



1.If I knew the answer,I wouldn’t be asking,____ ?(上海96年)

A.didn’t I B.did I C.would I D.wouldn’t I

2.Idon’tsuppose anyone willvolunteer ____ ?(上海2001年)

A.do I B.will they C.don’t I D.won’t they

3.Brain told you that there wasn’t anyon e in the room at this time,____ ?(上海2002年)

A.was there B.wasn’t there C.didn’t he D.did he




1.If you had come yesterday ,you might have seen him ,mightn’t you?

2.If you need help,let me know,will you?

3.When the teacher speaks,we have to keep quiet,don’t we?

4.He never told us why he was late,did he?


1.I want to do nothing,because there is little point in doing anything about it,is there?

2.I’m told they will come to join us,won’t they?

3.I know you didn’t want to hurt me,did you?

4.I’m sure that the teacher’s told you about me,hasn’t he?


1.She says I did it,doesn’t she?

2.She told me that she had finished the task,didn’t she?


1.I don’t think he will get there on time,will he?

2.I expect you will have a good time there,won’t you?

3.I suppose he is serious,isn’t he?


1.You don’t think we can speak English,do you?

2.He thinks he’s got the right answer,doesn’t he?

三、陈述部分是由and,or,for,but等引起的并列结构,则疑问部分与第二个句子一致。例如:1.We muststudy hard,or we shall fail,shan’t we?

2.He studies hard and he is th best one in his class,isn’t he?

3.He tried hard,but he wasn’t successful,was he?

4.John isn’t a diligent student,for this is the third time that he has been late,isn’t it?


1.That he has lost his watch is not true,is it?

2.It is the third time that John has been late,isn’t it?

五、在含有定语从句的主从复合句中,附加问句应根据主句的谓语而定。例如:1.He is not the man who gave us a talk,is he?

2.He knows the player who has won four gold medals,doesn’t he?


英语反义疑问句用法讲解 一、基本概念及结构: 反义疑问句又叫附加疑问句,是指当提问的人对前面所叙述的事实不敢肯定,而需要向对方加以证实时所提出的问句。其结构为:前一部分是一个陈述句,后一部分是一个简短的问句。 完成后一部分简短问句时,要根据前面陈述句的动词时态和人称来选择适当的助动词进行提问,前后两部分的人称和动词时态要保持一致。 如果前一部分用肯定式,后一部分一般用否定式;反之,前一部分为否定式,后一部分要用肯定式,即“前肯定后否定,前否定后肯定”。 例如: You don’t like rock music, do you? 你不喜欢摇滚乐,对吧? 二、反义疑问句的回答 不管是前否后肯,还是前肯后否形式的反义疑问句,回答都根据事实回答,肯定的答案就用yes+肯定结构,否定的答案就用no+否定结构,答案要和实际情况相符。也叫实事求是 例如:1、--She is good at English, isn't she? --Yes, she is. 是的,她擅长或者No, she isn't.不,她不擅长 2、--There isn't a computer in you r room, is there?“你的房间里没有电脑,对吗? -- Yes, there is.不,有电脑或者 No,there isn't.是的,没有电脑。 三、其他规则: 1、陈述部分用否定词或半否定词 no , nothing, nobody, never, few, seldom, hardly, rarely, little 等否定含义的词时,疑问部分用肯定形式。 例如: He is never late for school, is he?他上学从不迟到,是吗? 2、陈述部分的谓语是used to 时,疑问部分用didn’t +主语或 usedn’t +主语。 例如: He used to take pictures there, didn’t / usedn’t he? 他过去常常在那儿拍照,是吗? You used to sleep with the windows open, usedn’t/ didn’t you? 你过去常常开着窗户睡觉,是吗? 3、陈述部分为祈使句时,祈使句后加附加问句,不表示反意,而表示一种语气。其结构为: 否定祈使句 + will you? 肯定祈使句 + will / won’t you? 例如: Don’t do that again, will you? 不要再那样做了,好吗? Go with me, will you / won’t you? 跟我走,好吗? 注意:


中考英语重点句法考点:感叹句和反意疑问句 一、结构: What/ How +被感叹的部分+ 主语+ 谓语!What beautiful flowers they are ! 二、变法: 一断,二加,三调位。 一断表示在谓语动词的后面断开,二加表示在断开的两部分中间加what 或how ,三调位表示前后两部分对调位置。 They had a good time yesterday . 一断:They had / a good time yesterday . 二加:They had(what)a good time yesterday . 三调位:What a good time they had yesterday. 三、what引导的感叹句: 1.what + a / an +adj + 单数名词(+主语+ 谓语)! _______ a clever boy he is ! 2.what + adj + 复数名词(+主语+ 谓语)! _______ heavy boxes they are ! 3.what + adj + 不可数名词(+主语+ 谓语)! _______ bad weather ! 四、how引导的感叹句: 1.How + adj / adv + 主语+ 谓语! _________ hard they are working ! 2.How + adj + a / an + 单数名词(+主语+ 谓语)! How tall a boy he is ! 3.How + adj / adv + the + 名词+ 谓语! ________ heavily the rain is falling! 五、what 与how引导的感叹句之间的转换: 1.What a beautiful girl she is != ______ beautiful the girl is ! 2.How delicious the food is != ______ delicious food it is ! 六、几个常见的感叹句: 1.______ great fun it is ! 2.______ important information ! 3.______ good news ! 4.______ good advice / music ! 5.______ a heavy rain ! 6.______a strong wind ! 七、感叹句中常见的不可数名词: food , work , weather , fun , music , information , news , advice 2010中考英语重点句法考点:反意疑问句 一、结构: 陈述句+ 附加疑问句?It's hot today ,isn't it ? 二、原则: 1.前肯后否,前否后肯 2.前名后代 3.时态一致

only的位置 和反义疑问句

一般情况下,only常被放在最靠近它所修饰的那个词、短语或句子的前面。only在句中主要起加强语气的作用,其位置很灵活。根据其强调的句子成分不同,它在句中的位置也就不同,由此使句子表达的意思也随之改变。 一、请看下面only在同一个句子里所放的位置不同而给句子带来意义上的差别。 1. Only we had four classes this morning. 只有我们今天上午有四节课。(强调主语别人没有) 2. We only had four classes this morning. 我们今天上午只有四节课。(强调谓语没有别的事) 3. We had only four classes this morning. 我们今天上午仅四节课。(强调宾语没有更多的课) 4. We had four classes only this morning. 我们仅今天上午有四节课。(强调时间状语其它上午没有) 二、only的其它位置。 1.only放在动词不定式的前面,与动词不定式一起作结果状语,常用来表示未预料到的结果。例如: He hurried home, only to find the door locked. 他急忙赶到家,结果却发现门锁着。 2.当only所修饰的介词短语、副词或状语从句放在句首时,该句或该主句的语序要部分倒装。例如: Only then did he know that he was wrong. 只有那时他才知道他错了。 Only in this way can we learn English well. 只有这样我们才能学

好英语。 Only when she came come did he know the news. 只有当她回家时他才知道这消息。 Only if he tried hard would he do it better. 只有努力他才会做得更好。 3.在口语或非正式的书面语中,only有时可以放在主语和谓语之间或句尾,但仍强调句中的谓语、宾语、状语等。被修饰的成分是通过语调表示出来的。这种用法不及only放在它所修饰的词、短语前普通。例如: He only eats vegetables.=He 'eats vegetables only. 他只吃蔬菜。 I want only six apples.=I only want 'six apples.=I want 'six apple s only. 我只要六个苹果。 It’s made only from fresh fruit.= It’s only made 'from fresh fruit.=I t’s made 'from fresh fruit only.它是用纯新鲜水果制成的。 I met her only yesterday.= I only met her 'yesterday.=I met her ' yesterday only. 我昨天才见到她。 4.only还可以用在一些祈使句的句末,表示给公众提示。例如:Ladies only! 女士专用!(布告用语) Standing room only! 只有站票!(戏院或车站售票处用语) For members only! 仅接待会员! 4 楼Date: 2008-08-06 18:23:51 鹤影碧宵


