional nations are from eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.

Sixty million deaths have been caused by smoking since the 1950s, the investigators estimate. They predict smoking will kill about 10 million people a year by 2020, the vast majority in developing countries where the habit continues to attract young women.

Investigators were unable to acquire smoking statistics from every country, which would allow the most precise estimates. Instead, they compared data on lung-cancer death rates among American non-smokers to the lung-cancer death rate in each country to get an estimate of the number of smoking in a nation.

The researchers said they used lung-cancer rates as the yardstick (标尺) because in developed countries, lung cancer is closely related to smoking and so seldom caused by any other factor among non-smokers.

According to the report, 10 percent of middle-age British men will die from smoking by the time they are 35 to 69 years old. In Poland, 20 percent of men are doomed to die from smoking, the researchers predict.

31. It can be inferred from the passage that now the deaths from cigarettes every minute are most close to ____.



C. 8

D. 9

32. According to the passage, in the previous report countries from ____ are not included.

A. Asia

B. America

C. the eastern Europe

D. Africa

33. One reason that more deaths from cigarettes are from developing

countries is ____ .

A. the medical conditions there are very poor

B.many women start to smoke there

C.there’s no control over cigarette advertising

D. there are more male smokers

34. Why lung-cancer is used in the research?

A. Because lung-cancer among non-smokers is mainly caused by smoking.

B. Because it’s easiest to collect information about lung-cancer.

C. Because most smokers have lung-cancer.

D. Because lung-cancer is the biggest killer of human beings.

35. Non-smokers have lung-cancer mainly because ____.

A. people around them smoke

B. they are infected by other patients

C. they work too hard

D. lung-cancer is the most widespread disease nowadays

Passage Two

Women often say they feel the effects of alcohol more than men do, even if they drink the same amount relative to body size. Now there’s medical evidence that women do become affected more quickly, in part because their stomachs are less able to break down alcohol.

Scientists have found that, in general, about 30 percent more alcohol

appears in the bloodstreams of women than of men of similar weight after up to two drinks have been consumed. And considering that men are usually bigger than women, the findings suggest that the first drink for a woman may have the same effect as the first two drinks for a man.

Some of the alcohol that people drink is broken down by a stomach enzyme(酶) and never reaches the bloodstream. Since the stomach enzyme is half as active in women as in men, more of what women drink enters the bloodstream in the form of pure alcohol. It is also found that the enzyme activity is lower in alcoholics -particularly women -who had no noticeable protection. This may help explain why more alcoholic women suffer from liver damage than alcoholic men.

36. " break down" in the first paragraph can be best replaced by ____.

A. "split into"

B. "decompose"

C. "share"

D. "cut down"

37. Which of the following statements is true based on the passage?

A. Women are affected more quickly by alcohol than men.

B. One drink a woman have may have the same effect as two drinks for a man.

C. Men can drink more alcohol than women.

D. Women are more likely to get drunk.

38. Women's stomachs are less active because ____.

A. they are of smaller size

B. they do not often exercise

C. their stomach enzyme is less active

D. they usually drink less

39. The enzyme activity is the lowest in ____.

A. women who do not drink

B. men who do not drink

C. women who often drink

D. men who often drink

40.Men may be in advantageous position over women in drinking because ____.

A. they are stronger and of bigger size

B. their livers are more resistant to liver damage

C. they have a bigger stomach

D. less alcohol they drink will appear in the bloodstream

Passage Three

Extra money does buy some happiness. But not as much as many people would think. Recently, two economists have constructed a sort of happiness index that assigns”3” to “very happy”, “2” to “pretty happy” and “1” to “not too happy”, and thus they reckon that an extra dollar provides 0.000004.9 in additional happiness. Or $10.000 would give you 0.04 units of extra happiness.

The two economists, using this index, assign a dollar value to other factors that are associate with more or less happiness. They find:

Second and following marriages are less happy than first marriages on average. A

16-year-old boy whose parents divorced has a lower level of well-being in adulthood.

Other findings include:

To bring African-Americans up to average happiness levels, they would need an extra $30.000 in annual income.

This, the authors guess, may be the impact of racial prejudice. Over the past few decades, however, their happiness level has risen. “Blacks have made up some ground,” they say.

Unemployment is highly damaging to men’s happiness. It would take $60.000 a year to make up for being jobless.

