

2013.01 1.为美受苦 2. 到何种程度


4. 在摄影棚里


6. 一位成功的女商人

7.一位作家兼讲师8. 从你开始

9.感谢赞美之辞10. 让你看上去最美是重要的(it)

11.你应该密切关注你所吃的并保持健康12. 外科整容手术

13.你的观点是什么?14. 应该由每个人来决定什么是适合自己的

15.我确实觉得(对谓语进行强调)16. 不管长相如何

17. 人们应该对自己感到满意18. 如今对外表太过强调

19. 人们很少想到(Seldom引起倒装) 20. 过分沉迷于长相的真正危险

21. 既来自饮食疾病也来自外科手术22. 碰巧没有符合

23. 社会当前的审美观24. 既然你是一个历史学者

25. 给我们一个简洁的历史观点26. 为使自己看上去更美做出可怕的事

27. 例如28. 曾经抽掉肋骨

29. 以便她们能拥有细腰30. 在一些东南亚地区拉长颈部是时髦的

31. 在非洲曾有部落拉长耳垂或嘴唇32. 我认为做某事是荒谬的(it)

33. 被社会强迫忍受如此巨大的痛苦和折磨34. 然而时代已经改变

35. 他们能自由来这里并且他们也喜欢来36. 他们看上去好像年轻了十岁(虚拟)

37. 我认为讨论这些离奇古怪的习俗是没有意义的 38. 但是过去和现在之间是没有区别的

39. 这就是为何如今数百万妇女改变身体的原因40. 她们动眼部手术、拉皮以及其他手术

41. 只是为了让其他人认为她们更美丽42. 是的,但这是她们自己的选择

43.社会仍然根据长相如何来判断人们44. 因此迫得她们担心自己的外表

45. 以貌取人是愚蠢的46. 我们应该整体判断一个人

47. 我觉得上述已很好地陈述了一些观点48. 让我们接进第一个电话吧…

49. 为了健康与美丽50. 有氧运动是最有益最美丽的锻炼形式之一

51. 任何使你的脉搏加快及呼吸加深的体育活动52. 一种有氧运动形式

53. 目的在于/旨在54. 让心和肺以更高速率运转

55. 以便给肌肉提供更多的氧气56. 有氧运动的好处包括有更强的心脏57. 更低的血压,更强健的骨骼58. 更好的睡眠,更低的身体脂肪

59. 更多的能量及更少的压力60. 有人建议…/据建议…

61. 你每周进行有氧运动3到4次,每次20到40分钟62. 只有到那时你才开始达到…(Only) 63. 达到整体健康的最佳水平64. 你心脏跳动的速度

65. 你的脉搏频率66. 你的训练有多激烈

67. 不健康但又想减肥的人们68. 做较长时间的适度的运动

69. 做需要大量能量的运动70. 竞争马拉松比赛

71. 有许多有氧运动的形式72. 包括跑步,游泳,骑车及滑雪

73. 散步是最常见的有氧运动形式74. 它是低强度的,被推荐给初学者75. 跑步适合几乎所有人76. 但重要的是记住别过度跑步

77. 你得保持适当的速度并穿上优质的鞋子(pace)78. 通过做这种均衡的轻松的锻炼

79. 我们的反应变得更快,头脑更为敏锐80. 我们变得更有效率更加高产

81. 总之(sum),有氧运动对每个人都有好处82. 它能导致更质量的生活!


83. 在森林里住着一群外貌古怪的人(完全倒装) 84. 既是歌手又是演员的周杰伦

85. 很受年轻人的欢迎86. 过马路时,注意汽车。

87. 由…决定//是…的责任88. 由他自己决定十岁生日聚会的日期89. 他不顾父亲的反对还是去踢足球了(regardless)90. 他几乎没意识到自己多么在乎名利91. 碰巧…92. 昨晚她打电话时,我碰巧在外散步。

93. 不知什么原因,他工作多年的工厂倒闭了。94. 随心所欲(做某事)

95. 如今,在大多数大学中96. 学生可自由选择他们所喜爱的课程97. 他说话的样子好像知道她去哪里了(虚拟)98. 和他理论这样的事情没用(point) 99. 建议他不要从事和他父亲一样的职业(It)100. 只有通过广泛阅读,你才能扩大知识面101.退休后102.老人培养了很多爱好,包括养猫养狗103. 工作时他没有注意调整节奏(pace) 104. 所以他的健康状况很快变差(fail) 105. 恶作剧106. 幽默网页上的这篇文章