反义疑问句 【反义疑问句】 (一)概念:反意疑问句是由陈述句和附在其后的附加疑问句组成。其中附加疑问句是对陈述句所说的事实或观点提出疑问,起证实作用,一般用于证实说话者所说的事实或观点。 (二)要点注意: 1、反意疑问句前后两部分谓语应是:“肯定陈述+否定疑问”或“否定陈述+肯定疑问”。 2、简略问句如果是否定式:not应与be,do,will等系动词、助动词、情态动词缩写。 3、简略问句的主语不用名词,应用人称代词。 4、陈述部分含“too...to”时,是否定句。 (三)用法: 1) 陈述部分I am时,疑问部分要用aren't I. I'm as tall as your sister,aren't I?(我和你姐姐一样高,对吗?) 2) 陈述部分用no, nothing, nobody, never, few, little, seldom, hardly等否定含义的词时,疑问部分用肯定含义。如:The old man made no answer, did he? Jim is never late for school, is he? 3) 陈述部分有情态动词 have to +v. (had to + v.),疑问部分常用don't +主语(didn't +主语)。 We have to get there at eight tomorrow, don't we? used to,疑问部分用didn't +主语或usedn't +主语。 He used to take pictures there, didn't he? / usedn't he? had better(最好)+ v. 疑问句部分用hadn't you? You'd better read it by yourself, hadn't you? 4) 陈述部分有would rather(宁可、宁愿)+v.,疑问部分多用wouldn't +主语。 He would rather read it ten times than recite it, wouldn't he? 5 陈述部分有You'd like to +v. 疑问部分用wouldn't +主语。 You'd like to go with me, wouldn't you? 6) 陈述部分主语是指示代词或不定代词everything, that, nothing, this, 疑问部分主语用it。 Everything is ready, isn't it? 陈述部分主语是不定代词everybody, anyone, somebody, nobody, no one等,疑问部分常用复数they,有时也用单数he. Everyone knows the answer, don't they? (doesn’t he?) Nobody knows about it, do they? (does he?) 7) think引导的宾语从句: A.主语是第一人称 I don't think he is bright, is he? We believe she can do it better, can't she? B. 如果主语不是第一人称则疑问部分与主句相对应构成反意疑问句 He thought they were wrong, didn't he? (不能说weren't they?) 8) 省去主语的祈使句的反意疑问句,疑问部分用will you。 Don't do that again, will you? Go with me, will you / won't you?


中考英语重点句法考点: ----感叹句和反意疑问句

中考英语重点句法考点:感叹句和反意疑问句 一、结构: What/ How +被感叹的部分+ 主语+ 谓语! What beautiful flowers they are ! 二、变法: 一断,二加,三调位。 一断表示在谓语动词的后面断开,二加表示在断开的两部分中间加what 或how ,三调位表示前后两部分对调位置。 They had a good time yesterday . 一断:They had / a good time yesterday . 二加:They had(what)a good time yesterday . 三调位:What a good time they had yesterday. 三、what引导的感叹句: 1.what + a / an +adj + 单数名词(+主语+ 谓语)! _______ a clever boy he is ! 2.what + adj + 复数名词(+主语+ 谓语)! _______ heavy boxes they are ! 3.what + adj + 不可数名词(+主语+ 谓语)! _______ bad weather ! 四、how引导的感叹句:

1.How + adj / adv + 主语+ 谓语! _________ hard they are working ! 2.How + adj + a / an + 单数名词(+主语+ 谓语)! How tall a boy he is ! 3.How + adj / adv + the + 名词+ 谓语! ________ heavily the rain is falling! 五、what 与how引导的感叹句之间的转换: 1.What a beautiful girl she is != ______ beautiful the girl is ! 2.How delicious the food is != ______ delicious food it is ! 六、几个常见的感叹句: 1.______ great fun it is ! 2.______ important information ! 3.______ good news ! 4.______ good advice / music ! 5.______ a heavy rain ! 6.______a strong wind ! 七、感叹句中常见的不可数名词: food , work , weather , fun , music , information , news , advice


如何正确判断强调句型及强调句的特殊疑问句形式 英语强调句型的基本结构是“It+be+被强调成分+that (who)…”。在该结构中,It was…that (who)…为强调句的结构词,原则上说,若将其去掉,句子意思依然清楚、结构依然完整。如: 1. It was Jack who stole our money. 是杰克偷了我们的钱。 若去掉it was…who…,即为:Jack stole our money. 杰克偷了我们的钱。 2. It was in May that you can see this kind of flower. 你在五月可以看到这种花。 若去掉it was…that…,即为:In May you can see this kind of flower. 你在五月可以看到这种花。 若去掉It was…that (who)…结构词,句子意思则不通、结构则不完整,那么就可能不是强调句。请看下面一题: It was ten o’clock ________ he came back. A. that B. when C. so D. which 许多同学以为这是考查强调句型,从而误选答案A。而其实此题最佳答案是B。因为这不是一个强调句型,假若去掉结构词it was…that…,句子则成了Ten o’clock he came back,此句要成立应在ten o’clock 前加适当介词。如: It was at ten o’clock that he came back. 他是10点钟回来的。 It was after ten o’clock that he came back.他是在10点过后回来的。 It was before ten o’clock that he came back.他是在10点前回来的。 It was ten o’clock when he came back是一个包含有when引导的时间状语从句的复合句,全句意为“当他回来时,时间是10点钟”。 英语强调句的特殊疑问句形式 强调句型的陈述句形式和一般疑问句形式一般还好理解,但若以特殊疑问句形式出现,则很容易误解。比较: Mary bought a new car. (非强调句) It was Mary that bought a new car. (强调句型的陈述句形式) Was it Mary that bought a new car? (强调句型的一般疑问句形式) Who was it that bought a new car? (强调句型的特殊疑问句形式) 特殊疑问句形式的强调句可视为对陈述句强调中的被强调成分提问得来,如对It was in 1985 that he was born 这一句中的in 1985提问,即得到When was it that he was born?


反意疑问句与感叹句 反意疑问句 1)反义疑问句由两部分组成:前一部分是一个陈述句,后一部分是一个简短的疑问句,两部分的人称时态应保持一致。 可记为:前肯后否;前否后肯. 2)陈述部分含have时 ①He has supper at home every day, doesn’t he? (不能用hasn’t he?) ②They have known the matter, haven’t they? (不能用don’t they?) ③She has a nice pen, doesn’t she? 3) 陈述部分含有否定词:few, little, rarely, hardly, never, seldom, no, nothing, nowhere, nobody等,疑问部分要用肯定。 He has never been to Beijing, has he? (不用wasn’t he?) 4) 陈述部分为祈使句(含肯定否定)疑问部分用will you,但陈述部分为 Let’s……时,问句部分习惯上用shall we?形式。 Let me have a try, will you? Let us stop to rest, will you? Let’s go home together, sha ll we? 5) 宾语从句

①I think that he has done his best, hasn’t he? ②We don’t believe that the news is true, is it? (不用do we?) ②He didn’t think that the news was true, did he? (不用wasn’t/ was it? ) 6) 陈述部分的主语为不定代词: ① Someone has taken th e seat, hasn’t he? ② Everyone has done their best in the game, haven’t they? ① Something is wrong with the computer, isn’t it? ② Nothing has happened to them, has it? 7) 陈述部分为I am (I’m),疑问部分用aren’t I. I am silly, aren’t I? I’m n ot silly, am I? 8) 陈述部分为There (Here) + be + 主语时,问句部分用动词+there(here)?形式。如: ① There are two cakes on the plate, aren’t there? ② Here is a story about Mark Twain, isn’t here?