Men’s happiness has trended up. Women’s sense of well-being, though higher than that of men, had fallen” noticeably”.

Policies aimed at ending prejudice against women in fact have not increased their happiness on the whole.

The educated people tend to be happier than those who are less educated. Many people may think that this is because they have higher income that often goed with greater education. But in fact even when separated from the higher income, the educated may have a higher sense of well-being.

Happiness and life satisfaction are U-shaped according to age. In the United States, people’s sense of well-being goes down to a low around 40 and then rises.

Perhaps, the authors suggest, people adapt to their circumstances, give up some unfulfilled ambition by the middle of their lives, and enjoy life more.

Generally the number o children and siblings a person has doesn’t have an impact on both children and siblings. Some scientists found in their separate study, ” The Rising Well-Being of the Young”.

41. Extra money_____.

A. may buy some happiness

B. can buy as much happiness as people expect

C. is certain to buy some happiness

D. is impossible to buy happiness

42. Which of the following statements is not true?

A. Generally, first marriages are the happiest ones.

B. Parents’ divorce will also decrease the children’s happiness.

C. African-Americans ten to be happier than other people.

D. Being jobless will decrease men’s happiness level.

43. The passage states that _____.

A. women’s happiness level has gone down sharply

B. the educated people ten to be happier than less educated people because they have

higher income

C. women tend to be less happy than men because there exists prejudice against


D. higher income will certainly go with greater education

44. generally, _____ have the lowest sense of well-being.

A. people above 40

B. people around 40

C. people under 40

D. people under 30

45. A good title for this passage is “_____”.

A. Happiness Level

B. Happiness Index

C. Happiness and Life Satisfaction

D. Sense of Well-Being


Directions:There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best fits into the passage. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

A contract (合同) is an agreement between two or more people (46) _____ one person agrees to do something by a specified date in return for something done by (47) _____. Usually the contract is a written document signed and dated by both (48) _____. It must state clearly the consideration, that is, what is to be given or done by one person in (49) _____ for what is given or done by the other. If one person does (50) _____ was promised and the other may be sued (控告,起诉) in court and required by court order to make good. He or she (51) _____ also be required to pay for damages suffered as a result of the failure to perform. The things (52) _____ by both parties must be stated in definite terms (53) _____ the court will hold that the contract is (54) _____ vague (模糊的) and general to be enforced. (55) _____, the time period within which the work is to be done must be definite or the court will say that the document is not a contract.

46. A. in which B. that C. which D. on that

47. A. another B. the other C. other D. others

48. A. parts B. parties C. people D. aspects

49. A. replace B. payment C. change D. exchange

50. A. that B. the thing C. what D. something

51. A. need B. ought C. has D. may

52. A. to be done B. done C. to do D. being done

53. A. and B. else C. or D. so

54. A. so B. rather C. too D. over

55. A. Similar B. Similarly C. The same D. Too


the following paragraph into Chinese. Write your answer on the answer sheet.

56. Getting help is not a sign of weakness, but self-care. If you value time with family over time spent in cleaning then it makes sense to get support. Time is precious. Wouldn’t you rather spend it doing something other than fighting over whose turn it is to clean the toilet? I know I would.

Directions: Translate the following five sentences into English. Write your answer on the answer sheet.





61. 对某些人来说,金钱就是一切,而对另一些人来说,金钱却是罪恶的源泉。


高校课程补考、重修管理办法 一、补考 (一)补考对象 每学期课程考核不合格者(包括重修考核不合格者)、缓考者、学位课程不达标者,可以参加下学期初学校组织的补考。学生应按时参加补考,如果没有参加当次补考的,则视为放弃补考机会。 (二)组织管理 1. 全校性的公共课补考,教务处负责统一协调安排补考的时间和试卷印制分发;二级学院负责安排考场、监考教师、出卷、批阅试卷并负责通知学生。 2.学科基础课、专业课等其他课程由开课二级学院按照考核要求组织安排。 (三)补考安排 补考时间原则上安排在下学期开学初进行。 (四)成绩规定 补考成绩计算方式与原来课程计算方式一致,平时成绩按原修读时的平时成绩计算。补考成绩不计入学生学分绩点,只作为课程合格、学位课程达标的依据。 二、重修 (一)重修对象