107. 我们可以把笑话定义为能够引发笑声的话语 108. 而恶作剧则是能够引发笑声的行为109. 恶作剧是对毫不怀疑的受害者实施的诡计110. 使他或她看上去愚蠢或尴尬

111. 作者讲述了在报社工作的波茨经历的恶作剧 112. 波茨把同事当下级的印象使他不得人心113. 他的同事决定和他开个玩笑来挫挫他的傲气 114. 碰巧(it)

115. 波茨总是带同一顶帽子来上班116. 那是一种相当难看的绿色

117. 在准十点整118. 把帽子挂在门边的一个挂钩上

119. 走向自己的桌子(proceed) 120. 把过程颠倒

121. 把帽子放在头上(place) 122. 动身回家

123. 他的同事仔细检查了帽子124. 去了一家附近的商店

125. 买了极其相像但又大得多的另一顶帽子126. 当他们回到办公室

127. 所以他们用新帽子替换了旧帽子(exchange) 128. 在傍晚

129. 波茨起身离开130. 它掉下来盖住了眼睛

131. 每个人捧腹狂笑132. 令每个人惊讶的是

133. 露面/出现134. 帽子在正常位置

135. 他的同事对此很困惑136. 减少它的直径

137. 从他们藏起帽子的壁橱里138. 用同样方式使它变小

139. 用旧帽子替换了新帽子(replace) 140. 如往常一样

141. 正好黏在头顶上142. 在轮流的日子里

143. 波茨认为得了疾病,脑袋每天变大变小,于是去就医144. 没有这样的疾病

145. 一天一苹果,医生远离我。146. 笑声在我们生活中的益处

147.你是否曾经听过这样一句名言“笑是最佳良药”?148. 笑是有趣的(it)

149. 医生和研究者正告诉我们笑对健康有好处150. 甚至能预防疾病诸如心脏病

151. 笑能减少压力,降低血压及脉搏频率152. 它能加强免疫系统

153. 就像真正的药物一样帮助我们应对疼痛154. A相当于B;A等同于B

155. 每天笑100次等同于在划船器上锻炼10分钟156. 笑对我们的头脑也有好处

157. 当人们感到压力时158. 他们观看滑稽电影

159. 排遣种种情绪诸如愤怒、悲伤或者恐惧160. 这就是为什么笑正日益被用于医院161. 作为一种治疗形式162. 越来越多的医院正在鼓励病人笑163. 他们已开始在医院电视里播放喜剧片164. 在医院建议下

165. 小丑们造访医院以把笑声带给病人们166. 安排此类造访的一个团体(定从)167. 幽默基金会,一个澳大利亚慈善组织168. 经历外科手术

169. 他们用笑话、魔术、歌曲和气球鼓舞孩子们 170. 你不能否认微笑有益于你这一事实171. 任何具有幽默感及助人愿望的人都能申请172. 如果你愿意自发自愿

173. 请联系公共卫生局以得到更多详情174. 记住——一天一微笑,医生远离我!175. 关于我们自身及周边事物,颜色告诉了我们什么176. 颜色的诸多意义

177. 研究颜色及个性是科学事实及情感猜测的迷人混合178. 瑞士心理学家Max花了几近毕生研究颜色

179. 研发了一种有助于解释你的个性的颜色测试 180. 在测试中选择红色的人们

181. 精力充沛、勇于冒险并寻求兴奋刺激182. 偏爱蓝色的人

183. 冷静的、易受控的并偏爱安宁的生活184. 绿色意味着稳定,不喜欢变化且恐惧失败

185. 黄色意味着你是开放自由、野心勃勃且乐观开朗的186. 每种颜色以不同的方式影响着我们

187. 蓝色和绿色往往提醒人们想到和平宁静188. 蓝色是天空及海洋的颜色

189. 绿色是植物和树木的颜色190. 当人们看到蓝和绿等安全熟悉的颜色时

191. 人们的脉搏频率降低并感到更加放松192. 然而,红色,在自然界中是罕见的

193. 它是血液和肉类的颜色,是狩猎和伤害的颜色194. 它也是火的颜色

195. 红色使人紧张,这是极其自然的(It) 196. 当人们看到红色,脉搏频率会增加

197. 最黑暗的夜是黑色——一种常与恐惧相联的颜色198. 在日常生活中颜色常被食品业所用

199. 食品公司常使用红绿橙黄是不足为奇的(That)200.所有这些均被视作主要的“开胃”颜色

201. 有助于说服人们买下更多食物202. 快餐店出于两个理由经常使用红色

203. 它不仅刺激食欲,而且使人感觉精力充沛204. 以便他们吃完后更快离开(so that)

