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“经济危机”是考研英语阅读中的常见话题,特为大家专门选取了一篇2015年6月13日《经济学人》的文章。内容正是谈及当前的“经济危机”话题,它提醒我们:The global economy still faces all mannerof hazards.(当前全球经济依然面临诸多风险)It is only a matter of time before the nextrecession strikes.The rich world is not ready.(下一次危机袭来是迟早的事。富裕世界还没有做好准备。)那么,Whatis best defence?应该如何防范这种风险?读完这篇文章,我们或许会得到答案。

【经济学人原文】THE strugglehas been long and arduous.But gazing across the battered economies of the richworld,it is time to declare that the fight against financial chaos anddeflation is won.In2015,the IMF says,for the first time since2007everyadvanced economy will expand. Rich-world growth should exceed2%for the firsttime since2010and America's central bank is likely to raise its rock-bottominterest rates. However,the global economy still faces all manner of hazards....


【经济学人原文】The logicalanswer is to get back to normal as fast as possible.The sooner interest ratesrise,the sooner central banks will regain the room to cut rates again whentrouble comes along.The faster debts are cut,the easier it will be for governmentsto borrow to ward off disaster.Logical,but wrong.


【经济学人原文】Governmentscan also do their bit.There has still been shamefully little growth-boostinginvestment in infrastructure.The OECD, a club of mostly rich countries,wasright to rap George Osborne,Britain's finance minister,on the knuckles forthe scale and pace of his proposed public-spending cuts.Growth is better thanausterity as a policy for bringing debts under ernments shouldinstead direct their energies towards overdue reforms to product and labourmarkets.Open product markets encourage enterprise.The freedom to hire workersunder flexible contracts is the best way to keep people out of unemployment.Both reforms make an economy better able to cope with the next shock.


文章最后得出的结论是,各国的央行及政府不要急于回归常态(eagerto get back to normal),过早的提高利率或许会适得其反。达成这一目标的方式是先要让复苏去积蓄力气。(The way to achieve their goal is to allow therecovery to gather strength first.)其一,政府应当把能量用到对于产品和劳动力市场的改革上面。其二,在灵活的合同下雇佣工人的自由才是维持人们不失业的最佳方式。以上是文都教研老师给大家重点推荐的时文阅读,希望2016考研的考生不仅要做好真题的精析,同时也对当下发表的一些重点话题文章进行泛读,积累相应的素材和背景知识。好好修炼自己,预祝大家复习顺利,梦想成真!