修读课程学生有下列情形之一者,均可申请重修: 1.补考不及格者、学位课程经补考后仍不达标者; 2.旷考或未参加补考者; 3.因缺、旷课或缺交作业(实验报告)等原因而被取消考试资格者; 4. 对首次修读取得的成绩(或绩点)不满意者。 (二)重修方式: 1.跟班重修学生按规定申请办理选课有关手续后,跟班听课,并参加期末考试。如重修时间与正常教学时间相冲突,无法听课时,学生可以根据本人对重修课程的掌握程度申请课程(理论部分)免听课,免听课经任课教师同意、报所在学院批准,在完成实践性环节学习任务后可参加该课程的期末考核。二级学院组织任课教师对教学内容难点、重点内容进行答疑、辅导和布置作业。未经同意批准,未参加听课者不得参加该课程考核。 2.组班重修凡累计补考不及格人数达15人以上的专业课程,经教务处批准可开设重修课程班,由开课二级学院组织重修班。重修班的任课教师应按规定的授课时数安排教学内容,需要开设重修班的课程,由开课学院排定。重修班实际授课学时不少于该课程计划学时的50%,教学任务完成后由开课学院组织考核。 (三)返校重修


广西科技大学(重修班复习材料)年秋季学期期末考试 试题 (考试时间:120分钟) 一、语法词汇(每小题1分,共30分) choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. 1. Both sides exchanged their view on a wide _____ of topics they were interested in at the meeting. A. number B. range C. extend D. collection 2. Only guests of the hotel enjoy the _____ of bowling on the 9th floor. A. favor B. possibility C. advantage D. privilege 3. He came all the way to China for promoting friendship_____ for making money. A. other than B. more than C. better than D. rather than 4. _____ of them has been to Australia. A. No one B. Anyone C. Nobody D. None 5. The sign_____ people not to approach this area. A. persuades B. warns C. indicates D. marks 6. _____ doesn’t interest me whether you succeed or not. A. This B. That C. It D. Its 7. Our proposal was _____ for no reason. A. refused B. denied C. rejected D. declined 8. Failure usually comes in_____ with misfortunes. A. connection B. combination C. connection D. association 9. _____ was what his parents whished for. A. The boy’s pursuing his studies abroad B. The boy to pursue his studies abroad C. The boy was pursuing his studies abroad D. The boy pursued his studies abroad 10. When do you think the movie star is _____ to come back? A. doomed B. reasonable C. certain D. likely 11. I came here for nothing else but to see you _____. A. purpose B. propose C. to the purpose D. on purpose


2015-2016学年春季重修班及自修重考通知根据我校学生不及格情况、校区及本学期课程设置情况,现将本学期重修班 及学生自修重考安排通知如下: 一、重修班安排 1、重修班开设课程清单: 本学期将针对不及格人数较多的课程开设重修班,相应校区的学生可直接参 加重修班进行修读,课程清单见下表。具体课程上课时间安排第五周周五(4月 1日): 2015-2016学年春季学期重修班课程一览表 序号开课学院课程号课程名开课校区预计开设课堂数 1 机械学院H03010 工程图学主校区 1 2 机械学院H03201 工程材料主校区 1 3 化工学院H04001 普通化学大学道 2 4 建工学院H05001 工程制图A-1 大学道 1 5 建工学院H05003 材料力学A 大学道 1 6 建工学院H05022 建筑力学A主校区 1 7 电气学院H11009 电路-1 主校区 1 8 电气学院H11302 自动控制原理主校区 1 9 理学院H19001 高等数学A-1 大学道 1 10 理学院H19001 高等数学A-1 主校区 1 11 理学院H19002 高等数学A-2 主校区 1 12 理学院H19003 高等数学B-1 建设路 1 13 理学院H19007 高等数学D 建设路 1 14 理学院H19013 复变函数与积分变换主校区 1 15 理学院H19018 大学物理A-2 主校区 1 16 理学院H19022 大学物理B-2 大学道 1 17 理学院H19022 大学物理B-2 主校区 1 18 理学院H19037 软件设计基础VB 主校区 1 19 外语学院H20001 大学英语-1 建设路 1 20 外语学院H20003 大学英语-3 主校区 1 2、重修班重修程序: (1)重修班的课程,学生本人不用选课,教务处统一将未通过课程的所有 学生名单统一置入重修班,学生于第五周周五(4月1日)可在课表中查询具体 的上课时间地点,并按要求进行修读。