205.从而为更多顾客腾出地方(thus) 206. 为何银行喜欢用蓝绿褐等更严肃宁静之色就不是秘密了(It)

207. 这些颜色说服人们把银行看作安全可靠之地 208. 黄色使我们想到阳光和假日

209. 这就是为什么旅行社使用它(黄色)的原因210. 颜色也被用于旗帜

211. 超过80%的国家使用红色——行动之色——在国旗上212.淡蓝色,象征着和平,是联合国的颜色

213. 许多环境组织选择使人想到大自然的绿色作为它们的颜色214. 颜色是一种强大的工具

215. 它能被用于帮助我们,警示我们,抚慰我们,控制我们,还能促使我们买下东西。

216. 不同的文化,不同的颜色217. 不同的文化在颜色联系方面并非总是达成一致218. 取决于国家(现分作状语) 219. 无论你穿红或白去婚礼,还是你用什么颜色包装礼物

220. 那都是大有区别的(it) 221.重要的是你应该记住在不同地方不同状况下使用何种颜色222. 想要让你作为东道主在中国出差之旅给人留下深刻印象吗?223. 红色是包装礼物的最佳颜色

224. 在春节期间它被用于红包及红灯笼上,甚至是婚服的颜色,象征着幸福和繁荣

225. 避免在美国把黑色用在礼物上!226. 在美国和欧洲,黑色是穿着去葬礼的颜色

227. 因为它是黑暗和夜晚的颜色228. 在很多亚洲国家,若你身穿一身白色,就有可能毁掉聚会229. 由于它是冬天的颜色,那时植物凋零死去,在一些国家它被认为是死亡和哀悼的颜色

230. 切勿在欧洲穿着白色去婚礼!231. 只有新娘应该穿白色,因其是美德和纯洁的颜色232. 坚持男士穿正装打领带,而女士则穿漂亮连衣裙 233. 在西班牙、意大利或巴西旅行吗?

234. 那么就别想着穿紫色衣服了,因为紫色在这些国家是哀悼的颜色

235. 如果你去美国又不想被误认为是医生或护士,那么就取出白色外套吧

236. 在许多国家人们穿白色是因为它是一种令人镇静及放松的颜色


237. 把A定认为B 238. 捉弄某人

239. 由于她从不发脾气,孩子们总是捉弄她240. 用A交换B

241. 看在友情的份上,我用最爱的钢笔换了玛丽的书242. 看在…的份上/出于…的缘故

243. 用B替代A 244. 请用新电脑替换掉旧的

245. such的语序一般放在______________之后246. 没有这样的疾病

247. 许多这样的案例248. 所有这样的文件

249. 这些的一个朋友250. “强制语序”复习小结

251. A等同于B 252. 调他到另一个部门等于是解雇了他253. 付之一笑/一笑置之254. 他总是对自己的问题一笑置之

255. 把A与B相联系256. 中国人常把红色与喜庆联系在一起257. so that引导目的状从,从句中一般含有? 258. 此外,so that还可引导______状从259. 为了减轻体重,她开始节食260. 为何/怎样/何时…不再是秘密(It) 261. 我们是否会羸这场比赛还不清楚(Whether) 262.我们是否会赢这场比赛还不清楚(It) 263. 坚持;信守264. 坚持计划并努力工作

265. 尽管遇到一个又一个的失败266. 固执己见

267. 别想着/放弃做268. 要是丢了工作,他就别想买新车了269. (打开箱子等)取出某物270.女儿一到家,我就(打开箱)取出她的衣服271. 把A误认为B 272. 我看你肯定是认错人了

273. 梵高生平及作品的评论274. 许多人疑惑他是否应得这样的名声275. 他的一生并不成功276. 在他一生中没有画廊展出他的作品277. 他的名声在他死后慢慢展露278. 寻找生命中更深层次的目标