反意疑问句用法完全归纳 一、基本用法与结构 反意疑问句由“陈述句+简略疑问句”两部分组成,第一部分提出一种看法,第二部分用来质疑或表示证实。陈述部分与疑问部分的动词时态和动词性质应保持一致,而且肯定和否定形式彼此相反,即陈述部分为肯定式时,疑问部分用否定式,陈述部分为否定式时,疑问部分用肯定式: HelikesEnglish,doesn’the 他喜欢英语,是吗? Hedoesn’tlikeEnglish,doeshe 他不喜欢英语,是吗? 【注】1.若陈述部分含有seldom,hardly,never,few,nothing等否定词或半否定词, 其疑问部分要用肯式: Hehasfewfriendshere,hashe 他在这儿几乎没什么朋友,是吗? Shesaidnothing,didshe 她什么也没说,是不是? 2.若陈述部分含有带否定前缀的词,疑问部分仍用否定式: Itisunfair,isn’tit 这不公平,不是吗 Itisimpossible,isn’tit 那是不可能的,是吗 二、反意疑问句的主语问题 1.基本原则:疑问部分的主语应与陈述部分主语一致,且只能是代词: Maryisanurse,isn’t she 玛丽是护士,对吗? 2.当陈述部分为therebe句型时,疑问部分仍用there作“主语”: Therewasnothingintheroom,wasthere 房间里什么也没有,是吗? 3.当陈述部分的主语是指示代词时,疑问部分用it,they等代词: Thatisanewcar,isn’tit 这是一辆新汽车,是吗 4.当陈述部分的主语是复合不定代词时,若陈述部分的主语为 somebody,someone,everyone,everybody,noone,nobody等复合不定代词,其反意疑问句的主语在正式文体中用he,在口语或非正式文体中通常用they: Nobodywaslate,werethey 没有一个人迟到,是吗 5.当陈述部分的主语是something,anything,nothing,everything等复合不定


反意疑问句归总 1.五倍是this that →it these, those→they If you talk nice and polite, people listen to you. If you shout. This is no good is it? 2,五倍是everyone, everybody, someone, somebody anyone. Anybody, no one ,nobody →they everything, sth. Nothing, anything→it. (1)Everybody hapes to succeed in life, don't they? (2)Somebody borrowed my bide yesterday, didn't they? (3)No one was injured in the accident, weren't they? (4)Nothing happened, did it? (5)Everything is all right, isn't it? 3.五倍是不是式、动名词。从句时→it (1)To get rid of a bad habit is not easy, is it. (2)Doing morning exercises has helped to improve her health, hasn't it? (3)What I said is right, isn't it? (4)It isn't surprising that ho was tho only man qualified for tho jub, is it? 4.few, hardly, little, never, no one, nobody nothing, rarely, scarcely, seldom→肯定形式 (1)Y ou and I could hardly work together, could we? (2)Sally's never seen a play in the shanghai Grand Theatre, has she? 5.un- in- im- il- is- dis- →否定形式 He is unfit for the position, isn't he? 表面有必要时→needn't mustn't表禁止用must 6.must表推测没有时间状时去掉must看用什么,有时间状语时,看时间状语定。 (1)He must be helping the old man to water tho flowers, isn't he? (2)There is no light in the dormitory. They must have gone to tho lacture, haven't they? (3)He must be sleeping at home now, isn't he? (4)He must have been to Los Angeles, hasn't he? (5)it must have rained last night, didn't it? (6)He must have finished the work by the end of last week, hadn't ho? (7)We must start early tomorrow, needn't we? (8)Y ou mustn't talk loudly in public, must you? 7.Y ou'd better, I'd rather, used to (1)Y ou'd better go now, hadn't you? (2)Y ou'd rather go there early, wouldn't you? (3)He used to get up early, didn't he? 8.必须是一人称I,否则依主句定: I'm sure..., I think..., I guess... I believe... 依从句定 I don't think, believe, suppose assume, expect, imagine, fancy... 否定转移与从句一致】 (1)I don't suppose anyone will volunteer, will they? (2)I suppose you are kidding , are it you? (3)I don't think he las finished tho work has he. (4)Mrs Black doesn't believe her son is able to design a digital camera, does she?