华侨大学2011年计算机网络管理重修班期末考试试卷(A) 系别考试日期 2011年 06月 2日 姓名学号成绩 一、填空题(20%,每空1分) 1.国际标准化组织ISO推出的OSI系统管理标准是CMIS/CMIP(1) 。 2.在TCP/IP网络中有一个简单的管理工具,用它来发送探测报文,可以确定 通信目标的联通性以及传输时延。这个管理工具是(2) 。 3.常见的网络管理标准有OSI (3) 、TCP/IP(4) 和TMN(5) 。 4.管理功能分为监测 (6) 和控制(7) 两部分。 5.(8) 是一个信息存储库、是通过网络管理协议可以访问信息的精确定义。 6.在网络管理系统中,代理进程通过 (9)网络管理协议与管理站对话。 7.每个网络节点都包含一组与管理有关的软件,叫做 (10) ,网络中各 节点的网络管理实体(NME)模块称为 (11) 模块。 8.把抽象数据变换成比特串的编码规则叫做 (12) 。 9.当前建立有效的网络管理模式,主要有三种 (13) 、 (14) 和 (15) 。 10.SNMP由两部分组成:一部分是 (16)SMI 的定义,另一部分是访问管 理信息库的协议规范。 11.对于不支持TCP/IP的设备,不能直接用SNMP进行管理,为此,提出了委 托代理 (17) 的概念,它可以管理若干台不支持TCP/IP的设备,并代表这些设备接收管理站的查询。 12.SMI只存储 (18) 和 (19) ,后者叫做表对象。 13.无需应答的SNMP报文是 (20) 报文 二、选择填空题(40%,每题2分) 1.在Internet网络管理的体系结构中,SNMP协议定义在(1) D A.数据链路层 B.网际层 C.传输层 D.应用层


一、选择题: 1、空气的动力粘度随温度升高 。 A .增大; B .降低; C .不变; D .不定。 2、与牛顿内摩擦定律有关的因素是 。 A .压强、速度和粘度; B .流体的粘度、切应力与速度梯度; C .切应力、温度、粘度和速度; D .压强、粘度和速度梯度。 3、流体内部某点存在真空,是指: 。 A .该点的绝对压强为正值 B .该点的相对压强为正值 C .该点的绝对压强为负值 D .该点的相对压强为负值 4、实际流体在等直径管道中流动(右图示),在过流断面1,2上有A ,B ,C 点,则下面关系式成立的是: A .; B .; C .; D . 5、总水头线与测压管水头线的基本规律之一,是: 。 A .总水头线总是沿程下降的。 B . 总水头线总是在测压管水头线的下方。 C. 测压管水头线沿程升高。 D. 测压管水头线总是沿程下降的。 6、文丘里管用于测量 。 A .流体点流速; B .流体密度; C .流体流量; D .流体点压强 7、1、2两等径管并联,沿程阻力系数相同,长度122l l ,流量为 。

A . 2 1V V q q =;B . 2 1414.1V V q q =;C . 2 14V V q q =;D . 2 12V V q q =。 8、下图的两种孔口(孔径相同)出流方式,则Q 1和Q 2的关系式正确的为: 。 A .左图21Q Q >,右图 21Q Q =; B .左图21Q Q <,右图 21Q Q =; C .左图21Q Q <,右图 21Q Q >; D .左图21Q Q >,右图 21Q Q <; 9、水和空气两种不同流体在圆管内流动,临界雷诺数Re cr 的关系是( ) A .r c Re 水.>r c Re 空气 B .r c Re 水