279. 当了传教士280. 在比利时的穷苦人民中

281. 与上级争吵282. 放弃了那份职业

283. 在他的余生中284. 依靠兄弟的财政支持

285. 唯一一个相信他能力的人286. 他自杀了

287. 说他疯了可能很容易288. 他很难与人相处

289. 他如此沮丧以至于切下了一部分耳朵290. 在一家精神病院度过了一年

291. 在绝大部分生命里他是清醒的292. 这些信表明了他思维的清晰

293. 他值得他现在的名声吗?(deserve) 294. 我极其崇拜他的作品

295. 他的画作是写实而非抽象的296. 与此同时

297. 使得内心的强烈感情显而易见(visible) 298. 他的画作充满了强大而真挚的情感

299. 最终夺走他生命的情感(定从) 300. 我们毋庸置疑很幸运

301. 有机会观看这些杰作302. 这是十年来的文化盛事

303. 你可能不得不花几个小时排队304. 但不要坐失良机

305. 艺术的起源306. 一些业已发现的最古老艺术作品(过分作定语) 307. 业余考古学家308. 查探他名下财产中的一个洞穴

309. 挖掘洞穴地面310. 寻找古代艺术品

311. 探索到洞穴中的另一个房间312. 忙着瞥了一眼

313. 在洞穴低矮的天花板上314. 他发现了各色图画

315. 灭绝的316. 基于他作为一名考古学家的知识

317. Satuola坚持认为画作追溯至石器时代318. 他的宣称遭到了讥嘲

319. 科学界320. 颜色太鲜亮图像太逼真以至于不可能是古人所创作321. 直到1902年这些发现才被认可是真的322. 它们为何被创作的原因仍然是个谜

323. 记录过去的狩猎或讲述故事324. 出于某种玄幻或宗教的目的

325. 我们实在是不知道(simply) 326. 他们在艺术中找到了灵感和乐趣

327. 我们脆弱的环境328. 和谐相处



授课日期时间主题定语从句知识点复习 学习目标1.复习限制性定语从句三要素,梳理和复习定语从句的基本知识及解题技巧。 2.弄清限制性和非限制性定语从句的区别和基本解题技巧。 3.定语从句中常犯错误总结。 教学内容 1、上次课后巩固作业复习; 2、互动探索 教学建议: 1. 询问一下学生是否熟悉“She”这首歌,以及这首歌的演唱者; (背景简介:Groove Coverage,中文译为舞动精灵王族,是德国新晋乐队,以其混合多种元素的舞曲风格迅速走红,驰名全欧。自2019年一首在网络上颇为受欢迎的英文舞曲God Is A Girl红遍全国各地。该舞曲幕后团体、来自德国的二人电子舞曲组合成为了继黑眼豆豆后,又一支在华拥有巨大影响力的舞曲组 合。) 2. 歌词如下:朗读(如果能演唱出来是最好的)并简单解释,让学生格外留意粗斜标红处; 3. 通过这些内容旨在借助流行音乐激发学生兴趣来导出本节课要学习的语法定语从句。

(Chorus)She is the one that you never forget She is the heaven-sent angel you met Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl She is so pretty all over the world She puts the rhythm, the beat in the drum She comes in the morning and the evening she's gone Every little hour every second you live Trust in eternity that's what she gives 定语从句 【知识梳理1】定语从句的概念 修饰某一名词或者代词的从句叫定语从句(Attributive Clause) The man(who lives next to us)sells vegetable. You must do everything(that I can do). 【知识梳理2】定语从句的分类 1.限制性定语从句:与先行词关系密切,如果没有定语从句,主句不完整,且与先行词之间无逗号。 eg: He asked me a question which was about my study at school.他问了一个有关我在学校学习的问题。如果 后面的定语从句去掉,句子意思显然不完整。 2.非限制性定语从句:对先行词起补充说明作用,如果删除,主句意义仍然完整,与先行词之间有逗号。