知识图谱 -疑问句-感叹句一般疑问句和特殊疑问句选择疑问句和反义疑问句What引导的感叹句How引导的感叹句第15讲_疑问句和感叹句 错题回顾 疑问句 知识精讲 疑问句指提出问题,请对方回答的句子。疑问句句末要用问号。按结构可分为四种:一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句、反意疑问句。 一、一般疑问句 1、一般疑问句概述 一般疑问句,也可称为是否型问句,因为它一般用yes或no回答的,基本的结构为:be/助动词/情态动词+主语+谓语/表语+(其他),句子要读升调。 对一般疑问句作肯定回答时,通常是Yes, 主语+be/助动词/情态动词;否定回答时,通常是No, 主语+be/助动词/情态动词+not,not通常用省略形式,如: ---Can you swim to the other side?你能游到对岸吗? ---Yes, I can. 是的,我能。 ---No, I can’t. 不,我不能。

注意:回答一般疑问句除了用yes或no外,也可用certainly,probably,perhaps,of course,all right,with pleasure等代替yes,用never,not at all等代替no,使得语气更加客气,委婉,如: ---Can you help me? 你能帮个忙吗? ---Certainly. 当然。 ---Could you please make less noise? 你可以小声一点吗? ---All right, sir. 好的,先生。 ---Have you been there? 你到过那里吗? ---Never. 从来没有。 二、特殊疑问句 1. 特殊疑问句概述 特殊疑问句多以who,where,when,which,whose,why这类词开头,其结构一般为:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句,即:特殊疑问词+be/助动词/情态动词+主语+谓语/表语+(其他),通常读降调,如: Who is it on the phone? 谁来的电话? How many oranges can you see in the picture? 你能在图画上看到多少个橘子? 2. 疑问副词


反义疑问句 1.陈述部分的主语是this, that时,疑问部分的主语多用it;陈述部分的主语是these, those 时,疑问部分的主语多用they This is a dictionary, isn’t it? Those are shelves, aren’t they? 2.当陈述部分是there be结构,疑问部分用there做主语 There will not be any trouble, will there? 3.陈述部分有neither, none, nobody, nothing, few, little, never, hardly, seldom否定词在句中, 后面用肯定疑问句短语构成反义疑问句。 Neither of you will have coffee, will you? Nobody understood his speech, did they? 4.陈述部分主语是everyone, everybody, someone, somebody, no one, nobody, anybody, anyone等不定代词,其反义疑问部分的主语可用he,也可以用they 5.陈述部分主语是one,反义疑问句的主语可用one或he 6.陈述部分主语是something, everything, nothing, anything 等不定代词做主语时,反义疑 问句的主语要用it 7.当主句主语为第一人称时,动词为suppose, think, believe, suspect, imagine, guess时其后 面的翻译疑问句的主语则应与宾语从句的主语一致 I don’t think you can do these exercises alone, can you? 当主句主语为二三人称,其后的反义疑问句的主语则应与主句的主语一致 You thought they could have completed the project, didn’t you? 8.当陈述部分是并列句,反义疑问句部分和第二分句相匹配 Mary is a good girl but she often comes to school late, doesn’t she? 9.翻译疑问句的陈述部分含有un-, im-, in-, dis-等否定意义的前缀构成的词语时,陈述部分 被视为肯定含义,问句部分用否定形式 It’s impossible to learn English without remembering more words, isn’t it? 10.当陈述部分带有情态动词must时,如表示“必须”,附加问句用must, 如表示猜测,附 加问句根据具体语境用适当的形式 He must finish the homework, mustn’t he? He must be very tired, isn’t he? 11.祈使句后的附加疑问句用will you,但是let’s引导的祈使句后面用shall we 12.特殊情况 I am very lucky, aren’t I ? We used to be ashamed of the way we look, usedn’t we?/didn’t we? She has a book, hasn’t he?/doesn’t he? I wish to have a drink, may I ? They ought to go there, shouldn’t they? oughtn’t they? He would rather read it yesterday, wouldn’t he? You’d better take his advice, hadn’t you? You’d like to go with me, wouldn’t you? We have to get there, don’t we?