重修班静力学复习题 一、 是非判断题(10分) 1.若两个力的力矢量相等,12F F =r r ,则两个力等效。(×) (若两个力偶的力偶矩矢相等,12M M =r r ,则两个力偶等效)(√) 2.根据力的可传性原理,可以将构架ABC 上的作用在AB 杆的力F 移至AC 杆图示位置。 2. 图中圆盘处于平衡状态,说明力偶M 与力F 等效。(×) 3. 空间中三个力构成一平衡力系,此三力必共面。(√) 4. 空间任意力系向某一点O 简化,主矢为零,则主矩与简化中心无关。(√) 5. 空间任意力系总可以用二个力来平衡。(√) 6. 力与轴共面则力对轴的矩为零。(√) 7. 空间平行力系不可能简化为力螺旋。(√) 二 选择题(15分) 1不经计算,可直接判断出图示桁架结构的零杆数目为 C 个。 A 2; B 3;C 4;D 5 期未试题A :(6分)图示简支桁架,已知力P 、Q ,长度a ,刚杆1,2,3的内力分别为=1T ( 0 ),=2T ( -P ),=3T ( 0 )。 期未试题B (6分) 图示悬臂桁架受到大小均为F 的三个力作用,则杆1内力大小为( 0 ),杆2内力大小为( -F ),杆3内力大小为( 0 )。 2 物块重力大小为5kN G =,与水平面间的摩擦角为020f ?=,今用与铅垂线成025角的力F 推动物块,若5kN F G ==,则物块 A 。 A 保持静止; B 处于临界状态; C 向右加速滑动; D 向右匀速滑动 第二、1题图 第二、1题图

期未试题:2 物块重力大小为5kN G =,与水平面间的摩擦角为030f ?=,今用与铅垂线成050角的力F 推动物块,若5kN F G ==,则物块( A )。 补考试题:物块重力大小为5kN G =,与水平面间的摩擦角为030f ?=,今用与铅垂线成065角的力F 推动物块,若5kN F G ==,则物块( C )。 3在正方体的一个侧面,沿AB 方向作用一集中力F , 则该力对坐标轴的力矩大小为 D 。 A 对x,y,z 轴之矩全相等; B 对x,y,z 轴之矩全不等; C 只是对x,y 轴之矩相等; D 只是对x,z 轴之矩相等; 期未试卷(6分)在正方体的一个侧面,沿AB 方向作用一集中力F ,则该力对x,y,z 三轴的矩分别为Mx=( 2Fa - );My=( 2 Fa - ); Mz=( 2Fa )。 4 空间任意力系向某一定点O 简化,若主矢0≠'R ,主矩00≠M ,则此力系简化的最后结果 C 。 A 可能是一个力偶,也可能是一个力; B 一定是一个力; C 可能是一个力,也可能是力螺旋; D 一定是力螺旋。 5. 一空间平行力系,各力均平行于y 轴,则此力系的独立平衡方程组为 B 。 A 0x F =∑,()0y M F =∑r ,()0z M F =∑r B 0y F =∑,()0x M F =∑r ,()0z M F =∑r C 0z F =∑,()0x M F =∑r ,()0y M F =∑r D 0x F =∑,()0y M F =∑r ,()0z M F =∑r 4已知正方体各边长a ,沿对角线BH 作用一力F ,则该力在x 轴上的投影为 。 A 0; B /2F -; C /6F -; D /3F - (a 、2a 、3a )


学生重修管理规定 为进一步加强学风建设,严格教学管理,提高人才培养质量,根据《武汉职业技术学院学分制学籍管理办法》,结合我院实际教学工作情况,特制定艺术设计学院学生重修管理规定。 一、重修对象 学生课程修读具有以下情况之一者,该门课程必须重修: 1、缺课(包括病、事假和旷课)时间超过该门课程所在学期总学时的三分之一及以上的课程(公共课、专业课、专业理论课、实践课); 2、专业课(含项目课程、专业理论及实践课)成绩总评未达到60分的; 3、公共必修课程经一次补考后仍不及格者; 4、考试违纪、作弊、擅自缺考者; 二、重修形式 专业课程重修教学采用跟班重修,即所有参加重修的学生必须跟正常开课班级完成重修课程,如重修课程有变动的由专业负责人重新指定相关课程进行重修。公共课重修由相关院系安排重修。 三、重修程序 1、由学院办公室于学期开学第一周统计重修学生名单后交由辅导员; 2、凡接到辅导员通知后须重修的学生,在一周内由本人提出书面重修申请提交到学院办公室,学院办公室填写《艺术设计学院课程重修通知单》,一式二份,一份留存院办公室,一份交学生,逾期均不予办理。 3、院办公室出具重修通知单后发放项目学习手册,并收取项目学习手册工本费10元,未办理重修手续私自找教师重修的视为无效。 4、学院办公室依据本学期的开课课程,安排重修学生跟随相应班级进行课程重修,如本学期未开设的重修课程进入到下学期重修安排,如因重修课程变更今后不再开设的课程由专业负责人重新指定相关课程在本学期重修。 5、重修的学生凭重修通知单及项目学习手册与重修课程指导老师见面,跟随班级该课程进度按质按量完成重修。