高二下学期英语中译英练习 Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 期初摸底 1,只要你不轻言放弃,你成为宇航员的梦想终将实现。(as long as) 2,如果你在我们出发前,帮我们提前订好机票,我们将不胜感激。(appreciate) 3,经过了多次的尝试之后,他成功地发明了一种新式的电池。(attempt n.) 4,调查显示,一些家长担心他们的孩子可能在虚拟游戏中犯罪。(concerned) 5,这座以这位杰出的建筑师名字命名的大桥是历史上的一个重要标志。(name v.) 1, As long as you don’t give up, your dream of becoming / being an astronaut will come true / be realized. 2, We would appreciate it if you could book flight tickets in advance before our departure / we leave. 3, After (he made) many attempts, he succeeded in inventing a new type of battery. 4, Research shows that some parents are concerned that their children might commit crimes in the virtual games. 5, The bridge which was named after an outstanding architect is an important symbol in history. Unit 1 1,那个地区的水不适合饮用。(fit) 2,有氧运动是最有益的最美的运动方式之一。(form) 3,到大学里学习什么专业(major)应该由你来做决定。(up to) 4,学校设立了许多旨在提高学生们的学习兴趣的选修课(selective course)。(aim) 5,现在很多的家长太注重孩子的学习成绩,忽视了他们的心理健康。(emphasis) 1, The water in that area is not fit to drink. (=is not suitable for drinking) 2, Aerobic exercise is one of the most beneficial and one of the most beautiful forms of exercise. 3, It’s up to you to decide what to major in / what major to choose / take up in the university. 4, The school has set up a good many selective courses aiming / aimed at arousing the students’ interests in learning. 5, Nowadays, many parents lay too much emphasis on the children’s academic performance / school records, neglecting / and neglect their mental health. Unit 2 1,教师在课上经常安排学生陈述对时事问题的看法,以培养学生独立思考的能力。(arrange) 2,他几乎听不进别人的建议,总是我行我素。(Seldom) 3,令人吃惊的是呼吸这样污染的空气等于每天抽十支烟。(equivalent) 4,俗话说锻炼使我们的身体强壮,学习使我们的思维敏捷。(strengthen) 5,不可否认,乐于助人,有幽默感的人会给别人带来很多快乐。(It) 1, In order to develop the students’ ability to think independently, teachers often arrange for students to state their opinions / set out their views / perspectives on current issues in class. 2, Seldom does he follow others’ advice, and he always sticks to his own way. 3, It is surprising that breathing such polluted air is equivalent to smoking 10 cigarettes a day. 4, An old saying goes that / As the old saying goes, exercise strengthens our body while study / learning sharpens our mind. 5, It can’t be denied that whoever is ready to help others and has a sense of humor is sure to bring much fun / happiness to others.

牛津上海版高二年级英语第一学期话题阅读(二)literature and art(有答案)

话题阅读(二)literature and art (A) A debate is spreading in Britain, from the far southern England to the northeast Scotland. The hunt is on to find a motto that sums up the nation in five words. However, there is a small problem. England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are not, in fact, one nation. Britain is a union, and finding a national motto that combines that union is an almost impossible task. What bright person dreamed up this hunt for a motto? British Prime Minister Gordon Brown started the debate: he suggested is as part of a public discussion to determine "the ideals and principles that combine us together as a nation". Newspapers couldn't wait to get the game started. So they asked website readers to submit their own opinions. Some of the best included "No motto please, we're British" and "Mathematically, we could still qualify", a reference to the England football team's recent surprising performances in the European championship qualifiers. The first of these won a Times Online poll. You may wonder what it really means. The suggestion is that British people don't like to make a fuss. They would rather not go to the trouble of having a motto. However, it also suggests that Britain is a place with an established historical and cultural heritage: "We don't need a motto to sum us up and we know who we are, and we have done quite well without one for over 2,000 years, thanks." The second shows British people' s ability to make fun of themselves. The England team's failure to qualify angered a lot of people, but that doesn't mean they can't make a joke about it. The press treated the motto ideas so unkindly that it was abandoned. Yet the debate it set off. While mainly lighthearted, also has a serious side. Britain is worried it is losing its cultural identity. A large number of people arrived in Britain after World War II ? The immigrants have a different sense of identity. The question is: how can we redefine Britain to include these people, and make them feel included? This will have to involve serious changing the way communities work and the government operates. People will really have to feel like they can make a difference. Muttering a motto every now and again is not going to make that happen.