中考英语感叹句和反意疑问句复习资料感叹句通常由what,how引导,表示赞美、惊叹、怡悦、等感情。 what修饰名词,how修饰形容词,副词或动词,感叹句结构主要有 1、How+形容词+a/an+名词+主语+谓语Howcleveraboyheis! 2、How+形容词或副词+主语+谓语Howlovelythebabyis! 3、What+a/an+形容词+名词+主语+谓语Whatacleverboyheis! 4、What+形容词+复数名词+主语+谓语Whatwonderfulideas(wehave)! 5、What+形容词+不可数名词+主语+谓语Whatnoisetheyaremaking!How还可以来感叹一个句子。如:HowIloveyou! 一、将下列句子改为感叹句 1.Tom is a clever boy. →_________________! 2.The wind is blowing strongly. →______________________! 3.These cakes are very delicious. →______________________! 4.He is a strange man. →_____________________! 5.It is a pity to miss the play. →_________________________! 6.These flowers are so beautiful.→_________________________! 7.The room is big.→_________________________! 8.It is a very interesting film.→_________________________! 9.We have a good teacher.→_________________________! 10.This question is very easy.→_________________________! 11.The TV play is too long.→_________________________! 12.The building is so tall.→_________________________! 13.Lucy’s handwriting is very beautiful.→_________________________!


模块三:强调句,倒装句、反义疑问句 一、强调句: (一)、一般结构 It is /was / has been +强调中心+ that/who,, 注:1、对于一个陈述句,可以将其中的任何一个部分最为强调中心改变为强调 句,但谓语部分除外。 2、判断一个句子是否为强调句最好的方法就是将句中It is 和that/who 去掉看句子的意思是否通顺 Eg. It was Tom who hurt himself yesterday. It was yesterday that Tom hurt himself. (二)、特殊结构 1、否定式: It is /was / has been + not +强调中心+ that / who,, Eg. It wasn’t yesterday that Tom hurt himself. 2、一般疑问句: Is /Was it + 强调中心+that/ who,, Eg. Was it yesterday that Tom hurt himself? 3、特殊疑问句: 特殊疑问词+ Is /Was it +that/ who,, Eg. When was it that Tom hurt himself. 4、当强调not,, until 句中的until 引导的时间状语从句时,应该把 not 一同前置:It is /was not until ,, that,,. 5、感叹句: (1)、What a/an +名词+主语+谓语. (2)、How +形容词+主语+谓语. Eg. What a lovely girl she is! How industrious those students are! 二、倒装句 (一)、部分倒装:仅仅将助动词、情态动词或be动词置于主语之前。以下几 种情况用部分倒装: 1、具有否定意义的词置于句首要倒装,如: Seldom hardly Little few rarely barely scarcely等 2、在:so neither/nor 中表示“情况相同(不同)”时句子倒装(so肯定, neither/nor 否定)Eg. He doesn’t care for sweets, nor/neither do I. Tom can speak French , so can john. Tom会说法语,John 也会。