四、重修教学管理 1、学院办公室安排重修后,学生无故不参加重修者或未达到重修课程要求的,均视重修不合格; 2、同一门课程在校期间给予两次重修机会,在学习年限结束仍不能合格的不予毕业; 3、每学期最多只能重修三门课程,每门课程每次重修均需办理重修手续; 4、学生历年累计有课程重修的,在学习年限结束后给予一年重修时间,仍不能合格的不再给予重修机会,以肄业形式办理离校手续。 5、在规定重修的期限内不办理重修手续者,该课程作不合格课程累计,不予办理毕业手续。 6、因转学、转专业、休学后复学或插班等原因确需补修相关课程的,参照本规定执行。 五、重修课程的成绩考核 1、跟班重修学生的课程考核标准与所跟班级一致,重修指导老师根据学生重修情况在项目学习手册上填写相关记录,教师工作量记录到年终额外工作; 2、学生在重修完成后将项目学习手册上交办公室,由任课教师将成绩报送院办公室。院办公室负责在学生原所在班级登录成绩,在其实际成绩旁用红笔记载重修成绩,并标注“重修”字样。 3、重修成绩的给予原则上不超过65分,第二次重修合格者成绩一律以60分记。 六、附则 1、本规定自公布之日起施行,由院办公室负责解释。 2、此前有关规定凡与本规定不一致的,以本规定为准。 二O一二年二月二十日


Part II Reading Comprehension (40%) Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. Passage One Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage. The United States court system, as part of the federal system of government, is characterized by dual hierarchies(双重等级): there are both state and federal courts. Each state has its own system of courts, composed of civil and criminal trial courts, sometimes intermediate courts of appeal(上诉), and a state supreme court. The federal court system consists of a series of trial courts (called district courts) serving relatively small geographic regions (there is at least one for every state), a tier of circuit courts of appeal that hear appeals from many district courts in a particular geographic region, and the Supreme Court of the United States. The two court systems are to some extent overlapping(重叠), in that certain kinds of disputes (such as a claim that a state law is in violation of the constitution) may be initiated in either system. They are also to some extent hierarchical, for the federal system stands above the state system in that litigants (persons engaged in lawsuits) who lose their cases in the state supreme court may appeal their cases to the Supreme Court of the United States. Thus, the typical court case begins in a trial court--a court of general jurisdiction(审判权)-- in the state or federal system. Most cases go no further than the trial court: for example, the criminal defendant is convicted (by a trial or a guilty plea) and sentenced by the court and the case ends; the personal injury suit results in a judgment by a trial court (or an out-of-court settlement by the parties which the courts suit is pending) and the parties leave the court system. But sometimes the losing party at the trial court cares enough about the cause may appeal to the next higher court 26. What does the passage mainly discuss? A) Civil and criminal trial courts. B) Trial court cases. C) The court system in the United States. D) The appeal court process. 27. According to the passage district courts are known as ________. A) circuit courts B) supreme courts C) intermediate courts D) trial courts 28. In the last sentence of the first paragraph, the phrase "engaged in" could best be replaced ________. A) committed to B) involved in C) attentive to D) engrossed in 29. The passage indicates that litigants who lost their cases in the state trial court may take them to a ________. A) different trial court in the same state B) court in a different geographic region C) federal trial court D) state supreme court 30. It can be inferred from the passage that typical court cases are ________. 学院: ________________ 姓名: ________________ 学号: ______ ______ ____ 任课教师: ______________ 考试科目: ________________ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 密 封 线 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


《》课程(□自主学习、□单独开班)重修教学方案 一、教学目的 二、教学模式 1.任课教师: 2.教学时间安排:第周—周,共计周。(单独开班课程,原则上按照学分进行授课,时间一般安排在周二下午及晚上、周五晚,如遇特殊原因,在保证学生课程不冲突情况下,可安排在其他时间) 3.线下授课时间、地点及方式(单独开班课程原则都要求课堂授课;自主学习课程至少应该3次线下授课要求): 四、教学内容 1.使用教材 2.教学进度表 章节名称时间安排 (共10周)课时安排 第一章第6周第二章第7周 第三章第8周第9周第10周第11周 第四章第12周第五章第13周第七章第14周