上海牛津英语高二上Unit1 Translation 翻译练习

Unit 1 A 1.只有信守诺言的人才能赢得他人的信任。(word) 2.尽管身体不好,他还是坚守自己的岗位。(despite) 3.只要继续努力,你想上名牌大学的梦想一定能实现。(dream) 4.他太渴望见到久违的朋友了,以至于无法入眠。(dying) 5.在这特殊的日子里,举办一场晚会来庆祝我们的团聚怎么样?(How about) B 6.他的吸烟开支令我们惊讶不已。(expense) 7.他向父母承诺:即便很忙他也会每隔一周去看望他们一次。(promise) 8.俗话说,玩火者必自焚。(play with) 9.老师的话对我触动很大,我决定努力学习了。(touch) 10.从来没人见过比这更美丽的油画了。(Never before…) C 11.他答应6点来接我,但到现在还没有出现。(pick up) 12.别担心,我们有足够的时间在旅馆登记入住。(check in) 13.我们租好滑雪服和靴子后就按捺不住要尝试滑雪的滋味了。(wait) 14.专家指出,医疗不能代替饮食平衡在保健中的作用。(point out) 15.既然你承认自己错了,我们也就既往不咎了。(since) D 16.老师祝贺我在英语竞赛中取得了成功,这让我很受鼓舞。(congratulate) 17.如果你不将理论与实践结合起来,你的研究将毫无用处。(combine) 18.她没有理会他的粗鲁举动,尽力装作若无其事的样子。(overlook) 19.说实话,第一次与老外交流时我很紧张。(for the first time) 20.我们必须牢记:语言学习要循序渐进。(step by step) E 21.众所周知,奥运会每四年举行一次。(hold) 22.令人担忧的是,假期里孩子们花太多时间看电视。(spend) 23.妈妈很高兴看到我这学期的英语学习取得了巨大的进步。(pleased) 24.只要没有意外事情发生,我们的计划就一定能实施。(definitely) 25.学会用外语与人交流比学习单个词义更重要。(It)


上海牛津版高二新题 型

精品文档 高二新题型练习 The world’s best ethnic food How can you travel the world ___1___ leaving your own country?___2__(visit)an ethnic restaurant! ____3__(try) foods from other countries is a great way to experience different cultures. People around the world have unique and creative ways of preparing food. The ingredients they use 4 surprise you. So what are the world’s best ethnic foods? Everyone has his or her own personal favorites, and so do we. The following are the world’s three best ethnic fo ods---other than Chinese food, of course! ITALIAN When you visit an Italian restaurant, order a pasta(意大利面食) dish. The Italians have hundreds of ways of preparing this food. Pastas usually come with flavorful tomato or cream sauces, which give the dishes a powerful, rich flavor. There are also different kinds of cheese. When ordering Italian food, you choose one main dish for yourself. You may, however, order an appetizer to share with everyone at the table. MEXICAN What’s great about Mexican food? Most of it you can pick up and eat with your hands! One major Mexican food is the tortilla(尤指墨西哥人食用的玉米薄饼). Mexican chefs mold this corn or flour-based material into round, flat shapes. The tortilla then gets filled with ingredients such as cheese, meat, sour cream, beans and other vegetables. Tortilla dishes can be fried, baked or toasted. Don’t forget to add hot sauce---Mexican food is great __5__ a bit of spice! INDIAN India is the land of curries and strong flavors. You can smell a good Indian restaurant even __6__ you walk through the door! The eating method of Indian food also takes a bit of getting used to. Peal off some flat fried bread and use this “spoon” to get food from a shared dish. You can finish the meal with Indian-style milk tea. While Chinese food is great, try something new and expand your horizons. After all, variety is the spice of life! 1.without 2. Visit 3.trying 4.may 5. With 6.before The global drink Tea, the global drink, is consumed around the world more than any other drink ____ water. ______(originate) in China, tea has long established _____ as the national drink of this country, the nation with the biggest population on earth. 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除


(一) ? 1.为了保持健康,他每天早起,且每天至少做20分钟的运动。(in order to) ? 2.为了期中考试考好,我必须认真仔细复习我所学过的知识。(so that) ? 3.即使工作做为教师很辛苦,但我仍然喜欢它。(even though) ? 4.尽管Anna 升职了,但她仍然感到很不开心。(despite) ? 5.一旦你做出承诺,你就必须信守诺言。(keep one’s word) ? 6.尽管遇到一些困难,最终她还是提前完成了任务。(in spite of;manage) ?7.他在这篇论文中提及到这个问题,但没有做深入分析。(refer) ?8.无论我们做什么,我们都应将理论与实践相结合。(combine) ?9.Mingming 昨天被他的老师批评了(criticize),因为他被抓到在考试中作弊。(be caught cheating) ?10.如果你方便的话,请帮我在书店买一本有关儿童教育的书。(convenient) 答案:(一) 1. In order to keep healthy(fit),he gets up early and does at least 20 minutes of exercise every day. 2. I must go over (review) what I have learned carefully so that I can do well in the middle exam. 3. Even though working as a teacher is very difficult/hard, I still enjoy it. 4. Despite Anna’s promotion, she still felt unhappy. 5. Once you have made a promise, you must keep your word. 6. In spite of some difficulties, she still managed to finish the task in advance. 7. He referred to the problem in this essay(paper),but (he)didn’t make a deeper analysis of it. 8. No matter what /whatever we do, we should combine theory with practice. 9. Mingming was criticized by his teacher yesterday, because he was caught cheating in the exam.