初中英语语法总结:反义疑问句 在陈述句之后加上一个意思与之相反的简短问句,这种句子叫做反意疑问句。反意疑问句必须由意思相反的两部分组成,在前一部分(陈述句)之后用逗号,后一部分(简短问句)之后用问号。反意疑问句的否定句必须用缩略形成,同时它的主语必须用人称代词,不能用名词。前一部分用降调,后一部分在表示疑问时用升调,在表示强调某意思时用降调。 反意疑问句分为两类: 1.前一部分为肯定式,后一部分是否定式。 2.前一部分为否定式,后一部分是肯定式。 陈述句(肯定式),+疑问部分(否定式)? 1.be动词和一般动词(实义动词)构成的反意疑问句 be动词句型: 现在→…,isn't(aren't)+主语? 过去→…,wasn't(weren't)+主语? 一般动词句型: 现在→…,don't(doesn't)+主语? 过去→…,didn't +主语? The pen is yours,isn't it?这笔是你的,不是吗? Lucy likes English,doesn't she? 路希喜欢英语,不是吗? Yes,she does.是的,她喜欢。

No,she doesn't.不,她不喜欢。 That was a wonderful night,wasn't it? 那是个奇妙的夜晚,不是吗? Yes,it was.是的,它是。 No,it wasn't.不,它不是。 Your sister helped him,didn't she? 你姐姐协助了他,不是吗? Yes,she did.是的。她协助他。 No,she didn't.不。她没有协助他。 注意 反意疑问句中,前后两部分的动词在人称、数和时态上通常保持一致。另外后一部分的人称代词应和前一部分的主语(名词或代词)保持一致。 Tom is skating,isn't he?(实行时) 汤姆在滑冰,不是吗? Yes,he is.是的。 No,he isn't.不。 She is loved by her parents,isn't she? (被动语态) 她被她父母亲疼爱着,不是吗? Yes,she is.是的。 No,she isn't.不。


中考英语感叹句和反意疑问句复习资料 感叹句通常由what, how引导,表示赞美、惊叹、喜悦、等感情。 what修饰名词,how 修饰形容词,副词或动词,感叹句结构主要有 1、How +形容词+ a/an +名词+主语+谓语How clever a boy he is! 2、How+形容词或副词+主语+谓语How lovely the baby is! 3、What+a/an+形容词+名词+主语+谓语What a clever boy he is! 4、What+ 形容词+复数名词+主语+谓语What wonderful ideas (we have)! 5、What+ 形容词+不可数名词+主语+谓语What noise they are making! How 还可以来感叹一个句子。如:How I love you! 一、将下列句子改为感叹句 1.Tom is a clever boy. →_________________! 2.The wind is blowing strongly. →______________________! 3.These cakes are very delicious. →______________________! 4.He is a strange man. →_____________________! 5.It is a pity to miss the play. →_________________________! 6.These flowers are so beautiful. →_________________________! 7.The room is big. →_________________________! 8.It is a very interesting film. →_________________________! 9.We have a good teacher. →_________________________! 10.This question is very easy. →_________________________! 11.The TV play is too long. →_________________________! 12.The building is so tall. →_________________________! 13.Lucy’s handwriting is very beautiful.→_________________________! 14.My dog is very smart. →_________________________! 15.The boys are playing happily. →_________________________! 二.选用what, what a(an), how, how a(an)填空 1. Look! _______fast the boy is running! 2. _______cold day it was yesterday! 3. _______heavy the box is! I can’t carry it. 4. _______interesting story he told us! 5. _______nice the mooncakes are! 6. _______bad weather! 7. _______clever children all of you are!8. _______important news that is! 9. _______he wishes to go to college!10. _______beautiful flowers you bought me!提高型 1. ____ a nice watch it is!(1998山东) A. HowB. WhatC. What aD. How a 2. ____ bright girls they are!(1998浙江) A. WhatB. What aC. HowD. how a 3. ____ interesting the film is!(1998湖北) A. WhatB. What anC. How 4. ____ sunny day! Let’s go out for a walk.(1999江西) A. How aB. HowC. What aD. What 5. ____ hard work it is!(1999浙江) A. HowB. WhatC. What aD. What an 6. ____ day it is! It’s rainy again. (1999江西) A. How badB. What a badC. How fineD. What a