第八章第15周 第九章第16周第十章第17周期末考试18-19周 五、提交的材料及要求 1.具体学习笔记要求(单独开班的课程可不作硬性要求)格式见附件1 2.具体作业要求(格式见附件2) 六、考核标准与时间 (一)考核要求及成绩构成 (二)考核时间安排

附件1 2017 —2018学年第1学期 教师姓名 学生姓名 学号 班级 《基础会计理论》课程 学习笔记

第一章总论 第一节会计的意义 一、会计的产生与发展 (一)会计发展的三个阶段 ....... ....... 二、会计概念与特点 会计的概念是:会计是以货币为主要计量单位,综合反映和监督一个单位经济活动的一种经济管理活动,是经济管理的重要组成部分。 ....... ....... 第二章账户与复式记账 ....... ....... 第三章复式记账法的运用 第一节复式记账法的概述 ....... ....... 第二节供应过程的核算 一、供应过程核算的主要内容 供应过程的主要任务是:....... ....... 供应过程包括:....... ....... 供应过程核算的主要内容是:....... ....... 二、增值税概述 三、供应过程核算的账户设置(总结需要设置哪些账户,各个账户的性质以及借贷方和余额登记内容。) 四、供应过程主要经济业务的核算▲ (一)材料采购的核算(要总结典型分录,并且要有例题解析) 例如: 1、采购材料,款已付 借:在途物资 应交税费-应交增值税(进项税) 贷:银行存款


一、 单项选择题(每小题4分,共40分) 1.设向量}4,,2{},2,3,1{y b a ==,且b a ⊥,则=y ( C ). (A) 6 (B) -6 (C) 3/10- (D) 3/10 2.函数y x z -= 的定义域为( B ). (A)0,0>>y x (B)0,≥≥y y x (C) 0,>> y y x (D) 0,0≥≥y x 3.设2xy z =,则全微分dz =( C ). (A)dy y xdx 2+ (B) xdy dx y +2 (C) xydy dx y 22+ (D) dy y ydx 22+ 4.设xy e z =,则=???y x z 2( B ). (A) xy ye (B) xy xy xye e + (C) xy xe (D) xy xy ye e + 5.若0),(,0),(0000==y x f y x f y x ,则在点),(00y x 处,函数),(y x f ( C ). (A) 连续 (B) 取得极值 (C) 可能取得极值 (D) 全微分0=dz 6.二重积分dx y x f dy y y ??2),(20,改变积分次序后正确的是( C ). (A) dy y x f dx x x ??),(40 (B) dy y x f dx x x ??),(20 (C) dy y x f dx x x ? ?),(4 0 (D) dy y x f dx x x ? ?),(20 7.设积分区域为4:22≤+y x D ,则二重积分=??D dxdy ( B ). (A) π2 (B) π4 (C) π6 (D) π8 设2 2 2 :4x y z Ω++≤,则三重积分222222 ln()z x y z dxdydz x y z Ω ++++???=(D ) A. 4π B. π C. 2π D. 0 9.下列级数发散的是( B ). (A) ∑∞ =12 3n n n (B) ∑?∞=1!2n n n n n (C) ∑-∞=1123n n n (D) ∑∞=1!5n n n 10.设∑∞ =-1 )1(n n n x a 在1 3x =时条件收敛,则该级数的收敛半径为 ( B ) A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4