Tattooing is an ancient art. It has always been done in the same way-pricking holes through the skin and inserting colored substances and dyes. In 1948, a Russian archeologist opened a Siberian burial chamber from about 500 BC and found the frozen remains of a man and woman. Tattoos covered the man's arms, legs, and much of his trunk. The pictures were artistic and complex. Frozen art! In October of 1991, a 5000 year old frozen body was discovered near Italy. The corpse was very well preserved and had with it clothing, a bow and arrow, a bronze ax, and flint. But what was more amazing was that the body was tattooed with several crosses and straight lines. Tattooing instruments have been found at archaeological digs in Europe that place the time as early as 10,000 BC. These instruments were disks made of clay with sharp, bone needles placed in holes on the top. Figures were found with designs painted on them to resemble tattoos. Egyptian mummies dating about 1300 BC have been discovered with blue tattoos on the skin. The North American Indians used thorns to pierce the skin in designs and then rubbed charcoal into the holes, making a permanent tattoo. Not to mention, a painful one! In the 19th century, even the Prince of Wales had a Jerusalem cross tattooed on his arm. Later, both his sons had dragon tattoos applied. The earliest mention in the United States is in the 1800's, when sailors brought back the idea. Many sailors had tattoos of Christ or the cross inked on their backs to discourage the captain giving them back lashes for punishment. Tawhaiao Potatau Whero, a Maori chief, 19th century. The Japanese and the Burmese have since done the most elaborate tattooing in the world, sometimes covering their entire bodies with ink. Eventually, tattooing was used as a punishment in Japan and China and became illegal otherwise. It made a comeback, though, in

牛津上海版高二年级英语第一学期话题阅读(二)science and technology(有答案)

话题阅读(二)science and technology (A) What is an insect? Insects of all kinds have existed on earth for millions of years. Sometimes we think of all insects as pests. Human life, however, would have a difficult time continuing without insects, because they pollinate plants and are a food source for many animals. Besides, insects, especially the social ones, are fascinating. One very interesting and useful social insect is the honey bee. Bees are considered social insects because they live and work together. They cooperate and communicate in order to survive. The bee lives in a beehive with other worker bees, and with the queen, who can lay thousands of eggs a day. The worker bees make wax used to create new cells inside the hive. Humans use this valuable beeswax in candles, cosmetics, expensive furniture polish, and other products. They also produce honey, a valuable food for humans (as well as for bees). Another fascinating social insect is the ant. Many types of ants live in colonies underground. There thousands of them build and maintain their "city". They keep it clean and free of enemies. They also cooperate to provide food, sometimes in a manner that looks human. For example, some ants actually raise their own food. One type of ant "farmer" keeps and cares for tiny insects that suck sweet sap from plants. Ant farmers milk them for the sap, just like actual farmers milk cows. The sap is then given as food to young ants and to the queen, whose main duty is to lay eggs. Another type of ant that produces its own food does so by gardening. These farmer ants take pieces of leaves into the colony and chew them up. The soft, chewed up leaves then sprout a fungus that the worker ants use to feed the queen and young ants. There are many other ways that ants cooperate to maintain and protect their colonies. There are also many other kinds of social insects. What makes them all so fascinating is their organization. Although each insect has certain tasks to perform, the entire hive or colony appears to function as one living organism. Word Bank beehive n. 蜂窝sap n. 汁液 sprout v. 涌出beewax n. 蜂蜡 13. What does the word "pollinate" probably mean? A. Fertilize. B. Provide. C. Cultivate. D. Harvest.


