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v. conclude 结束; 推断出
eg: The meeting concluded at 8 o’clock. conclude ···with ··· 以···结束 故事以主人公的死亡结束。
The story concludes with the hero’s death. conclude ···from ··· 从···推断出
1) attend (on) sb.照顾,护理 Which doctor is attending (on) you? 2) attend sth.出席, 参加
~a meeting , ~a ceremony, ~a funeral, ~ a wedding, ~ a lecture(听讲座), ~ concert(听音乐会 ) ~school(上学), ~church(上教堂)
• defeat beat win 的区别 • defeated,beat 都接sb.作宾语,可互换, • beat侧重于比赛中击中对手,defeated既可以指比赛,
也可指战场上战胜对手。 • win表示在较强的竞争中取得了胜利,常接宾语: • game, war, prize, fame, battle等。win 还可以作为不及
What can you conclude from what he said?
二、翻译下列句子。 1. 从事实中得出结论很重要。
_________________________________ 2.她以一个有趣的故事结束谈话。
_S_h_e_c_o_n_c_lu_d_e_d_h_e_r _ta_l_k_w_i_th__a _fu_n_n_y_s_t_o_ry_.__
join sb in doing 与某人一起做某事
May I __j_o_in__in_ your discussion?
He was ill so he didn't__a_t_t_en__d_ his classes. His father ___j_o_in__ed_ the Party many years ago. Lincont_o_o_k__a_n_a_c_t_iv_e__p_a_r_t_inpolitics and was strongly
2.Many tall buildings were _p_u_t__u_p__ along the road.
3.Firefighters have been called to _p_u_t__o_ut_ the fire in the city centre.
4. I don't know how his parents_p_u_t_u_p__w_i_t_h his behavior.
expose …to…把……暴露于……之下.
expose oneself to…
• expose his skin to the sun • expose the baby to the wind and rain • expose soldiers to unnecessary risks
• 他们取得了这次站东的胜利,但也牺牲了很多人。 • Theywon the battle but lost many men. • 我想打败他,但力不从心。 • I tried to defeat/beat him but he was too much for me.
4.--so famous, expert, indeed, that he attended Queen Victoria as…..
2词汇拓展:put forward
举起; 建造; 张贴
down 记下,放下
put off
up with 忍受
away 收拾
1.The plan that you __p_u_t_f_o_r_w_a_r_d__ at the meeting is wonderful.
against slavery.
Will you __j_o_in__u_s_i_n__the discussion.
5. … when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera.
1)expose 暴露, 显露
When he smiled he exposed a set of perfect white teeth.
5.Don’t __p_u_t_o_f_f__ until tomorrow
what can be done today.
---Benjamin Franklin
3. draw a conclusion 得出结论
draw/ come to/ arrive at/ reach a conclusion (from…)
(3) 珍多年来一直在照料她那有病的母亲。 Jane have been _at_t_en_d_i_n_g_o_n_ her sick mother for years
join join in
加Байду номын сангаас(团体,组织,参军)、 参加(某些小型活动)
take part in 参加(某些大型活动)
defeat vt. 打败;战胜(对手)
vt. 使落空,使失败 n. 失败,击败,挫折
• 李娜击败了其他选手赢得了公开赛 。 • Li Na defeated other players and won the
tournament。 • 我们的棒球队再次失败。 • Our baseball team has suffered another defeat.
拓展:attend to sth. 注意,专心
* 专心工作, 不要说话 Attend to your work and stop talking.
(1) 有很多人出席了会议。 The meeting was well _a_t_te_n_d_e_d.
(2) 如果你工作不专心,你就不会成功。 If you don't__at_t_en_d__t_o your work, you won't succeed.