广西科技大学(重修班复习材料) (考试时间:120分钟) 一、语法词汇(每小题1分,共30分) this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. 1. Many difficulties have_____ as a result of the change over to a new type of fuel. A. risen B. raised C. aroused D. arisen 2. There is an undesirable_____ nowadays to make films showing violence. A. direction B. tradition C. phenomenon D. trend 3. Mrs. King is an _____ housekeeper and feeds her family cheaply. A. economic B. economy C. economical D. economized 4. Mr. Fox has a good temper. It is _____ to see him fly into rage like this. A. seldom B. least C. rare D. scarce 5. The early morning delivery didn’t_____ to the traffic jam of the busy city. A. aid B. amount C. lead D. add 6. She kept _____ by dieting and by exercising diligently. A. thin B. lean C. slim D. get by 7. The busy manager_____ a doctor about his headache a week ago. A. ought to see B. ought to have seen C. should see D. should have seen 8. Could you find someone_____? A. for me to play tennis with B. for me to play tennis C. play tennis with D. playing tennis with 9. He obtained a position in a government office through the _____ of friends. A. help B. agency C. influence D. assistance 10. Across the river_____. A. lies a new built bridge B. lies a newly built bridge C. a new built bridge lies D. a newly built bridge lies 11._____, if he does not learn he knows nothing. A. Be a man ever so clever B. A man is ever so clever C. So clever as a man ever D. Not matter how clever he 12. Although he had got the scholarship, he decided to_____ his efforts on his study.


广西科技大学(重修班复习材料) (考试时间:120分钟) 考核课程:大学英语2第一套试题 考核方式: 闭 卷 Directions: There are 30 in complete senten ces in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the senten ce. 1. Many difficulties have ____ as a result of the cha nge over to a new type of fuel. 2. There is an undesirable _____ n o wadays to make films show ing viole nee. A. direct ion B. traditi on C. phe nomenon D. trend 3. Mrs. King is an ____ housekeeper and feeds her family cheaply. A. econo mic B. economy C. econo mical D. econo mized 4. Mr. Fox has a good temper. It is _____ t o see him fly into rage like this. A. seldom B. least C. rare D. scarce 5. The early morning delivery didn't ____ t o the traffic jam of the busy city. A. aid B. amount C. lead D. add 6. She kept ____ by dieti ng and by exercis ing dilige ntly. A. thin B. lean C. slim D. get by 7. The busy manager ___ a doctor about his headache a week ago. A. ought to see B. ought to have see n C. should see D. should have see n 8. Could you find someone ____ ? A. for me to play tennis with B. for me to play tennis C. play tennis with D. playi ng tennis with 9. He obta ined a positi on in a gover nment office through the ___ of frie nds. A. help B. age ncy C. i nflue nee D. assista nee 10. Across the river ___ . 11. ____ , if he does no t lear n he knows nothing. A. Be a man ever so clever B. A man is ever so clever C. So clever as a man ever D. Not matter how clever he 12. Although he had got the scholarship, he decided to ____ his efforts on his study. A. hold up B. hold on C. keep on D. keep up A. risen B. raised C. aroused D. arise n A. lies a new built bridge C. a new built bridge lies B. lies a n ewly built bridge D. a n ewly built bridge lies


广西科技大学(重修班复习材料)年秋季学期期末考试试 题 (考试时间:120分钟) 一、语法词汇(每小题1分,共30分) marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. 1. To be an investor, one needs profound knowledge as well as a very____ imagination. A. vivid B. bright C. living D. colorful 2. The fence along the middle of the highway is devised to _____ vehicles _____ crashing into each other. A. protect…against B. safeguard…against C. warn…against D. keep...off 3. As the result of the _____, the diplomatic ties between the two countries were severe. A. incident B. accident C. event D. occurrence 4. While reading, you can______ the dictionary if you don’t understand one word. A. look at B. search for C. turn to D. get by 5.—I _____ the town life here. —Why not com to stay with us in our farm for a while? A. put up with B. got tired of C. got used to D. came up with 6. The new nurse is so kind that even those who first pushed her out ______ her. A. go to like B. turn to like C. get to like D. grow to like 7. We shall ______ forget the parting advice of our teacher. A. always not B. not always C. never D. forever not 8. My brother had a cold last week, so ______ I. A. had B. did C. am D. have 9. Not only ______ but also he plays the piano and writes his own songs. A. does john sing B. sings john C. john sings D. does he mention 10. When the bell rang, all the examinees left the exam hall, ______. A. each smiled B. each has smiled C. each to smile D. each smiling 11. I’m going to have to ______ on quite a lot of things—clothes, records and so on. A. out off B. cut away C. cut out D. cut down 12. All the students were_____ at the change in their teacher’s appearance. A. amazed B. shocked C. panicked D. frightened 13. No sooner______ by the committee than they were put into effect. A. had been the regulations approved B. had the regulations been approved