上海市牛津版英语高二下Unit6知识梳理 Unit 6 Problems and solutions 知识要点梳理 V ocabulary cosmetics n.化妆品face cream 面霜persuasive adj.有说服力的;令人信服的 advertising n.做广告campaign n.运动anti-ageing adj.看衰老的 present v.呈现packaging n.包装材料double v. 加倍;是...的两倍 poison v.使中毒blind v.使失明force-feed v.强迫进食 injection n.注射drip v.滴入amazing adj.令人惊奇的;令人惊喜的 unconventional 不因循守旧;新奇的principle n.规则 revolutionize v.改革limitation n.局限;缺陷recycle v.回收利用 refill v.再装满unique adj.独一无二的;独特的campaign v.开展运动 remarkably adv.不寻常地;突出地alternative adj.供选择的global adj.全球的 publicity n.公众的注意;媒体的注意hold v.举办;进行publicize v.宣传 pro-environment adj.支持保护环境的substance n.物质take the lead 带头 make up 组成tube n.软管wrapper n.包装材料

transport v.运输;运送cardboard n.卡纸板end up 结束;告终landfill n.垃圾填埋地take up 占去;占据stink v.发恶臭 leak v. 漏;透carton n.硬纸盒appropriate adj.合适的;恰当的 sort v. 整理;把....分类process v.加工do one`s part 尽自己的职责 句型 1.It promises that your dreams will come true if you use a certain type of shampoo or face cream. 2.In 1991,Germany took the lead by requiring companies to recycle the packaging used for their goods. 3.She thought it was immoral to make false promises about the qualities of her cosmetics. 语法:独立主语结构 语言点解读 I.key words 重点单词 1.cosmetics n. Lipstick and hair conditioner are cosmetics. 口红和护发素都是化妆品。 2.Persuasive adj. The argument he presented was so persuasive that the manager agreed to reconsider his proposal. 他的理由很有说服力,所以经理同意重新考虑他的提议。

牛津上海版高二下More Reading

牛津上海版高二下More Reading Unit 1 More reading P12-13 For health and beauty Read the article below from a website on exercise. Aerobics is one of the most beneficial and also one of the most beautiful forms of exercise. Any physical activity that makes your pulse get quicker and your breathing get deeper is a kind of aerobic exercise. The word 'aerobic' means 'with oxygen' or 'having oxygen'. Aerobic exercise therefore aims at making the heart and lungs work at a higher rate so as to supply more oxygen to the muscles. The benefits of aerobic exercise include having a stronger heart, lower blood pressure, stronger bones, better sleep, less body fat, more energy and less stress. It is suggested that you do aerobic exercise for twenty to forty minutes, three to four times a week. Only then will you begin to reach your optimal level of general fitness. When you exercise, the speed at which your heart beats, or your pulse rate, tells you how intense your workout is. People who are not fit but want to lose weight should keep their pulse rates low and do moderate exercise for a longer time. People who are quite fit can do exercises that require large amounts of energy. They can even compete in marathons. There are many forms of aerobic exercise, including running, swimming, cycling and skiing. Walking is the most common form of aerobic exercise. Most people do it every day! It is low intensity and is recommended for beginners. Running is suitable for almost everyone, but it is important to remember not to overdo it. You must pace yourself and always wear good quality shoes. By doing this type of balanced, relaxing exercise, our responses get quicker, our mind sharper, and we become more efficient and productive. To sum up, aerobic exercise is good for everyone. It can lead to a better quality of life! Unit 2 More reading P26 A smile a day keeps the doctor away Read the following leaflet about the benefits of laughter in our lives. Have you ever heard the proverb 'laughter is the best medicine'? Everyone knows that it is fun to laugh and that laughing makes you feel good. Now doctors and researchers are


S2A Chapter 1 Reading My favorite sport Skiing is my favorite sport, even though I have only skied for four days in my whole life. Last year, my father promised to take me on a holiday if I did well in my exams. When I got straight A’s, Dad said’ ‘How abou t a weekend at the Botanical Gardens? ’ However, my mu said, ‘No, you promised a special holiday. I think you ought to keep your word.’ And, despite the expense, he did, M y dream was to see some real snow, so in the Christmas vacation we flew to Seoul, South Korea, and then took a shuttle bus which runs back and forth between Seoul and Muju Resort. As the bus climbed through the mountains, we saw the snow in the trees. I was dying to get out of the bus. No one in my family had ever touched snow before. We were all like little children--- we picked it up, made snowballs, and threw them at each other!
